Newmarket Era, 27 Feb 1914, p. 8

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Indian Mutiny volunteering Royal Artillery into the Royal I a Ml Sills exposure left me a great Rheumatism bo that Impossible to walk Mv bowel were so I that I only had one passage cured of both the Rheumatism Mt40cio8tliatiou In my jloy- walk thirty utiles a day and enjoy jpxfect Health No more nation Yon are at perfect lib- rty to publish thla letter If it will bo to PniitaUvcs GKORGB suffer with RhenmstUra Lumbago or Neural via U winter Take now and ls of pain a I or for At all dealers or receipt of prlco by Ottawa j 1 iff mm FOR 8ALE House on Prospect Ap tly to Grace St Now- scholars and of too skating party on Wednesday afternoon and evening were served and Band which were enjoyed by all A match between the men of Nashville and was played- on Monday evening end proved full of fun for the onlookers The score was a all The Mioses Cherry were at homo to their Tuesday evening and a very enjoyable time was spent ft a number of our people at- the Club on Friday evening Rev Stewart of Aurora conducted missionary service last Sunday afternoon A progressive euchre party was hold in the Town Hall on Wednesday night and a very exciting time was spent The ladles prizes were won by Pa ton- Miss and Mrs Thompson gen tlemen winners were George Hart A J Wells and Geo Robinson Mr Clark Harper and Mrs 1 KctrwcII- carried ofl the booby prizes o JOURTTKPQ August last I went to How Parisian Sage can Jiad at counter it is certainly THrU8R I to thin brittle Stone In irBtringjr or faded bait i No dt aaldtha- Wtalr badly it atone wai too Urge to remove and too falling of how- much dandruH hard to returned arid Parisian Sago all that recommended by a friend to try Frequent applications and well bed into the will do wonders They relieved the I took two like tiair roots aTp boxes and wcut to the luce magic no ftair axe Ho aaidthe atone wai amallcr but he nourished end stimulated io grow could not remove it although new hair itching dandruff end for two hours and a half I returned home and continued to take GIN and to great and joy I passed the GIN beat medicine In the world and because they did me much good will them all the rest of my life J a for at all dealers and money back they fail to give relief Sample free National Drug of Canada Toronto falling hair ceaxevyour head feels fine Beit of all the hair soft fluffy abundant radiant with life and beauty You will with Parisian Sage at least fifty cent bottle from J Patter son Ho refund the price It you are not QOQ cadot TO LET heated unfurnished Rooms and use room Mrs Proa- sect Ave North Newmarket HOU8E TO RENT Sevph rooms All modern Apply to Miss Mil lard Street In ft flrfck to Rent complete Furnace Nice and Lawn Apply to Mrs Alice Thompson Main St North For Sale or exchange lor Town pr- DAVIS- MoCARTY Newmarket A comfortable Brick House with Apply to Mis Millard Ave FOR SALE New Brick House on rooms domestic water etc Apply to GEO PERRAUIT CD Newmarket Too late for Inst week is quite a busy since the business started scorns anxious to get in Perhaps arc looking for a thaw Mr and Mrs Norman at tended the funeral ot his cousin on Monday Miss Vera spent Tuesday at Mr Albert who the misfortune to fall on the ice and sprain his wrist is feeling himself again Quite a good attendance at Sunday School on Sunday hut hope lor a better one next Sunday Mr and Mrs Kelly who have been visiting their son Mr and also calling on old friends in tend leaving lor their homo in the West in the near The Oyster Supper held at Mr Armstrongs and by young men of Sunday School on Wednesday night was a grand success There were about ninety present and all had a most enjoyable time The young men certainly de serve credit for the able manner in which they served the supper and al so for the quality of it CUCUMBER WITCH HAZEL CREAM finest form In which you can healing Witch Hazel and Soothing Cucumfcer It keeps the skin white soft and smooth In spite of exposure or 25cabotlIe at your Druggists NATIONAL AND CHtUlCAL CO- Of CANADA ZEPHYR j monthly Rifle Match held on Saturday was a event Cup being won by Mr Tom- a brother of last winner by a score of J Keatcr was 2nd while Mr Curl tied for prize fjOOO AURORA I- I J 11 FOR SALE Church St Newmarket Mod ern every way 9 rooms besides and wash room New Convenient to all down town Will be sold at a bargain terms Apply at this office WE HAVEFOR SALE property situated on Prospect Ave A largosized dwelling all conveniences all in first Quarter of an acre of with apple and small fruit ticca Frame stable and cement hen This we consider best in town so act quickly Terras arranged to suit purchaser Apply to P Morton box Here it is at Last Kidney Remedy is made from tjrks and is perfectly harmless If are a sufferer from Gall Stones Stones or Gravel Sanol will a positive cure If you have kidney