Newmarket Era, 6 Mar 1914, p. 6

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Vi i INSTITUTE next regular meeting of the Mount Albert Branch of North York Womans institute Will held- at the on Thursday Moron at 3p instead of on ar dale teachers of will give the program farewell supper- Friday evening last about thirty young people from Mount Albert and Zephyr drove up to Mount Pleasant to bid farewell to Mr Horace Pearson and Mr John Armstrong who arc leaving for West on Tuesday Every one enjoyed a very pleasant even ing and a most delicious oyster snipper- The sleighing was poor but arrived home safely in for breakfast 1 Annfp Cook Jessie February Division ftr Jlruce Ken- Hon Manners Jr Shaw Robert Harri son Jessie Hansford Kathleen Ross Willie Draper James Roll ing First Class Honor Lowland Clarence Ha Helen Davidson Ivan Woodcock Douglas Campbell Florence Ralph iiM iiiirr iibii iiiiiiiBiiBMwrrrrmBgi K8Ah lie house was those hew Spring- Shirts PH n Are All Destroy v WILLING WORKERS SOCIETY Tho will give a social on of March See post ers for further particulars The W held their monthly meeting on Friday evening Fob at home of Miss Hazel Oldham After business transactions of the club were concluded the evening was spent in games and music after which lunch was served About were and all report an enjoyable time s March was ushered in with a howling blizzard which reached its height on Sunday night No damage was done in our neigh borhood The morning train on the ran off the track when near on Monday and in con sequence we received no mail un til lato Monday night Complaints have been made about some of our teachers be ing late for school but no- doubt this will not occur again Had example for the kids OBITUARY One of our oldest and most respected citizens passed away on Friday last when Mr Win heard the last clear call For a number of years he was in employ of the Grand Trunk Railway and later went into the grain business in con tinued until failing health com pelled him to retire He was the first inspecting Trustee for our village He was a man of the highest integrity and was widely known and greatly respected He- sides his widow two sops and three daughters survive him Wm and George in the Slates Mrs Samuel McMullen Toronto Mrs Milton New York and Mrs Allison Al bert The late Mr was a staunch Conservative and a member of the Church of Eng land Winnie Little Ada Morton Primer Mabel Ester Rolling Cora Kightley Clara Rolling Jr Primer Mary Campbell Cora Vorna Hayes Hil da Davidson Evelyn Hansford Talmago Skinner He ROSS Roy Manners Class A Kenneth Jack Shields Forrest Toole Woodcock Clara Ruby Hayes Vera Molzgar Basil Thompson Walton HOLLAND LANDING Mr Arthur this village while on a building in Berlin had tho misfortune to fall a in Us- fracturing his leg and spraining his arm UNION In of wires it Mar 2Tho township of Rast has an irreparable loss in the destruction of all its in consumed ho and also home of Mr Township Clerk at an early hour this morning- It Is believed that the cause of the lire was the contact of wires of the Toronto York Radial with Ihoso of Mount Albert Telephone Co Limited probably at Peters Corners six mites away the Queensville Central Ex change of the telephone com pany being in Mr Mr family heard when the contact was made about a m and presently discovered the ofllcein The house next to the caught fire and both of the I buildings were totally destroyed together with the entire contents of lho The family all es caped hi safely and managed to save most of their household goods The townships loss is of course beyond estimation The Mount Albert Telephone Co Limited loses to the extent of with no insurance Mr loss on his house is about with insurance unknown The house of Mr Thompson some three hundred yards away on the same telephone line also caught lire but was extinguish ed with little damagedone Some twenty other houses are on the same line but so far no other re ports have been received of any damage The company is ar ranging at once for the replacing of its switchboard and other equipment -a- has ro- with friends PERSONAL Mrs Davidson turned from a visit in Toronto Miss Nettie Lundy of Newmar ket spent a few days with Miss V Mr Roy Rahmer of villc and Mr Smith of Queens ville spent Sunday with friends in town Mr Herman Barrett of Toronto spent the weekend calling on old friends Mr Stanley Draper of Newmar ket was in town over Sunday Mr Waller Draper is able to be round again after an attack of illness Mr Ed Waggand Mr Oliver Wagg attended the funeral of their uncle Mr John at Goodwood on Wednesday Mr Ronald and lady friend of Sandford spent Sunday at the home of Mr Brooks FARMERS CLUB The next meeting of the Fann ers Club will he held in the IOO Hall on the evening of March at eight oclock sharp Ad dresses will be given by J Newmarket and Shields and John Walker will give a reading Discussions will follow the addresses We are having good meetings and we in vite everybody to come Ad dresses are being given on sub jects relating to farming and dealing specially with the condi tions existing in the locality Al so we want to increase the knowledge of and interest in the larger