Newmarket Era, 6 Mar 1914, p. 5

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i AND On Wilkinson DENTIST toco in Block i Terry Insurance and Heal Livery ffjwt to Buy or Sell Mg Cane OFFICENEW BLACK Main Street Newmarket trace Hours to to Telephone 223 to Op S J Boyd Graduate In medicine ol Toronto Licentiate or Collie and mem ber ol Royal Surgeons Former Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Main and Timothy Sis Telephone HO Consultation Bent PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER 2nd house from Queen Street Newmarket nieoiiexi Circle and friends sprat a very time at Skat tog Parly evening I last week After seating wore fol lowed by lth occurs in Soon balmy spring will uncork her mildness and bring on the us ii a floods subscription season is about and we sincerely- thank our many subscribers their prompt re newals At Mrs M i l V It Enthralled a Man His fly Regular meeting Monday even ing PresentsMayor Allan Keith Hill Smith mer and Evans mado a record run Mr Wm ffnrts on con of WhJtr church on the town line and down Main Street to Mr J Main Street where it stopped by Mr Robert From reports gathered it that of clothes had creat ed the animals fear The tei was damaged almost beyond and the horse was severely cut Bolton Practical PapcrHanger and House Decorator Niagara and Str Newmarket S JVIeKeoi MATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Opposite Methodist Church Park Ave Studio Hughes 1 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE AH ot Insurance Written Real on If Property call on him P Building ftEALESTiMnE call before you buy or fl of Voice Dealer -in- All Kinds of and Repairs PIANO TUNING for Columbia end Records Complete Stock P Sc No filfi the 2nd Tburcday in Ote over liata Newmarket v of LICENSES ta Office Newmarket Salvation Army Taylor assisted by J Clayton conducted openairs in the village of Sharon on Wednesday night of last week Chandler of the Toron to Division met with an accident last week falling from the top floor he Citadel to the base ment He was badly bruised about the head and had to be taken to Hospital Five of the Newmarket Salvation ists cooductcd two splendid meetings in Holland Lauding on Fri day night Crowds rallied around the openair ring and seemed to Iks greatly interested in the service giv ing an invitation to go again Taylor has volunteered for the Foreign Missioa Field Mrs Christina A who passed away on toe of last month left an estate A acre farm on the 2nd Concession East brick house and barn and four acres of bush is valued at and an adjoining tract of acres described as swam py is valued at Cash in the bank and a onehalf interest milch cows calves farming and two horses amounts to By the will her son James Hunt gets W000 real estate her daughter Amy Rankin of same place and another Isa bella Woodruff latter two daughters also get balance of estate after all liabilities are dis charged Farewell Party About young peopro held a surprise party at Of Mr anrt 33 on Monday last In of Mr Del Mr was invited there for the evening upon his ar rival was much surprised to find a large number- of his friends evening was spent in laying danc ing and refreshments Everyone thoroughly On joyed themselves present wish ta thank Mr and Mrs Hewitt for their extreme kindness in letting them- use their Mr a Newmarket boy for a number of years Laving attended 50 MM P J and matriculating there Papera issued at if desired NEWMAmCET IN The box social on Friday even ing under auspices of order was very successful both in point of attendance and in the pleasure of the evening occupied the chair and read an address and presented with a Past LATEST DESIGNS IN I chicf badge Mr and Head StOneS thanked the a few well chosen remarks Mr Kemp sang several seleci ordering Out for Building Purposes in and made to Order GEO passed On Mr Water Works a -I- Hi Proctor 700 R Hart Co stationery freight pipe A Church re Stevens fire Buffalo Co- meter parts Express on supplies Pittsburg car coal freight on coal Duty on same 22 electric light ifo Express on new well supplies Vantool shoe for well Vantool pipe for Application for water service from M Collins south side of Andrew St referred to Com Also from Davenshire Creamery Co asking for water at the old Cheese Factory Huron St referred to Com Application for electric current from A J Williamson in the Market building granted Application from Win Webster for electric current on Timothy Street granted Application of W Collins for electric current on Andrew St re ferred to F Com Mr thought it was time the Com got out for the extension of water mains and electric light wires and estimated the cost The Mayor thought the cost of new bridges should also be considered and included in debentures to be issued Dr Boyd arrived and took his seat Dr Boyd reported that the well on the Office Specialty ground is com pleted and tho flow fills a twoinch pipe machine Is moved North about 300 feet from the last well and Is about ready to start again It is about 700 feet across the pond and over from the lower Reeve Keith gave notice that at the next meeting he will Introduce a by law to bo submitted to raise money on debentures for the payment new wells walks bridges etc The Mayor asked the opinion of the Council as to the charge to be to vendors on the streets the coming summer Mr Keith and Mr objected to such vendors as they are in com petition with merchants who are pay ing rents and taxes Mr did not see why a license should not be issued for peanuts and popcorn The Mayor favored a charge of providing the streets are kept clean by license holder A motion was passed providing for a charge of for vendors of pea nuts and popcorn on