bladder trouble or that is caused by excess of uric acid dizziness puffy swellings the eye swollen feet and anldta tired nervous feeling urine very an or extra dark and cloudy too zryment and painful urination brick in urire after standing a few hours you are danger and Kidney Remedy will save you At all Druggists per bottle Free Literature Sanol Manufactur er Co Ltd Winnipeg Canada Vet Sale by J Pfcm Newmarket KING CITY This neighborhood has suffered a distinct loss in the death of Mrs Ivan which occurred on the morning of Feb Mrs had fought against physical weakness for over two years but was only to her bed a days Her maiden name was Stella Mahoney daughter of Thomas Mahoney Esq of East Previous to her marriage eight years ago she taught school at Eversley then after a year at home she be came mistress of the Hilicrest Farm in King Tp She is survived by her four small children and a largo circle of relatives and friends to mourn the loss of one of the kindliest spirits which has bless ed this earth with its presence In the midst of most depressing circum stances and physical disabilities her high courage never forsook her nor her strong faith never wavered She always Saw silver lining to a cloud and showed a brave smiling face to all weathers She was a val ued member of the Womens Institute and her last paper road before that society is published in Farm and Dairy in a of articles on Child Education before beginning School and received favorable com ment She was a willing and effici ent worker in church and Sunday School and stood for all that was Worthy an idealist in childtraining an inspiration to her husband and a true and comforting friend The be reaved have the sympathy of the en tire community UNION STREET Miss ID is to be at the Social on Friday night and give sorrc her fine selections Dont fail to hear her farmers of this vicinity busy hauling and packing ice Three of our popular teachers up from Toronto on Sunday evening Talk about tootwar I guess we all have in need of them the past two weeks Too late for last week The young people of the Church here are getting up a Box Social for Friday evening the to be held in the Church They are quite debate and dialogue will come off this time along with recitations and select music Pro vision will be made that no one shall go hungry Doors open at Good attendance at the Christian here last Sunday er preached on Courteousness a subject not often taken a sermon but ha showed one the worst sins to be committed a Arthur Robinson of the Dominion Bank stall fell on an ex tremely slippery piece of sidewalk on Monday afternoon and struck his head with such force that he was rendered unconscious Ho is now recovered For nursing mothers Laxatives offer the important advant age that they do not disturb the rest of the system or affect the child a box at your Druggists National and Chemical Co of Canada Limited I WITS NERVE SKIN to KIDNEY Wtronlo and I I or gave a small tea last Friday afternoon The initiated several new members at their last meeting The bachelors and benedicts gave another dance in the town hall Tues day night of last week cheatra furnished the music Wood entertained the mem bers of West Council on Saturday evening to an oyster sup per Pleasant time for all young ladies of the Presbyter ian Church had a very successful af ternoon tea and sale on Friday The proceeds were in aid of the organ fund The old Mages farm has sold to Mr Walker of Newmarket Mr J who has manager of the Wilcox store hero ever since the firm bought the business is leaving Both ho and his wife will be greatly missed Bradford social lito Rev Dr and Mia Porter of Stella given a purs of gold on celebrating their golden wedding yeara ago tnoy were married in Brad ford where Mr Porter was then teacher of the jo school After wards he gave up teaching to enter ministry of the In which he has been eminently sue- Mrs Porter whose maiden Walter was also a Meat of Bradford prior to her marri age CixtatMvm Carnival nam DYE that ANYONE can use Guaranteed ONE DYE for All Kinds of Cloth TRY r in Canadian Hair afore and After Hair to color Two use from same hair of one becomes black blond or color as they were In youth Stops Hair Cured all Scalp New Growth SatUaction guaiactccl or money back or two for Not In address Hair Co WINDSOR day was a very 500 being id atteadafceo ft Just an you are I wouldnt Change a thing That is the spirit of modern photography And with the fast plates and faat lenses of the clever photographer can take you Just ate- Long fa conscious al titudes arc a tWng of the past In a in a Modern Studio as pleas- ant as an Informal on good friends Mat the appointment fln THE IN YOUR TOWN Trinity Hall was well filled with nen on Monday night who w de lighted with the illustrated lecture on Lite in the Arctic by Mr Jackson of Toronto For an hour and a half ho explained very fully a largo