Newmarket Era, 20 Feb 1914, p. 2

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Ring with koya bin Main St at ff vl Saturday tor I Ply market MALE HELP Barn weekly at homo evenings mailing catalogues for largo Alan Mall Order wanted In all cities country National Supply Co Wind- V South End Flour and Food Having opened a Flour and Feed I am prepared to supply Glenora Flour al and all other to Bran Shorts of Feed ALL Phono r Phono ft fa AN HOWARD Main St Opposite George Hotel CARD OF THANKS provincial day declares corri Kingston Ed wife on Harbor how over Keith was In Ottawa week on a deputation to the Geo Master Joe are spending the week with friends In apparently- pjevaHpd wife ft they bare no according to the to to til leader it Is conceded the to lake part fa- iiie campaign lliouglr ho makes moat tory recovery With this from a Conservative source During je extreme cold weather- Toronto Firemen time A was ficttpwii for de frauding a woman out 61 rent A leakage of 2000 oil from the ttUIot the British Aracti- toil at the loot of Cherry St on Saturday made moat may as well prepare flre coming conltal- annual of the is an nounced to ho held on the last meeting of Iho parly will bo in on of that win likely bo towards perfecting coming Mr and Mra of lapleton test A to cxpreKH my thanks to Die who so kindly assist ed luring Hip illness and funeral of my beloved wife and also for Gtan xjilHftiofi Of fr0 families As- renin Increased the various organizations of the Amnios doubled nil consent and for entire free trado I Public Notice Wary notify that we will not be i correct and no money paid not transfer thc deed to Joseph Cody nor a mortgage FARM PROPERTY FOR Under Rower of Sale In Mortgage Under and by virtue of thc power contained in a certain mortgage will be produced at the time of sale will be offered for Bale by public on the 20th day of Match 1914 at the hour of 2 oclock In the afternoon at No Carlton St in tho city oi Toronto by Messrs J Co auc tioneers following farm proper ty viz All and singular those certain par cels or tracts vol land and premises situate lying and being in the of King old survey formerly West in the County of York and Province of Ontario and being composed of the West half of lot No in thc 2nd con of the said of King and those portions of lots Nob and in the said 2nd eon described as follows namely Park lot letter A on the West tide of St and Park lots 3 and 5 on the West side of and on the East side of St and 4 on the East side of Koyser St and side of St and 2 on the East side of War mers St and lot 1 pa East side 3rd con of the said of King St in the Town of Am sterdam in the County of York aforo- also the SouthWest of lot No in the said 2nd con of the of King also lot No in the 3rd ron of the said Tp of King containing altogether about acres This farm is situated within about miles from Town of Bradford On this farm there is about acres ol cleared land acres partly cleared and the balance is mostly com posed of marsh and swamp land a good portion of which however in dry weather is fit for grazing- On the West I of lot 17 in the 2nd con there is a goodsized frame house also a small frame house frame barns stable sheds and other out buildings This would make a very desirable grazing farm for in addition to sev eral good wells on the property the Holland river passes through a part of at oh Sunday is spending this week her parents in Vaughan Mr town is visiting friends in Toronto Sunday Mr Win Stark and Mr Joseph Meads of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr Jas Staric Mrs Manning and Mrs Dr Wesley spent the weekend with friends in the City Miss Anna Smith returned from the Hospital last week and is im proving nicely Thd Dominion Alliane Mrs H Eves entertained a hero next week The question as to large number of ladies on Thursday giving the Government much- which counties will he campaigned j afternoon of last week concern This action may possibly in the aJoptioi of the fluence the powers that be at W S2S2 a few wks with his son not to the electorate Here is a case where the tables turned Fined and costs on a charge of assaulting J Taylor Chas Skene had his paid back and received an discharge Taylor was in Parliament refused thirty- fined antf costs on a charge fivo million dollars for Imperial of assaulting Skenes wife Hence and the Globe replies This Clare and a woman in a According to the report of Mr Bennett Supt of Colonization miles of roads wore constructed or Improved during past year The of the Cox is valued at The Labor Temple is out of debt and tho mortgage burned An unusual event was tho presen tation by Mr- J Eaton to the General Hospital of whatis admit tedly the most motor for of the surgi cal division last week less than houses in this city arc now tenanted try two or Going This final clean up is with a valuegiving I activity unexampled hereabouts Shoppers attending this sale able io the best winter merchandise for the smallest prices ever paid pay you to join the throngs and your part of llie rich bargain plums being offered They are in easy reach of all you have to come and they will veritubly fall into your lap Winter goods must go St must all on profits The following i good bargains are on go this week I 3 I program for another year unless indeed they is sheer misrepresentation In the I were arrested Monday night and Commons the Liberals offered an al ternative naval proposal and thc Senate merely laid