questions not sectarian or political of the nation and which affect the social life and financial position of the farm er to create and stimulate an ambition in our farmers and especially the younger men to be successful in the truest sense to make use of his opportunities and power to make Ontario a still more desirable Province to live in We wish to call attention again to the Box Social to b held the Christian Church here Friday even ing the weather being fa vorable this entertainment should draw a large number of young people The Rox Social in the Methodist Church at on the wo hope will only give such a pleasant people will be in good spirits for coming to Union St the follow ing night We all sorry to hear of Mr Mc- Kenzios trouble on Monday morning To see ones home disappear from sight is a very serious affair Fountain had two cousins visiting her from Street last weekend Mrs P again took charge of the service here Af ter speaking to the children for a short time in the Sunday School she took for the subject of her sermon Gods Promises over three thousand in the Bible good pastime to look them up and use them as stepping stones to help us on our climb to Heaven The sermon Mr Fletcher preached two weeks ago was on the Sin of not Gourtcousnoss Mr J lost a very valuable cow last Friday night Had we been having night tele- phono service at the time a Vet might have saved her fit course we have no service at present our to the ground Monday morning winter there was almost a famine for hardwood all over the province this year both dry and green are plentiful and the house was the to fire most of the furniture was saved although nothing the could bo out Mr his office for in the old Post which is convenient and central We have not yet heard where the will put their cen tral Mrs Geo Fogg is at present making- an extended visit to old friends in Hew- York- Mrsi Stephens spent the week end Toronto MrReid of Toronto Mrs Mc- mother is visiting at the parsonage A very large meeting- of the Ladjes Afd was held in the base ment afternoon Mr and Mrs J Barrett who have lately moved to the village make an addi tion to the Methodist Choir School un avoidably orowded out turning out pretty broad and his is elated by the doubt f March certainly came in like a lion The wind was cutting Sunday Mrs Fletcher conducted- the service Sunday night and gave a fine address We hope she will- be here next Sunday Mr John Brooks is getting along nicely We hope he will scon around again Sony to hear Mr Barker is under the Doctor care We hope for a speedy recovery Wood pawing is all rage now Two saws working around here the pastry will sell here as it looks inviting A Millard and son have ph a iWV7nrgebreakwiters out are working op Messrs Nolan are putting one in at Jacksons Point Have you ordered your spring suit If nol it Monday seemed to be a hard day on railways The T from hero jumped the track this side of and instead of arriving hero a m it ar rived at about on the The also and the in here a couple of hours late March certainly came it- cold day wind finding all the corners Frost made its appear ance in places not found before Sutton Council meet tonight for the of the usual of ice The Lake Ice houses at Lake iweocon Saturday This has fortunate for Ihem as the ice was all i Died In on Feb Sarah Fisher relict of W A Pringle and mother of Dr Priffgie in her year Nice Weather Is promised for Easter Belter see and have I hat new suit ready roughs the throat and cure a and 20 fEW ADVERT Having opened up a Harness busi ness in the Shop formerly run by Mr I am prepared to furnish the public with all kinds of Heavy Team and Light Driving Harness at Mod erate Prices Horse Furnishings kept on hand Repairing Promptly Attend to J L BARRETT lw5 TENDERS WANTED For the erection of a School Build ing in East Gwillim- They will be received by the Board up to March Plans can be seen at the home of the Secretary or at the office of the Architect Mr Phillips Newmarket Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept ed HOLBORN Secretary SEED GRAIN FOR The C will meet at the home of Mrs on Tues day at 3 oclock Mr and Mrs V VanNorman also Roy and Leo Morton spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Morton Miss Allie had a friend from the city over Sunday Miss Mabel Weir spent over Sunday with Miss naif red Misses Patterson and Kellerman spent the weekend with Mrs Alfred Morton Miss Ella Morton has been appoint ed Secretary of Pocket Testa ment League of the Endeavor The Carnival Tuesday night was fairly successful Mr Ross Cunning ham took the Cup home again Har ry and Russell won first and second in the older boys race Geo and in the young boys race Miss and Cunningham took short lead in the couple followed very closely by Miss Ursula iole Har ry The were good as usual and everybody enjoyed a good skate Mr is in this week attending a sale of thorough bred Miss Jean of Newmarket spent the weekend with Miss Eva Wr Glover received a car of brick for his house this week Mr Thornton Prober of spentJSunday with his uncle Mr There are more things than the cars which bring people to Keswick We are glad to report that Miss Alice- Mann Is rapidly