Newmarket Era, 20 Feb 1914, p. 4

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i Hamilton Tcllt Finally Found Healih ter ribly I hid polo not regular my had bear ing down liMns end my back hart me the biggest part of the time I wea dizzy had weak feel ings when I would over it hurt mo to walk dis tance And I and discouraged I began taking Vcgotablo Compound and am now In good health It hod not been for that I would have been In my a long timo ago Mr Artie Ho Another v Esmond I to tell you how much good your medicine has done me to let other women know that Is help for them I suffered with bearing down pains headache was Ir regular felt depressed all the time I took Vegetable Compound and commenced to gain In a short timo and I am a well wo man today I am on my feet from early morning until late at night running a boarding house and do all my own work I hope that many women will try your medicine It makes happier wives and mothers Mrs Anna Hah- PEN Esmond Island The prospects i split In out of Ion among men of the to the notion that a bill tot will pre- the session a general will follow with Sir nom inally the head of the Govern present are mom- bora distribution was roado by a Conser vative Ontarios population and vot ing population but come the have a population as low as others run as high This shows both the Un fairness and inequality of under last distributional measure the P P or North York sanctioned said gerrymander hav ing boon made in Rumor now has it that Government will form some unit of representation say or thereabout and will cut out some of urban representatives and give them to large centres On other hand quite a number of Government supporters instead of making a change to a unit want Government simply to Increase On tarios local members in order to lessen tho inequalities existing poo d me trio dnUrloUoglalftturo Special to Era With a function marked by tho usu al brilliance ami formality the On tario Legislature opined on Wednes day Fob The comparative convalescence of the Prime Minister encouraged gaiety than would boon the case If Sir had boon In a critical condition It is generally agreed however that Sir James will be unable to re turn to active political life and the problem of choortug his successor is giving the Conservative party more worry oven than the general public would Imagine In fact the Conser vative members themselves admit a of pessimism fop Hamilton Herald rises to fxjy mark Probably there is no in tii thatan earth- Canada on thoday parcel post system was Wonder if the the postmastergeneral The Acton Free Press says Newmarket Era one our most highly prized newspaper friends cele brated last rjvercary and treated itself to a splendid birthday preseojj in the form of a brand new Linotype Era is one of Ontarios most prosperous newspapers Licensed Victuallers Associa tion mado application to the County Court Judge at Brampton for a recount of the ballots cast in ths recent vote on the Canada Tem perance Act in Peel The returns showed a majority of in favor of tho Act action of the Associa tion was taken to see If evidence was forthcoming to warrant setting aside the verdict I Work Plumbing of Our Specialties See the Bathroom at the Shop LEADING TINSMITHS a SONS Next to Smiths Grocery will ask the Street Railway Co to give them a 5cont rare on cars during hours they now have pay 10 cents City arc growing tony I Hoy are now tatting a Post Of fice Park to cost about one million The metropolitan arena proposition has to await development of vlncial Government upon good roads and hydroradial lines It looks as if a lot or men playing philanthro py and emoluments Will now The second attempt to prevent the Town Council giving local option bylaw a 3rd reading was refused in the Appellate Court at Hall last week I for our true Montreal rime Curd NORTH Farmers will be interested in the statement made this week respecting- several proposed amwyiments to the stallion enrollment which will be re quired by tho legislation of the J J will lead the session of the Legslature On tiiis session but ho does not want the cat- re will be compulsory post Who then The board have will be the leader of the Govern- J found that compulsory rcgis- is enforced many inferior The Conservatives feel so uncertain breeds of horses will bo perpetuated about it that they arc comparing present situation in Ontario with is authority for the that which followed the retirement of during the Sir John A MaodonaW in the of the Ontario Legislature an for all our need Lord tin hearte- PVav ami power to fit to others for our necessities to work burdens pains and disappoint ments means of irowth for cor- row for death for all that brings us nearer to eaoh other nearer to ournolves near to for Life Wo thank our Father WiUiam Gannett amendment will be introduced to change Hydro Electric Power Act so as to give the commission the same method of deal ing with the expropriation of lands t right of way as is employed by the Dominion This is the exchequer al field The Conservative party af ter a few years of weak rule and dis sension went to pieces and a Liberal Government came into power Such a breakdown is feared now in no Hon Adam Beck will not serve dec Hon J Henna nor will the P prevents the hold- latter act under former In spite U Dominion and the rail- his undoubted elements of strOngth whe fy land for their morcbMcr there arc increasing pro- tests against the selection of Mr Not only is he still under By a proclamation issued last week We learn the newly Revised Ontario tho shadow of the Proudfoot charges Statutes will which established a serious case f against the Minister backed up by j the Revision Commission has