Newmarket Era, 27 Feb 1914, p. 1

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I i TT as eye A that the wit oho eye might injure the r Watsons Optician Leading Country Paper well 1955oopiea -tpl3- STORE is I NEIVMAROT NT FRIDAY x I Goods nig on ftll Robes and Winter A Full of Odd we to Clear Out t PRICES fc- AT who are Particular Buy the Auto and Foster than Any iIilMil 1 PHONE I NEWMARKET A 1 I A BASK the Heat Produced By COAL And You Will Have Comfort and Happiness Good Coal for the Cold Season is Always Procured at EVE S Manning Church or Boyd i i INCORPORATED NEWMARKET BRANCH Capital and Reserved- Funds 0 C FIELD Manager 11176578 Take money with you In too form of Bank of Chequea or letters of Credit These are absolutely safe and suffi cient and are a protection against loss theft fire or other misadv Their cost Is inconsiderable Obtainablo from any Branch of the Bank of Toronto Branches In Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH P FIELD Manager When You Travel re South Lumber Yard 4 THE SMALLEST SCUTTLE Of our free burning coal go as far as the largest of the other kinds There are as many grades of coal as there are of eggs and t be sure of the best you should buy where only the best is handled That is right here as many large coal users can tell you P Pearson Phone 56 Church and Carters Bishop and George Close Thing in Lumber Lath and Shingles A SEASONS You Need an Odd Pairs of Trousers To wear out that old Coat and Vest We have just secured some Bargains in Trouserings -ALSO- itingsat Reduced Prices l MONK LIS ST of Chi tf J WHAT IS WORTH Several merchants have been taken in by having false J5 bills on thorn motliod was to the flguro on Atrorlcan The University of Toronto Club made last loot York got the con tract for five years supplying pow er and light at the Industrial subject to approval of It is now stated that pensions a period of five years will no paid to dependents of the sailors lost in the Great Lakes dis aster last November Tho Canadian Fund Committee have drafted thcgoncral schomp for distribution and as a result funds will soon through trust company commence making payments running from to per month- A new Masonic Temple will be erected on Avenue to coal Colonel tie Hon Sam Hughes threatens to bar liquors from messes if abuses of privilege continue at To ronto and elsewhere A man in the witness stand at the Assize Court a short time ago was requested to a wad of chew inggum from his mouth so that the jury could understand what he said Mrs Dr Frederick of this city is a woman of a thousand for pluck heard a noise in the second story of home and on go ing to see what it meant she encoun tered a desperate burglar whom she grabbed and called for help however held on to him until by neighbors responded to her call and secured the arrest al though during the struggle he struck her a heavy blow in the face An intimation has been given that the wives of the Ministers of Ontario Legislature will give receptions every fortnight alternately afternoon ant evening in Speakers Chamber the fust one was held last Wednes day During the revelry last New Years eve at the guests must have had a huge time According to the evidence brought out at the trial from to worth of liquor sold during the occasion A week ago last Sunday a lad swallowed a cent He was taken to the General Hospital and Dr was able to remove the coin without injury to the boy Over O0 patronized shower baths in the East last week In the annual election contest ot Royal Templars of Temperance the diamond medal was won by Miss Vera Gray The house at St to be used as a centre of down town social service was dedicated Bishop Sweeney last week Sparks from a machine in Purvis Mattrass Works started a fire which caused damage Oh Wednesday of last a little child got hold of some matches while Its mother was out of the house and set- tire to its clothing The child was rushed to the Hospital but was so severely injured that death ensued After passing a sentence of 30 days in jail and lashes one day last week on a man who had his wife he was called back and for a week Guess the wo man stretched her grievance During the last ten days over chickens and a lot of fresh eggs been stolen from coops in the western part of City The annual Conversazione of Wy- clifle College was held last Friday night Ahout were present Another woman lost her conscience at Simpsons store on Friday and was arrested for shoplifting There is no end to some peoples Water poured on the railway tracks on Friday last quickly formed into Ice and the wreck of a special coal train from at Port Credit Five cars wereNlerailed and coal was strewn along the bank for a quarter of a mile Passenger trains were delayed for some hours I The Toronto General Hospital asks