Newmarket Era, 6 Mar 1914, p. 2

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WtAt 1 TWO i ah Pinters 4 Apply to tire LOST Fob fTfeo Hunters W Aurora ft FOR I L f SILVER pri Dutch Ma- vMM W at W o Stanlor J box HOUSE FOR 8 ALE Oft corner and Oak Sis domestic water electric furnace Good garden and sta ble Newmarket PO I r NEW HOUSE FOR On Andrew St Newmarket Cistern domestic wa ter electric light Apply on premises in evening or address Wm Lane Box Newmarket REAL ESTATE Mortgage and Bonds bought and sold Interest to yield to per cent Farm and Town Property bought sold or rent ed Rooms to Lot Marriage Licen ces issued Phono P O Box will bo received by tWe undersigned up to oclock on 1st day ol April to supply the Industrial Home until March 31st with Beet Groceries and Dry Goods Parties wishing to tender lor any of tfce above mentioned supplies can get blank forms from Homo also eco3Darf Information respecting ten ders J LUNDY Inspector lO acres in the Township of East Lot No in 4th J Good loam frame house bank Living stream of witter York Radial station on the or acres plowed ACO ACRE LOT No fa 3rd Con of Bast rent separately or to- Apply to MARY Constance Street Toronto A Ottawa gives rejoinder from Hon Sidney fisher to Hon Ham Hughes in connection with a statement made by the latter last Commons in which that Hon Mr had person when the site- military pur poses was pucohasedi Mr Fish er dont mince matters in his If says There is absolutely no foundation whatever for this reckless charge against me satisfied that the min ister knew when he made the statement that there was no foundation for it Ho has known me for many years both as a private member in the house arid as a minister and he knows that nobody with any regard for decency or truth has ever suggested my obtaining pecuniary ad vantage from the public po sitions which I occu pied I shall only add this accusation is untrue in particular and if Col the Hon Sam Hughes will under- take to that statement whoro ho had not pro tection of the privilege of- parliament a criminal lion for libel will be taken out him the next day Itis now up to Col Hon Sam Hughes to repeat his statement outside the Parliament Buildings or stand convicted of muking an untruthful statement behind the privileged protection tho House affords Hon White ix hi place on the floor of the Commons as Minister of intimated that the was depos ed to granting relief to either pro ducers or consumers tariff changes He have a declining rural population and then Is reme dy Answering his ques tion ho told he remedy is in creased production lie add ed that the to further this end by promoting agricultural education through out Canada teaching the farmer as to as to his grains and as Co his breeds of cattle What he presents Canadas production last year estimated at and its total consump tion in- year is estirhated at so that we have hushels fpr exporta tion Under these circumstances the Canadian Farmer who knows hie own business better than the J Minister of Finance Is demand ing Wider Markets not Agricul tural education as proper means of securing increased pro duction We commend thoughts to farming commu nity of North York and hope they will act accordingly next election The Hamilton Herald says the right thing when it states Mr Howell is to he congratulated up on the unmistakable way in which he has made it known that he will tolerate no barnacles on the ship he commands An exchange remarks that Feb ruary viewed from the stand points its weather was a tough month on toes and temper but it has been fine for this years ice crop This fact helps to strengthen Die convictiong that icemen who cater to theneeds of people at Lake summer resorts will be able to supply the coming holiday demands at reasonable rates Four churches suflercd terri fic gale on Sunday The Methodist Mission House la was down the tower of the new Knox Church on Ave crash ed through the roof the chimney East Toronto Baptist Church blew down and chimney of tbo Baptist Church The ve locity of the wind- was mile an hour highest at the Observatory The damage in the city Mm Boyd will not month W toir In Toronto last week Convention Toronto will not next moved to Newmarket J Sunday in Toronto Ub Lucia of Toronto lag Boyd last week Eve Are ill not receive ngnin 4nls Mr Toronto was at Dr Wcay and Mrs Wbofc- ten will not receive again Hon J and wife spending this at Algonquin Park entertained a of torn on alter- noon Mr and Mrs J vis ited at West Toronto last Sunday week Rev HF Thomas has been con fined to the by an attack of jaundice Miss of visited undo Mr Marshall Rose for tne past week Mr Walter and Mr Geo Young last Sunday with friends In the City Mr and Mrs John Asbworth of Toronto wore guests of Mr and Mrs over Sunday Mr and Mrs McHarg and eon Jack of Toronto spent week at Eagle St Mrs McManus Prospect Ave of ingneBS or is more We should like to have you come to view these early displays of spring apparel etc It distinctly to your advantage to do so Eta Iff ami iraisl I i is estimated at On Saturday evening Mr Justice gave a thimble fee to a number delivered a decidedly lady yesterday afternoon address at the Canadian Institute Mr Aubrey Davis last showing that arbitration was tho Saturday from Montreal and Quebec most powerful medium of settling ho bad loon on a business disputes between nations and that wars were practically powerkss that purpose grandpaxento and Mrs George The amalgamation and tlon of all I Fanners Clubs now Kcifch in one Farmers ve Association is the idea party on for the meeting to be held in the Ia- thC I Clark of Toronto and Mr and 20tb of March Lloyd V of Port A the Criminal Session which opened last Tuesday at the City Hall Rich colorings and novel designs