an muni 1 FRIDAY j V i w AGENT V MOUNT WOMENS INSTITUTE I I I be bold at of Watte on Friday Fob instead of Thursday lath the regular day a ope evening for the gentlemen they will give entire program Tea will be aorved from 30 to pn you J if- p J SEWING CLASS The Womens Institute has been fiuc- cessful In organizing a sewing class with Mrs Altenburg of Toronto as teacher Mrs Is employ ed by the Department Agriculture very highly recommended class on Thursdays In the libr rpom CLUIL The next regular meeting the Farmers Club will bo hold In the on Wednesday Feb There will be debate Ro- GOlvod dual purpose cow Is more to the farmer than the special dairy cow Also an address on why young- men stay on tho farm will bo given Mr J A Hopkins AH i 1 l PUBLIC LIBRARY The following are names of tho new juvenile fiction recently purchased for the Library Auburn and Freckles Under the Christmas Stars Tell Mr Why Stories Adven tures of Johnny Chuck Adventures Roddy Fox Field and Forest Friends Polly Anna Road The readingroom with the very latest magazines and newspapers Librarian is always pleaBed to have you call PERSONAL Dr Ross Shields who recently grad uated from Brooklyn Hospital ac companied an expedition toJJolivia as ships surgeon Dr Shields is a son of Mr J Shields Mrs W of Manitoba was In town recently visiting friends Mr Inspeotor of Continua tion is visiting our school this week The At Home in connection with the Continuation School Friday was a grand success and was well attended if ft j t TELEPHONE COMPANY The Mount Albert Telephone Limited held annual meeting on Monday Jan Tho reports presented showed a veiy suc cessful year and the Interest tiiken in the meeting showed that the share holders were deeply concerned The following are the officers elected John Moore President J A Hop kins VicePresident Love Secretary Treas urer Milton Mainprise Byron Stiv er Oldham D Stokes Geo Eugene Ter ry and Thos Graham Directors BANK REPORT Not Prodis of 950000 are report ed by the Dominion Bank for Ihe year ending November Not only were these the largest profits in the history of the Bank but further report shows evidence of many other gains The proportion of quickly assets is unusually large It is also somewhat exceptional in view of the period of light money to note that nearly all of the new stock offered by the Brink has been subscribed for by the shareholders During the year the Reserve Fund was increased by and- the Ca pital Stock by a like amount The Re serve stands at one million dollars more the ca pital stock Gains were made in inter est hearing deposits in Current Loans and in Total Assets the latter now amounting to The In crease in the loans is evident that the Dominion Bank did its full share of furnishing funds for the business re quirements at the several points where represented GOLDEN WEDDING Mr and Mrs Johnson of Albert celebrated on 2Cth of January the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding The event was made the occasion of a very pleasant family reunion all the members of their families with husbands and most of their grandchildren Those present were Mr and Mrs John Johnson Mr and S Shaw Mr and Mrs Moore Mr Mrs Frank Pearson Mr and Mrs Thompson Mr and Mrs Shields also Mr and Mrs of Scott Mr and Mrs Jacob Smith of Queensvill and Mr Hugh Evans a few old friends Mr and Mrs Thos Arnold Mrs A Dunn and Miss Dunn The following address was read by I Mr W- Thompson Dear Father and Mother We your children and friends have assembled hero for the purpose of celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of your wed ding You have brought us up from childhood moulded our characters and it is now our turn to help you thru the pathways of Fath er will you accept this cane and mother this chair as a small token of our- love esteem live long to enjoy SCHOOL REPORT Senior Room of Albert Number on roll v Average attendance Ruth Forrest Ross Laura Stanley Oscar Dike Marjorle Maines Lloyd Rogers Vera Gordon Wogg 01lv Tins- Stanley Ruby Wood cock Jr Ill Cook Donald Ross Annie Motzgar Arthur Clifford Annie Rachel Mitcell Walter Charllo Manners Johnny Tom Present every day Ruth Marjorle Dike Shuttlcworth Edith Rogers- Olive Tinsdalc Mina Dike Annie Will- son Iter nice Cook Harri son Clifford Kightloy Maines Out of spelling the fol lowing were perfect Forrest Ross Edith Rogers Rachel Mitchell Arthur Junior Division Albert Sr IIwKonnoth Wagg LilaThirsk Edna Diko Mildred Dike Ben Man- Bruce Ross Jr Ivan Robert Har rison Marguerite Shaw Jessie Hans ford Ross Willie Draper James Rolling First Class Clarence Helen Davidson Ivan Woodcock Florence De- Gear Ralph Eileen Rowland Douglas Camp tell Ada Croutch Charles Morton Ida Dike Winnie Little Harris Rowland Primer Esther Rolling Cora Mabel Peg Clara Roll ing Primer Cora Eve lyn Hansford Skinner R Manners Mary Hilda Da- spent Mooroo j years ago about now entire Mt Albert and States Wert Buffered I wonder if Morton still takes the worst I ward on record dally trips Many