Newmarket Era, 30 Jan 1914, p. 2

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si r j mi FRIDAY liWr RcOucd young to take oc year and a- ball training in Private Hospital In Toronto Apply bylet ter to f Ontario Cabinet decided on paid iM Wednesday to Pro- th Senate at to the Into ft St l Wood for Green Hardwood in Town it Also sawdust lor salcY George y Newmarket P feet long de- Alto t Legislature lor business 18th of February- Owing to Premier Wliitney Hon At torneyGeneral will lead the W i Cox That body adjourned til Feb mi- The first in the this session place in the sma hours Wednesday morning A press despatch from Ottawa on Wednesday stated that Wlliridu has given out word that to add to the address in reply new parcel post system will inaugurated on the of neat month Terms lon reached be tween Government and the Buy Town and form properties We ask ways regardin extra parties who have farms for sale to j write 373 I OfflM at ml- J WO Lorn Ave three blocks west of Metropolitan Station facing lord St Phono til i v I House For Sale 1 1 On Church St Newmarket Alod- in every way rooms besides bathroom and wash room New fur nace Convenient to all down town centres Will he sold at a on easy terms Apply at this office Bull Two puro ypung Hulls lor sale best milking strain from both slro and dam One first prize animal extra fine individual pedigree Address PETER I for A Newmarket remarks reciprocity had adopted and country had f period depression such as now exists what a howl the Con servatives would have made yes howl would be no name for it Ask the M lor North York Wo have received a copy the Rev Hicks Almanac for It is most popular and splendid on Storms Astronomy and Weather No farmer will begrudge the price of wonderfully Valuable hook Only mailed to Word and Works Publishing Company Franklin Ave St Mo 1 We Have for Sale A dcoiraMo property situated on Prospect Ave- A largosized dwelling With all all in first class shape- Quarter an acre of grounds with and small fruit trees Frame stable and cement hen house This consider best buy in town so act quickly Terms can bo arranged to suit purchaser Apply to P box 373 Newmarket The vessel from New Zealand to Canada with foodstuffs to lessen the cost of living here brought eases of carcases of veal and carcases of but It did not materially prices in Canada The Customs duties on the cargo wore so high that prices in Canada were not specially affected It is not likely the venture will bo at least that is what leading politicians ell us to th Speech the Throne an expression of regret that the Gov ernment had failed to give assur ance Of action to remedy existing economic depression- and meet the steady increase In- the high cost of living was rejected by to Of course North Yorks votfcB against motion i iJdlnid of Toronto apart Sunday Misses pienardson Mr MaoMen Oklahoma is vfe his niece Mrs Dr Wilkin- boo j Keith and Deputy ire attending County- Council this week Is a low with her Mr Clark is recovering after illness of sev eral Mrs Jackson were a low and Mrs Oliver of Maple spent the with Reeve Keith and wile Ethel Maw spent at home pan loo by her friend Miss I Miss Division Clerks Office is spending a few days vacation la ttt Mr and Au rora werb guests Mr and Mrs Yonge St on Sunday Mr J Barry the Michigan was in town last week calling on old is the same as ever Wo are pleased to report that Mrs Is able to again and Mrs Harry Brand is way to recovery Hon J Davis was one of the guests at the Canadian Club Lunch eon given to ExPresident in In Toronto last night Mrs Jackson a Division Court His Honor Judge Denton Toron to is to presfdo lor tho first time at Court to be held in the Fire Hall Newmarket next Monday commencing at oclock The Fire Hall is being fitted up to be ufed first time lor this Court which is only a small School Board The first meetings of the Hoard in took place on Wednesday even ing of last week when tbn follow ing new subscribed to the oath of office Dr Clark Manning and An drews On motion Mr J ton was appointed Chairman for Mr A Cornell was appointed representative on lho Public Library Board for three years J number of young ladies last Friday Mr I McKay was appointed Wanted As an experienced general Servant Apply to Mrs Field Park Ave Newmarket Cutter for Sale Almost now A Bargain Enquire Ross Gorhfam St Stove Wood It is quietly rumored in Conserva tive circles about Toronto that in case Sir James Whitney should re sign his office as Premier Onta rio Hon Adam Beck will be named as his successor Others however still maintain at Chief J usUce Me redith who formerly was Conserva tive leader in the legislature will be man and then again Hon J Provincial Secretary Is said to have a hankering In that direction SINGLE CORD Hon King Scores the Government Contrasts Present Period With the Prosperous Years the Liberal Regime Jan Did you fever hoar the factory whiBtlos blow ing at four oclock when the Liber als were in power asked Hon 1 Mackenzie King at the banquet in the course a A FULL CORD 4 LENGTHS Delivered in Town As Quantity is limited order early SONS CO Newmarket To Let 3 heated unfurnished Rooms and uso of bath room Mrs Pros- poet North Newmarket For Sale by Tender LAUDS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE THE f Late SAMUEL JOHNSTON Deceased TENDERS will be received up to the Second day of February addressed to the undersigned Solici- tor or the Executors of the Estate of the late Samuel Johnston de ceased for the purchase of tho fol