characterize these spring silks and dress goods We have never shown lovelier or more practical ma- terials It is a real pleasure us to to you Striped in Ivory Grey and Brown yard wide This silk will he very popular this season par yard Shot several colors yard wide yard Brocades in a variety of colors yard- wide well worth par yard Silks for trimming Printed Shantung Bagdad and Plaids to match all shades of dress goods 1 I i j from Prize Winning White Orphingtona AT NEWMARKET WINTER SHOW I won with entries 1st CockeciU 2nd Hen 2nd Pullet PEN No 1st 2nd Hen 2nd at Newmarket Winter Show let Hen 1st Pullet and four extra good flhown hens EGGS per PEN No is headed by 1st rel Fall Fair with some typical hens and pullets EGGS per Order now per cent de- posit as I am filling up with orders for future delivery CLAUD FAUX Orpington Club of Canada EXECUTORS SALE Of Valuable Property IN NEWMARKET Pursuant to instructiqus received from Executors of Hie late loan Eves there willbe offered Mr sale by Public Auction on the premises on Saturday the day at the hour ol oclock in the after noon by J Auctioneer in Two Parcels the Homestead the late John Eves situate on the South side of street at tho corner of John street in the Town of Newmarket being compos ed of the Westerly feet of No as laid down on registered Plan No PARCEL NO I Tho Westerly feet of the aforesaid feet on which is situated a comfortable brick Residence containing rooms and Evidence of a general Dominion Election not being far distant is rapidly accumulating Only last week Hon Mr White Minister of Finance stated on the floor of the Parliament that the revenue for the present fiscal year will meet all expenses on both current ac count and capital accounts for the year This statement will bo printed in Hansard and Gov ernment candidates will be able to read it at nomination meetings thereby misleading the electorate The fact was afterwards point ed out that according to present indications the expenditure will exceed the countrys income by about In the Telegram of the ult wc find tho following ex tract given as the opinion of a Liberal M P P In my opinion the Government is going to find itself in a hole before long in re gard to the Canada Temperance Act Here they are on record as saying they are willing to accept and enforce it Then lliey tell the liquor men that they arc going to stick to local option Youll see soon that they will fall between two stools It appears liquor men object to the Canada Tem perance Act because it takes only a majority vote to put it in force whereas local option re quires a threefifth majority to become law there were new cases on the dock et and traversed from last court All but a couple of the new cases long to the City but County has to pay part of the costs of trial young woman was arrested Friday for choplifting at Simp- cons A of shoe laces was up before the Police Court last week on a charge of drunken ness He had wealth that amazed the Court In his pockets were found- and a bankbook in dicating that he had on de posit Mrs Hearst gave a euchre party in the Speakers Chambers last Tuesday evening their guests being the members of the Provincial Government their wives and daughters About women attended tbe social of the Gaelic Bible Class in Knox Church last Friday night Brothers Mr and Jaa Brothers of Aurora spent Sunday with her broth er Mr on old Mr Thou Gardner of the City Hall Belleville writes weekly visitor always appreciated from my home Town Mrs Jackson and daughter from Erg are spending a week With Mrs Rns Mrs Ib a daughter of the late Geo The Editor attended a banquet In Toronto last night given by LH- to N Esq and bio supporters in the Ontario House Armitae has re turned home improved in health after a visit of with bar son Mr Harold V Armitage of London Ont got home the precincts of the Police Court Wesley left on Monday James Walker was sent to jail for I at Toronto when the entire program was in from England last Saturday after- Gaelic noon after a stormy passage Their For assaulting a Crown witness In fire for seven hours to re- days Those who in flats some- 1mt Harry ol Winnipeg times have- queer experiences A girl j formerly of and her chum in a West End apart- Belhaven and nephew of Mr Henry were playing ragtime on the of Newmarket has been vis- piano The phone rang It was the among relatives and friends for caretaker Would you mind cutting couple of months the last two weeks being with Mr Frank Sen- out the ragtime for an hour There is a funeral being held in the room below The girls hadnt heard Weston Times that there had been a death on the premises CO O The Borden Government ap pears to be making special effort to debauch public opinion by its lavish expenditures to a subsidiz ed press During the fiscal year of 191213 notwithstanding the fact that the has its own printing bureau employing hundreds of men something over public money was distributed among newspapers and printing companies favorable to the Borden Government ronto Newspaper offices got no loss than 38786 two offices in Montreal got The Cab inet ministers have a financial in terest in three of the big dailies Will farmers of North York sanction this method con trolling public opinion We shall see when the next election comes off School Reports No 3 and January and February Class Mark possible Johnny West Pottage Knee for the Era Owens Knee- E Lewis Gar Newton mi Class III Marks possible 1365 Terry gives a very complimentary notice to Miss for her singing and charming stage appearance at the Presbyterian Concert on Monday ev ening Her songs were all well re ceived and a lullaby as an en core was especially charming Mr H Royal of Alaska writes Find enclosed I have not THE LEADING Undertaking House