collection of views which gave an excellent idea of conditions in the northern regions A number of arti cles exhibited and altogeth er the evening waa a very interesting one On Monday evening Mr and Mrs OLeary of the Royal Hotel tendered a complimentary banquet to the members of the Aurora Hockey Club A largo number were present including sfeveral from Toronto and an enjoyable evening was spent The Citizens Rand furnished music Fire broke out Friday morning in dry goods store here suiting in a loss of The store Is located in the Bank block and the building is damaged to the extent of and the stock was almost to tally destroyed fire was first noticed about by a man on his way to w at the foundry He rang in an alarm and the fire brigade turned out smart ly and soon got the fire under con trol The fact that the store had a metal ceiling kept the firjj from spreading to the stories above Mr Shelling was Toronto and his wife was staying with friends over night The fire originated under the stair way presence on a shelf there of a charred box of matches with a hole gnawed on the side of it indi cates that the fire bad been started by rats The fiames had evidently spread upwards through the stairway and thus reaching the inflammable stock as the floor of store is practically in tact The damage is entirely covered by insurance ooo SCHOMBEKG Mr and Mrs Cornelius McCabe en tertained a number of their friends to a party last week The many friends of Mrs will be pleased to learn that she is fast recovering from her recent ill ness The gentlemen of had a social evening in the town hall last Monday Donations for the ice races at Tot tenham on the were solicited here week Mr Thomas Ellison received a bad injury to his foot He and his helper were cutting wood when the head of his employees axe flew oil and struck his foot inflicting a severe wound The Womens Institute held a tea and concert in the town hall on Tues day evening Toronto talent gave great satisfaction The comedy entitled The New Minister presented in the town hall by our Bond Head friends on Friday night drew a good crowd and the au dience was delighted with the enter tainment Tho are to be con gratulated on their excellent render ing of the drama The proceeds go towards rebuilding their church Quite a number attended tho con cert given by pupils ol public school an Friday The A train had a streak bad luck last week While at the con the coach commenced to move of its own weight as the breaks would not hold The car crashed into the engine and broke the rear steps and platform Then the next while shunting the car into the station here the brakes again refused to hold and the car crashed into a carload of logs with such force as to break the front up badly and throw the passengers con siderably besides upsetting the stove No one was hurt It is about time complaint was made to Railway regarding the rolling equipment on this line The family remedy lor Small fijiall Are Grades V Vhlle sockeye the -arUto- A the salmon tribe only source of profit to the Pacific Coast The next variety in grade of value fish averaging ton rounds and as high as It has a red flesh but la coarser grained and has larger bones than SockVeye The Is a fall flab running to the grounds a couple of weeks later than the Sockeye Their spawning are usually fresh water below ah Inland lake The la a fivepound bit to excepting that it In very small atreama to the flea It in very proline and In the of their run the are frequently choked with against each other and battling rocka cascadea and barriers fieah is lightcolored andthey spoil quickly on being taken from the For this reason they been packed much a food product but In the there has been an Increasing d for thlo chcapor class of fia The Dog salmon la a coarse pink of uniform ten to twelve It la the lowest grade In market value and la taken principal salting It runs to spawn about tho came time as the Hump back Steelhead which frequently In Sockeye season la really a salmon trout They are nearly always put in cold storage and Bold fresh fish being held as tho best flavored of all varieties for tablo use v 1 a bilious stuck your The Wis dots not ftow Pood tours of The becomes Inflamed and inflated turns tick vomiting- nd- violent best and cure for- biliousness Is Chtmberlalns ablets They make liver do Its workstrengthen lbs digestive organs arid restore to perfect health i A AH Dealers and or by fompai a EST I V -1- I y I Silt rv More Crime In West Crimes of violence are on the In crease In Northwest the an nual report of Royal Northwest Mounted Police which was Issued re cently Of charges murder were the direct result of drinking and drunken brawls five for purposes of gain three by Insane persons three Infanticide and the remainder were caused by jealousy and There were entered by the police during the last fiscal year casCB This la more than the year before