Newmarket Era, 6 Mar 1914, p. 1

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A ft l I A npMvMll TOter i to uS All Warrant IACKS0N tf4iii mmmiaF JuRONTO LETTER paid in VW I Big Reduction UoWoBano j A Telle Pull Odd wat io Cleat Out AT Skaters who arc Particular Buy the Auto Lighter and Faster than Any Other PHONE NEWMARKET a I ft I I Mi BASK in the Heat Produced By I And You Will Have Comfort Peace and Happiness Good Coal for Cold is Always Procured at W EVE CartersBen Manning Ed Church Order by Phone 22 or Held or Boyd Ihk fy I INCORPORATED Capital and Reserved Making Prosperity Sure is a present inrnt tvety man or woman who earns money can and should have a Savings AC S J dolars bo put Torinto receives de- POBltsof upwards Interest Is added to balances halfyearly on the Daily lialance Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West P Manager It South End Lumber Yard THE SMALLEST- SCUTTLE Of our free burning coal go as far as the largest of the other kinds There are as many grades of coal as there of and be sure of the best you should buy where only best is handled That is right here as many large coal users can tell you P Pearson Cor Carters All Bishop and George Every Thing in Lumber Lath and STWEEN SEASONS You Need an Odd Fairs of Trousers To wear out that old Coat and Vest We have just secured some Bargains in Trouserings at deduced Prices TAILOR PHONE WILLI ST WHAT IS WORTH AT ALL IS WORTHY at Right Prices LUMBER LATH POSTS SHINGLES SASH DOORS a Veneered Material and Trim la Oak Cypress etc Kiln teiwood Maple Ock etc k It IT WORKS TO BETTER ADVANTAGE LESS TIME AND LABOR THUS THE DEFERENCE IN COST SO SLIGHT THAT IT SHOULD CUT NO FIGURE Youll Find Twill Pay to Use the Beat mam set SONS St was charged with dV his creditors l fa Alleged that itflrioved portions of the goods Justboforo During last month railway em ployees Union station wore dismissed for too many visits to saloons others for removing things from cars without authority Public School was ted last week Nearly pu pils walked out orderly in less than four minutes Firo was discovered in the base ment of the Ross Avenue School building on Thursday last week The blaze was noticed in timo to save the premises For evangelization among the Jews In Canada the Anglican Church of the Dominion arc laying plana for raising Of this amount To ronto diocese Is ejected to contri bute Mayor told the Alliance last week that Toronto under local option would prosper all more As the number of licenses ore di minished the City grows A won named Arthur from was last week on a charge of stealing 40 and was sent back to for trial Mr Justice Middleton gave the le gal fraternity due warning that if their continued he would penalize their practice One day week six cases were on the docket for trial in the nonjury Court hut not one them was ready to be pro ceeded with was fined and costs last week for wilfully damag ing a mattress the property his landlady The latter had given him notice to leave and he took thereat The Alliance last week was not slow In the thought that all Canada was ready for Total Pro hibition Steps may shortly be tak en for a Prohibition Vote York County Commissioners last week visited the locality where a new bridge is desired on Dawes road As a result they have instructed the County Engineer to plans lor a new bridge to replace the bridge The new bridge will have a span of feet and the road way will be feet in width The road will bo raised two feet and the hills on each side the bridge will cut down One day last week Mr Justice Mid said Owing to the fact that the Assizes have been so congested it is probable that within this month a second Assize Court ho opened at the City Hall No won der a good many York County rate payers want judicial separation from the City Corporation is growing wild The Council is asking the Leg islature for permission to issue 150403 worth of debentures without the consent of the people The City daddies think they arc the whole push OQQC Excursions and Settlers Trains to the West taking advantage of- Excursions should bear in mind the many exclusive features ottered by the Canadian Pacific Railway in con nection with a trip to the West It is the only allCanadian route Only line operating through trains to Western Canada No change of pots Only line operating through standard and tourist sleepers to Win nipeg and Vancodver All equipment is owned and operated by Canadian Pacific Railway affording the high est form of efficiency fares will in each Tuesday March 3rd to October 27th inclusive and round trip second- class tickets will be sold via Cana dian Pacific Railway from Ontario points and East at very low for example from Toronto al so West and North of Toronto to Winnipeg and return to Edmon ton and return 43 Other points in proportion Fares from points East of Toronto Will be slightly higher Return limit two months trains leave Toronto each Tuesday during March and April Each Tuesday during March and April too Canadian Pacific will run Settlers trains to Winnipeg and West and for the accommodation of settlers travelling with live stock and effects a colonist car will be at tached to the settlers effects train This