Newmarket Era, 27 Feb 1914, p. 3

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J- at pm A large Is requcalod Leaguers to Aurora on their annual Monday evening and notwithstanding Intense cold all enjoy On their return to the Qyw about ten oclock Oof morning and morning ineuto served- Hookey Groat excitement at with on Tuesday night Four special cars came hero with the visi tors but they went homo feeling sick Newmarket won 8 to Not a very large last Sat urday and prices had downward tendency The buyers were not anxious and the sellers did not feci In good spirits Eggs sold from to per and butler from to 31c lb These werj the commodities The masquerade Carnival at the Rink fast Friday night quite success There were a great many in costume and fair of spectators Son of the costumes were really fine Miss Georgian as won lot prize Laura as Ireland captur ed the 2nd The greatest domic at traction was too three bears In a iiv Window Green Dark Green Yellow and White niounted on spring roll era In wide ft long at Bum Hardware Newmarket Collect ftlll the dust and hold it- Good for Hardwood Floors and Lin oleums each at i a- I I i f i On Wednesday evening the Bible Class of the Christian enjoyed a dcilghtfpl af ter which they drove to the homo of Mr Ezra Penrose where they wore hospitably entertained by their Churoh daughter Gladys who Is a The Womens Bible has to to the Queen Mary iT tor Sick Children at memory of its late President j to homes at a late hour WlgSs SI Class tothoirhos- Gleaners taught by Mr fc0Clal took a fileigbrido to Aurora on Tuesday evening and visited Art Gallery returning home alter oclock alter a very enjoyable evening Paint Snap The balance of our slock of a good reliable Paint at Hardware Newmarket commenced last Wednesday comes in next Sunday See how the wind blows Cheer up Its only four months definite date as time of her Mrs George Barker this Town passed to reward on Wednesday evening Fob an illness ex tending over two months hut though the illness was extended the end came both suddenly and unexpectedly Site was the daughter of Robert and Sarah Cooper of Whit church and was born in that town ship on Dec Her home was an ideal christian homo and was one those fortunate who so grow up within the Kingdom of Christ that could not point to a JO the balmy days of iune version but during pastorate of The continued cold weather of the Hill joined the month has largely increased the consumption of coal The have a fine sign in front of their new hall Mr J K is now occupying a house on Eagle St which he bought from Mr At Mrs M Hughes where High Library After a term of faithful service the of the Executive of the High School Literary Society resign ed in a body a mooting of pup Is was called and new officers nominated and on the following day the follow- Church of Newmarket she- then resided After completing her education in the Newmarket High and Model Schools she taught for some three years in schools near her homo town On January she was married to John Gardner and went with him to the parsonage at From this they moved in to Honey wood and the following- year- on account of the health of Mr Gardner the spent the winter in tho Bahamas returning to Newmarket in June 1898 In the fall of that year they were transferred to the British Columbia Conference where they labored on two circuits and Kamloops On this last field it was evident that Mr Gardner Whitchurch Council I mot at House on all Communications were presented Jackson with tender to usual township and advertising fori of Stiver with notice Grant by Town of Major Moore requesting a grant toward Social Salvation Army Miss Gordon pounc to pass a resolutfon fav oring of the Muni cipal Franchise to Married Wo men taxpayorfl 3 ho auditors report of for year wart presented Collectors report of uncol lected to and of percentage collected was presented Councillor hav ing Jet contracts for ot icodar Armstrong at ft A petition from Gibney and others ro appointment of Road for was presented Bills presented follows from Municipal World rolls A Hamilton gravel Banner Press stationery J Walker repairing grovel Baker gravel Baker Clark registrar collector instructed to pay the bills resented and to Hood for use of room Or Council meeting Resolutions were adopt ing the Auditors report and of tax collector accept ing the Tender of Jack son for printing and dividing Road Division No 2 TI8 into two divisions Councillor ap pointed commissioner to have come trees trimmed on Deviation of con around Mussulmans was granted for roads at Lake oupcillor ap commissioner to expend It Grants were made of each for line south town line north and Yonge St ByLaws were passed an rotat ing Prank tax collector at salary f pound ers viewers and road overseers for the various and fixing thoj salaries of township officials as follows viz Members of council for