and there were conylctlona There were 2136 cases of vagrancy which Illustrates the floating nature of the population Many were tramps beating tholr way along the railroads others were rail road navvies while others still have come In with the yearly migration of harvesters On Sept last the strength of the police force was 55 officers non commissioned officers an constables and horses This is an Increase of one officer and noncommis sioned officers and constables There are new detachments three- of which are on the route to the Gold Fields in Alaska Persisted Hon la one of finest Englishspeaking orators on the French side of the Canadian Commons It was not always thus Old Parliamentarians have a pain ful recollection of his first speech In the House of Common He blunder ed stammered and finally sat down In utter confusion without having impressed his thoughts on audi ence After the awkward silence had been broken and the wheels of procedure were revolving again an old gentleman roEe up from bis seat on the Conservative side of the House and crossed over the Liberal aide where Mr was sitting He was Mr Brock who was then sitting for one of the Toronto constituencies I will never try to speak in Eng lish again said Mr In deep mortification Nonsense said Mr Brock It was your first attempt and you did well when that fact is considered Keep at it Cheered by this timely advice Mr Lemleux did keep at it and reaped his reward Willing to Participate Andrew the humorous member of Parliament from came to the opening of the House with some new stories gleaned from his constituency Andy says he re ceived a letter from one of his elec tors shortly after Sir Wilfrid Laurier made his now speech at Ham ilton in which he laid down a new policy for the Liberal party The letter was brief nd to the point run ning like this Dear Andrew I see that man is In favor of free food So am I as this la going to be a hard winter and I am out of work Can you tell me where I can get a barrel of flour and a side pork free If this man Laurier can get It free I wish you would write him for me Toronto Saturday Night it and helps to Womens comfort physical end sure to pro Enquiry Was Some years ago a certain candi date a relative of the present New Brunswick Senators was run ning for the House of Assembly for the province One canvass against him was that he was an infidel and In the course of his speech an oppon ent who a rather shady reputation shouted You dont believe ther Is a God Do you Mr asked the can didate Of course I Then why have you served the devil all your life ft- r More Than Two To One Deducting the foreign element tuch as the Germans Russians Ital ians and Chinese which exceed the relative number of French and English In- Montreal Is French 304183 English Ward alone lVcnch residents Rom Feb The movies and tuo tango were indirectly responsible for the murder of a girl by at Tivoli The mother had forbidden her 17yearold daughter from a film of the because of the ban placed on the dance by the Roman Catholic The daughter defied the mother and attended the ahowr- Her mother met the girl when she was returning home and beat her u- witty stick girls skull was injured and her collarbone brok en two days afterward The mother been arrested I a i Fill the Salt Cellars direct from package J y i I didnt knot I an Elevator until THATS what a merchant said in our office re cently We just sold him an Elevator for use in his small but grow ing factory a little town in Western Ontario He is enthusiastic over the econ omies he has been enabled to effect through the installation of a small handpower Elevator costing but He has discovered the secret of efficiency in handling goods and filling orders He has learned how to cut out unprofitable methods and reduce the of labor by eliminating waste time and needless effort Perhaps you may find in this Book the solution of your most difficult problem Isnt writing for ELEVATOR COMPANY LIU IT ID BAY ST TORONTO COUPON Please send me your book N Add Fill this coupon with your name and address Then tear off and mail at once Youll get the book by return mail Dont put off and forget V7T TBtSVKSSs Concrete Tanks and Troughs Never Rot or Leak most practical whether for water or sewage are built of concrete They never rust rot dry out or leak They never need new or paint They a lifetime and require which mates them the cheapest tanks that can be built Clean Sanitary Watering Troughs are just the that drink from them The turners best interest are being ered when his stock a plentiful of clear clean water from a trough that fa permanent and sanitary r What the Fanner can do with- Concrete name of a handsome free book that tells all about concrete tanks troughs and other uses of concrete that will saw tuner many Write for It today Em Bureau Liwtesi 1 J lipoid MofttTMi k OP

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