car will leave Toronto on regu lar train at 1020 pm and on ar rival at West Toronto it will be at tached to settlers effects train as mentioned above For those not travelling Jive stock and effects special colonist cars will be attached to regular trains from Toronto running through to Winnipeg without change No charge is made for accommodation in Colon ist cars Tourist sleeping cars are also op erated regular trains leaving To ronto pm Full particulars from any C Agent or write M Murphy Dis trict Passenger Agent Toronto 4 r r- The annual meeting of the he promised the Nationalists in North York Reform Association do away with the luok place in the Town Hall New- vice While thing arocalhi market last Saturday afternoon we ask whether it is in the were pre- lerests of trio country to have our sent from all parts of the Riding navy formed Abroad or by us at All the were reelected home Mr King thought that a with the exception of Mr Herb navy formed in Canada would be Winch in lieu of his father the a great help in providing work late Stephen Winch of for the unemployed and stated as follows that this view had been aired Hon Floury Ottawa President Regarding the closure the First VicePros remarked that the whole Underbill Aurora Second Vice- thing was part of a scheme to gel Pre Herbert Winch Bel haven the house of commons under the Secretary J M Walton Aurora f Mr Borden and In Treasurer Eugene Rowan Ml government I aipii Sip Albert The following resolutions were adopted unanimously The North York Reform As sociation places on record its confidence in its honored Chief the Right Hon Sir Wilfrid rler and assures him of its con tinued support and its earnest desire that be may long continue as leader of the Liberal parly and that at the next general election he may he triumphantly returned as Premier of the Dominion of Canada It also pledges itself to do all in its power to return to the Parliament of Canada as its member Hon Mackenzie King The North York Reform Asso ciation places on record its con currence in the policy of Banish the Bar and of Social Better ment of the as outlined by the leader of the Liberal par ty in the Provincial Legislature Mr W Howell K P P and assures him of its determin ation to assist him in every way possible and to return as its rep the Liberal candidate of this Association The public meeting was opened a few minutes after two clock the Hall being well filled and a number of ladies being pre- sent The President Mr dilleld occupied the chair and in His opening remarks regretted to announce that Mr Proud- root M P P for Center Huron who was expected to address the meeting was unable to be present owing to a legal case al but that Mr Bone P P was expected In bis place- It was a great disappointment to the au dience that neither speaker turn- tip Hon Mr King reiterated elo quently the declarations of bis great political Chieftain regard ing administrative economy for adjustment of the tariff He an nounced his determination tu help light the food monopolists We wider markets for the farmer and cheaper food for the consumer be declared amid applause The Federal coffers do not need the assist ance of a high tariff on table commodities because despite the reckless extravagance of the pre sent Administration since its in ception into power there is a surplus of and this money should be utilized towards the alleviation of the high cosl of living Cheers Speaking on reciprocity he said that the objection raised against it was the danger of an nexation to the United Slates What did the Liberals say queried Mr King Trade will not lead to annexation I would say lo you farmers of the country an advantage to you to have barley grain etc as well as cattle and hogs on the free list The United States just picked on commodities to Ml their own purpose Mr King slated that the Liber al policy was to keep up on behalf of the farmer and con sumer not through reciprocity because the chance had been lost by the best means it was pos sible lo obtain Referring lo the surplus of Mr King stated that he Liberals would try to get the back into tin- peoples pockets The Tory party are trying to get of the by increas ing expenditures be said The It Quickly Removes Dandruff Just because your hair is full dandruff thin streaky never will do up to look do not de spair hair thick fluffy lustrous and absolutely from dandruff Is only a matter of care Parisian Sago frequently applied will work wonders Just one cation itching head removes dandruff and all excessive oil It goes right to the foots and fur nishes the nourishment needed the hair becomes soft fluffy abundant and radiant with life Parisian Sage not only saves the hair but stimulates It to grow long an heavy Get a cent bottle from J Patterson at There is no other Justasgood From Era Mar ltfkj death Pearson of Nathaniel Pearson St aged years is Mr Varidcrsmf spin is wa new Grammar School Teacher succeed Mr Marling Somebody into the workshop of Mr- a lew ago He tells burglars that the door- is not locked and hence there to injure the loci The American War Is still in pro gress Grant is In command of the Northern forces down in Virgin ia King Township Council held a meeting