Newmarket Era, 20 Feb 1914, p. 3

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VWPl I Society Church have engaged the in arc and The Pauls Chutch anticipating a largo attendance en unusually pleasant aO At Home in the Hall next Monday Every body lias an invitation to attend i musical program the at Hall no doubt will be a groat treat Among those who consented to to a part arc Miss Myrtle Scott of Cane and Eugene Barker lb Now rloiH f fc I Mr Allan Howard has Hew and Food Store opposite the King George Hotel which will bo a- great convenience to at South end of the town Mr Is a practical farmer and knows a good article Customers can rely on a square deal See ad AllDay The citizens arc now privileged with allday electric power from own Municipal plant The Chairman of Water Light Committee found by actual test that the extra coal to run the small engine an1 dynamo all last mooting before the Supreme a- difference of between mooting and matters of importance bo Council adopted the in connection with the Order will he recommendation of the give our citizens continuous power Heavy twoyard Canadian Homo Circle It is important that every member should attend the business meeting Wednesday night It will be the r Mock Trial I I Ash Wednesday next On Wednesday evening March The Manse has been Christian Endeavor Society will interior I in Wc basement of The interior of the King George Christian Church It is entitled Hotel has been brightened by a new Cunning Conspiracy and to le one of the ever pro educed in this- town It is a delight- Christian of a new type at resenting and laying bare a deeplaid Tto Society hold ther regular lot characters arc Impersonated WS v K with amusement inspiration the Business Men and Women will bo in- dat soiriclhlng out of something that will SS3 7 Jl iCh imUtWnShd Is bright snap- and Instructive The is cordially Invited to at- fcnl fond Come onco arid you will want to come again SCOTT Municipal Auditors Salaries and Allowances 320700 Reg ido for Bo yard WhiU by J- Ready Made long Bo Oleired Out B and 775541 J Jul t it Ocnnrul Wells v Interest Water Works Capital 250000 Water Works Maintenance County Hales School Account v 25702G8 Market Hoard Health Miscellaneous Electric Light Maintenance 890 3D Light Capital Cash in 31402 AUDITED AND FOUND J 9 lbs Granulated Oatmeal for Can Tomatoes fc Tho Society win give a Mock Wal OddFollows At Homo on Wednesday March entitled j OddFellows and A Canning Conspiracy This will their wives to tho number of bo a very entertainment had a very enjoyable At Home In full amusement and instruction now Wednesday night It is something new and Is sure to Progressive was the order please Do not forget the for an hour or two followed by re- and dancing splendid Friends sic supplied Newmarket The Y A on Thursday even- lh ing have for their topic Rules for party up Young Business Men and Women surprise was sprung during the which willfee Mr evening upon Mr Morle Andrews ton energetic inter- 0 is about to remove Town change thoughts on such vital with a Degree questions- is most helpful Co accompanied by an Saturday at 3 pm Street expressing of his Quarterly Meeting will be held here a brother and worker and Delegates from Toronto Pickering wishing him success in his ne home and other points are expected is cordially invited to be pres- a Heavy Horse The relative value of a horse with the heaves and the animal with- Obituary out heaves was the subject a Wo copy tho following from the discussion in the County nereton Spectator Jan On Saturday morning Jan ith Honor T at the residence of her soninlaw was one for brought by fttr Fred Bills there pass- Dunbar of Toronto against away one of the oldest- residents Mills a farmer living near of Wallace township in the person of Mary Ann White relict Henty Ho- Dunbar who is a mer deceased born in N horse buyer Toronto fwrchascd a in was eightyseven years from Three later of age and distinctly remembered many of the incidents connected with had ttcxobcllion of 18S7-4- In 1851 she hc made no re- was married to Henry Homer and in presentations whatever as to the they came west into what was soundness of the horse and if it was then called the Queens Bush sound he was not aware of on a farm in Maryborough near The judge in favor of the Hollin The journey was made in the tlfI to th amount of costs winter in a sleigh the cover January 1 CURRENT AND 1ST 113 A P SCOTT Auditors A88ET8 in Treasurers hands Arrears of Water Rates Arrears of Electric Light Arrears of Taxes 118688 Arrears of Taxes former years less doubtful and collectable per Water Meters installed and unpaid 46205 Town Scales Kent Current Balance LIABILITIES Debenture No No 70 Waterworks 62985 Debenture No ByLaw No 87 ditto Debenture No ByLaw 111 Public School Bank of Montreal Overdraft Bank of Toronto Overdraft Debenture- No ByLaw No Con- naught Gardens Town Sol Fees for sub ject to adjustment Sundry Accounts passed but unpaid 1575447 Can Plums lbs Starch- Condensed Milk lbs Dried Apples Quaker Oats A J v Scotch Jam 25c Tea Jam English 25c j I COLLECTORS ROLL DR Amount on Roll 4318294 per cent added Dec 1st to 31st Dec 1913 5001 Oft Poll Tax Arrears E French by Mr Ransom 928 1633 1 a made of quilts spread over sap- Ladles I I lings The deceased had many inter- The women of Newmarket and the stories to tell of those early surrounding neighborhood have had days Three years later they to