lowing properties namely 1st- That building and premises condemnation of the Gov ernment for to announce a policy that hasten the return of the prosperous times that exists during the Liberal Administration from to He maintained that while reciproci ty was defeated in the condi tions the Liberals predicted would result unless a wider market was provided for the the West have como about Hon Mr King also emphasized the fact that the cost living has never been as high in Canada as at present and the Government has done nothing to bring about a reduction in the price of The Wilson tariff in the United States was as an example of what a progressive Government could do to bring about a reduotion in the high cost of living The farmer in has provided with a wider market for beef pork etc of which he does not produce enough for this countrys needs and the Canadian consumer suffers while the consumer across the line gets the benefit Hon Mr King strongly enntended that instead ol boasting about a surplus of the Government should allow the food- scuffs that are not grown in this country coma from the United States free of duty and thus give hack to them at least which was collected in on the School MIss of Wndsay Mrs Brothers of Aurora wasalso present Mrs T Watson and children who have been visiting her mother sisters at has been quarantined lor six weeks the oldest child having taken scarlet lever Mr Charlie returned noma the Hospital in Toron to last week Sorry to report that ho nasi lost the sight of his right eye through the hockey accident The wound is healing witb wonderful ra pidity many friends of Mr anil Mrs Morlcy Andrews regret to learn that thoy are about to leave town Mr Andrews has decided to go into business for himself in bis native town Aurora and we all wish him the greatest success Mr of Man writes I see you still have the leading paper of old North York Board Standing Committees were ap pointed as follows Finance Scott Man ning- and Clark Repairs Andrews Manning and Clark The thanks of the Board were ten dered to tbo Chairman Dr Clark for the able manner in which the affairs of the Board at tended to by him The Principals Report shows an of and an average at tendance of during Jan A couple of small accounts were passed The Treasurer presented the Finan cial Return Govt of which following is a synopsis Receipts from Provincial Grants my old home I am still in Taxes Levied business enjoying good health and the good things ol life Vrish- COATS IN A FINAL CLEANUP I Last Low Prices on all Winter Coats Cost itself is no consideration A complete Clearance is the only issued Buy Now Prices never bo lower Your cnoice of balance of Childrens Winter Coats that for- sold at and by J I LADIES AND MISSES WINTER COATS S790 Lot No 1 consists of the balance of our Winter Coats that sold at find 1500they are all of this seasons Newest Styles made in 1 i i Fancy Tweeds ami Plain Cloths FEBRUARY SALE V I MISSES WINTER COATS No Blue Cloth Coats Nicely Made Newest Fashion Sold regularly at FEBRUARY SALE i u ygJg or QUAi- levy Fees QQA known as the Central Hotel in Town of t North is a good brick building on tills Hi a 1 which is well rented The lot has a Waterloo were in attendance foot frontage and contains about onequarter acre of land A reception was tendered to Hon Mr King by the ladies of Berlin and 2nd acres land being the S WiSSE dred ladies were in attendance Mr of lot in the 1st concession of township Scott There is a good frame house and good bank barn pig pen and drive how hke good repair on this lot The land C0Untry take an consists of a clay loam and is well cleared There is a young orchard thereon with well of water worked by wind mill 3rd All of lot and the North 3 acres ol lot in the conces sion the township of East The whole two parcels con- King predicted that when the Issue of- freer food comes before the elect- Important part 101018 Payments Teachers Salaries Interest Permanent Imp Maps Apparatus Fuel Caretakers Salary etc Insurance on Hand BUILDING FUND Receipts 00000 OM School etc Payments King George School Board then adjourned Constipation Relieved Entirely at Our Risk to bo remembered to old friends Saste writes this is my first win ter in the and I enjoy It fine Wo have had real California weath er until of Jan when it turned cold and snowed Now we arc having lovely winter weather and nice sleighing A number of Friends gathered at residence Mr Jacob Doyle Botolord St on Monday evening ANDREWS In Newmarket on Jan to Mr and Ed Andrews a son MARTIN In Newmarket on Jan 1914 to Mr and Mrs- Russell a son- vx Newmarket on Jan to Mr and Mrs Elmer Cryderman a daughter At the North End market on Jan to Mr and Mrs John a daugh ter- Rev J Dr Firth and expressed the feelings those present in hearty congratu lations A very enjoyable waa spent Mrs and of Toronto also cameiip to spend the day with their uncle Gazette of Nov says Mr and Mrs left on Friday morning last in the auto with Homer McLean lor They intended to re main a while at and also at Armstrong and at several othfcr places before reaching Ontario about the middle Ont is to be their home provided they can in the east after hav ing a taste ol western life Mr and Mas made many friends in Orderlies relieve your bowel troubles and make you feel like coming to thank us for telling you arput them then come back any way and asV us to give you ley during their stay and on money This is just as strong day evening last after the enter- as we can make this guarantee and they