at Hotel King Horn on the t7h The Reeve was absent on account of having met with an accident DeputyReeve Thompson presided at the meeting the Hon Mac- Liberal policy lo adjust the King was on hand and fori tariff and reduce the cost of regaled not lo injure the r ttt db to about two hours audience with solid facts and con- elusive arguments which were re peatedly applauded He spoke of the pleasure it gave him to greet such a large audience and the line old Reform spirit in evidence North York is historic because of its battles for Reform and if we arc to believe what we bear about the corridors of the Parliament Buildings North York will be no more Measures govern the I ion and not boundaries and if an attempt is made to obliterate the constituency it will not be without a strong light As the candidate for York in the next Dominion Election he look it rather as a compliment than otherwise that an effort was lo be made lo replace him but such tactics would not quench lighting spirit With regard lo the achieve ments of the Liberal party during the past year the candidate said As wo look over the years work we have every reason to con gratulate ourselves as to what has been accomplished Several liy- have been held for both the Dominion and provincial houses and while not won our parly the Tory majorities have been cut down considerably In the provincial look at South Bruce said Mr King there we changed a major ity of something like a hundred in the Tory favor lo a hundred in favor of the Liberals The whole cause of the trouble is because llio parly is unity King next levelled the fol lowing question at the Borden ad ministration Is there anyone in the Borden government who in the Borden government who ca can point lo a single measure passed by them which has been for Hie benefit of the mass of the people To answer this question the speaker produce the Ljberal- handbook which has recently been Ihe government with the re mark- It looks as if they are think ing about a general election com ing off soon is something in the nature of impudence for the party to devote three parts of its book to the naval defence of Can ada and the empire when are doing nothing in the matter he said Borden has now got two million for naval services but does not say he will have a Canadian naval service Ho would like people to think he is to although pro ducer in any way There arc I 717000 bushels of wheat grown in this country annually and bushels only are used the rest has either to be exported or burned Wider mar kets for producers is the Liberal policy The minister of finance re cently said I hat farmers need education regarding the different soils grading and other things connected with farming How- do you like that You grow 1 000000 bushels and yet he says you need more education Laughter Another moans of getting rid of the surplus was by such rips through- Canada as taken by Col Hughes and a British officer he said There went The speaker forcibly opposed the making of an executive in dependent of parliament which he said the Conservatives were doing Col Hughes policy to spend spend spend declared Mr King The present Admin istration aims at gelling rid of the present surplus because it wants to blind the people to the necessity for any reduction of the tariff and bind the country lo a policy of centralized naval and military power in The present Government is aiming at privileges for the few and abso lute power for the Cabinet when no interests should be para mount lo those of the people Its expenses have jumped from an annual combined capital account and current expenditures of to the total appropria tion last year of 500000000 This does not include the propose ceived that and know Cabinet at Ottawa is trying to generate an Imperialistic senti ment Do you think our relations Great Britain be hap pier than they are bad she re ceived that and know- that thousands are now walking He knew their influence streets of Canadian cities look- I was and was sure it would by over such a great pro ject witha line tooth comb inves tigators can And nothing wrong Anybody can say would have been saved if this or thai had been accomplished or done in a different manner After a search from one end of the re port to the other I have failed to find one name of any man who can he adjudged guilty of receiv ing a fivecent piece he did not deserve The report simply states thai if there had been sharper curves wooden trestles and momentum grades millions would have been saved The Can adian railways are now spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on the substitution of steel bridges for wooden and the gen eral improvement of their per manent ways and the former Commission only look lime by the forelock Had it con structed wooden bridges and a slipshod track it could be ac cused of wasting public money because it would have to accom plish in years to come what the railways are doing now Rather than be wasteful the Commission ers practised real economy In every sense of the term He declared that much criti cism had been launched the construction of the branch and in answer to this slated that the T wanted lo ship most of its freight from American ports