and intends to take up her work again soon Miss Leila Morton indis posed at present One of our stray girls just in time to win the chocolat33 Mr Angyis Cameron has moved in to the temperance while Mr Stiles and family have moved into the corner house Smile and smile real hard we are to have a butcher Mr Milton Morton visited friends In Toronto over Sualay Live shipped a car of stock on Tuesday also W Johnston Personal Among those who attended the funeral of llie late Mrs Com er last week were Miss Marjorie Mrs Moore and Messrs Robert and A all of Toronto Mrs J Small entertained the Euchre Club Wodresda night The Misses Pugsley a number of young people to pro gressive euchre on Thursday night Mr Thayer has arrived in town and has taken possession of the barhershop We wish every success Mr H Norton of Lindsay was in Sutton over Sunday wi thou I a lay The Knickerbockers are fin ishing up this week also A number of cars will be loaded yel Mr J and wife who have been visiting at A Pugs- leys here left for the West on Wednesday 0 Brooks moved into ponliers house on Tuesday at he south end of the village o Some smart Alecks attending the Veterinary College during Mr Sanders lecture last week threw pieces of chalk on the platform The Professor and rebuked them- when more chalk was thrown He then announced he would give till pm to produce the guiltyparties At the hour named the students ten dered an apology but he refused to accept it demanding the names of the chalkthrowers Next day both tie senior and junior classes were suspended till further notice about students The Good Roads Association last week passed a resolution as follows That we are in favor of increasing the cost of motor vehicle licenses and also increasing the taxation of rail ways to form a fund for highway im provements The Association also placed itself on being in fa vor of abolishing statute labor Several city churches have the no- Hon that they can inculcate religion by the moving picture show and have purchased machines There were cases on the docket Carnival The Carnival night was a great success and the num ber in costume went to prove when the opened this week at that Ibis is what they have been the City Hall waiting for all winter The win ners were Ladys Costume Mrs Greenwood The fire which broke out in a five- storey building of the Independent Cloak Co Richmond St last week did damage to the extent of a Costume Mr a million dollars and threw 20O way Hills Costume Bur rows Hoys Costume Comic Couple Mrs Brooks and Mr as Italian Musicians Special for the Gold Twins Judges Messrs Noble Green and McDonald i Fcbruary Report of Mt Albert Public School Llewellyn Laura Phoenix Forrest Ross Ruth Olive Lloyd Stanley Dike Ill Vera Dike Mina Dike Edith Rogers Gordon Stanley Olive Tinsdale jr IILiAnnie Mctzgar Wal ter Stella Rolling An nie Willson Rachel Mitchell American Banner Oats O A No Barley Canadian Beauty Peas Red Clover and Timothy Seed No Govt Standard as far as Also orders taken for Spring Pigs five weeks old J SPECIAL BARGAINS As 1 have a few sets of sleighs will sell them cheap on easy terms as I need tho room for spring goods This is a groat for a bargain I have the best line of cook stoves on spe cial terms Come or phone me Albert In the midst of the terrific irate early on Monday morning the cry of Fire sent a thrill of terror to the hearts of the in The wino being so high many could not hear the bell but in a very few minutes the first alar nearly all the men of the village were out began in the cen tral telephone ofllce which was in a blaze at once It next caught on the shop owned by Dr Gra ham- next south and afterward caught Mr house at the north It was feared at one time the whole village would go cinders blowing in all direc tions Mr Burkhoulers store Hockey The Sutton Hockey team play ed their final game at Richmond Hill last Wednesday night and were defeated by to goals This leaves them a lie for the last place and they are thinking of playing off at Newmarket Newmarket put away on the 2Uh and thus won the cup Poor old Aurora were like the handle on the teapot this year out of it Early Closing The Early Closing Case was up again last Tuesday night and Ma gistrate adjourned it the County Crown Attorney again for one week He pur poses submitting the evidence to The Closing ByLaw should be enforced and a fgood many people claim it is up Coun cil lo enforce it Meed Attention In February and or race Will Stay Covered Now la the time to take special care of the complexion if you wish it to look well the rest of the year Clifford Cook Arthur Maines Ross At FOR SALE Sir The March winds have a strong ten- Now the time to us i Johnnie Draper Torn Herbert Pegg Present every day Ruth Olive Lloyd altaohed and good garden with fruit frees stable ply to owner Mrs Barker water down which probably sav ed that and other buildings The cause of fire was supposed to be the of wires of the ronloi York Radial with those of Ihe Telephone Co Some miles north at Peters Corners Mr Thompsons house on same line also Mr both look fire but were extinguished before do ing much damage The greatest loss is the Township and papers also cemetery accounts a