can buy your Cheap For Cash A SPECIALTY The February number of The Canadian Liberal Monthly- is full of Canuck in the hands of the Tory Doctors is the a very suggostive car toon The statement is a pantry with good outbuildings that the per capita expenditure been in your Town for about years and am anxious to hear news The letter is dated the 20th of Jan was not received until last KneeBhaw Buckle 758 so it will bo some time yet E before he knows what is going on Taylor 358 We notice by the Hastings paper Class Marie possible that Mr Cameron who was 846 I Herb engineer on Newmarket Canal Creator Owens a by the stall Wrln that Place he having been Lewis I The gives an Clifford West P account of an Oyster Supper tender- Robinson to the Curling Club by Messrs Class Marks possible Cameron Murphy and Vernon three Pottage A Owena K members of the rink who succeeded in Lewis winning the Silver Cup presented by Newton A 373 the President Mr Vernon mention- are nice shade i and on this parcel trees and shrubs PARCEL NO IIThe Easterly feet of the aforesaid There no buildings on this parcel Together with the use of Lane run ning along side of both parens TERMS OF per cent Cash at time of sale and balance to be paid within thirty days theroattgr These parcels will be put up subject to reserved bids For further partic ulars apply to THOS J ROBERTSON Vendors Solicitor Newmarket Immediately alter the sale land there will be offered for sale a of Furniture Feb 1914 during the last complete fiscal year of the Laurier administra tion was Borden Government it has increased to approximately This is the Government that North Yorks P holds up both hands- to sup port In the cartoon Jack Canuck is represented as in bed Hon Minister of Militia is Mo- oclock this morning Tbe blaze holding One arm from 165 Number on roll Average attendance Richard Yeates foreman brick layer for Bros died without a momentd warning while playing an encore with bis son at a concert Petrolla With tbe wind blowing miles an hour and the recording degrees zero tho home of Mac kerel was burned to the ground about streams of blood are flowing into a washtub his other arm is held by the Hon Minister of Pub lic Works from which the blood a barrel The Hon Minister of Finance on the scene while a fourth member of the Cabinet has a rope around each leg at foot of the originated in tbe chimney In the at tic and had gained considerable head way before it was noticed Before Mrs Mackerel and her children could escape diningroom roof fell in blocking up door By this time a number of employees log for Robert at build- from ttie refinery arrived They tried trade Wishing yourself and all the doors but were unableto force I Era readers and acquaintances the an entrance Smith got In through a of this life and a happy passport believe is a Newmarket boy son of the late Kin Vernon Mr J Johnson of Huntsville writes Enclosed find a dollar tne Era Both Mrs Johnson and my self feel this dollar is well spent It Is the link that keeps us In touch with our young days and ac quaintances and while the Era fre quently tell us of those that ere pass ing to the Great Beyond we are spared in fairly good health I am my 77th birthday Allow me to congratulate you on your office Im provements While reading of them my thoughts went back to the days of the eight inch sheet and the day that your father landed at the old Hotel to negotiate for it- I was then boarding there and Cradle HAMILTON At Newmarket- on the Feb 1914 to Mr and llrs O P Hamilton a son In Mount Albert on Mon day March 2nd to Jr and- Mrs a son Newmarket en Feb to Mr and Mrs James Bond a daughter King on the Feb to Mr and Mrs a son The Altar RICHARDSON At the Methodist Parsonage Bradford on Feb 23 by Rev R Isaac T Richardson Toronto to Mrs Emily brook of Holland Land ing The Tomb CODYIn Newmarket on Feb 1914 Gerald Manning infant son of Mr Cody grocer aged 5 and days The funeral service was conducted at the residence hero by Rev of Aurora assisted by Rev cle and Rev Webb of Newmarket In terment at Aurora Cemetery last Fri day- At Toronto on March 1st 1914 Sarah widow of David W Interred at Aurora Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon Pine Grove Cottage on Feb John Robinson father of My Robinson of aged 63 Kettleby on Feb 24 in his year funeral on Thursday was largely attended the service being conducted by Elder of New market in the Methodist Church at and interment Kettleby Cemetery feeaea have of n ft in this section Take a look at and see what spraying and trimming will do in the production of Choice Fruit New Figs New Dates Peels New Currants iifu PHONE PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO singing oiiWGd on Boys Ill window and the- Imprisoned into that which is to come Bend ttft to were I me yours to Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Jo Fit MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent lor Cameras and Photo Supplies lexs Chocolatca Weekly OFFICE Phone No Phone No i S J iTHi All orders will Cartful Prompt AtfcotlM only persons years of In Mount Albert on age It is a long stop however day Feb towards Iho recognition of aged years mos men suffrage and of changing Funeral Monday to Albert conditions in civil and po- Cemetery history of the Dominion i Canada is getting ready for fe male suffrage in its broadest sense Mrs Jamieson of Calgary has been of the Juvenile Court of that city She has the same pow er as Police Magistrate or- Judge An examination of Canada census statistics the fact that in its popula tion of there 342 octogenarians and also cqnlenanans figures indicate a health- giving by any continent lot of the District Court hut will try country on the v

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