Newmarket Era, 6 Mar 1914, p. 3

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ft I commencing at lull ttrrutoi Club Is for a Banquet at the King Hotel on Thursday evening of next Another Carnival at the- I of igioe I iada the r Chairman the School Board Mr JR test ed Fire Drill at both schools last The King George School our rooms marched out order ly In one and seconds The prospect Ave School with six rooms were just five seconds more teat was very satisfactory I i if ij acres belonging to the estate ol the late John Eves situat ed in the Township of the concession were sold auction in Newmarket last Satur day for purchaser being Mr Jos A Gibson who the ad joining property The price realized was more than the reserved bid Oh account tho continued Rev pastor the Rev who the pit laat Sabbath will again conduct the services next Sunday Curling The for the Davis Cup which has progress all ended on Tuesday evening when Mr J won prize from Mr by close majority of one point MJ the Cup last yodr It Will Bo Worth Your To attend the Irish Concert March Undo Josh in a drama Depot Thine are quite lively aronud T depot these days A large quantity of stock is on move cars this week last week and cars the week before Among them were two porkers sold by Arnold that weighed Ho for he steer brought Large quantities of lumtor are com ing from for Mr yard lie is looking for a good build ing cars of freight in and out is hot an unusual dally occurrence Good sermons good music and good congregations last Sunday in the choir In the evening and excellent by- Miss or Boys walked out to the Home last Sunday after noon and assisted the pastor in the- service of song The Ladies Aid cleared nearly at their Talent Sale lastFriday af ternoon The pastor commenced a series of sermons for Men last Sunday even ing The subject for next Sunday is Work Mens Chorus Quartette Brians The last Sun day The Junior High School Entraicj Exams will be on tho Wth and oiytine Mr has sold the new house on Millard Arc just West- of his own ro3ldonoe to Mr A West tho harbor mail train was two hours and a half last Friday night oWng to a wreck up the lino Mr Wright ha blossomed out with a new milk delivery van Thro are now flvo milk In Town be sides those who sell on the premises Letter from Will Bo Held In the Town Newmarket on If ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Sunday ago Newmarket had a Minis terial Association but wo have not heard of its existence of late How- over bo that as it may we take- the liberty to suggest to the Clergy and church officials that following the ex ample of a number of Ontario Cities and arrangements be made for the observance of some Sunday in near future as Go- Sunday and that concerted action be taken to see that every family in Town be specially invited to attend some place of worship on that partic ular Sunday By soliciting the aid of Young Peoples Spcfetlrs Bible Masses Scouts ete and dividing Ihe Town into sections it would be an easy matter to visit every house- bold so may be notified Plan of Hall fop Irish Concert Will open at Pattersons drugstore 7- pm on March Day We observe the City press is urg ing a Day for Toronto in the near future and asking the Council to set a date for citizens generally to make a cleanup of lawns yards outhouses lanes and allies The idea a good one and will result in the betterment of san itary conditions and corresponding health of the municipality Without presuming to dictate to our Town Council we would suggest that they follow the example and in the near future name a date as CleanUp Day for Newmarket and in case such ac tion be taken by the Council we would urge upon householders gener ally to comply heartily in the piojre- We regard it as calculate to contribute to the health and beauty of Town An Interesting Dinner The following is taken from the Winnipeg Tribune Mr being a son of the David of Sharon and a graduate of Newmarket High School and who was brother to the late lamented Russell I Assistant City Engineer of Winnipeg The station ary business of which Mr Willson is President has assumed such propor tions that besides the main business in Winnipeg four branches are now operated by the In dif ferent parts of the West The Tri- says At Fort Garry hotel last ev ening a complimentary dinner was given in honor of Mr Willson president and managing director of the Stationery Co in of the establishment this company In the West The only toast of the evening was that of Our Guest and Mr in responding to this toast