Newmarket Era, 27 Feb 1914, p. 7

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I White and Golf China White and Gold to dear out one lino entirely at a fipooial of per dent oft Price The Quality Is No ID AY KB W will inert at the homo of Mr Dr Scott onWed nesday next at 3 oclock Full ath tendance i A good attendance of the In requested aext Monday Match at 415pTO In McWodlst Room do a supply of good literature will be dlotrrbutcdSupt poultry Association The regular mooting will bo held on Wednesday evening March at oclock In Department of Agri culture Rooms All members urg ed to present r Curding WNIIhfl A pretty took place when Alice- Andrews Codling eldest daughter of iirandMMTa Cod- united in marriage iox James Boer only son Mr and Mr England The bride who was given- away by her father locked charming in her wedding gown satin with lace and pearls also- tulle veil In cap effect and carried a shower of carnations She was attended by her sister Florence a maid of honor In pale pink and crepoand carried pink orchids while Minnie acted as ln pale blue silk crepe with yellow orchids Mr Owen Wilson was test man and Mr acted as Miss played the wedding march and Rev- A P Addison per formed the ceremony Afterwards reception was held to about forty guests- the brides mother wearing violet velvet body with gold and wheat In centre to clear out quick In plates Bowls Sauce Dishes each Iko Importer of Staple and China The Six rinks from tho Granites To- was a navy blue tailored suit with came Wednesday night mink Upon their and wero defeated by Newmarket by I a few days in i China Hall Grocery Teas 1 hi mi Arc a pleasure when servo ly ccfccUons to your When entertaining try our Special Bleed of Coffee and Our Splendid As- of Biscuits Hunt ley and Palmers and Peek Bourdon Custard Cream Pull Butter Cream Creamy Chocolate Corona- Acorn On Tuesday three rinks from Thorn- carno hero and wero defeated by shots t town going to their new homo In TOWN LINK ITEMS Mies Mary Smith of then Simp- Dont mise tho Public Meeting in Co Toronto after a Town Hall on Sat- to her mother has at 2 Mr has rented bis cottage at Lake to Mr T of Toronto for next sum mer The party who took the boots and from Howards Livery office last week has returned them to save trouble St A P A The of the Society sur prised the ladies with a Sbantymens Social at St Pauls Scholl room Tuesday There was a attendance of ladies who wore agree ably surprised by the sketch given by the boys outside of their log shanty After sketch the ladies were re galed with pancakes and tea Zip Wonderful largo tins for at SPECIAL QUALITY IN CANNED VEGETABLES Corn Oca Boots Tomatoes 26c sCftSs Leading Phou CORNER OF A The above Order are anticipating a Rod on Thursday March inasmuch as they are being pri vileged to hear a lecture by Butt tho subject of Ancient For estry which will bo illustrated with lantern slides It will be delivered in Room above Douglass Restaurant chair being taken at 8 prompt Members are earnestly de sired to bring a friend The A O aro planning for a So cial Evening shortly Christian Church Next Sunday morning the pastor will speak upon the subject Telling it This service will followed reception of and the celebration of the Lords Supper The evening subject will be the of a series of five on Chris tian Efficiency which will be given by tho pastor during the month of March This week the topic will be Everybody invited to all the services Market Bargain we are going to remodel our Store and need room we are putting on a Special Sal of Mens and Wear A Special Big Redaction on Boots Rubbers lie sure attend sale and secure some of these Bar gains Doors South King George Hotel PHONE returned to the City Mary ot the Eaton Co Toronto is a visitor at the on the lino- Mrs Wilson of Newmarket was a weekend visitor with- Mrs rental home on lino Ida of Toronto ac companied by a friend Miss Helen Drown Saturday and Sunday with the uncle and aunt of tho for mer Mr and Mrs Chappell on the line returning to the city on Sunday night A Box Social under the austycesio tho Ladies Aid of the lino Chris tian Church was held at the home of Mr James on Monday ev ening last Things are humming around the Mill Yard on the Town Line- Teams incessantly hauling logs Mr Fred Walton one of the largest gangs he ever had in the swamp Never before was the swamp in such for getting out logo Mr Albert is busy every day getting up his years supply of wood Mr John Curtis of the line killed two large in the while at work in some days ago Wonder if is an indication of milder weather Mr Geo informs us that ho intends hauling one hundred large hemlock logs to the mill Great wea ther for such work The following is a clipping from the Herald of Ayr shire Scotland Jon last showing contrast of climate be tween here and there In proof of I the mildness of season a local gentleman last week pulled some primroses in Cull bloom at It may be interesting to Know that in North York took its from this same place The correspondent thinks for the few weeks he has seen- verified the old Scotch proverb As the day the cold strengthens To Moke Your Hair Mono To your hair that and lustre and wavy silkysoftness use Harmony Hair It takeo