whereas Sir Wil frid demanded a united Canada and the despatch of all western Canadian products lo Canadian ports Tory militarism next claim ed the attention of Ihe speaker He severely criticized the pro Minister of Militia for his wan ton wast of public funds by the increase of the departments ex penditure from 97000000 in two years The handbook of Conservative political achievements was next the subject of discussion by Mr King He ridiculed the Govern ment for claiming credit for the readjustment of Provincial boun daries and placing the onus on the Senate for the alleged rejec tion of the highways bill The latter would have been passed had they allowed its administra tion by the Provinces but no the Borden aims at plac ing as much money as possible in the hands of its cohorts who would make this country so cor rupt that there would be no chance of a fair and square po litical fight said he The lime is opportune for a parcelpost system Mr King declared hut not the attempt for which Mr Pelletier claims so much credit Of whal use is a system which limits the weight of parcels to six pounds or eleven pounds at the most In the United Slates the limit is fifty pounds If the limit was extended it would be a service worth while Applause Proceeding to the summary of legislative measures passed by the government he said that each with the exception of the parcels post bill were of no consequence or else were sim ply terminations of works com menced by the Liberal party dur ing term of ofiice In conclusion Mr King said that another way of getting rid of the surplus was by paid to he press for printing anil advertising He concluded amid great applause Mr J Walton who had just returned from a honeymoon of two months in California was gratified and proud his own country and especially the elect ors of North York He express ed his pleasure at seeing so many ladies present and thank ed them for their gracious pre- YEARS AGO in From Era Mar The At St Johns Newmarket by Father on the Patrick Wallis of Toronto to Miss Kate of Newmarket West Desmond On the 23 of Feb by Rev L W Hill at Meth odist Parsonage Newmarket John Lloyd West to Johanna of Aurora Manning FeimeJlAt Trinity Bradford by Rev Ryan assisted by Rev A J Greer on Manning to Jamie Gallagher Fuller On by Rev at of the brides father Jane daugh ter of James Fuller Esq to Gallagher all ol King The At Chicago on 20th Cathar ine mother of Mr Alexander Toronto and J of Newmarket aged years Miss Brawn of Toronto was visit ing with Mies Caldwell over Sunday Miss Rolling of Forest is making a visit with Mrs J for a couple of weeks Mrs Wm Beech left for her home Winnipeg on Wednesday Reeve Jackson visited Hamilton this week accompanied by bis daugh ter Mr Richardson attended the opening services of the new Method ist Church at last Sunday Mr R Joy of Toronto for mer Newmarket and who built the Alma Terrace on Timothy Street East was in town this week calling on old friends Dr Stuart had several visitors from Toronto spending week end with him Mr visited with Mr J H Millard this week on bis way to Manitoba A joyous gathering assisted Mr and Mrs T to celebrate their tin wedding one evening last week Mr J Hughes left on Saturday for Washington to see the In auguration of President Harrison Canon who was for many years a resident of North bury having carried on a private college for men at Roachs Point passed away at last week King Township has appointed Mr Jesse Walton Assistant Postmaster at Kettlebyas Treasurer of the Mu nicipality On Tuesday last Mrs Jos Stokes of lost her con taining and a credit deposit slip of the Ontario Bank for Mr Weir of Virginia had the misfortune to break his leg on Mon day while hauling logs The Methodist Church held anni versary services on Sunday last when Rev occupied the pulpit A teameeting followed on Monday evening and later a platform meet ing Rev Hill occupied the cliair Speeches were delivered by Smith J Stewart Ed wardsthe latter from Head I J 1 1 if Now Thoroughly Drives Out Urlo Acid Poison I for work Mr Borden that an emergency existed Hut the Empire is still existent and future not depend upon a Canadian naval grant Ap plause Close attention was given to his remarks the GuteliUB- National Transconti nental report He declared that the two Commissioners were appointed with a view lo trying lo create scandal but there they failed hopelessly said he It is an extraordinary thing if be given on the side of morality and good government He was thai Canada country was white glad man The meeting closed with cheers for the King Mackenzie King andJ Walton Cherry Pectoral for yen There only one way to bo from Rheumatism the accumulated caused by an of Uric Acid poison must be expelled from the body That is what MA will do and do thoroughly If you suffer from any Sciatica Arthritis Muscu lar Lumbago or Gout get a bottle of from Patterson for it is guaranteed For many years I suffered from Rheumatism In my arm3 and should ers My kidneys and bladder were and I rapidly lost flesh Al ter fivo Weeks use of -I- was a well nun William Fry Fort Erie Ont v T It McConkeys bus- for GO days of drunken and ftt the

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