referred to the history and development of company throughout three West ern Provinces In place of the usual toasts and speeches an excel lent musical program was assisted toy a number of well- local art An arrangement lias been made ho Saskatchewan Association for the executive to act an or marketing agents for nil cooperative in province incor porated under the act recently The flovernment at is interest the various grain growers as sociations in this cooperative movement as it is believed that firmers will save consider- able money by marketing ami through me dium Over worth of building work was done in during last year the the report thai lends buildings being erected to tie of Jaw second with i provincial Government has a novel way of improving for the roads he use of the road drag Over roads in the Province Prizes are was paid out during in money and the expendi ture was far more than justified The competitions are held In dis tricts or competitors be ing grouped together in each dis trict Two good industrial proposi tions are by the lie gin a City Council at tho pre sent time One aims to utilize the Max straw for the purpose of making twine etc The other aims to use all kinds of straw for the manufacture of bri quettes for fuel At the present time millions of tons of straw are burned yearly It is claimed promoters of the briquette company that sufficient straw is wasted within miles of gina to manufacture a million tons of straw briquettes of an equal calorific value to that of good anthracite briquettes and the results have been Equally satisfactory The cost of man ufacturing one ton briquettes it is claimed would not exceed S3 so that be seen that if project is taken up and the expectations are justified a re duction the price of fuel may expected not only in all parts of the province SNOWBALL Mr Archie Mitchells entertained a number of their fiverslcy friends to a dance one evening last week Miss Mary Stevens returned to Kettleby on Tuesday after spending a few days at Mr John Mornings Dad says if Roy takes down a ten of hay a load of wood a couple hun dred of oats and a can of coil oil he can stay all week just as well Sunday and Monday Choir practice was well attended last week Miss Clara Gellaty was the of Miss Ferguson a few ilays week Mrs Ferguson returned home on Friday night after spending a week with her daughter Miss Bertha Ferguson and other friends in Toron to On Friday evening a of I young people gathered at the home of Mr Rout anrl spent the ev ening tobogganing At a late hour they retired to the house where Mrs and her daughter Miss Clara served a very inviting lunch Among those present were Mr and Mrs Geo Rumble Mr Walter Miss Laura Morning Walter Rumble Miss Iva Ferguson Harry Ferguson Laurence Morning Will Morning Geo Ferguson and Miss Mary Stevens The happy crowd got home in the wee small hours of the morning Mr and Mrs John Morning visited In Newmarket on Saturday By all appearances the pipe was too much for George on Monday Dance at Mr Jim Tues day night All report an excellent time Watch for the next Where Mr Archie Mitchell entertained a number of his friends at a euchre on Thursday evening SPEAKING AT P Hi ROCHE President Regular for for W0 Embroidery Reg for So yard White Towels by reg for lip Wade Heavy wido Twill SffiSssP m9mw Regular- f9r79o Jaaw Regular for fl00 Must Re Cleared Out the hoe we Mil la eold NOTES Mr M P P for Parliamentary Notes On a question of privilege Mr got a black eye for be- Speaker was forced to jng of dike backwater when Sir llie liquor interests on the floor of the Questioned by Mr Proud foot look exception to his ruling It created quite a as it involved the verasity of the Minister of Militia Sir P for Centre Huron the I Wilfrid Col Sam Hughes Hon Provincial Secretary say outside the mated last week that no license would be granted in Huron oor Commons numerous Articles ly on next when Act come Into force last practically the session was taken up with Con ttU8ioii on Oriental irnrni- M Sab Register flred the bomb at Mr by reading his letter in Ihe which sent to the Ontario Association Prescott will its repre sentative next election WEDNESDAY Mar IS Mr j Morrison lot ind con Mr M P P for willimbury will sell general farm North proposes a mo- deluding lot of horses lion declaring the present patron- Sale at one J age system of Ontario is inimi- to the highest efficiency of the public service and that a THURSDAY March Mr partisan Civil Service Com mis- will have a sale of Imported be appointed to