been officially come into on the 1st of March next and Toronto GOING SOUTH Leave Allacdalc Newmarket Toronto am pm 800 1030 1050 am pm 255 ft many of fitting them No two and lot uo toll you and Why and If Health and upon your matter careful thought YORK DEN weekly Mm the sidewalk and received a frac tured skull broken leg arid other injuries The Hebrews have recently pur chased a property on Murray a Jewish Hospital For religious it is almost impossible for a to be cared for in a Gentile hospital and still adhere strictly to demands of hi religion Early Friday morning explosion chemicals used in he manufacture of shoe polish caused by an over heated stove resulted in the destruction by Tire of the Shoe Polish of Dor- set and King Loss Mr J Spink a prominent mill ing and grain dealer with offices on Bay street and mills at Pickering passed away Friday Deceased was a native 0 King Township He founded the Pickering Milling Com pany over years ago Deceased leaves a widow and three daughters- Mrs J Mrs Wat son and Mrs The silver cure for cigarette smok ers has been undergoing investigation I by workers at the Toronto Boys Do- minion and the first clinic their headquarters on I when treatment was administered to eleven boys About extra people arc employ ed in connection with the opening the Legislature The people pay for hangerson by order of the Govern ment Last week the Hoard of Control cided to recommend a grant of of the peoples taxes although foodstuffs are high towards the cost of tbs proposed trip of the Mendels sohn Choir to Great Britain Upwards of tons ol ice are being taken the Swansea for the JO supply his year Twenty- Jive carloads are being shipped from the same place every day to STUNG An asylum for the deaf and dumb being in need of funds a dance Among the many outsiders present two goodlooking men As they were talking together one of them suddenly exclaimed By Jove there Ms a pretty girl I would like to dance with her Why dont you ask her replied his companion But how Why by signs of course So he crossed the hall and placing himself in front of girl pointed with his index finger to her then to i himself and then whirled his finger round and round to indicate dancing The girl smilingly nodded assent Finding that her dancing was as perfect as her figuife he went through operation a little later in the evening Again she as sent they were waiting tor the music to start another gentleman approached the girl and for the next dance lem fiorry replied Iri of tones nodding towards her silent partner have this dance with the dummy alone is militating strongly the selection of such a man for position of Prime Minister Cant Do Pills only things that bin well French Ont mes and comprise pages A third volume contains i the accompanying schedules and a general crossindex Magistrates may expect to receive these Statutes dur ing the coming month fc According to the annual report of Dominion Analyst laid the Commons on the instant the adulteration of food far mere prevalent than many People suppose summarized the report that of samples of lard tested two were found adulterated of 157 samples of butter four were adulter ated of cider of 150 baking powder adulterated of stock food below guaran tee of flavoring extracts adul terated of samples of white per 53 were adulterated When politics rule courts of justice then goodbye to fair administration- Elsewhere in todays will he found an article from the Toronto Telegram which is creating grave Enclosed please find for which respecting the manipulation of kindly send me a box of GIN PILLS as York County juror selection If the I dont feel that I can remain long inference to be drawn from the without of hi the house I be true then it is high the opened at find them good that if I am out of gentlemen who Friday last GIN PILLS the house seems to be all SiI to somehow Kindly send pill by who did the work- were to Hammw Superceded by men ess influenced by If you have any trouble in getting political proclivities The very GIN PILLS in your neighborhood fact that as many jurors are sehcted write direct to us enclosing the regular from North York as from tho corn- retail price a box 6 for and Ridings of East and West York we will nil your order by return mail to crc at the tame time giving you the name ftU of a nearby dealer who handles GIN I alluded to PILLS There is no remedy in the world The Renfrew Mercury beautifully mat acts so quickly and so effectively in Shows up this inconsistency The relieving Pain in the Back curing insincerity to put it mildly Co of Toronto MangaTone Blood Tablets purify and enrich the blood especially good for women and abox visited Toronto last week was a guest at several banquets Sir John onetime Sir now pross laureate of the Borden admin istration was one the It speasers WINTER TOURS Callfornia and the South RETURN TICKETS AT LOW FARES THE LOGICAL ROUTE TO WESTERN CANADA With a roar that could be half a rnilo away about five tons of frock broke loose front the edge I of bank at Niagara and tumbled Into toe gorge f For Winnipeg Leave Toronto Daily Compartment Library Obser vation Car Standard Sleeping Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Car First Class Coaches and Colonist Cars Full from Agent MURPHY A Toronto ATKINSOM Agent Newmarket At noon on Harris summer hotel on the Or Ilia side of the Narrows took fire and was burn ed to the ground It from the chimney Should our brothers to South be in trouble we would go with both hands to thMr assist- This was his banquet declam- Yet the same Sir John was one of the leaders in the campaign to have no truck or trade with the Yankees To fight for those he wouldnt trade with How ridicu lous Feb