for as an extra grant hut it looks as if the Council had the notion that grants from Government together with fees from pa tients ought to be enough In Municipal Institution such as now obtain In Ontario un known Town Meetings were faild at which the ratepayers of J the Era i A thought for A Thought for I What will it J Reliable Friends Or Thoughts on a Momfn o Sermori holy anticipation fee his ear to That was indeed a and eiin4 of the voices in the certain official W Who- with commissioners conducted ftlir n hi own soul He statements to M SS pertaining to true friends is or ought m The Image of the to be acLbwlcdgcd b all true friends are few and 3k far apart therefore We to cul tivate cherish and gain as many as possible for we know not when occasion- may demand a friend municipal matters which are now un der tho control ot Councils Wo have us a copy of the proceedings of a Town Meeting held in East for the year at Sharon the following persons wore elected Township for that year John Clerk Robert and William Howard Assessors Wm I Kitley Thomas Thompson Daniel Nathaniel Oager Clark and John Overseers of High ways Silas Sutherland Mit chell Phillips and A Tucker Town Wardens The foregoing residents who form ed the official stall of the Township have greatgrandchildren now living In the Township At above meeting the following regulations were peopled Hogs aie considered free commoners Legal fences to bo four feet and high Tbo first four- rails to be than three inches apart the rest not more than six Inches apart and the upper rail Wot more than nne inches apart Another old document dated now before us gives the name all the inhabitants of the town ship from which we lean there were men fortyeight women boys and fiftysix Among the heads of families we notice the names of Dunham Samuel Joseph Pearson Norman York H Proctor Samuel Moore Homer Young Thomas Isaac Johnston Jacob Abraham ltprd Chris Henry Crone David 1 Thus John Martin Stiles Jeremiah Daniel Jacob peter Isaac Wm and Thos Haines NORTH This Township in 1807 was prac tically a there being only four families all told four three women four boys and six girls IT in all rhe mens names were James Wrn Wm jr and Anthony WEST This Township was also practical unsettled as it only had thirteen men eight women fourteen boys and girls fortyseven altogether The heads of the household were John S Howard How ard Phillips Huntley Howard Rogers and Isaac These were the pioneers of she three townships above named who experienced all the conditions conse quent upon the life of those in early backwoods settlements Features of First Week of Legislature Special to the Era Sir James Whitney sent a lettty of re- thanks through the Legislature to the people of the Province for their good wishes during his illness and their expressions of hop that his re covery would be complete Mr moved that this letter from the Prime Minister be acknow ledged and that further be sent to Sir James of the earnest wish of the people of Ontario that he might he entirely well once more The speech from the Throne was even more colorless these docu ments usually are Reference was made to the Good Roads Commis sion and the Workmens Compensa tion Bill to be brought before the House Mr in his reply to the speech from the Throne forecasted special attention to the problem agriculture and rural life generally in Ontario Mr called for a thorough investigation of the problem of the unemployed which is a serious ques tion this winter in many Provincial as true as steel that they become like the objects they reverently gaze upon The Utile peiWe lying in a crevice looked up every at the bright star that veiled overhead until it true as i l dare say that everyone be has many friends but count not your friends until they are tested Have you anyone outside of God who has your complete coincidence One to whom you have relased all the events good had or indifferent of your life and who at the close of its narration has repeated yes and even loved you more for the tell ing of the same than you thought possible If so you are indeed rich and fortunate to have such a friend The and Itappiness that you will derive from such a friendship will more than for the ob stacles tribulations which you will encounter in lifes pathway To be or have a real friend must literally turn himself inside out and show blrcfiell as he really with all the brightness and of the star contained in its being Like the wonderful boy in Charles Roads tale who studied the great face until its majesty and pow er possessed his own soul so any man who lives in the Glory or the Highest becomes like Him in beauty and purpose and accomplishment But this is not all He who hears the Heavenly music must of neces sity to feel kindly towards his neighbor