were presented with we want to make it strong because a wellfilled token of the we believe that Orderlies are esteem in which they were held 191- to Mr and- Mrs Albert Thorns a daughter TUB ALTAR EVANSROBINSON At Street Parsonage Toronto on Jan by Rev W Ethel Annie Robinson to Roy Evans both of Whit church Miss- Robinson is a sister Mrs Frank Lloyd and Mr RoVin- of Newmarket MANNINGWATSONOn Wednesday Jan at the Parsonage by the Rev Cleaver pastor of Central Methodist Church To ronto Clara daughter of Mr Watson of Queensville to Frank Manning of tain acres of land more or less The Boil is a clay loam and is all workable Parcel No willbe sold subject to existing leases which can be terminated at any time by giving 3 months- notice to lessees Parcel No 2 will be sold subject Si to existing lease- which will termin- ate 1st April- will state price in his er cent In acceptance ance within thirty without interest pay p cash upon- notification of of tender anil thereafter with Km AY The highest tender not accepted Parliamentary Notes Mr M for one of tho Montreal Divisions has introduc ed a Bill to capital punish ment in Canada- Mr O lor has presented a frill to repeal tho Naval Act As ho is Nationalist supporters of the Government his proposition has cre ated much- uneasiness on the Gov ernment side the House The division on the bill is looked forward to with much interest Several members of are reported ill On Wednesday last Premier Borden was suffering from blood In absence Hon George Foster Is leading the Commons with Hon Rogers second mi TA By a belated return to Parliament this Vqak Jt Isshown lhat most has pied hie to the best bowel remedy Soothing and easy in action they cleanse Hie bowels thoroughly toning and strengthening them and make you feel great They promote easy and regular bowel action help to promptly relieve constipation and overcome its In these things they differ from oldfashioned harsh disagreeable salts and other physics which usually give only- temporary re lief and often leave the towels in worse condition than ever They taste like candy and even children them They are particularly good for children and for delicate and aged people In vest pocket tin boxes 25c 50c You can buy Orderlies only at the Rbxall Stores and in town only of us J ton Newmarket AURORA A man named who resided here was killed in the Gamble woods on Friday of last a- falling upon He loaves a grown up family Ottawa Jan 28 The Governr ments advertising and printing bill for the last fiscal year amounted to A little over Needless to say the distribution of this im mense amount went to newspapers and printing companies which sought to Influence public opinion In of the Adminlstrationi New York Jan 28 Eva Booth head of the Salvation Army in this country who tor more than a week past been ill in Salvation Army barracks here alter a nervous eakdown la reported be In- a grave ccdiWoo an- of which ia pleurisy a have for anxiety THE TOMB BARRON In Whitchurch on Jan Mr M year FOTHERINGHAM At Toronto on Jan 1914 Susie wife of the late David Fotheringham School j- Inspector for South York Miss Florence has re- turned home after spending a week his late residence Farr had charge of tho organ in the Methodist Church here last Sun day and gave general satisfaction He will preside again next Sunday VIVIAN We have purchased the Apple Or chard of fehat has looked after by The Ontario Agricultural Department and hence have some of A grown in this section Take a look at them and see spraying and trimming will do in production of Choice Fruit J New Figs New Dates New Peels New Raisins New Currants Mary Jane wile OK Barron in her rfO in Toronto Mrs Samuel Ccok is visiting Mrs P Owing to the soft weather farm ers are delayed getting in their ice Violets are a rare thing in dry but j they are in full Woom in Vivian Wo notice the Franklin miller makes frequent visits to our town Mr i Peterson paid a visit to Aurora on Sunday Miss Jennie Goodman has return ed to Toronto after spending a week with parents We notice fully ittostacds the Baker business and is now crow George might get a top tor his cutter when it is raining lor mu tual protection Mr J Brooks has returned after spending a week In Toronto Frosty Street Aurora on Thurs day Jan loth A Proud in his- year At his late residence Oak Ridges on Tuesday Janu ary- Peter in his year Alameda California on Jan 4th after a lin gering illness in the year of age late Mr was well known in Sharon where he married Mary Harriett youngest daughter the Hugh years ago and left Sharon directly to re side in California first in Stockton and afterwards in Alameda where he remained until his death His re mains were placed beside those of his the late Hugfc In the Cemetery at Stock ton Pal Aurora Banner please copy PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO THE CRADLE In Newmarket on Jan to Mr and Mrs Harvey McCordlck a son A J HAW a Prompt THE LEADING Yuu Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes MAIN STREET ONT Agent for Camera and Photo Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phone No 161 Store Phone No SEVENTH LINE KING Sloiiing is fine and the fail enow on- Sunday night filled up the holes In the The League is flourish ing but on account the rerfary Jan Jew of te at John We all a to to skate Mr Woods only Vol UNDERTAKING A jail this morning last September dewd Charlie hoy uuUlated Jan cold especially central tricts of France w Kf J a J

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