Newmarket Era, 20 Feb 1914, p. 8

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My- bow your bait tin rfW Two drnp woman voniavrr toW Ajr or- some- ttwtf mt power or hantKcaplug using Harmony that I owe ray life to Ever since child- in I have been under the care of distressing headaches nearly wild Rome time ago I got a box of I JO and the first box did me good My husband was delighted and advised a of their use completely cured me Today I am feeling fine a phy sician meeting me on the street noticed my improved appearance and trio the reason I replied I am talcing lie said Well it I A VOW xnea filard In glory may fiamtlw worlds Or win wreath of or my brow f may not On Saturday night the par offipeofiSe vaa feeing locked and dollars were removed it clgfars and three who with ap crown ot last week hep bat was caught by the branch a and held there- She on her way wholly unconscious of loss until advised bya friend hat was rescued from the and adjusted upon of fair m if ore making yon look ahead and take them xe doing more for you than I I Mrs S are sold by all at box for trial size on receipt of price by limited Ottawa i- X TO LET f healed unfurnished and use of bath room Mrs Pros pect Avail HOUSE TO RENT rooms All Apply Id Miss Mil lard I Brlok House to Rent i complete Furnace Nice Garden and Lawn Apply to Mrs Alice Main St North During last week Mr as certained that his vlofc head of cows were from tuberculo sis The had- showing signs of illness for some days ant Mr called InDrr veterinary surgeon of Aurora who had to condemn the whole herd of cattle ordered to be destroyed is a pretty heavy lots or on farmer meeting ol the Fair Association held recently it was de cided to hold the annual Fair on the of April The newly elected of ficers 1st J Taylor 2nd ViccPres Win Valentyno lion Directors John Johnston Armstrong Musgrove A Win Johnston Moore J McMillan Directors Stevenson cott Kay Geo Burgess Comer Chambers J Weir A Johnston Lambert wonen who are particular In the card their hair It Is just a hair eautifier- It and ijutnl8hth hair it iiilkyroft mote put up in that stay put Contains no oil and not color of hair nor darketiHSlmply sprlnklea little your hair each time brush- To keep your hair and seal free and clean use Shampoo This liquid shampoo gives an rlch foaming lather hair and scalp in suring ft quick thorough cleans ing It Is washed as the entire operation taking only few Harmony Hair- Beau x100 Harmony Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every way or your money back Sold only at the than 8iores and in this town only by J i fur ji Vruiin UefiiwnUT Ihi rapaci ty nTH tirttui conivn ration Ncithur nor for They piW hare grain twice a day tafpff- if iuxu Are fighting for nor do a thing to a here k bedding f Ifnleaa wlaeiyred ftod cared rapidly r no SEASON If a dsdhr hive salt on the l from your i or BOACRE FARM For Sale or exchange for Town DAVIS Newmarket FOR A comfortable Brick House with very convenience Apply to Mrs Millard Ave HOU8E FOR SALE A New Brick House on Sim- street rooms domestic water furnace etc Apply to GEO Newmarket rt HOUSE FOR SALE On Church St Newmarket Mod ern in every way rooms besides bathroom and wash room New Convenient to all down town centres Will be sold at a bargain on easy terms Apply at ibis aw I An remedy for the re moval of Kidney and Gall Stones Kidney and Bladder troubles Gravely Rheumatic Pains ailments of Uric Acid origin endorsed by physicians and surgeons PRICE Correspondence invited Free literature and testimonials from THE SAK0L CO LTD Sale by J Patterson Druggist Newmarket There was a large crowd an when the and Bolton teams lined up for the final game in the hockey tournament at Bolton on Monday evening support ers of both sexes out in full and their team lacked nothing in vocal encouragement during the game The game was fast from start to finish and at times the real game of hockey was played Any resem blance of roughness was penalized by Cameron At half time the score was in favor of Bolton and in the last half each side scored one While Bolton gets the silverware the game was any persons game right up to the last Quite a number attended the en tertainment at Snowball and report a nice time Mr and Mrs Hugh Ferguson of Farm treated quite a number of friends to an oyster sup per on Monday evening Mr Melville Mitchell who has been confined to his bed with a severe at tack of pneumonia for the past three weeks is improving The event of the season took place last Wednesday evening when Mr Thomas Cairns gave an supper to his many friends were about present The evening was spent in games of various kinds singing recitations etc All left for home in the small hours of the morn ing singing Toms a jolly good fel low BRADFORD Mr John Stephenson spent the weekend at home Mr Roy Forsyth has started a barber shop at ixrfroy v Mrs had thq misfortune break her collar bono while tobog ganing one night last week or Ill make little homo a palace foe My little patch a fair And I shall know wch plant and vine rnow their soniairaxe My may not be much to may not far But it will be a mansion great to For out of it Ill take a hoard of The la not when ibeacmb aroemory 7 a chilly or cold will aet7 back a to their J J 7 i not pass- my humble pleasures by grasp at of wore pplen- things a- what of Joy fulness is nigh I am denied the joy Kings But I A will laugh and sing my way along Ill make the most of what is mine