away dull head look of tie hair makes it bright turns the string into flufilness overcome the oily odors leaves a sweet true- rose fragrance makes the hair easier to put up neatly and easier to keep Id place It is just exactly what it to I Efficiency tUat rofeoa to with the man of machine Is the newest attempt ntEoneiai bet terment of condition in the world Jt fa proclaimed a a departure from original methods inasmuch It Into account the of the workers tbe school are expert In curves anglea cost unite and pro totals They can look at a 30ton trip hammer and tell to a nicety what It output ought to bo how much should be allowed for de preciation and how it will be profitable to replace It They can size up p locomotive and make a fairly accurate num ber ot month that should elapse before It goes to the scrap heap it elementary for them to flguro the number of motions ado by a steam shovel rate at which trolley pass a given point durability of a typewriter tho quality of paper that ought to bo used In- followup correspondence the number load which sn office force needs very week and life length of an ink eraser But according to the exponents of tho now school there tbey stop They can tell what a man ought to do with machinery but they are to say what machinery will do to the man Bo accustomed have they become to regarding machine as possess ing personality said one of ad vocates of the new Idea that they fall into error of looking at per- eons as machines Their efficiency may be elective but it is a cut and dried copperriveted coldchisel science utterly out of sympathy with the myriad manifes tations of human nature It Ji In the application of scientific Improve ment methods to the human factor In Industrial progress that the now system Is valuable Personal efficiency the watch word of the moat uptodate said another The heads of houses arc willing to leave to en gineers computation of power arid stress Jin connection with steel and concrete they demand more sympathetic study of the situation when it comes to dealing with the men and women in their employ Their demand has created a science that may be called commercial which promises to do more for happiness of the world of workers and prosperity of their employers than any other industrial departure of century A f A ill IMP 1 mm If El tar mi a 111 1 I J J 1 1 Curbing OU Promoters For first time In the history of west the civic bodies of a city have taken a stand to restrain the ad vent of capital to district In every other case it been a ques tion of using every endeavor to at tract investment Calgary has taken the step The purpose of this seem ingly strange move was to curtail the activities of a horde of Irresponsible promoters who wore preparing to take advantage of tho rich oil Indica tions and flood the country with worthless stocks A policy has been adopted to develop oil resources on a and conservative basis and to prevent as far as possible sensa tional reports gaining circulation that not warranted by condi tions Pauls At Homo The At Homo held in OddFellows Hall last Monday evening under the auspices of St Pauls Church was an unequalled success was a splendid attendance everybody greatly enjoyed the musical program provided were Miss Scott of Toronto Mrs Howard Cane and Mr Eugene Barker- of Newmarket officiated as accom panist for the visitor The hair and who- Orchestra provided music for the prominades and for dancing Sup per was served about oclock and the enjoyable entertainment lasted until the early l of the morning J Proceeds nearly 75 Greenhouses J J Carnations daffodils narcissus tulips PEAS HYACINTHS In Pots Ferns Palms Primula i Funeral and Wedding Work Reasonable Price for Fertilizers The Beat Phone Btltisu American Business College McGill Toronto to pioneer Busi ness Canada Under bow management It is doing lot- tor work than ever Write us if you to prepare for a good Position Ward Something Now An Electrical Portable Lamp for use any place Let Us show you it Price Hardware Escape A small child belonging to Mr Ar chie Smttfr St had a very narrow escape from being killed on Wednesday morning Mr Meek hitched his horse to cutter about oclock intend ing to drive down town He drove to the front the house letting the horse stand while he ran in for his overcoat He was only gone about a minute but when he opened door to return he found Smiths lit tle child between 3 and years of age had got into the cutter with the lines in one hand and whip in the other Mr Smith lives in the house opposite Mr Meek The horse start ed when the child raised the lines but being I animal it stopped when Mr Meek called fltooa But just then the child bit the horse with the whip and It dashed J off with a lively trot Mr Meek followed after only to the horse turn South on Prospect Avenue In front Mr Janes residence the child was thrown out of cutter and picked up by Mr Janes who carried It Into the The horse continued to Pear sons corners where It was stopped by Mr delivery boy He lb hack to the residence of Mr Janes and it was none worse for its run neither was the cutter in jured Strange to say the child was not Injured Id least Mr Meek arrived at Mr Janes about the time the horse got there and then