Sooner or later you will bo wrong In every organ of your body It is known allBlckneBse are caused by of thedigestlve organs 1 the requires treatment dont delay a soon rights the wrong helps the stomach digest the food and nourishing blood It has a tonic effect and soon enables thy and heart to perform their in a natural healthy manner aid Pierce Golden alcohol nor there no reaction oyer forty years It has tS teat of kUt and and Is today the greatest remedy of Its kind In the world ft home today Bold by Medicine Dealers In liquid or tablet or it by Medicine in send to Dr Hotel Buffalo for Far tit a trial box en oaten isc32t C A General Manager This Bank Offers Farmers a complete and banking service Sales Notes collected on favorable terms and advances such notes at reasonable rates The Savings Department is a safe and convenient depository for your money Interest at current rates Is paid on one dollar and upwards One dollar opens an account In the Savings Department Re ft A MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRY Manager I Free Homesteads in Western are now open for entry 000 Canada The bulk of these are located along or near the CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY which recognized in the West as the PIONEER FARMERS RAILWAY From March 3rd to the end of October HomeSeekers Excursion tick- fete are on sale every Tuesday and are good to return within two months from date of issue Prior to Augustthese tickets be obtained for two months on payment of to Agent at destination for each month or part thereof Stopover permitted at any CANADIAN NORTHERN Station West of Port Arthur SOME CANADIAN NORTHERN PUBLICATIONS Vital Questions Peace River Alberta and How to Reach It Western Canada Has a Home for You ThirtyFive Thou sand Free Homesteads For Tourist Car Accommodatioct and all particulars in addition to abov publications apply to your nearest Agent or to General Passenger Department King Street Past Toronto Ontario Pas a Agt Can Nor Toronto Bfa oi Sh Lee tic men out of work Before County Judge Winchester one day last week John Obee Au rora was found guilty of stealing pigeons from Mary Bolton It could not be proven that stole the pigeons although he admitted that a pair had corne to his pigeon house bursting of a water main on Bedford Road resulted In flooding the stables of the Canada Bread Co to the depth of four feet On Pears Ave two houses were filled to the first stories greatly exciting the in mates A new organ is being installed in St Pauls new church on St price Preparations are being made for the opening services of the Presbyterian Church Kew Beach on Easter Sunday John the notorious crim inal who assaulted Mrs when she found him In her house was sent to ngston penitentiary for four years Two automobile drivers were fined each for driving on the wromg side of the street It will help them to remember they dont the The Housing Company ate proceed ing with structures to accommodate IKS families All to be completed by the end next But for the timely warning ot a cat Mr and family Ave would have been axohir- pas from a furnace on last PI Name Pages and Are of Interest to Wholesalers WHERp is Use logical place the Room in a Wholesale This book Jells you and backs up its statements with sound logical reasons why This one point alone has convinced many a business man of value of a modem Frc3nt Elevator in stopping business leaks and increasing profits added efficiency in handling goods and filling orders Live merchants and manufacturers instantly recognize importance of keeping abreast of the To such this Book will prove a revelation It points the way to greater profits through ef ficient management and the intelli gent of time and labor Scat free upon re quest i elevator COPrtPANY mo BAY TORONTO Send us this coupon today for your copy of our new book The Elevator put it off and forget all about it just tear off fill in end mail NOW COUPON N- send me your Book I The Methodist Ports an Increase the Next Booth billed to Mission Board re infunds taut rear of evening Miss lecture at ble strength prescription for the removal of freckles was written by a prominent is usually so success that it fa sold by druggists under guarantee to the money if it Got an ounce of thine dou- and few applica tions should show a wonderful im provement some of the smaller entirely i Hall The Salvation Army will be on hand In full force Wrecked Iceboats wets across A of two an two girls had a nprrow In Is Iff to man citbens On nn Italian on with n the a we with knife on Italian and another used arrested j i is perfect health but to enjoy good health it is necessary first to get rid of the minor ailments caused by defect ive or irregular action of the stomach liver Kidneys and bowels ailments which spoil life dull pleasure and make all sufferers feel tired or good for nothing el Any la have proved themselves to be tho best corrective or pre ventive of these trodbles They insure better feelings and who rely upon them soon find themselves so brisk and strong are better able to work and enjoy life For alone Pills are The by Tmu He Family Medicine I 9 t r

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