Newmarket Era, 27 Feb 1914, p. 6

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Moore hold a parly at her homo on I MrD Shields Mr and Mr- P- John fJJ CARD PARTY ft Mrs a CARD PARTY Sinclair party of- people at her homo on Friday lo progressive A very enjoyable was apoht by all The ladies prize was won by Miss Holla Cook and gents by Mr PERSONAL Miss Hazel Shaw has returned from a visit to her old home on faim hear Mount Pleasant Miss Myrtle of was visiting at the homo of Mr Ben Cook and other friends in this vicinity Mr has returned from a six weeks visit with friends in Michigan Mrs Eugene and Mrs Shields were in the city on Wednesday I P ill ft fit A i- Mr Isaac Fisher has purchas ed Mrs Hunters on Cen tre St for and will move into town shortly Mr J Cook held a very suc cessful Carnival in the rink on Tuesday evening The Epwortfi League held a very successful concert on Mon day The entertainment consisted chiefly of an illustrated lecture The month of February just closing has the distinction of be ing the coldest on record Cer tainly felt like it round this part of the country Mr Walter Draper our high- class artist has been on the sick list for the past two weeks Mr Walter is taking his place arid giving good satisfaction- OBITUARY following is from the correspondence of Gazette Mr Atkinson whom we reported as seriously ill last week passed peacefully away on Thursday He was years of age and moved to- this village about years ago and was em ployed by Henry Wise lumber manufacturer Mr Atkinson was well liked by everybody The funeral took place on Sunday from his late residence to the Vault in Barrio and was very largely attended Rev Mr Pastor of St Andrews Presbyterian Church conducted the service at the house The de ceased leaves to mourn his death his wife and three small children also his aged father and mother brothers namely Geo of Toronto Robert of Allendale of of Midland and Peter of the West Mrs Ste phenson of Baldwin also and Lulu at home The pallbearers were Geo Snider Clifford Bell Abe Richardson Er nest Canton Craig and The floral offerings in cluded a wreath from his broth ers The sympathy of the neigh borhood is extended to be reaved to flnd faull the report shows lhaUtho school have gone bail to worse arid arc now graded 3 poor In fool that only a month preyl- pus inspection the rooma hull not thorough ly scrubbed and cleaned but nearly woa spent on painting kalsominlng and first class for all win dows statement seemed rath er on enuiry we found that a panp of in window toned with putty until the wodthor would moderate sufficiently Id enable the caretaker to replace it with a now pane had boon provided In addition steps had become somewhat worn with tramping of many feel This is a sample The principal of the school was severely con- surcd because she was unable to to give the assessed value of the school section The bright spot in the report is that the leaching of both Miss Ibv Principal and Miss Haines thr was highly praised Bin for that measure of comfort are de voutly thankful at the went as follows debts J f as German Soldier 2nd Council as Body Guard Comic lot Joe Unemployed Cook 2nd Fern Colo as Matches Best Couple was taken by Miss iin Mr J The felt- vcr pup held by Miss of Sutton was won this year by Landing on a Uroula Colo The Ooo BAD TO WORSE Mr J P Hoag Continuation visit to our school on Feb 2nd Inspector paid his official visit to our school on Feb 2nd and and his report just re ceived rfurtber strengthens the belief that chief duty of In spectors nowadays is simply annual giv en by the league will this year lake the form of an Irish Concert to bo held on March Rev Stewart of Aurora give his popular lecture on Marriage before and after The songs and recitations etc will be of an Irish nature If the league sustains its usual reputation we may look for something unique and interesting The Box Social al Union Street Christian Church has been post poned for one week on account March the will be the date of such cold weather prevailing We are very sorry to hear of the death of Mrs Smith Master Fletcher of Kes wick spent Saturday with his friend Dont forget the At Home par ty Thursday Feb Mr and Mrs Smith will welcome you all The Young Ladies and Mens Bible Classes of the Methodist Sunday School are making ar rangements for a Box Social in the basement of Ihn church on Thursday March A good program will be provided and a lime is assured Everybody invited Mar League NEW ADVERTISEMENT SPECIAL BARGAINS Art have a few sets of sleighs i in cheap on easy terms as I need the room for spring goods This Is a great lor a bargain I have the bust line of terms cook stoves on or phone me Albert At Good House with attached and good garden with fruit trees also stable Ap ply to owner Mrs T Barker With a The Transformation a Publi can Luke Speaker Carrie Wright Reader Viola Hill Crosby