meetings per day Members of Council for work a milage allowance of cents per mile one way In mul tiples of five miles each and per day for times ent on lobs Members of Board of Health and pen meeting as fixed by Public Health act pi Wo mens Institute intend holding a So cial Hall Kettle- by oh of March 4th good program is provided Everybody welcome AnoU3r Carnival is to be faVid on ice Kettleby the to 103R p Prizes will be given for Fancy Costume Ladies Race Ladles Costume Lady and Gent Skater Gents Fancy Costume Scotch Clown Indian Cos Gents Race- Boys Race and a prize of for the largest load of skaters time is anticipated i Mr John his to Mr W Kidd We will be pleased to have Mr Kidd move in with our kid v Mr Ross Hood has bought a cob bling outfit and John says he wishes the teacher would board in town as he does not like to walk to lake Some of our sports took in the hop at Vivian and report a grand time It is a long trip for Dannie Bui says he doesnt mind Because that he can get her If hos only there in time But on Sunday night he missed her And feelings they were hurt But they say he came home singing Goodnight shirt There was a large turnout at crament at the Methodist Church last Sunday Room for more Mike yd White WHITE Regular for Regular for Regular for yards Embroidery Reg 10o tor yard White by Made Shoots 2 long r iffcrtjUl i v ing ofiicers were elected by vote Pros J VicePres Nellie Smith Robinson the first meeting of the new could no longer work and they re turned to his fathers home in New market where- Mr Gardner died on Sept After the death of her husband Mrs ecutivo Miss was Gardner took the training in the Chief Editress of the Society Homo Toronto and in Paper I was appointed Travellers Aid Tho next meeting of the Society at the Union Station probably be on Friday the her health gave out Assessor per annum and for Equalizing Union School Sec- per School Auditors per day Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather on Sunday last there was a large attendance at Sunday School the evening al so at divine worship The Pastor Rev Clements the preaching a very n from John Rev Clements Mr Brew ery Miss Martin and Miss Rhea Cook were delegates to League Convention held in To- last week and intend giving a full report of same on Friday even ing at league Mr Grove and Miss Lillian Cook aro on the sick list this week We wish thorn a very speedy recovery Last Saturday afternoon the boys came over and played a friendly game of hockey in a score of 53 in favor the home team Whats the matter with our dovs Theyre all right Mr Cook and Master Willie Lemon who has been visiting friends in this locality for some have returned to their home in the West And numerous Articles A I I and will consist of a debate be tween the Third and Fourth Form Students and some other selections Tuesday The LS will hold their Annual in the Town Hall arid this year will present a play entitled Un cle Josh in a fouract Comedy watch for paetjculars A Cunning Conspiracy Wednesday evening laid plot to destroy a Young peoples Society will be AH those wishing to witness the downfall of a cruel enemy a king who is nothing less than a wrecker of homes come to the basement of the Christian Church at oclock There you will sec a Mock held under the au spices of the Christian Endeavor So ciety of Newmarket is a new Mock Trial that is different and combines the three elements of entertainment- Amusement Information and It is entitled A Cunning Con spiracy and if you really want to something clean bright and do not fail to attend this pro duction A glimpse at the twenty- four characters presenting this will surely emphasize its worth to you Judges- Simon Collins William 1 Rose Wiseman Chief iiftice Robt Petitioners Mr Liquor Kins Mr A Materialist G J Prof p Gadfly for i Jas rabbi 1 for the Defending Luke G of the Courts Jas Bond frier Mr Christian Rndeavor fBeferdant r Mr Saloon Keener fl worth Mr Bis Tiller brewer L Mr Good Citizen L- Rose Miss Flighty Lulu Fearful Laura Morton- Mrs Sneer Laura Trent Miss Ernestine Actor M Morton Miss Fresh Air Child Mr Prison Society General Miss Rev Dr Careful Mr Vocation J Booth Ho not next Wednesday ftfag- Small admission fee Corne- and it was feared that she had con- tractrji the lung trouble of her hus band In 1897 she spent four months in the Sanitarium at and was much improved the treatment j The following five years were spent with her mother in Newmarket or with brothers and in other places and on Nov 26th W13 she was married to Mr Geo Barker of town Just one year of married was given them but this- year j was full of great happiness to them a deep- both this home being lull of com fort love and sunshine In the Newmarket Church she was one of the most effective workers In the Sunday School and in the Wo mens Missionary Society she was active and enthusiastic but since departure