down the condi tion Borden naval old scheme should be submitted to the Mr Belfry of Owen Sound spending a few weeks with Mr Will Ellen Street Mrs Geo Wood who has been confined to her bed for the eight weeks is progressing very slowly Mr Warren Toronto came up on Saturday to see his and shopmate Mr A 750 Values Feb Sale 380 LI MENS BOYS WINTER OVEROOAT8 Regular S000 Values Feb Sate Values Feb Sale Values Feb Said next day fined SI and costs the having tho only sober member in the party Sister Veronica for years elated with the Mr A Thompson has had a hard week but prospects were favor able for his recovery yesterday It is now up to tho News away on to establish its contention or take Monday last in her year Tho back water Mrs Ed Richardson gave a Heart Or- party last Saturday afternoon was attended by a number of ladies In a letter to the Toronto World Monday Mr T Herbert M work PP for North York replies to Mr J M Godfrey respecting politi cal complexion of Jurors from North York at the High Court in j Bister was IrlBh by birth but came to Canada when quite young She has always deeply interested in Miss Rachel Webb of Cor- Oregon is tho guest of her aunts Misses Niagara Street WHILE YOU SPEND HUNTERS GOLD BOND trading stamps mean a Saving of per cent on your cash purchase Why not make interest on what you spend as well as on what you save iirrr Mr and Mrs Miss Ough were were Liberals and ho gives their names as follows Gordon Brown John market Richard Queens Edward Greenwood Baldwin John King John Kes wick Russell Snider and Fred Spencelcy We sup pose the above has reference to ttic Grand Jury from limited mentioned as composing the pan el Sdgment for M200 been Mr Justice it Of 2r It mode Hall in favor of Bald- Wednesday win who sued the return paid for a gas engine and pro Mr and Mrs Morley Stephenson of Narrow Lake also MissM Letter from that was to cost- in all I Stephenson Aurora visited with and for damages Mrs Willis on Sunday for failure to install a plant He is allowed the return of his payment and damages A hockey tournament will com mence on Friday evening in the Arena Two games will be played each evening prizes are oflored Owing to a wreck on the Mr Jackson was unable to connections to be last Monday evening consequently his il lustrated lecture on Life in the Arc tic will be given next Monday even ing in- Trinity Hall Dr Stevensons stable went up in smoke last Saturday He was Mr and Mrs Andrews of Aurora and Mr A Andrews of spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Willis Millard Avenue Miss M Graham of Aurora has returned to Town after a short vaca tion and will- assist Mrs Will the spring and summer rush of dressmakeing The many friends of Mr Allen son of Mr J A Cody of Newmarket who has been confined to his bed for weeks with typhoid fever is able to be around again Mr Alex Kemp Scotch tenor and Miss Helena attended the Presbyterian oyster sup- Hello there I am back from my Finance Minister in the history of j Our doctor called to see our Nellie Canada has able to approach He she had tie grip this record for one month Rut Willie never staid to noire He always made the trip The official statement of Dominion finances for month of January dhows that Government has broken all records The difference be tween falling revenue and increased expenditures was never more marked in the history of Canada During January the net debt increased increased over as compared with January last year while revenue de- creased by nearly In- 1 ink for the Government when a stead of making ends meet Finance Minister White succeeded in to the bad by over last month while the balance on wrong side of the account showed an flaro set th building on fire Parliamentary Notes Now Nellie is well again happy as can be Cheap power as a means of cheap- i Willie he goes singing the cost of production to the Like a bird up a tree farmer and of thereby reducing the The new married couple were the it There is therefore J S Mr and Mrs Irwin on Sun- plenty of waU for cattle and day and were accompanied by her will soon recover and the balance in days thereafter have been all smiles i week Letters patent is a good one How ever could the Violets stick Old Town every success pasture on the lowlands This property will be offered sale subject to a reserve hid purchaser shall pay 10 per cent the purchase money ax the time of sale to the Vendors or their Solicitor without interest The Vendors will only he to furnjsh a Registrars Abstract of Title and to produce such deeds copies thereof or evidences of title I as are in their possession In all Mother respects thc terms and of sale will be standing con ditions of the Supreme Court of On tario Further particulars may ho had from Messrs Mark A E Solicitors Bradford or from Gordon Solicitor Adelaide St East Toronto the House of Com- Miss Nora Wilson of Went- Misses Florence and i was Mr Steele of South Perth for Gordon Wilson of Went- Misses Florence and The Gray were home over Sunday of Grace received Mrs John Gowans of daughter ot the late Rev of Newmarket who came to Toronta to attend Miss Recital spent a couple of days last week In town the guest of Mrs J Mr Thompson of fort time me to send the price of ray old The Era It is a wry v el- come visitor every week We have Two Government bills in rospect to will ho done away with hereafter and I company charters granted under the privileges and conditions of- these bills The Redistribution of Seats