and Social Ser vice Luke Speaker Harry Knight Reader Doris Knight A Experience Acts Speaker Clara Hill Reader The Delinquent Boy 23 Speaker Mr Richardson Reader Ruth Richardson Review of Year See Pro gramme in Era Shaker Doris Stephens Reader Stephens UNION STREET On Friday evening March tho young people of the Christian Church will hold a Box Social in the church here The young indies are especially invited bring boxes containing lunch for two and the charge for gen tlemen will be A lengthy program will be giv en consisting of solos recita tions duetts and dialogues Great care is being taken to make this a successful event Prepar ation will be made that no gen tleman will go hungry Proceeds to go into the Ladies Aid Treasu ry The family of Mr Geo Main- prize have moved into the resi dence lately occupied by Mr Fair barn of too May The crowd was not very large There ft be a Racing Carnival at ifcco Tuesday night Good prizes will bo given for lady and boy under as well aa races A Silver Cup bold by Ross will competed for Come and have a skate and see the fun Mr Arthur and Master Byron Mor ton are visiting friends at Markhatn The burg been resounding with of Terrys saw tbeso days BALDWIN Miss Her ma Jewell is a music pu pil of Mrs Walker Hcrma not yet years of age but is surprisingly clover I seldom Geo a moro wideawake child and will go bondsman for her progress Mrs Tommy and Mrs Mary Draper took business trip to the city last week There was left no one to tuck up Tommy snug and tight In bed no to him up no back warmer consequently next day ho was huddling up by stove cold chills galloping up and down his Oh he did feel miserable Uncle Owl prescribed quinine tablets Yea hundreds tons are slid ing Into The Hub every day from congealed waters They should run half a dozen trains per day Farmers are still at the wood lo cal icecutting etc a sort of wait ing for Spring Its getting here Sales farm stock etc are as usual In Spring very plentiful I had planned to very lib erally this week but my eyes are kicking on being imposed upon A grave old owl sat on an oak The more ho saw the less he The less he spoke the he heard Now wasnt ho a wise old bird Lest I lose my credit for wisdom I shall have no more say re Public interests dont demand it al though the boys want me to do is some more Pleasant weather Where Not in Ontario Its O if you a wanr house and a good supply of wood Wakening Them tip I suppose most of our men readers have at times had occasion to bless the ladies for their liberality in hot condiments when putting up their Chili Gov ernor catsup chowchows etc A few ounces of black pepper and a few pods of capsicums do make them so warm and comfortable like that one would for a cart to back up and dump a load of crushed ice down his throat to cool his parched tongue Well whats the matter With a spoopful or two of turpentine Oh thats all rtght it properly administered It works wonders especially on poor unfortu nate cannlnes One day I thought Id try a Utile Latin on a chap very smart in his the coin I readings mottoad mui Mrs SVGook of Aurora were all suited in keeping feVdayethViwee Mrs A Bogus Money Circulating of our District Mr son gave an found a large amount of excellent address wit counterfeit silver In the county practical humorous and very Granger who was recently particularly at Holland Landing on a the purifying power of ike charge of uttering counterfeit currency waagiven hearing those present who will to be present at the of these- Soclala l Magistrate Jhthe Couiity Police Court lerday and- was remanded until Thursday The Police claim that they have secured about CO samples of coins all of which are tencent pieces The spcoimons are very crude in man ufacture and appear to be com posed solder The accused has been suspected for some time many samples of baa money have been found storekeepers- and others in QuccnsvillG Holland Landing Bradford Amsterdam and other villages in the country Granger is a clockmaker by trade and is wellknown in upper portion of the county He lives miles wcst of He states in defense that lie received the money through the medium of a Hebrew pedlar Careful enquiry oil the part of the County Police however has failed to locate the man Miss Maybpll who has been visiting and returned on Monday Mr and Mrs Asa Stephenson who have been visiting in returned on Saturday Mr Ste phenson intends returning to his home Alameda in a few days Adjourned The game of hockey between T and the re sulted in a win for the Grand Trunk by a score of to The early closing case against A was tried before Magistrate Kenton last Friday and was sojourn ed for one week Carnival There will be a Carnival at the Rink tore tonight Suitable prizes will be awarded Come and see the fun The attendance being large was most the of this- Society wKb promise to spare nothing and sacrifice everything to make