the streets The Mayor suggested that vendors of tobacco might be licensed for rev enue purposes They do so in other places On motion the Finance Committee was instructed to formulate a to license tho selling of tobacco in any form at next meeting of Council Permission was given to Isaac to cut down two elm trees on line between his property and the street The Bell Telephone Co asked per mission to rearrange the Town elec tric wires on St and Mill ard Ave The of the Bell Telephone Co to ground their wires on the wa ter plies was referred to the Light Com The Road and Bridge Com was au thor to purchase a jo lot of poles from A Thompson they are satisfactory For the assistance of the assessor suggested that the should set a value foot on the land of the various streets The Reeve was of the that tions Travisq somo the could the When I wan a of even my other Look me away from our bom elsewhere did not know what It meant the tiro but older I learned that my nt bad had and separated- When I six teen roy drew ma down beside ner and with arms about me and tier cheek against mine as Id to mo dear 1 am to make a great for you Your father who la baa made me a prop- If I will give you up to him make you bis But our family mlsfortuneouraeparatton baa bitter against women I not Into of our living apart aince I dont wish to prejudice you against I would rather have you think that the fault was all mine A However this may be your fathers repugnance for my sex taken a singular form 1 sometimes tbfnk that In this respect bis brain baa been af fected If you go to blm he mokes a will in your favor your In heritance will depend upon your single life My dear mother replied cling ing to 1 prefer to remain wltb you and let father leave bis money to some one else As for marrying only ask to be with you as long as you live After that I care not wheth er I marry or remain single But my mother who knew better tbiiu I the value of money persuaded me to go though consented only on condition that I bo permitted to visit her whenever 1 chose SPECIALIST good toll a accompanied by Miss Travis- Matter Edgar Pope gave fine recitations The boxes were auctioned off by Mr J D amid much hilarity Alter supper cards were played and vexa expressed that the social might soon be Manual Treatment and cause nature I for Asthma Pleurisy Lumbago Kidney CoasWpation Hay Fever Ataxia v HiWi and Medicated Baths Appendicitis Weaknesses of all kinds li removed without drugs or knife Hours to am to 5 pm Thursday and Friday and other hours by appoint- Park Ave Opposite Method s Church- Shed Newmarket Free Phone 173 or J RUBY ROSE COLD CREAM ImparU a soft and velvety charm toihecomplexlonandcounleracls the effects of raw cold winds and overdry Indoor air Splendid for cracked lips and chapped hands In opal glass at your was by the appointment of a Commission Or very strongly such a Clerk distributed cooies the Government Audit in form Council adjourned at GOO InterCounty Bridges York and Ontario County Commis sioners decided last week to build two bridges the Town Line be tween the two counties dividing East and Scott Townships These bridges will each have a span of about feet and will cost about each The work however will not be- undertaken till the Commis sioners have examined the locality some In May next o PROPER PLACE Druggists NATIONAL AND OP CANADA CHIHICAL Husband Want to go to a theatre Wife pointedlyTI nothing to wear Husband Then veU go to one these moving where My father said to me never a word about our family rouble or the condi tions under which I came to him but be sent me to a lawyer who showed me a copy of the will be had Just made In this was bis solo heir on condition of my not being mar ried at the time of bis death but In the event of my being afterward mar ried 1 was required- to turn over the property to a charitable institution which he bad already endowed and which bore bis name My father did not mention my moth er except when It became necessary to refer to her In the ordinary course of conversation and not In tbe least disrespectfully Indeed he Raid to me one day Your mother one of the best of her sex long as I lived with my mother I associated with aa other boys did but while with my father I was not thrown them and knowing his prejudice against them 1 naturally chose my aesoclatea from my own sex But white duriug my stay with my mother cared very little about girls had not been long deprived of their before began to look upon forbidden fruit as sweet We lived In a city my room which was In the rear of the out upon the rear of tbe dwell logs facing another street Fate la always interfering In our af fairs must needs place at a window of the house directly back of ours a very pretty girl Just budding When 1 went to live with my father she sat with ber But that was only for a brief period and It was not long before oneday when she caught sight of me looking at she appeared Thoroughly of my admira tion It did not occur to me that my look ing at a through a back window Teas fraught with danger fact ihnt expected never to marry was no reason why 1 sbould not look at a girl find tills girl was especially see- Besides i sometimes saw her with a rear porch In the little her motions were singularly graceful As she chased or was chased by them playing tag or other game she seemed me a veritable fairy and I stirrer much time looking at through the the shutters of my window But one came break in the While my charmer was with another little girl in the ofiek yard concealed behind the looting at them The friend mnde or look or toward my window that called forth a from her plny- aate Alas the filial Knowledge tide tails hud so me thing 10 con- iiitti to me had