lives paid the penalty to report Mr John Is Georgias i I mil in i on the sick list ajain Mr Fred Mackrills little son Clif ford very sicViA Mr Tate and family spent Sunday at Albert Myrtle Ramsay Is visiting t Brampton Miss Given of spent Tuesday at Mr Mr visited at on Sunday greenhorn at the bis I Last Sunday afternoon pulpit in the Christian Church was filled Mrs P Fletcher th pastor find ing it necessary to take the work on tho Baldwin circuit Tfe Oyster Supper at Mr Jno last evening was all Walnut Farm desired at Mr Lloyds on Tuesday the circular saw hurst and a large piece was thrown through air striking Bobs goat which stood in front of the barn cutting off one ear and Mr Walter Wright of spent Sunday at Wood Lawn Tho lord Mayer has bought a fine driver Mr Harvey Ramsay Is taking a course at night school Miss Ada Crone attended a skating party at on Friday Dlgtrt The Bafnd Is progressing They are practising twice a week now Buster BALDWIN BREEZES Married On Wednesday Jan at Point Mr Harry to Miss Sarah Sher wood all of The young are well and favorably known Wo need not be surprised almost any j day to see Charlie Llscomb walk and put out his paw for a plenty of good oysters splen did entertainment and a crowd of good people Miss Fountain has a young- lady friend from Richmond Hill vis iting her this week Our school teacher Miss Stewart Is becoming quite popular The think great deal their ton ViooPres Mrs Morton See Mrs Walker Prosier a splendid sery- by Aid after an Interesting program songs readings instrumental music and speeches was much enjoyed and all left with feeling that Aid was doing grand work j Mr and Mrs Morton deserve praise for the hearty welcome they gavo the good lime we spent together Pro ceeds of meeting SUTTON Disease germs ire They are In the very air we breathe A down a prey for them One must hive vital force to withstand them Vital force digestion on whether or tot food riourisheiroo the quality of blood coursing through thebody Our team went down to Aurora last Wednesday nlgitand gave that team the game of their lives Just losing la the last five minutes by a of to On Monday night the fas Thorn- hill team the coming winners of tho cup this year Came up and defeated our boys tho of to r i new teacher and she seems to be have a pretty nice team good satisfaction year and should land the cup Strengthens the weak Gives good digestion Enlivens the liver Feeds starved nerves Again full health and strength return A general upbuilding enables heart to pump like running in oil vital force Is once more to full power Year In and for over forty years this great remedy has been spreading throughout the entire world because of Its ability to mako the sick web ana tho weak strong Dont despair of being your old Self again Give this vegetable remedy ft trial Today Wow You will feel In liquid or tablet form by Pierce IZoSIcalAdvteesV s I J for at The young people of the Christian intend giving a Box Social In near future Tho Mens Bible Class are prepar ing for a social evening atMr Foun tains home easily as Aurora winners last year has second grade team this year However Newmarket has a good chance for the silverware They played at Sutton on Wednesday night Sutton boys at6i Richmond A Social Will be held under the auspices of to have a good team every year and we are laying the foundation for a winner next season as have the material but they lack the team work the Forward Movement Department of Odds and Ends League at the home of dance under the auspices of In Mr Wm Lunch will he the Sutton Society last Friday shake served from to after which the night was a big success and every one claims they had a daddy time Poor little chap instead of fortune evening will be spent in games mot with misfortunes out at Al- welcome He got his foot cnushed by an up on it He has Christian Ladles Aid reached Toronto on his return where Pleasant and profitable vidson Ross he is in the Hospital It apflears he n was held at the may be a cripple for life home of Mrs Jesse Morton on day tfoc bear saw his came effecfc 0Q Hayes Class A Woodcock Kenneth lack Shields Forrest shadow Ah me Basil Thompson Clara j Walker Ruby Hayes Mi call at Vera Gertrude O paid an unofficial on Feb 1st and in sleighloads Parly in the after noon a number of the ladies were do ing Dorcas work for a family W A General Use The Mail For You need not make a special trip to town to cash a cheque make a deposit or draw some money Use the malls Instead You will find our system of Banking By Mall a safe and convenient way of transacting all your banking business Deposits may be made and cash by mailwithout delay or rouble Call or write the Manager for full Information In regard Banking By Mall MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY Manager Walton according to his showing is guiltless that kind of religion that of wrongdoing He denies of helping they for charges preferred against a was a paper him disclaims any by Mrs VanNorman sub ject Let Your