Newmarket Era, 27 Feb 1914, p. 4

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A i a 1 To Health by E MM Me Compound could Vcnctablo Compound all around tab world be It has done so much for mo For two years I run down that I unable to do my it i work weakness cod dread ful periodic pains constipation mid backache but now I am of all these thing I took Vegetable Compound Pills end Wash I give you permission to publish this to Mrs Wilfred Mar- Tilbury Ontario Con Mrs Chicago III I tako In writing to thank you for what Vegetable Compound for mc suffered with such aw ful periodic pains and hod a displace ment and received no benefit from the doctors I was advised to Vegctablo Compound and I as ever Mrs Avenue others Box am now as Chicago III Friday last Howell toe dobftti on tbc in Speech from the Throne inorttba following skneadmaat Clarke member lor West I of municipalities are now on rounds and those who are and the failure of the are anxious about tbciras- entitling them ioyrte qualify a wan vote oh income ho must bo assessed for not less than The AetdoeB not adroit of to vote on a business as I In reply to a query The Municipal World observes We are of opinion that Should make the declaration of office a required by subsection of section Municipal Act but we pot think that or required to make the declaration HAt Town and farm properties parties who for If you have slightest doubt that Vogeta- will help youVwrlto to conQdontlal Lynn for ad vice letter will be opened read and answered by a woman hold in strict BUSS A In all for will ha free St Montreal L Time Card GOING NORTH am pm Toronto 800 28 1030 1050 SOUTH Leave Newmarket Toronto am pm 800 ft36 having i our Wo of ton rornovo four arid flvo at if at by OVER YCAAQ J ffl Trade a and our HANDBOOK Oldttt ilunn 5c4 charge in the an rouHh ft MtlTI fltiierieaifr of D7 Journal Terms lor J I A Cough tf40DlC CROW ASTHMA COUGHS A i Bed 2ecKrixMmeoi 111 Wtwbpft oi I milts ay if a and Hop it MDd ALL THWOAT tLi pour 1U If lOcia Vepo Co to the problem the urgent need for tec of a of tho presided over by a Minister whoso concern should be and and itoinlstTatlvb for too of of the workers of the arid to bo transferred from the Department of Works tho Factory In- That of toe hardship and which of our citizens who are willing and anxious to work have been com pelled to endure during this pres ent winter by reason of unemploy ment and that periods of Invariably associa ted with periods of trado depres sion and in view of the import- relations which question of unemployment to social problems of most vital concern to the State this House Is ot tho opinion that be at ones taken by tho Government to investigate Hie province and the causes and suits of unemployment with a view of proposing measures suit able to our needs for improving the present position of the reducing unemployment to the narrowest possible limits assist ing those out of work in securing employment and providing sys tematic relief in cases of enforced unemployment of willing to work Mr Howell proposing fore- going resolution did not fall to Em phasize the fact that while Ontario was in advance of many countries in regard to prison reform it was la mentably in- background touching matters of legislation which aficcted the conditions of toiler He also commented upon the omission of any reference to antitreating legislation and wondered If the Government had abandoned this proposal Parliamentary Notes On Tuesday of last week tho Com mons gave a second reading Redistribution Bill and sent it to a Committee of nine mem bers to boundaries of constitu encies freight rates and the chip ping combine on the lakes gave to a spirited dehato on Thursday the 1Mb Inst Liberals demanded prompt arid forceful action in dealing with a situation which does injury to graingrowers of Western Provin ces and to Canada generally The Conservative P tor South York was wife the Liberals in this regard Hon Cochrane and Mrs Cochrane left the Capitol last week for England and the Continent anM bo gone about a month or more It seems singular that an important head of a department of Government should absent himself while the Par liament is in session The pay goes on work or play A deputation from Montreal waited on the Federal Government last week asking for a fifteen million dollar bond guarantee for a tunnel under the St Lawrence The Pre mier stated