bean imparted to me That fattier doubtless considered iiu In had enturnd system boyish- way- or seiaping really or Uiougli I had no Idea i was doing of kind J how and one day when J saw toy charmer In the back yard sent arrow thrust through a scrap paper whkb expressed a desire to make her acquaintance saw ihe fall glanced up at my window and seeing whence the missive bad twine- without touching It went Into Ooiise This was In the evening just dark Early In the morning I looked for my missive there was sign of It I felt as sured that she taken it when was too dark for die to use to tell what every and Just a little care and alt Isnt a head of rich heavy worth while As Year Doctor girt has been her u Ufa wory she iviint lb wan tbtitoo too yiiuaK for ues wyrnD wan lb and iiif me I gdieubohow wai tiro ken do aeboolboi with joined ilia vonverM ilnu toper wbetbat me in pawing and iuoffer t rule the knew I a very pleasant stream uid in iiuii- ffot into rapids How for three made love my It ldoilt fchow be did itltniay be be If did be dldut trouble about It had named he on- der whleh l mi he made effort to Impreaa me iii Important of my fulfilling them iouitljB argued I have settled matter so Mr as lain con- trued If the boy choonea to throw awny fortune and the serpent to bis bosom be la wel come to so was well born and well bred hut at the wrong end of a period of In- her family abe became old enough to choose a for she decided upon being a trained nurse knew of my will and would not for world be tween me and u action in the alone saved from giving It up for 1 begged to mar ry me Vet looking backward I dont see how I would have supported her for being brought up as I was to In herit great wealth not practical A strange coincidence happened I my mother and us as I pleased When I went my father asked me how long I Intended to reuiiija away and when I returned never complained that I had been gone loo long though I finite sure he missed me While was away he never communicated with me house might have fallen on his head ami I would never have known It un less by report On one of my visits to my mother- I stayed two weeks I wrote to my father every few days though I did uot expect to write to me When I returned I was Informed that he had been III a few days after my departure been tinder tbe care of several doctors ever since I ran upstairs and was met on the landing by a woman Iu a nurses uniform Agatha exclaimed What are yon doing here Nursing your father A nurse was called suddenly responded and did not know where I was routing till 1 ar rived What dispensation I went in to see my father and found him il l quite III though his doctors had pronounced Improving He seemed much relieved at my return but said that ho had hud every care having fortunate In his nurse He bad asked- for a man but his doc tors had dissuaded My Is a treasure ho said Thats thing women can do well they can take care of sick persons And persons sick at heart too I added But he did not seem to heed the remark for he closed his eyes and knowing how weak be was I left him He was 111 for several months months as full of bliss mingled with bitterness for me us of suffering to him Agatha remained at post all this while and when he became con and she wished to be re that she might get a rest he begged her to rest where she was turning over his care temporarily to roe it Is to say she con sented- One morning she came out of the with a joyous look on face By Buying From I Full I Light Vj Paints Oils Etc j E A E OOOOo WHEN BUYING SKATDfG BOOTS DONT OVERLOOK THEY GIVE IIORE ANY fef I FOR SALE AT I MEN OUTFITTED I What Is asked eagerly What do you suppose I have suc ceeded In doing What I am the bearer to you of your fa thers request that you go to your mother and ask her to return to her home- I was thunderstruck But- I gasped But the conditions There are no except that the past or rather its cause is to be men tioned- And you have accomplished this Not I alone invalids are Your father has been Im pressed with what I have done for him though I have been paid for doing It This be what he could do for me besides paying me and I replied that If lie would take steps for a reconciliation with his wife would feel amply repaid I have done my part it is now for you to do yours Persuade your to come back I clasped Agatha In my then ran downstairs three at a time Into the street en lied a pass ing cab and bid him as as Ids horse could go to my mothers home it was some time before I per suaded her to return with me but when I pictured how near father had been to death she decided to go to biro and having once decided could not go quickly enough to satisfy spell which hung over my fa ther bad been broken by tbe feminine attentions of a good woman and It never returned to Frank he said to me on day of our reunion If you dont marry Aga tha Ill disinherit you pleasant I replied For years Ivebeen living the expec tation that yen would disinherit mo If J did P MORTON Newmarket Real gstate Company FIRE ANT INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN MONEY INVESTED HOUSES AND FARMS RENTED RENTS COLLECTED ALL KINDS OF TOWN FARM PROPERTIES BOUGHT AND SOLD We have lor Bale soma excellent lew Bad MA with all modem side Main for Sale a number of with large gardens small fruits Terms to buyers and prices right Wjaa The ten tot Coufba I As I a in do all Iclndu on All fuiv A few secondhand Also wire fencing sold and LAWS Raglnn St first St was of Fir Phone AT LOWE J SALE i A f One Brood Sow due B HOWARD J i -for- BUTCHERS BAKERS GROCERS BLACKSMITHS OR ANY OTHiER TRADE On Quick Order See Samples Before Ordering RA POINTING OFFICE

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