Light So Shine thought that it is by deeds of kindness that our lights will shine was brought out forcibly The re in the change of wallpaper at the church here Brooke did the Did not Waller sanction the act He also affirms that the de parture of the ladies from the church snowed a very successful years was before service began and that were ap- had not as yet taken any year Mrs in the service I shall accept his Morton to resign as unchallenged There must be no quibbling- The main point still remains that the ladies The annual meeting of llie Presby terian Church was held last week when reports were received from the various depart nun Is showing good progress and it was the opinion of all those present that the church showed it very healthy condition Annual Oyster Supper and mu sical program will be held on Friday Feb In the church and we trust the friends will remember the dale in their plans the month Arrangements have been made as calmly their departure to show regards sewing ccrurse given undor the they had spirit enough to of Mrs to com- 1 press their emphatic disipproval of Wednesday Feb in the any interference with their plans re basement of the Methodist Church papering Thoy were giving Brooke is necessary to take two lessons in fi over Walkers shoulder Walker the one day as time is limited so mus understand there was not an members are asked to meet not later atom of animosity towards any in than oclock Bear in mind the what I said merely a news Item date and come prepared for work but it does appear like human nature The sheep worrying dogs are not to love to pinch a cats tail to hear all destroyed yet The farm yardit Yow and some folks are like of Mr Scott on the Con yellowjackets just stir up and was entered by dogs one night last theyll do the rest A wellknown week and a half dozen fine sheep lady remarked that Mr and Mrs j so badly worried that they had to Walker had done more for j be destroyed Several other farm- Baldwin church than any other of its yards were also visited by prowling friends I believe it dogs Those kind of dogs should be Our farmers are talking of spring shot on sight no favor shown and ever so many have not yet done Tho gasoline engine at the new a towards getting next i chopping mill is giving our new be- years wood Go to the ant thou some little trouble An ex- sluggard pert has been called in and tried to Mercury Is raising a It I adjust matters so that we think lasts to 11th after which will I there will be no more difficulty along bring some Californialike weather that line Its a storm outlook for the iceman We were pleased to see Mr Gentlemen of a poor quality not Young out to church last Sunday af- the simon pure article It is a poor ter confined at homo for recommend that our merchants are three or four weeks with obliged to keep boxes of ashes or tion of the eyes Keep in mind the Oyster Supper in Now is the time to order your suit for Easter has a nice line to choose from The Euchre Club meet at the home of Mr Allan on Friday night The mild weather is having a bad It will be late this year Tho new taker has arrived and is now busy turning out the staff of life Mr K Greenwood was home over Sunday from County Council but returned again for the sessions this week Reeve of Virginia was appointed a County Commissioner by the County Council and Mrs A Pugsley spent a few days last week in Toronto Mr Wm Abbott an old boy is now a motorman on the Tuesday night next for the has been on the sick list for te last tion of the usual business few days Mr W Is having Riders Sorry to of the accident that Orchestra come up from Toronto to might have proved serious to Alex play for a dance on Easter Monday j Gourley While in the bush a tree evening This Orchestra consists of j struck him on the leg and bruised it nine badly Miss Fern Taylor spent a few days G Graham has rented week visiting in Toronto farm which is now occupied Miss Edith Sharp of Holland Land- by Mr is going to fa the of the Misses Os- farm on a larger Mr borne here Miss Blanche of Toronto is at present visiting at her home here- Mrs W A Dixon is visiting her sister in President thinking a change would bo for the best but there was a unan imous vote that the same Officers continue Mrs Jesse Mor- w- Mr Ruttle has his mill set in Geo Fawns bush Fergus Kennedy has moved into the runs Sutton village to Archibalds house is selling the balance of is all cleared up his sweater coats at Now is around Udora and all are out of theltime to get one The village Council will meet on is moving to Seagrave Miss Mauri is visiting with relatives in Pickering ZEPHYR Levi and A Meyers visited in Aurora and Toronto last week The next monthly rifle match will be held here on Feb A number from here attended the promenade in Mt Albert on Friday evening The Farmers and Womens Institute meeting held here on Monday was well patronized both afternoon and Our popular teacher Miss Brown evening I HE DOMINION Proceedings of THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS the Presbyterian Hall on Friday ev ening Fob A program is in course of preparation There is a new Hello girl at the Central Telephone Office here now Lulu having retired Mr William Mortimer has decided to trv farming again having rented Mr Youngs farm on the formerly- owned by Mr Smith Mr is making a decid ed Improvement in his recently pur chased home removing the hedge from along the front and erecting a fine uprtodate v HOLLAND LANDING A I I Sleighs and Cutters In ail styles for sale Cheap for the two weeks Also Special Bar gains In Gasoline Engines from fifty up No Better Made Drop me card or phone me for Square Just try me- sawdust for the convenience of to bacco users And notwithstanding they posted up No smoking al lowed bogus gentlemen have dis regarded them Study up Worcest ers or Websters Unabridged and see what constitutes a gentleman An old colored gentleman named cobsj resided west of in the early sixties He had been taught in his old Southern home and Jacob BI was remarkably polite If he de sired to expectorate when in a strange house he would do so in his hat Poor old fellow laid out one bitter cold night and he perished Im comir Im coming And my head is hanging low I Wear their gentle voices calling Old Joe James- Albert Crydcrmans the A Social will be held by the young people of Christ Church on the A is a breeder of February in the Lloyd Build- in Miss Kitching is home from To ronto on her holidays She expects to a visit to week for nine or ten days before re turning again to Toronto Miss Gladys Marsh has gone for a short visit to her sister who is teach ing school at Do not forget the Box Social to No hold by the young people of Christs Church in the Lloyd Building on the Thursday evening An entertaining program will be provided and a time Is anticipated More particulars will be made known later Chopping Promptly done at the Temperance Hotel formerly known as the Queens travelling public or boarders Eve ESMITH end steer Mr Mat Wood bees are the order of the day Watson had one on f rl- day which was well attended Miss Merle Is visiting her cousin at A sleighload from Newmarket spent a very enjoyable evening at Mr Bert Gardiners Tuesday Farr spent the week- home here and lady friend highgrade horseflesh H was show ing off the fine points of one of his finest to a prospective buyer Ha says the colt youd make a show of mo Well perhaps theres two that can play at that game With that he gave a lunge a snort and a yank on the halter shank that sent the re doubtable James spinning round sev eral times like a top Thats horse sense for you James was an in valid for several days with a lame shoulder neck and back and only able to do chores OK Elder conducted ser vice in the Baldwin Christian Church on Sunday and preached a real good oldfashfoned sermon So far so good What followed had best been omitted The church is no piece to polish up flaws in character Mercury is making a stir Dont you see it The legal affidavit form truth the whofe truth and no thing but the truth was it Seeking to buy for the church at Echo answers Who Double some where Keep your eye on the THP ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OK THE SHARE HOLDERS OF THE DOMINION BANK was held al the Banking House of the Institution Toronto on Wednesday January ISM Among those present were noticed G Reynolds G Hon J J Fey James Wait A Harvey A M Winni peg Wilkinson James Matthews Powell Walker Sir Osier W Hutchinson Winnipeg Martin F E Dingle A R Epsom Lee J J Cook Roch J J Gordon Jones F F H Gooch S Wilson J C P A Gibson Dr Chas OReilly Thos J P James Scott Waugh Hamilton A McPherson Longford Judge Whitby Morris W A Foster Caesels Snider C J Jr Rev Cpt D Percy Jeffrey Port Perry J- G Gross T Fisher A- FIher F L Osier J Christie C Taylor Lindsay J Eaton L H Baldwin W Brock Gray R A Bos well J T Small KC Smith Whitby William Ross J Ramsey Burton G McDonald J W Van couver J Harris Hamilton Matthews Dr A J Harrington Wilcox Hamilton Richard Brown C Crowther WCecil Stephen Miller Napanee H Crowe Jas Wood T Kernahan J H Paterson D Brown Alfred Haywood Davidson A A Atkinson H Gordon MacKenzle It was moved by Mr seconded by Mr J Christie that Sir Edmund OBler MP- do take the chair and that Mr A do act aF Secretary Messrs A Boswell ICC and W Gibson were appointed The Secretary read the Report of the Directors to the Shareholders Ami submitted the Annual Statement of the affairs of the Bank which is as follows TO THE SHAREHOLDERS The Directors beg to present the following statement of the result business of the Bank for the year ended 31st December Balance of Profit and Loss Account 31st December 6SS1090 Net profits for the year after deducting all charges and making full provision for bad and doubtful debts Premium received on new Capital Stock as The offices at North Vancouver BC and Guernsey were closed existing conditions did not warrant their continuance Very satisfactory progress is being made In new Head Office building