the application was un usual but would be worth consider ing Notice of a resolution has been giv en by Mr Sutherland MP for South Oxford calling for immediate action by the Government to establish dem onstration or experimental farms in the settled and tho unsettled portions of the Province of Ontario in keeping with the claims of that rovince from an agricultural stand point It is reported that owing to the continued illness of Hon White Minister of Hon G Foster will be called upon to de liver the Budget speech A deputation from York County composed of Warden Cameron Reeve Reeve Keith and Co Clerk Phillips waited on Premier Borden last week to urge the need of Good Roads upon the consideration of the Government On Friday last the Government ask ed authority from parliament to con trol and it necessary to prohibit the export of petroleum from Canada The of the whole of the request and Hon Mr introduced a bill founded upon resolution The Opposition objected to the proposition Col Hon Sam Hughes Min ister of Militia stated in the last Friday that bin Royal Prince Alexander oVTcek brother of Mary may come to Canada this An to the Criminal Code Is what Senator Davis wants enacted to prohibit tips He proposes making it a criminal offence to give or receive a tip in Canada He so seeks to make railway companies ho telkeepers an1 restaurant proprietors sufficient wage to relieve from being expected J Mail Empire said that an other County Court is for York County Other people think legislation should be had to create a Judge for tho City with County Court powers to act like the Police Magistrate independent of City and County Criminal and Civil business Is it legal to appoint a person over CO years of age to act as jur or No The Ontario Statutes for provide that the following per sons shall bo exempt from serving as grand or petit jurors and their names shall not be entered orr the rolls namely among others Every person sixty years of age or up wards According to the Speech from the Throne at the opening of the legis lature last week Hie Federal subsidy to tots Province received last year was announcer as in aid of the Northern On tario Railway A regular service has been inaugurated on the Elk Lake branch and the extension to the River has been completed It appears some of the younger menYbers of the Commons who per sistently follow Mr Calgary- in open revolt against any- further monetary consecration from National treasury of Canada to the Mackenzie Mann Interests to the number of sixteen are now dub bed All the same tho appear to bo thoroughly In earnest Another excuse to the pro ducer is what some say The Live Stock Exchange recommends that slaughter of female calves be prohibited five years also after April 1st next a deduction of per head be mad by stock on all buck lambs The reason assigned is on account of the loss by buyers from torn hides and bruited ficid of anirnalB them- take the medicine there is forUwirpirtiCTlartrouble We do not wo do not there things We dont want you to spend more than you have to Some of you get small arid when youre sick none at all and you got the most for We recently came a new rem edy for Increasing strength and build ing up people who are rundown and emaciated know that a slight trouble sometimes grows into n ser ious one and to stop it in the nlng will money in the end This now compound Is called Olive Oil Emulsion It is the remedy you are run down tyred out matter what toe cause It doesnt merely stimulate you and make you feel good for a few hours but takes hold of toe weakness and builds you up to a healthy nor mal condition It is a real nervefood and builder of good blood strong muscle good digestion It contains which tone nerves and pure Olive Oil which nourishes the the blood and entire system Pleasant to take Contains no alcohol or We promise that if you are not perfectly satisfied with it well back your money as soon as you tell us Sold at Rex- all Stores and in this town only by J DOO t Whitchurch Appointed at the last Meeting of the Council TOWN LINE EAST No Brown J f r In Loving Memory lovely bud so and fair r- Called away long ere twas noon Just came to show how sweet A flower In paradise could bloom Ere Bin could harm or sorrow fade Death came with friendly care This opening bud to heaven conveyed And it blossom there Heaven now holds our treasure Earth toe lonely casket But loves to