That is the lovely word Goodwill It suggests a soul with out envy spite and dishonesty a sou rich in deeds of Love and Mercy and willing selfsurrender Such a soul it is that lives in peace not tho peace which is found yesterday ttiA tenement houses on Wellington St were destroyed Under thp f is and not what he to be Wolence but the peace which to the outside world True Wend- born confidence and Lore ship requires respect confidence men tal control and unselfishness existing Excursions and Settlers Trains to the West be good and always wear a smile of happiness is a nat ural outcome the perfecting of character but that perfection can bo between the parties If oven one of our friends Is so much the better for the others especially so if the optimistic one is of a dominate nature for who I Thoa taking advantage of above can be cross and gloomy long when Excursions should bear in mind the an optimist imparts his radiance of many exclusive features ofiered hy spirit to others tho Canadian Pacific Railway in con- There is only one thing greater with a trip to the West It happiness in this world and that is the only allCanadian route Only is holiness To be happy one mast line operating through trains to Western Canada No change of de pots Only line operating through and tourist sleepers to Win nipeg and Vancouver All equipment is owned and operated by Canadian achieved only through struggle Pacific Railway the high- through discipline and through resist- est form of efficiency The very essence of happiness Homeseekers fares will in effect is honesty sincerity and truthful- each Tuesday March 3rd to October inclusive and round trip us all strive to make the best class tickets will be sold via of the possibilities and talents that dian Pacific Railway from Ontario we have at our disposal always points and East at very low reaching upward and outward By so fares for example from Toronto al- doing our intellects will expand so so West and North of Toronto to that we will be able to grasp the Winnipeg and return to noblest and thoughts ton and return Other points in possible thereby excluding all that proportion Fares from points East would contaminate or prevent us of Toronto Will be slightly higher from radiating pleasure and limit two months to those with whom we come in Homeseekers trains leave Toronto occupied the chair given b Messrs Aiken- head Wilson and Jackson and solos by Misses Phil lips Pierce Johnston and Folly A short address by Reeve ended the program- On Monday evening a few friends met at the residence of Mr Robert Simpson to bid adfeu to A Mar- mm ling Esj and family During the evening Mr Marling was presehted with a beautiful dressing case Barker made the presentation on behalf of the Congregational Church This evening a concert takes place in the Orange Hall Holland Landing Proceeds in aid of the building fund A public meeting held in the Me chanics Hall last evening voted in favor of village making a grant towards purchasing grounds for ex hibition purports The equalized value of the of as passed by the County Council the current year is given at Newmarkets equal ized assessment was Auro Holland Landing 160- O I GLADYS BEY5TER King Colincil each Tuesday during Marchaid April Each Tuesday during March and April the Canadian Pacific will run Settlers trains to Winnipeg and West and for the accommodation of 25 YEARS AGO From Era March The Altar Horner At the resi dence of the brides father by Rev Cattcnach on Wm Horner of Zephyr to Miss R Cronsberry of Davis WoodOn Feb by Rer A Rodwell Daniel Davis to Miss Elizabeth Wood all of King WrightBelfry Rev H at the residence of the brides father on ult J- Wright to Miss Belfry daughter of Mr Peter Belfry all of Nelson Glover On Jan 25 at the Methodist Parsonage by Rev F Jas Henry son to Miss Ida Amelia Glover all of North Price At by Rev Ferrier Feb Edwin A Pugsley to Miss T Price of Gwillimbury Mr of Holland j ft I anaeffects a colonist car will he t ached to the settlers cfiects train This car will leave Toronto on regu lar train at 1020 pm and on as I Council met at on Feb 14th Members- all present Following bills passed rival at West Toronto it will fce Jos Billings months pay 3750 l t- settlers effects train printing George mentioned above Case on store J Floury For those not travelling with live Sons re store El- stock and effects special colonist cars mer hauling tile and work will be attached to regular trains Jos stone for from Toronto running through to road John Cook repairs to Winnipeg without No charge marsh road Geo sup- is made for accommodation in Colon- plies for grader John cars Carroll hauling plank and repairs to Tourist sleeping cars are also op- marsh bridge p Wood com- on regular trains leaving To- pletion of gravel grant pm W Courtney