Rill goes to a Committee to report upon boundaries of constituencies through out the Dominion On Monday last Hon Mr introduced Mil the House to re vise the Fisheries Act which has not had a fine winter brut ihc last few We ar sorry to hear of the illness MS- John family Hope zero they will soon recover Business dull and a great many idle these days his in tho Spring Wishing you their heads this cold weather Cheer up Ed Mack says there is nothing in rais ing pigs unless you can sell then by the cord Who will bo the first guy with the new teacher Some of the ing their ice It is inches thick on High Cost of Living ICE FOR BALE wen codified since Some new Dated this day of Feb are introduced fiOveA is to prohibit the sale and of fish- Where a fisherman is found wiwi fish out of season the onus will be upon him to prove that he did not catch them unlawfully Hon Sam Hughes flinlster of Militia a of ques tions relating to expenses connected with his trip to Europe eOOOc the present time possibly no to flirt other sijbject is receiving quite as much in Canada as this one farmers harvest- It will be a surprise to most readers know that during the fiscal year i the lake What do you know about which ended March Can- that Paid in duty on food What is Vivian butcher boy doing and all of this large sum is virtually around here Allie buys every- a direct tax on the consumer thing around here You all know Raving procured the sole use of the loo in Greasors Pond on St am prepared to con tract for cutting ice as follows on pond 4c and 5c packed in Newmarket and vicinity FRED LLOYD Newmarket In glancing over the list it is easy to understand that thd buying public fc PRIVATE BOARDING On Queen St Second house from SI Almost now A Bargain Enquire V ft r ft On Saturday last a very Interest ing hockey match took place at between and hockey steams The game was Very divided the score 3 to 3 After- till came the boys played the boys tho score reached 3 to fi In Sorry to learn of the illness of Mr are themselves largely to blame in Fred children but hope many instances for there are articles soon to lear of their recovery of food producekl in Canada that Albert Robinson caught a fine fish equal in every respect to those made In the Island lake last week You in any country the world cannot beat It boys I saw it myself In the baking powder lino alone Pleased to see Miss Maggie Hood there were Its imported into around again Miss Hood Canada and means the consu- with gentleman friend was home In duty the enormous sum Sunday of no better goods One of our girls the choir was the world in this line- than magic all when the preacher said baking powder and it is made in a Nathaniel was a brave man Happy Mike model sanitary uptodate factory Such articles as raisins currants and many other things which do not grow in Canada or are not produced Carbonized lignite coal from the Estevan district may oust American I anthracite coal for power generating purposes according to a statement made by Edward a Reglna j Engineer Mr has made a thorough test of the coal and claims for a superiority over Ameri can coal that amounts to 30 per cent in actual cost The engine used for test was the of Lincoln England It Is announced that the Provincial Government will bring to Woe- wan at farm laborers dur ing the present year the first party is expected to arrive during the lat ter part of March THE LEADING Undertaking House can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to residence John Millard Phones and The Cradle In on Feb to Mr and Mrs Frank a son Bradford Feb 1914 to Mr and Mrs Norman Hand a son and heir OUGH At Holland Landing Jan 1014 to Mr and Mrs a daughter TRAVISSIn Newmarket on to Mr and Mrs Percy Traviss a daughter In Newmarket on of Feb to Mr and Mrs P a daughter King Tp on Feb 1914 to Mr and Mrs Ed Owens a daughter Altar LUNDY In Toronto on Fob at Church of the Epiphany Mary Amy youngest daughter Mrs Gto formerly of Newmarket to Mr Geo Luesby of Newmarket The Tomb TATE At on Friday the of Feb Isabella be loved wife of Alex Tate Jr aged years and days Funeral Monday to Mount Albert Cemetery We have purchased the Apple Or chard of ft that has been looked after by The Ontario Agricultural Department and hence have some of the grown in this section Take a at them and see spraying and trimming will do in production of Choice Fruit New Figs New Dates New Peels New Currants Phone 35 mm PURITY QUALITY OUR MOTTO she mad arid you will difficulty whatever grasping full meaning of vour wife S ecfc large of money could and would be Canadian Home Journal 1 Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes I IPSllL J MAIN T WORTH NEWMARKET rf All will Prompt MAIN STREET ONT Agent for Cameras find Photo Supplies Fresh Chocolates Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE Phone No 151 Store Phone No WE HAVEFOR A property situated on WOOD FOR SALE Prospect Ave A largesized dwelling Hardwood feet Ion de with all conveniencesall in first in Town if required Also class Quarter of an acre for sale George grounds with apple and small fruit trees Frame stable and cement hen house This we consider the best in town so act quickly Terms can be arranged to suit Apply to P Morton Newmarket OLD NEWSPAPERS Newmarket P p WANTED TO BUY Town and We parties woo have farms for sals to write l Office at real Ave three blocks west el Station ford St Phone v A 1- I I An AC

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