linger Where our darling Ruby sleeps Mother Sugtrcoated and all vegetable Dose only one at For consti pation bilious headache Indigestion Sold for 60 years Ask Your Doctor JVSiIUST by prominent who have the pain reliever has Just been introduced into Canada These are froni letters on file in our Is guaranteed by a 45OWO0 bond vHephaMoVI hive fowid the above drug very In pain due to various that with out mental or cardiac has given- satisfactory Neuralgia and Sciatica X found KepnaWol most effi cacious in facial Neuralgia I have found your preparation Kephaldol champion for Headache and La Grippe It is one of the best in La Grippe and roost- useful in all cases of origin Wbetever I have used KcphaWol I have found it especially in chronic Rheumatism package of Kephaldol from your druggist Lim ited 31 St Montreal ford St H OLStEini BULL CALVES Two pure bred young Bulls for sale best from both sire and dam prize animal extra fine Highclass pedigree Addrese for A 6 Rogers is asked of the Muni cipal World Should farm stock be as property The editor replies as follows The pres ent Assessment Act maes no pro vision for the assessment of personal property of any kind That ends it but some people are faddy enough to think it strange to tax a industry and not tax a horse owned by a farmer Accorsing to advices received from Pacific coast there is an unusu ally large orange crop this An American exchange says Esti mates place the shipment at cars than has been sent East in any previous year The forty thou sand cars would average boxes each and every box would contain be tween ninety and hundred or anges approximately a billion and a half oranges shipped On account of the kind of shooting irons militia of Canada are us ing by order of the Minister of Mil itia they will be excluded from the shooting match Some papers are asking What practical national good Comes from the annual visit of a chosen few Canadian riflemen to anyway P Since the above was put in tyoc the order has been chang ed and Canadians will now he repre sented Mercury rises to re mark That poor old wobbling emergency of Premier Bordens another solar plexus blow when the German Foreign Minister declared that AngloGerman relations were very good When it is re membered that Canadas national debt now exceeds and still growing under the manipulations of the present Government the Peo ple of toe Dominion will be glad to learn that the Premiers emergency proposition last year got a black eye i POUNDKEEPERS Ash A Shelter Geo Cook Williamson John George Oliver Archibald Dike Fred Frank Warren Graves Oliver Johnson George Bingham FENCEVIEWERS George Forrester William George Fred March James Wags Joseph Cherry Thornton Bales John Barton Ward AVbert Starr ROAD OVERSEERS CONCESSION No Smith Monkman Hill Kineald Joseph Buckle Edgar Dennis CONCESSION R No 1 W Harvey Wm- Marshall Alleyne Walter Robinson Hamer Alfred John Williamson Albert Rogers CONCESSION R No Jos Cherry 2 John W A Powell D Richardson Oliver Starr Edward CONCESSION No J March 2 J 3 Robert Gould George Yake H Silas 7 Robert Hope CONCESSION No Joseph Steckley 2 Joseph Martin Henry Talbot Frank Brandon Marshall Skinner CONCESSION At tho last of Township Council the Womens Institute made a request that Council in conjunc tion with Vaughan and ibe Metropo litan Railway endeavor have Yongq street lighted by electricity from the City limits Northward to Whitchurch townllne A TREATISE on the offer free this book Sou all about and bow to cure them Call for It at local us KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE earn Cert iii Iwi4 a lit it J COMPANY Fella Verczont EXECUTORS SALE OF TIMBERED LAND IN EAST PURSUANT to directions re- from the Executors of the will of the late JOHN EVES there will bo offered for sale by Public Auction by J Headman Auc tioneer at the Market Ground on day of February at eleven oclock in forenoon That par cel of land containing twenty- eight acres part of the east half of Lot No six in the fifth Conces sion of the Township of East Gwillimbury in the County of York and being the Easterly acres of said lot No six saving and excepting thereout and there from the north half of the east quarter of said lot containing 25 acres and the easterly acres of the south half of the east half of said lot No On tho land offered for sale there is growing a considerable quantity of mixed timber Pine Oak Birch etc