steam coal Full particulars from any P John Crook yds gravel and Agent or write M Murphy work A E re Passenger Agent Toronto pairs to hill Fred Case grant deviation road Pat Cannon gravel per contract China 15 W Dove repairs to culvert Kaake Robinson That Albert J centers He reviewed the taken injuries which likely cop3 dilTculty in other AT ALL IS prbB fatal Edward Patcock a cigner living in West Toronto countries and chidrd- the Government it not having a Department of found lying at the foot of an elevator various La- HER at Right Prices LATH POSTS SHINGLES SASH DOORS In Veneered Material and Trim In kA Cypress etc itt Kiln Dried Pin eood Flooring Maple IT WORKS TO HOTTER ADVANTAGE REQUIRING LESS TIME AND LABdR THUS THE IN COST IS SO SLIGHT THAT IT CUT NO FIGURE shaft in the Harris Abattoir I Fred was seriously Injured while riding a bicycle down a hill The handle bar and ho was thrown to the ground and rendered unconscious While returning home after visiting her father Sir P Whitney at tho General Hospital last week Miss Nora Whitney had a narrow escape from injury when the automobile in which she and a party of friends were riding was struck by a street car in nor Branches among different Depart ments as at present Mr Elliott member for West Middlesex reintroduced his Bill to grant the Municipal Franchise to married otherwise Mr J Anderson Liberal mem ber for South Bruce reintroduced his Bill providing for publicity in Cam paign contributions be paid due re val uing for the year WatsonCampbellTbat the be and are hereby from collecting taxes shown Oil sworn statement viz Ruth erford Robinson Campbell That bal ance of the sglaries be paid as follows Rutherford and postage and postage Watson That allowed a rebate on owing to having given up busi ness amounting to That following settiers travelling with live Im a bee cutting wood last Mon day and boys enjoyed a tauypull in the evening Elder delivered an at Pin Orchard last Friday evening Mrs- of Winnipeg is visiting her sister Mrs Geo Wood a couple of weeks Angus Ego Esq Clerk of Geor- was in Newmarket this week visiting his sen Mr Andrew Ego wellknown in was found dead in front of Mr McGinnis residence at Lloydtown on Saturday morning An apparatus for heating Lukes mill Bradford by steam was turn ed out of Canes Factory few ago The Robinson Wool Mat Worksold mills filled an from Prince Island a few days ago A deputation asked King Township Council last week to assist In the TcAvn Line West to Neuritis Follows J tial order has been issued restoring J to the lineal descendants of Confu cius practically all the titles and pri vileges they enjoyed under the Man- including the title of holy They will have substantial pensions arid sacrificial allowances Q THE SENSES TeacherWbich is of the senses the more deli- Pupil- The Crippled Nerves it touch Teacher Prove Harry Wright Pin you sit on a tin his taxes for J smell it but it s there you you HIS SERMONS UP IN SMOKE Tho Lindsay Library and Office trout bo main tot week shipped Youll Find Twill Pay a rf I i The silver nitrate cure for cigarettes Is proving reasonably successful One youth who took the treatment the that he would go right out and ni dk Brooke He attempted to act on his but tho silver nitrate turned so filp he dontwanttosee a cigarette now A good many young H- a few once wtog UUiitilj 13 trCAtoent of desks to New Bower stops gravel grants be made North Town- as n farmer Tullett drove along the quiet and lot and 26 east jn flis a itll he and Addis Winter lots and mi lhe vicar con east end and con Corns downcast A Kerr and con f opposite lot Com rf sorfy Q fre Perry lots and con west fcoUC siri Johnson Town line aW serious loss King and con there was my good Tul- ComB M P Wood and Hoover M Ten Town line King and Teeumseth con commencing at road and going east JlOOComs Far- M touched his horse and Proctor vHh j a merry eyes of be made to gravel the hill at fe re as the trap mov- con Jones and James theyd make a grind G They were eo dry ye Council adjourned to meet at hole King City on Painful Effects of Rheu matism Quickly Routed by If your nerves are all crippled from attacks of Rheumatism Neuritis can easily get a strong hold on the nerves This most painful is one of the hardest known to expel but can reach it if a chance This testimony is positive proof Last March I was with I Neuritis in the left limb I could walk scarcely Tried all remedies I heard of and had two physicians Nothing did mo any good until worth of your icine surely cured me Mrs Hayes Russell Ky Sold by J Patterson Newmarket at cents a bottle 4 I Feb Ktelly of coodoo for jrhM tob trot Stopping bo end coon Sed the I re eo ye and soon despatched place between to t town fc f J j M

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