today And If I never rise above the throng I shall Hare lived a Ml life any way Detroit Free Press l CARING FOR SHEEP Nothing is more discouraging to shepherd than of that get unhealthy and produce a weakqii- healthy of Jambs writes an Ohio farmer In Agriculturfs Therefore It of great to the brood ewes in One healthy condition- This a good sup- j ply of milk arid careful mothers In the care of our brood we keep a constant supply of common In boxes where they can have access to It at all times We also putabme suit after the flies be gin to their more especially after thelambsbexln to Ilka salt OH mm Miss Sadlo McClelland and Miss Caroline of Sutton were visitors here over Sunday Mrs W Law has returned home after spending several days with her friends at Keswick and Sutton Messrs Andrew and Caroline and MissWyattvof Toronto visited formers sister Mrs over Sunday The fancy dress Carnival held here under the able management of Mr Cook was well attended and quite a success A number from attended the shooting match at While working Cooks bush felling trees received a blow on the head which rendered him unconscious Under the careful treat ment of Dr Cody of Albert we expect a speedy recovery o In cooking meat the idea is to retain the nourishment and flavor The flavor and juices dePLTid as much on method of cooking as upon tne quality of the meat Boiling water or strong dry heat will retain enclosing the meal in a crust which will not permit the juices to flow out A bite of this and a taste of that ah day long dulls the appetite and weakens the digestion Restore your stomach to healthy vigor by taking a Dyspepsia Tablet fc afterut bUt Dyspepsia Tablets are the best friends for sufferers from Indigestion and dyspepsia a at your Druggists Made by the National of Canada Limited i a Bradfords population has already been increased by 22 new residents all from Toronto They arc the em ployees and their families of Watson Limited A number of farmers are teaming sawlogs to the Wm Cane -Mlg- Co Newmarket The scarcity of local timber has advanced- prices particu- and maple Church Armstrong have dissolv ed partnership Mr Armstrong hav ing bought out Mr Churchs interest in the seagrass business in which they have been engaged for the past tour or five years A hockey match between Newmar ket and Bradford Juniors was playeeL on Thursday team won by a score although pur boys at half lime were ahead by three goals to nothing COLD CREAM I vill Jceep your hands and face smooth soft and white and prevent roughness chaps and sore lips Apply at bedtime rubbing it in well The effect is delightful In 25c opal glass Jars at your Druggists NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL SPECIALITIES NERVE SKIN f iHfflTOURINARY V Chronic and Diseases HOLLAND LANDING Mr and MrsW the East entertained a number the villagers on Morfliay evening A very fine time is The A met the home of Mrs Fuller on Wednesday Mr- Albert Morning was last ftxk V Mr Geo Tate Is very 111 number of young people attended Bradford- Rink on Saturday night feas a very sick liifeUriiM witfAAtti sicic faorse the Era to BtlftejinSUSton I j Mi it- j L WHAT LOCAL OPTION DOES It puts an end to the direct par ticipation of the people of a locality in- wasteful and system of tolerating evil for the sake of revenue up the dangerous and se ductive barrooms thus abolishing the absurd and mtschiovous treating tora It closes up any liquor shops that may be licensed in the places it don away with th3 re tail sale of liquor for home consump tion It helps to make Local Option suc cessful in adjoining Local Option mu nicipalities it difficult for of the to se cure means of further- degrada tion it throws protection of the law around the rising generation instead of making the law a means of pro viding temptation that inevitably leads to debauchery and destruction i mates homes happier lives brighter arid young men safer It lifts many heavy loads from many weary hearts It makes it easier for many men to do right It makes ft easier for many weak tempted ones to do right and it makes it less likely that those are still free will become slaves of the tyrant appetite is good for he weak and for the strong YOUNG STOREKEEPER A sixyearold boy who had been left by his father a viallage merch ant to keep an eye on the store while the father went to the post- office to mail a letter was standing with much dignity on a box behind the counter when another urchin of about his own age entercd Im keeping store he said That aint nothing hard to do retorted the visitor resenting the implied superiority Its more than you- ever don w I could Huh I What do yco know about the store business anyhow You talk it a feller had to know a whole lot He has lots ore than you do S do you know what means NoM do It means six cents Do you know what 0J means No- I do It eighteen Do you know what But hare the senior proprietor of tbe establishment returned ji in time to prevent his young jman of business from giving away the entire cost mark instead of and face blemishes she to possess the clear and the beauty of nature and good health Any woman afflicted or suffering- at times from headache backache nervous ness languor and depression of spirits ought to try majority of our ewes are turned out on before their lambs are dropped salt boxes put in the fields and kept well supplied begin to arrive and quite often twins are dropped We try to visit the flock once or