return ed the child safely to its It would hardly seem possible that a child bo could have an ex perience without Injury ther your is ugly now or beau tiful it will improve its appearance Youll be delighted with the results Simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time before- brushing it Con tains no oil will not change the col or of hair nor darken gray hair To keep your and scalp dand rufffree and clean use Harmony Shampoo This pure liquid shampoo is most convenient to use because it gives an instantaneous rich foaming lather that immediately penetrates to every part of and insur ing a quick thorough cleansing Washed off just quickly entire operation takes only a few moments Contains nothing that can harm the hair leaves no harshness or sticki nessjust a cleanli ness Both preparations pome in odd- shaped very with sprinkler tops Harmony Hair Harmony Shampoo Both guaranteed to satisfy yoii in every way or your back Sold only at the more than Stores and in this town only by J R Broughton or Send the Era to absent triads A Source of Glory Ml Scotsmen take a pride In their native land but none more than the old gardener of of whom the New York Tribune tells following story The gardener was showing to tourist the beauties of the loch and of the little village It was evening and as ho expiated on the lovely scene and on the glories of Ma coun try the moon rose over a hill The old man stopped short In the middle of a and gated at the moon In admiration After a moment he turned to the tourist and said Theres a moon fur ye I tell ye were grand nation LUCK Oh George fair young vision in blue as she floated into tho drawingroom and found her lesser half reading the latest novel You really ought to have come to church with this morning Such a beau tiful sermon Im sure It would done you good All about dishones ty and stealing and petty meanness No one help feeling better for It I do wish you could heard it Really my dear murmured George and tried in vain to a yawn i And a did you home No I took a tram And oh George I had such a streak of luck Tim canduotor asked me for my fare and so I saved twopence IT Send the absent and Divers The fully modern diver not dread sharks In the depths though are cases on record where these monsters bitten at the air pipe causing a leak and almost drowning the man before he could be hauled up Sharks are however notoriously tim id and all the experienced diver has to do to them away Is to open of the air valves in his dress and cause stream of bubbles to rise all around him whereupon the ar- of the deep will make off in ab ject terror WOOD FOR Green Hardwood A long de livered in Town if required Also for sale George Newmarket P I Program for Iting Convention TO BE HELD AT SCHOrlBERG On Thursday Friday March Sentence champion speller of congress has on tap a great of les dealing with words and spelling One of bis linguistic feats Is reel off a sentence of word each word beginning with the successive letters of the alphabet this A boy cannot dig easily for gold hence If just keeping lead melted needs oxygen put Quicksilver rapid ly saturated timidly under vitriol a ben yean Wo find tbe prisoner not guilty by reason of insanity But ihe plea not that of in sanity remarked tho court Thats just the point we made rejoined foreman We decided that any man wbo didnt have sense enough to know that an Insanity plea was proper caper must be crazy Their I shouldnt think there would be any difficulty in renting haunted houses to actors Why not Because actors like to see ghost walk Ottawa Fob Fifty thousand In drafts and money orders belonging to the Union Bank of Can ada and the St Joseph Society sto len the Ottawa post office Jan uary were found tojlay in a bag hidden In the Canada building All the paper was recovered though some of it cojuld easily have OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sato at this Office Short Stove J2C0 SINGLE CORD A FULL CORD I LENGTHS Delivered in i Quantity is lusted order earl CANE SONS CO Given at Timothy St Newmarket Apply to Mrs Corner GET THE BEST IT Write for Catalogue of Toronto It explains fully e many by this College open all year Com now THURSDAY EVENING IYIAR IN BAPTIST CHURCH Song Service Opening and Devotional Exercises i Conducted by Scott will be two Addresses Music and Offering Announcements and Closing FRIDAY MORNING MAR IN BAPTIST CHURCH 1 Devotional Services Conducted by Rev J Kettleby Address The Text of Our Salvation Rev Bradford Discussion Conference The Adult Bible Class Conducted by Rev P Fletcher Keswick- 1145 Appointment of Committees and Offering AFTERNOON IN CHURCH Devotional Exercises Conducted by Rev Mr Lane Bond Head 220 Address Rev J Stewart Aurora Address The Primary Work Mrs Rev P Fletcher Keswick- Round Table Conference Conducted by P Fletcher Keswick Treasurers Report and Financial Appeal 430 Singing and Offering of Nominating Report and dis posing of same Adjournment FRIDAY EVENING- IN Song Service m ft00 Praise mingled with Prayer Conducted by Rev J Address Retiring Introduction of President fileol Address The Cross in the Prof J Farmer Theology WoMaajer Closing I OP ONTARIO i

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