In a fire that destroyed the home of Peter this morning his mother aged about years who came here yesterday on a visit was burned to death The woman was descending a stairway carrying a lamp In one hand and a grandchild in the other The top of the lamp fell off and Ignited a pile of clothing Mrs passed the child over to her daughterinlaw re turned up stairs for some money In a dtawer In the meantime the flames cut her escape by the stairs and when she appeared at the bedroom window she was noticed fall backwards having been overcome by smoke jar Send the Era friends cures J E- 1- v Compensation Bo quite sure of this That if you are an Average commonplace person you will hardly go anywhere where you will not be welcomed by many worthy people while if you ire not a commorplaoe person you will hard ly anywhere where you will be welcomed by anybody who is ny- in the estimation of common place But if you sympa thize with the poor and unpretending and with all who need sympathy as as you yourself do then from all such you will get what you give in overflowing measure Is this not really better than being commonplace person and not aleo a proof that God is good and tho hu man heart not a stone after all Witness Qt- a The Aft of Having Time people who work the hardest end accomplish the moat are not those who complain of lack of time Those who constantly put their time to good use do not excuse themselves from duty on the plea of lack of time The people who have the most irons in the fire are those most ready to receive and forge another Goethe one of the busiest men that ever lived has said Time is end lessly long and every day is a vessel into which much may be poured if one will readily fill it up And again One has always time enough if he will improve it well But we are also to remember what another wise said Today is the opportunity for enjoyrnent and work thou where thou wilt be on the morrow A great er spirit than either has said Are there not twelve hours in the day Selected PRAYER Gracious God we pray for the re deemed family oh God May the spiritual family whose sons and daughters- are of all nations and peo ples and tongues be largely multipli ed 0 Lord we remember Him who came from Thy bosom to us and who said that whosoever should do Thy will should be to Him as broth er and sister and mother May we all know what those endearing spir itual relationships mean From the heart would we say Grace be with all them who love our Lord Christ in sincerity May we all be of that household of faith which shall meet in the House not made with hands May we all be of that family which shall meet at last around Thy throne British as waiting to talk to mo enough to hear His voice thought this would be a very easy and so I to got I had no sooner Commenced than perfect pandemonium of voiceo my ears a thousand claior notes from without and within I could hear nothing but their and din Some of them were mv own voice some of them were my own questions some of them were my own cares some of them were my the sug gestions of the tempter and the voices of thoworlds turmoil Never before did there seem so many things to be done to bo said to and in every direction I was and pulled and greeted with noisy ac clamations of unspeakable unrest It seemed necessary for me to listen to some of them but God Be still and know that I am God Then the conflict of thoughts for the morrow and its duties and bares but God said Be still And as I listened and slowly learned to shut my ears to every sound I found after a while that when the other voices ceased or I ceased to hear them there was a still small voice in the depths of rny being that began to speak with an inexpressible tenderness power and comfort As I listened it became to me the voice of prayer and the voice of wisdom and the voice of duty and I did not need to think so hard or pray so hard or trust so hard but that still small voice of the Holy Spirit in my heart was Gods prayer in my secret soul was Gods answer to all my questions was Clods life and strength for soul and body and be came the substance of all knowledge and all blessing for it was the hy ing God as my life and my all This is our spirits deepest need It is thus that we learn to know God it is thus that we receive spiritual re freshment and nutriment it is thus that- we receive the Living Bread it is thus that our very bodies are and our spirit drinks in the life of our risen Lord and we go forth to lifes conflicts and duties like tho flower that has drunk in through tho shades of night the cool and crystal drops of dew But as the dew never falls on a stormy night so the dews of His never come to lie rest less soul We cannot go through life strong and fresh on constant express trams but we must have quiet hours secret places of the Most High times of waiting up tho Lord when wo re new our strength and learn to mount up on as and then come back to run and not be weary and to walk and not faint Martin Hope Sutton I CO The only true attitude toward the kingdom of God is that in which the whole life is surrendered The only true attitude is that in which the life of the individual becomes a rmcroc- of the kingdom that is to be it is under the reign and the rule of the King Campbell Mor gan DD Wherever men bow the knee for the sake of respectability or they dare not absent themselves from the outward haunts of piety yet fail to love God and their neighbor there will the form outrage the spirit and in vain will they worship teaching as their doctrines the traditions of men A LIMITED Manufacturers of the Celebrated Sillily I If i OF SHOWROOMS 4143 Queen Street TORONTO a si- f

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