twice each day and look especially to see If the ewes own their iambs and examine each ewe to tee tbat she has plenty of milk for Iamb and tbat her teats are all right little cares often save Iambs as well as trouble later- on for the shepherd that do not drop until grass la well started should not be mm Photo by sheep are l5rst Wad heaviest of the breeds When La good flesh the ram should weigh to pounds and ewe Pity pounds The wool Is rather coarse but thA Recce It heavy weighing from ten to twelve pounds Ozforda are beat adapted low land furnishing good pasture and do not do so well under range con ditions or on rugged pastures The ewes are very proline triplets being not uncommon- The Iambs Era rap- Id growers The Illustration shows a the Bock of the Wis cousin Agricultural college He was a champion at the International live stock show- Book is for YOU YOUR copy is alt ready the difficulties presentee by- for mailing to your an increasing business which office AH that is wanting is suffering from your name and address pains and finding its and this you can gurus on sent quarters too cramped to the attached coupon if you permit of expansion this You need this Book in Book will surely help you If you wonder why you your business It may prove are staring an increasing pay worth hundreds of dollars to roll in the eye week you It costs you nothing with a correspond Perhaps it may contain the shrinkage pro solution of your most vexing you will find t problem answer in this If you are wrestling with Book ELEVATOR COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO Fill in tear off and mail this coupon before you turn this page the safest surest moat cbri- venient and most remedy remove Impurities insure better digestion refreshing ana have an excellent general tonic effect upon the a wonderful power the general health while by purifyiWthe blood clear akin and he Compioxlon kept rich pasture for the first week or two after be lamb Is born of milk Is liable to be abun dant and often cause In young iambs If any of ewea are poor mtlkera or produce weak lambs be put on pasture fed a liberal amount of bran and The lambs two or three old houid be docked and unless retained for breeders ram Iambs ahnuld all be There la less dauber of loss at ageand from operation if performed by a hand when the are older There la less danger of loss from and By In of Ohio known to produce the very finest of wool the majority of are washed before The brood ewes are driven to the stream or river and closely pen near the waters edge They are led Into the water one at a time and wool wet and pressed with hands to cleanse It of grease and dirt Care is taken to avoid get- tin Its bead under water or becoming After a week or ten days they are sheared Care taken to avoid cutting the teats or In a way as to Injure her Aftpr they are sheared the hoofs are trimmed They are marked or so as to Identify them they are ready to go to pasture to raise a flock of and go Into their winter quarters to repeat their years mission They Benefit the Farmer because they increase the value of his farm en able him to raise more profitable crops his cost of hauling will be low he can reach mar kets prices are best his children can get to school every day in the year and he will have more social life and better conditions generally They Benefit the Consumer because they re duce the cost of living in proportion to what the farmer saves and by bringing new industries to the community enable a larger proportionate amount to be paid out in wages and with increaxed population amusements and belter stores Public roads are commercial feeders of the city and every improvement of these roads means a greater prosperity through eased agricultural production and greater to all industries Economical Good I Water for Calves Calves wo or three months of hare ten of n day That was he result of a trial with the Kansas station In many young calves get no drink except what they receive In their this not rood DUO Concrete roads are best from the start and cheapest in the end They are free from ruts mud and dust They give good footing to horses and easier traction to every class of vehicle but most important is the fact that they require practically no expenditure for upkeep Complete information of concrete road construction is yours for the asking without cost or obligation Write today for concrete roads literature to gg Reads Canada Cement Company Limited Herald Montreal I By Mr Justice Mid- thousand cases Motor Co of which are due at Vancouver has been wound up tbo Empress of Russia j route to the American market sj expected to work up a fairly market in Tbompson Seton the nat uralist rays the small boy the wildest of vilmals Many guardians of youth have gone astray In ignorance of this vital truth Is not to be confused vice In fact a proper outlet for one of the against A boy lives in a rontaAtic world of his own and sees tbings with eyes far different from those of his elders that a boy fairy palace of Stat Just as you are I change a That is spirit of modern photography And with the fast plates and fast lenses of today clever photographer can take you j at are Long in uocomfortable conscious titudes are a thing of the past- in fact having a picture in a Studio Is ant as an informal on goof I friends the tolay THE TOWN 41 i- ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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