regret that their duties are so to where Mr Homer strenuous as not to enable them to kept store until the time of his death attend the Womens Institute in From that time until re- Saturday the meeting was held on she lived in Three St at the home of Mrs ago she met accident nest Dawson The afternoon was especially serious for one of her age spent in discussing womens affairs and although the rugged constitution Needless to say these are always pioneer life permitted a partial teresting Mrs led a covery she was never afterwards able discussion on the Use of Old to walk The deceased was a life- From this every woman long member of the Methodist church took home something new and Of her seven children six still sUr- able On previous occasions the They are William of stitiite has favored by hearing ton George of Victoria Mrs Mrs Thomas but on this day as McLean and McLean she talked with them abrut their of Mrs Harvey Ellis time being so valuable and all their and Mrs Fred Bills of Litowcl efforts meaning so much all the hard Rev Dr Barber assisted Rev places were forgotten and the tired McLean of mothers became rested It was a church Toronto grandson of deceas- splendid paper It will be a pleasure conducted the funeral service In- to look forward to hearing for again torment took place at Mount leas- a solo and a reading brought the ant Cemetery Wallace meeting to a close allowed to Discount allowed on Street oilsprinkling Refunds allowed ByLaw and order Council Paid Treasurer Arrears f Taxes Paid Poll Tax V Paid Treasurer Taxes to Dec 1913 per Cash Book Paid Treasurer per cent added after 1st of Dec Balance uncollected including Front age Tax from Con naught Gardens J 1 AUDITED AND FOUND CORRECT FINE WA REPAIRING WATCHES clocks January AND LIABILITIES DECEMBER 3 1ST A P SCOTT T MSCOTT Municipal Auditors i- Will hold an Auction Sale of Shop Furniture etc etc Saturday March in the North Store I I LIVE STOCK MARKET In Toronto this week choice steers sold from to and choice heifers from to Choice cows from to and medium from to and feeders from to 17 with lighter from up to Milkers and springers from to each inferior to Calves from to Lambs from to Sheep to Hogs off cars at try points i Newmarket Markets i Current Assets as per Statement 879344 Fire Hall Land and Appliances 250000 Building and Land at Power House 35c000 Water Works Town Scales 5000 Artesian Wells 000000 Hospital and Land Clerk and Treasurers Ollice Coal on Hand 175 tons 15000 20000 The Early Purchase of a Watch for son or daughter will prove one of the best of educators Habits of PROMPTITUDE PRECISION are best Inculcated by early training Among our reliable time pieces are those j you can well afford to sent to an ordinarily careful with pleasure and profit Band Instruments Electric Light Supplies Water Works do Watering Cart School Property Lands and Equipment Market Building and Lot Steel and Cement Bridges and Walks Building Office Furniture exclusive of Schools Electric Light Plant and Machinery rented meters included v Reservoir Lot Mains Hydrants and Reservoir Road Plainer and Tools lUOOO Water Meters on hand and extensions Electric Light Meters on band not included in Plant I 1H830804 LIABILITIES Debenture Liability Debenture ByLaw No Water Works Debenture do No do do No ill Public School do No Water Works do No do do No High School do No 209 Electric Light No Oflloe Specialty Co do No Light do No Davis Leather Co A J Jewelers COMPANY Debontui Debenture Debenture Debenture Debenture Debenture Debenture Debenture Feb Wheat per bush 0 87 Barley per bush j Oats per bush 34 37 Buckwheat per bush 0 60 Bran per ton Shorts per ton 26 CO Hay per ton new Eggs per 0 33 0 35 Butter per Potatoes per bag 1 Chickens per lb 0 Ducks per ft Geese per Turkey c per l Toronto Feb Wheat per bush Oats per bush Barley per bush vC GO per bush 65 16 0019 0 33 19 23- 18 Ladies White Underskirts 50c Ladies White Corset Covers good value 25c do No Water Works and Light V do 30i Imp Peas per bush Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per doz Potatoes bag Chickens per IK Ducks per lb Turkeys per lb Geese per lb Ladies White Cotton Drawers fine quality tucked lull tood value Ladies White Cotton Drawers fine quality Lace Insertion Special Value 35c Ladies Fine Nainsook Trimmed with Lace and Ribbon tor for New Spring Goods Arriving Daily w m fa I r BANK OP EafHHTRgAL I incorporated Ac of Pari men Debejit TICKET AQENT AGE LICENSES Debenture do No 319 Meters and Ex tensions 190472 do No 336 Granolithic Walks Debenture- do No 348 High School 1400922 Debenture do No 35 Office Specialty Co do io 373 School Debenture do No Gardens iiB fin on OAK At a special meeting of the rate payers held last Saturday it was fi nally decided to expend upon the erection of a new school It Is the intention of the Board to proceed dace tte new structure the for which were ago- For it has been felt by the majority of the people old school was not in keeping with the prominence and prosperity of the ftectfon one of the richest toe tfw friends CAPITAL PAIDUP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS ASSETS I at all important in in Londoa New York Spokare Mexico mi Every of a Wag ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT of Ontario Bank NEWMARKET BRANCH mm fi ROSA 4 I I A i O -2- ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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