control the Clydesdale Fillies and Canadian whole public service All bred HorsesReg Angus pointrhents must be by merit ler competitive examination McDonald M P P I for Bruce is fathering a bill call- ing for all hotel bars to be closed and TUESDAY March Richard Young will have an important sale ot registerfed Horses Cattle and AT i Cattle and together with a lull line of Implements on lot con East Qwillimbury Write him at Newmarket Pp for a bill Kavanagh afternoons I In Chief Game an- report to Dr Mi in a on lote in the j 5th of East Usual of Public Works he t A w akes a strong plea for a close j t J season foa white- flab to prevent the depletion of the fish in the in- land waters of Ontario The re- TUESDAY March Mi W port also draws attention to the Johnston will have an important pollution of streams in the Pro- sale of horses head of by factories I Supplementary estimates for the present fiscal year presented I to the House last week total the sum of The tit- bit of the supplementary was the Will hold an Auction Sale of Furniture etc etc Saturday March in the North Store tie sheep hogs Implements iteon lot in the of North Sale at oclock Convey ances will moot noon car at Raven- shoe crossing on Met Kava Auct mile from Newmarket near Indus trial Home No reserve Usual terms Sale at J Roadmen When sale bills are hot print ed at this office notices undei this heading are charged at 50c for one insertion and for each subsequent insertion cash to accompany order Hon Mr Provincial Secretary was interviewed by the Ontario Motor League this week respecting a reciprocity in li censes with the American au thorities He told them that he was now negotiating for what was desired Mr Lucas delivered his Budget speech in the Legislature on Tuesday public ac counts of the Province show it cost to maintain the various services for the fiscal year ending on the of Oc- lastwin increase of over the previous year Over expenditure for the year amounted to I Send the Era to absent friends 1 BUSINESS SCHOOLS Toronto Canada include the Central Business College with I Five City Branch Grad uates are universally Enter any time Write for Shaw President Head Offices 391 St LIVE STOCK MARKET Choice butcher steers soW in To- j this week for and um as high as Choice heifers and medium Choice medium common to Stockers and feeders from to Milkers and springers from to Calves went as high as but ordinary run was from to 7 was the top price paid for sheep and lambs from to Hogs sold for and off cars and is the highest quoted for country points ooo Newmarket Markets March Wheat per bush 0 per bush Oats per bush 0 34 37 Buckwheat per bush Of per ton 24 OP Shorts per ton 25 CO Hay ten new 00 Eggs per doz 30 Butter per lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb 1 Ducks por Geese per lb 15- If Turkeys per Ik a J I TOR mm lots FINE WA R VATCHES CLOCKS GLASS j ENGRAVING Lindsay Mar Charles Burke and were today sentenced by Police Ma gistrate to five each in Kingston Penitentiary for complicity in the and of tendollar Bank of Montreal notes There Is Ho Time The Present Timo We were never belter pre pared at any time To Sell You a Good Tlmo Piece Toronto Markets Perhaps you never Good more than at the present time Twill take but little timtf to make a selection here- Our prices are low and we satisfaction with Jewelers and A March Wheat per bush JO Oats per hush 41 Barley per bush Rye per bush 65 0 Peas per bush Hay per ton 16 Butter per lb 30n Eggs per Potatoes per bag Chickens per 24 Ducks her lb SO- 25 Turkeys per lb Geese per Fireman was killed by es caping steam In a wreck on the last week at In which freight cars were smashed the arrest of three men at Barrie and Lindsay Inspector Park inson of the Dominion Police believes broken up which baa been circulating counterfeit Bank of Montreal ftuainesa firm Inciudlag two hotels two toiwi dry Pretty Dresden Gropes wide 30o yard White Bedford fine and vlde cords 30 wide 36o Striped Ratine In Black and White Tan and White Midnight Blue and a very new and pretty Tub White plain fanoy stripe Mulls DImltys Plain See our large assortment of English Prints best on the market Complete Range of New Blouses and Ladies Whltowear W KA EaeravHgA Incorporated by Act of CAPITAL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS ASSETS at oil important la In Now York Chicago Uaxlco Eery of a ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS of 1- Ontario will NEWMARKET I BRANCH i it 1 1 v f

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