too remaining two better and more interesting than first and we feel sure that success will reward their efforts The dae and particulars of the next Social which will be Blue will appear In this paper later A cordial j invitation extended to all who can possibly Since the are so good we shall be pleased to see those from the country who can come to of our league meetlnB which are held Monday In the Church at oclock Council i A meeting of above Council wai at Saturday Feb Members all present minutes of January meeting read and adopted The auditors report was receiv ed and accepted and the Clerk ordered to have SO copies of same or distribution A grant of ten dollars was made to the Spring Fair As sociation The Clerk was instructed to write Clerk of North and him to forward a statement all expenditures on for the years The following accounts were paid work tile Lennox re ap reals A Weir fence bonus Municipal World lies J James culvert Harvey account A bylaw appointing overseers of Highways Poundkeepers and Fence Viewers was introduced names which at LINES Blake Women Look Old back- hot pain in lower limbs- palm- ThM JodlHlo thtt wrong of and other caoM have too ranch tor aid most bo called to health end fescri tht SriiS and to than v fi Dealer in liquid or tablet form of nsHpa 1 a J ijU I I UP VOIraiESDrr A General Manager The Business Of Farming the business of should business Proceeds should put In bank Payments be made by Cheque A certain percentage of the profits should be put In a Savings Account as an emergency fund The man who has a cash surplus In a bank Is protected against bad reasons and hard times MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRY Manager 300 FOR Fan Western CANADIAN ft Moving Fred Humphrey moving into the recently ted by Mr on theTpWn Line and Mr Peter Grant is Into the one vacated by him and Ends Rev Wilson of preached in Methodist Church here on Sun day last in Toronto Tuesday are now open for entry Free Homesteads Canada The bulk of located along or near the 1475 NORTHERN RAILWAY which is recognized in the West as the PIONEER FARMERS RAILWAY From March 3rd to the end of October HomeSeekers Excursion tick- filled in and passed after fets on sale every Tuesday and are good to within two rcpntbs Council adjourned to meet date of issue Prior to tickets may be obtained for Baldwin on Wednesday May two months on payment of to Agent at destination for each month Part thereof Stopover permitted at any CANADIAN NORTHERN Station West of Port Arthur at oclock as a Court Revision and other business of TOO PRECIOUS- A village clergyman has his choice bit SOME CANADIAN NORTHERN PUBLICATIONS Vital Questions reiver Alberta and How to Reach It Western Canada Has a Home for You sand Free Homesteads among his annals One day he Tourist Car Accornxnodatior and all particulars in addition to the was summoned in haste to Mrs John- above publications apply to your nearest Agent or to General who was suddenly III Passenger Department King Street East Toronto Ontario He went in some wonder she was not of his parish and yaPnown Pas Agt Can Nor Ry Tore to be derotod Toronto Ont were visiting their daughter Mrs Brooks this week Messrs J A Lake and J F went down to Toronto to see the own estimation I gave him just a j Provincial Hockey Game on short phrase just a few cents worth day night Victoria Die I ex- Wear an Arrow Collar to her own minister the Rev Hopkins While he was waiting in the parlor Dr in Toronto on MoK s woman be beguiled his time by talking with The remains of Mrs formerly Miss am lo were brought hew from Toronto on tto Tuesday for Interment he said Is Mr Hop- 1 Mr and Mrs of Maple awav IT TEAQt iKingi you to wy yea sells them from what Ive heard that there was great spitting and sputter- ing over such a trine The Gum Swamp bridge fe progress- 1 and Mr6 A E and all well will soon bo- twenty wedding anni and all being well will soon bo open to traffic It will be greatly ap preciated I assure you 1 I versary last Fridayevening to the number of about were present We extend congratula tions No she saM Oh no But were afraid its something contagious and we dont like to run any risks THE HOLES IN HER At a religious meeting a lady per- in standing on a bench spoil ing the view other spectators tho she would not repeatedly requested sit down An way which will be feet free all ftboai Books tor Horns tin There iic on the operation of trains I elec- tare concrete and amusements etc etc I we you No matter what roar ambition or desire for may be books itrir liie thai will rive just the and information that want and need Write todarfor this and complete catalogue and popular price It is free FREDERICK J DRAKE fr CO of I Chlctge exhibit herself in this Oh Brother how could what was not a fact you say i0 SHARON Mr J was home from Toronto College over Sun day Mr A spent Sun day with Mrs old gentleman