at the corner of King and Streets Toronto and It la confidently txpected that the premises will be ready for occupation before tno end of this year The customarythorough Inspections of the Head Office and Branches have been made including the verification by your Directors of the Balance Sheet now presented All the Assets of the Bank have been carefully scrutinized by the Director and Officials and its Investment Securities are carried on the Books at con servative values OSLER President Toronto 23 January The Report was adopted In conformity with Section Subsection of the new Bank Act Messrs Geoffrey T Clarkson and Robert J were appointed Auditors for New ByLaws were submitted and passed by the Shareholders The thanks of the Shareholders were tendered to the President Vice- President and Directors for their services during the year and to the General Manager and other Officers of the Bank for the efficient performance of their respective duties The following gentlemen wore- duly elected Directors for the ensuing year Messrs A Austin Brock James J Christie J Eaton J J Matthews A W Hutchinson and Sir Edmund B osier At a subsequent meeting of the Directors Edmund Osier was elected President and Mr Matthews VicePresident for the ensuing term GENERAL STATEMENT Making a total of Which has been disposed of as follows Dividends quarterly at Twelve per cent per annum 564964677 Bonus Two per cent 11617670 449S56B9 Two Total distribution to Shareholders of Fourteen per cent for the year Contribution to Officers Pension Fund 25000 Transferred to Reserve Fund Premium on New Stock Transferred to Investment Accounts 1 Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward RESERVE FUND Balance at credit December Account Transferred from Profit and Loss E OSLER President C A Gen Manager The year was of general financial and commercial depression throughout the world conditions became more accentuated during the clewing months of that period Your Directors therefore deemed it advisable to enforce a policy of conservatism without Interfering with the requirements of legitimate borrowers The funds of the Bank were fully and profitably employed throughout the twelve months under review resulting in a further increase In the net earnings the disposition of which Is dealt with In detail In the accompanying Report A of per cent wen again distributed in addition to the regular dividend of 2 per cent Following the announcement made In the last Annual Report an issue of new Capital Stock was made to Shareholders of record of the of February- The whole of this Issue was taken up and although the final payments thereon are not due- until June of the amount had been up on the of December last The totsl Paidup Capital of tho Bank on that date To meet the requirements of Section Subsection of the new Bank Act you now asked to elect Auditors to serve until the next Annual General Meeting and two written nominations have already been received in this con nection You are also requested to sanction the of new ByLaws necessitated by changes In the Bank Act and the advisability of having them mora fully meet present circumstances Branches opened In as follows New Capital Stock paid in Reserve Fund Balance of Profits carried forward Dividend No payable 2nd January 1713930S Two per cent payable 2nd January 1914 Former Dividends unclaimed Total Liabilities to the Shareholders Notes In Circulation Deposits not bearing interest Deposits bearing interest Including in- interest accrued to dat Balances due to other Banks in Canada 54026377 Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondents In the United Kingdom and foreign countries Bills Payable Acceptances under Letters of Credit Liabilities not Included In the foregoing Total Liabilities to the Public 1- ASSETS Gold and Silver Coin Dominion Government Notes Deposit In Central Gold Reserves Notes of other Banks Cheques on other Banks Balances due by Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than In Canada 304863085 -Itlrview- Vancouver Victoria BC Arlington Street Winnipeg Man r 4i- Ontario Avnue Toronto Toronto Dominion and Provincial Government Securities not exceeding market value Canadian Municipal Securities and British Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Can adian not exceeding market Railway and other Bonds Debentures and Stocks not exceeding market value Call and Short not exceeding thirty days Loans In Canada on Bonds Debentures and Stocks Call and Short not exceeding thirty days Loans elsewhere than In Canada Other Current Loans and Discounts In Canada less rebate of Interest 4849566706 Other Current Loans and Discounts elsewhere than In Canada less rebate of interest Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit as per contra Real Estate other than Bank Premises Debts estimated loss provided for Bank Premises at not more than cost less amounts written off Deposit with the Minister of for the pur poses of the Circulation- Fund on Real Estate sold JL I