The land is unimproved Terms of Sale Ten per cent at time of sale anJ balance in thirty days thereafter The pro perly will be offered for sale to reserve bid For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to J ROBERTSON Vendors Solicitor Newmarket Feb Work r Plumbing j 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS SOUS Next to Smiths Grocery Excursions To Manitoba Alberta Saskatchewan EACH TUESDAY March 3rd to October inclusive Chicago St Paul or Winnipeg and Return Edmonton and Return Full particulars from Tun or write Agcni Ontario J City Arnt J Ticket HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN to October Inclusive Winnipeg and Return Edmonton and Return From Toonto and Station West and North of Toronto Proportionate from Stations East Toronto Return Limit two REDUCED SETTLERS ONEWAY SECOND CLASS EACH TUESDAY MARCH AND APRIL with live SETTLERS SPECIAL I RAIN which during MARCH APRIL a It W p to torn Station live TRAINS Toronto DAILY CIonkt Tcuri TrtroriQ to WirrlrR Wen COLONIST CARS OS ALL TRAINS No ioi Particular from 7te Murphy Toronto Atkinson Agent FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE Power of Sale In and by virtue of tha power contained in a certain will bo produced at tha of sale ther will be for by public auction on the 2oth day ol Marco at the hour of oclock In afternoon at No Carlton St In tho city Toronto or Messrs J Co the following farm viz AH and singular those certain par cels or tracts of land and situate lying and in the of King old survey West in the County York and Province ol Ontario and being composed of tho West half of lot No in tho 2nd con of tha said Tp of King and those of tots Nob and in the said con- described as followa namely Park lot letter A on tb side of St and Park lots 3 and 5 on the side of St 3 and on te East side of on the East side of Kejser St and 3 on the side of Klvers St and on East side of fiar- St and lot on East side of 3rd con of the said Tp of King St in the Town of Am sterdam in the County of York afore said also toe lot No In the said 2nd con of Tp of King also lot No in 3rd of tha said Tp of King containing altogether This farm Is situated within about from the Town of Bradford On this farm there Is about Hi acres ol cleared land 52 acres partly cleared and the balance is roodiy composed of marsh and swamp land a good portion of which however in weather is fit for grazing On the West of lot in con there Is a goodsized frame also a email frame house fram barns stable sheds and otter This would make a very desirable grazing farm for in addition to wells on tho property tie Holland river passes through of There Is therefore plenty of water for cattle and pasture on the This property will be rale subject to a reserve bid purchaser pay per confi tha money at tho timo sale to Vendors or their SoHeSUr and the balance la daya without Interest The Vendors will only he to a AbstrWi of Title and to produce such toereof or of as are in their In ether the terms and of sale will be the standing of the Supreoid Court On tario particulars may from Mark A Solicitors Bradford or from Gordon Solicito Adelaide St East Toronto Dated this day of Feb Public Notice George and Mary Ellen notify the public that we will no be responsible for any agreement November 29th re farm half lot First Con East the agreement not correct and no money paid Wo will not transfer the deed to Joseph Cody nor take a mortgage Ml I i f I I I I The general public of Ontario will be pleased to learn that an agree ment been reached between the City of Toronto Trustees of the General Hospital and the Ontario Government by which the Home In the old General Hospital Grounds Street Toronto will be used as a temporary deten tion home for insane who heretofore have been committed to the Jail pending sent to a Pro vincial Aeyluin The premises are to be properly equipped by City and maintained by the On ly properly committed as in- will ha accpirmdrlatcd This detention home will not be available for Indigent persona who should be sheltered In a bouse of refuge J i No Stanley Hastings Milton Cook 3 Patrick Cooney David Saunders Bourne C CONCESSION No Wellington 2atban Gilbert Samuel Rose Mark Henry Davis J Edward th CONCESSION No 1 Samuel Hoover Herbert Burnett A Hill Arthur 5iHerhert Pegg CONCESSION No Alfred Topper J j ARCHIVES OF

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