arose and said grave- This had the desired effect she Not a fact replied the old immediately sat down in her scat A ticman had not a large think if thelady know she had a young minister standing by blushed to hole in each of her stockings I would large hole in each of her stockings the temples and said liJ to know how she gets them on I 1 -a- French Doll FREE to the Id of out Scenic Cottle U long- dqg Ion try lii jour xd 44tcst writ tan wo wlUsnd cuts l a whatoMtBj vt will nail KESWICK Oh yes We are still on the go although fairly frozen out of exist ence A good crowd listened to the fine lecture by Harold on Monday night Mr left Wednes day for the Dominion Alliance Con tention in Toronto as representative of the Christian Now say if you missed the Carni val last Thursday Oh well Its your own fault The prizes were fine We be safe in saying that the ex cellent prizes draw a far larger for the Carnival someone gave somebody a Jolt- This place is full of men yes and sorry to say some women who always see too things some one should do but lor some reason refuse to do their part Oh no dont ask to do atry thing or say anything to help clean up the place man who Bees a wrong he can and falls to o so is In the same boat as the wrongdoer rm- and should have a punlsrtment enacted Parliament the and do your part and you will be surprised to find that you axe to the village to report Mr John Brooks is under the doctors care at present We hope for a very speedy recovery Prof J Dales conducted service Sunday evening Every one glad to see him back Mr Wilson chairman of the District the service on Sunday at People were well pleased teaming on lake has started again The market is bettor in than in Sutton HOLLAND LANDING Rev Mr of Toronto will preach at the Methodist Church on Sunday evening next all are invited to attend Miss Pearl Howard of Swansea is visiting friends hero this week Mrs is spending a few days in Toronto Webb and family of spent Sunday last at Mr of pur citizens spent in Iho city as witnessed They had received counterfeit money from a man In East Call at Smalleys see those New Spring Shirts They are beauties Charity Ball The following letter received by the- treasurer of the S Chap is requested to be published as an acknowledgment to all those who so kindly assisted presence and donations to the success of the Charity held on Jan and the proceeds of which were sent to the Hospital for Consump tives Dear Mrs pugsley On behalf of the sick ones who will ho by your generous gilt I de sire to convey to you and to the oth er officers and members of- your Chap ter the grateful acknowledgment of our of Trustees It la only by the practical cooper ation of kind friends like yourselves that the Trustees are today able to provide ao4 care for the sufferers in the Hospi tal and in the allied Institutions Weston This gilt further encouraged the Trustees to carry on this great work until every needy consumptive is car ed for Again thanking you believe me with sincere regards yours faithfully Signed J Chairman Enclosed with thr above was a receipt for forty dollars the amount sent fey our Chapter Color Social The League in connection wit the Methodist Church gave a series of Three Color Socials last Monday night The three Colors are Red White and Blue and fey giving will over three months to complete tbe The Red repri I C Freight Paid At The Lowest Cash Prices For Which Good Fence Has Ever Been Sold PA P1MO 0 it 7 I WW 42 SS 46 i iV a 9 ft a a a 1 I I l 1 1 1 j a a a a a a t 1 v i 9 i J 3 eV i 3 4 J 7 I 9 Mi Mo cr 10 1 wv lew J ft I KB 8ftfta V ftftftft J 3 v a out OATH ftptsisc pabf wfl llfl ftptakf 14fL fbj 18 21 13 5 SS 23 29 29 81 V 81 31 83 33 31 3 20 23 15 25 23 20 23 31 83 81 a 83 I 21 21 23 U a ft STAPLES lb TOW are the lowest cash prices for GOOD fence has ever been sold They cover PAGE WIRE PENCE direct to you freight prepaid And PAGE Fence you know is the finest farm fence in the world Its made from the biggest and carbonsteel wire used today for fences Every knot is slipproof Every upright is evenly spaced Every wire is woven under uniform tension Page Fences Ate honestly made In every They never Big nor bend nor mat last lifetime easily outwear several of the ordinary kinds BOLD UNDER GUARANTEE Every rod PAGE FENCE Is sold under strict guarantee If a roll of PAGE Fence proves de fective return It and get your back Heres a guarantee without quibble strings or red tape When you buy PAGE Fence youre protected against of any kind money trouble or time SHIPPED AT ONCE FROM NEARBY PAGE WAREHOUSE Stnd in your to ihe t from Freight prepaid to your or Over Get It per rod or you to order jrou deslcra allow him per rod lor trouble- jrtiurwiW lodiTstnd ftty rov FREE CATALOG la th Writ today tor copy and Page Wire Fence West TORONTO I- a Pi 1 PAGE FENCES it r- I

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