it has been discovered that scores of people in the community become endeared to her through the personal work she had done for from any organization of the church She constantly sought and opportunity of witnessing for Christ and in a gentle way tried to win others to an like her own The funeral was held on Feb to the Newmarket Cemetery and was largely attended Mrs Barker will always be remembered in church she was so long with and there as elsewhere will continue to live VIVIAN there Cold weather keeps Municipal Election same brewing Indeed so cold only remuneration as formerly given lonesome cutter was to be seen Township Engineer for work the church shed on Sunday night ordered by council per day crowi attended the I bee for Mr Rudd Smart on Friday Vanclori Hall at am j day llarch ast aboUt ing cut After supper a good fashioned shakedown took place I Mr Ben and Geo- Anthony I furnished the music a I Miss Neva Jaynes is spending a couple of weeks with friends in New- Miss Bertha of market and Ms Fred Bennett of Toronto We are sorry to lose our neighbor spent Sunday at the home of Mr Mr Fred who is moving to Coombs Goodwood next week Miss of Newmarket visit- Pa says the boy must not sit over Sunday in the Scotch Settle- up too late till summer comes as Miss Wright of spent couple of days in town last week Will hold an Auction Sale of Shop Furniture etc etc Saturday March in the North Store TUESDAY Mar Johnson Cryderman will dispose of a hum- of good horses and cattle at oclork credit J Kester Auctioneer IS has to buy his wood was a guest About 25 from Bradford drove over Mr Charlie to Newmarket to the dance last week here on Sunday but found it very cold driving home j Mr Bruce Penrose and brother against a stiff They re- Lawrence paid a visit to Mr J port a very enjoyable evening Brooks on Sunday Mr J of Toronto has pur chased Mr J farm and VALLEY tends moving about April 1st 1 J The most interesting event at the c v3 ttrtSt ar lance Friday night was Henry and Mr o stout lady doing the Turkey trot i a i less ndy has n his Su5S fi sale bills are not print ed at- this notices under this heading are charged at for one insertion and for each subsequent insertion cash to accompany order lha threat end heal as I chine to Cedar Valley to continue sawing Mr John Hopper and his father spent a few days in the city last week- Whats matter with the boys that had to shave their mous taches off Cheer up Whits the matT with the Club house these nights o Send the friends FINE MA R WATCHES fel51LVERVARE CLOCKS GLASS The Early Purchase of a Watch ENGRAVING a for son or daughter will fine of life best of educators proved I Habits of PROMPTITUDE arelest Inculcated early training Among our reliable time pieces are those which you ran well afford to pre- sent to an ordinarily careful child with pleasure and profit Jewelers and Opticians C P TICKET i would enquire at Vivian Post Office they would receive valuable The milling business is looking up Whistling Jack Sale Register WEDNESDAY Mar The farm stock and implements belonging to the estate of the late Bain lot con Scott will be dis posed of at oclock cred it J Kester Auctioneer THURSDAY March 5 Mr John Parkins will have an important and unreserved sale of farm stock im plements and furniture on East of lot 2nd Con of Whitchurch mile east of on street Usual terms Sale at one J Clerk WEDNESDAY Mar is Mr Petri Morrison- lot 2nd con- will sell general stock including lot Usual terms Sale at one Headman SATURDAY Fen Sale ol Land in East to the Estate the John Eves at the Market Ground Newmarket Sale at am See advertisement In this issue WEDNESDAY Mar Mr will have an important of cattle and general farm Implement etc on lot East of St credit Sale at ff Auctioneer Newmarket Markets Feb 26th New Wheat per bush 0 Barley per bush Oats per bush 0 37 Buckwheat per bush Bran per ton 24 Shorts per ton CO Hay per ton new 00 Eggs per Butter per lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per Ducks per Geese per lb TurVeys per lb Our to 32 23 16- 18 25 Toronto Markets Feb Wheat per bush Oats per bush Barley per bush Rye per bush Peas per bush Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Ducks per lb Turkeys per lb Geese per lb i 0 GO 4 67 So 90 16 00 0 40 J u I Pretty Dresden Crepes 27 Inohes wide yard White Bedford Cords fine and wide cords wide 35o Ratine In and White Tan and White Midnight Blue and White a very now and pretty Tub White Voif plain fancy stripe Mulls DImltys our large assortment of English Prints the best on the market Complete Rango of New Blouses and Ladles i Incorporated by Act of Parliftmen CAPITAL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS wmt 4 via sili fit i f at all ImportMt I j Ail 94 New York Spokj of INTEREST ALLOWlBb ON Former of the will an heretofore Htm A Rosa I l A a

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