Newmarket Era, 6 Mar 1914, p. 7

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i of the program atLeaguo on Monday evening members of the requested lomccl at oclock for a business meeting McWaItHted- A Cun ning- which was l Society of ti v GLENVJLL A Social WiUW feM March will be China White and Gold out one lino entirely at a DIcoouat of per cbnt off Price Dont forget the concept April under the auspices the Bible Class and-Ath- Club are preparing a fouract drama and will spare no pains in making this conccrt a huge success for fur ther particulars white body with geld and wheat In centre to out quick in Bowls Dishes penny Social One of the newly organized Glasses of the Sunday of liio Christian Church Oluin- will hold a Penny Social in Hid of lhe Church on Wednesday March Refresh ments will bo served from to the Importer of Staple and Fine China Arc a pleasure when you serve dain ty confections to your guesla When entertaining try our Special Blend of Coffee and Our Splendid Imported Hunt- icy and anil Peek Bourdon Custard Cream Cream- Butter Creamy Chocolate Corpna- and Acorn SPECIAL QUALITY CANNED VEGETABLES Can Cera 1 Can Cain the Reliable Prcct t3 OF Timothy The Market Bargain House I As we are going to remodel our Store and need the room wo are putting on a Special Sale of Mens and Ladies Wear A Special Big Redaction on Boots Rubbers Be and attend this sale and secure of these Bar gains a South of King George Hotel PHONE I Greenhouses J STREET AND GARrIATION8 FOR ST DAY and Wedding Work Reasonable Prices Agent tor Fertilizers The Beat Phone S American Boslness College Toronto is pioneer highgrade Canada Under new management it is doing work than ever Write- us if you want to prepare for a good Ward i regular monthly meeting of the will he held in the of the Methodist Church on Wednesday Mar at llireo oclock A Study Class will be conducted- by Addison at tin close- of the meeting Sub ject Japan Dont Drama On the In tho Town Hall un der of the YM LS Talent The Ladies Aid of the Chris tian Church are having a Talent Sale of homemade baking on Friday March in the school room The Bible Class will hold a sale of homemade Candy on Friday Mar in basement of Christian Church J Mm fcevety toat Mr mi by Judge part were admirably take were in evidence taking part in the fa to MUs Georgia Collins Belfry Miss Annie and WW The was well and altogether was flip entertain- and on to to Lets Have Supper That popular Oyster Supper that you have been waiting for to come next Friday evening March at Friends Church After supper you will bo entertain ed in stylo by listening to a lecture on How Big Things Made Small given by Mr Pickett Toronto Music and singing will add color to tho program You will be if you miss it New Millinery Parlor With pleasure we announce that Miss Evans with the able assistance of Hiss Strom formerly of the Glen Ethel Millinery Parlors will on Thursday open the La Millinery Parlors which are ctentrally located first door north of the New Royal hotel Hiss is a practical uptodato milliner and we feel confi dent this new enterprise will prove a grand success Another Nov Well The supply of domeaMn water being still inadequate the Council have started the fifth well about feet north of tho last one The well is the best they have yet yielding about 8000 gals in 24 hours but the connection will not be made with the reservoir until the re sult of thn next well is ascertained The 3rd new well was frozen up on Sunday night owing to the cold wind blowing on an exposed piece of pipe Tho pipe froze solid for a number of yards under ground and the engineer had quite a thawing out by electricity Newmarket has four bakers now no shortage in the staff of life Mr the material on a lot on Queen Street for a new house as soon as opens The Willing Workers of the Presby terian Church held their regular meet ing last week at the home of Mrs St No poverty in Newmarket if we are to judge by the crowd that pa tronises the dime shop trash shops billiard rooms hockey matches etc some even going so far as to pay for a ticket to a championship game Tuesday March Remember the date Irish Concert Town Hall Uncle Josh Comic drama in four acts Christian Church Mr J Booth gave a very inter esting paper on the topic Twelve Great Verses HI The Love Verse last Tuesday There was also a solo Miss lr- ina and a reading Miss Morton Quite a number were in attendance and it being Consecration and business meet ing a good spirit prevailed The meeting next Tuesday ev ening will he withdrawn as it will he held on Monday evening it being occasion of the annual visit of Aurora Baptist young people to our society Let us all turn out for a good time as has always been the result of these joint meetings A social hour will be spent after the program whiolrwill be rendered by Aurora I Do not forget the skating party next Tuesday even ing Come and bring your friends Skating from 730 to 10 Com Next Sunday morning the pastor will preach Investments and in the evening the second In tbo ser ies of Christian Efficiency Giving Choir of King Christian Cliurch will have charge the sic Everybody always welcome FARMER BURNED TO DEATH i Overcome by after he had carried trunk from his and had reenter ed- the building in order to re move nffl furniture iJcvyWey a wellknown farmer of Glen Major near was burned to death The fact that ho had died in the lire which de stroyed his home was not known neighbors until after Are when they searching the ruins and fourth his charred bones burled under the ashes and smoldering his house Mr was bachelor and livid in his little home n his hundred aero farm One of His neighbors the farm and saw that the had been destroyed He at Investigat ed On snow a few feet from where the stood was a trunk which the farmer evidently had carried out of the house whon it took fire He then it is sup posed reentered his home for the purpose of out some more of his belongings when he wns the and fell in one of the rooms uncon scious whore the flames In another part of the cellar found the buttons from Mr troupers wh his shirt tuitions were found to the charred remains He was last seen at postof fice at Clarerhont and it is known that ho had a hundred dollars In his pocket at that time He was years old and is survived by two brothers and four sisters The habits customs and also Court etiquette is changing as the years go by King George and Queen Mary have recently made an innovation breaking down traditions of the long ago under which nobody must address the monarchs unless he is first spoken to They have in timated that at private dinner parties at least guests need not hesitate either to open conversa tion or to broach a new subject of conversation innovation is a sensible one A grtrrf will bo la Mtftpt Church- Ketttoby A food is anew roof on church and a is v VALLey- Skating all the go around Cedar Valley nowadays Mr visited Ms mother last Monday to hear that Mrs J vens is improving some Mr Japjc Frost has kind of tamed down a bit We are ail looking forward for the Oyster Supper Miss Nettie visited in Mount Albert over Sunday and reports a good time- P has bought the King Georgo in Cedar Valley Some of he men learning Hebrew Cheer Jack It may not be are up SO THE GREATEST VALUE OFFERED IN PROPERTY And will bo Sold Bargain of choice ofay land a cor ner farm Township of North Co of York Well fenced all enclosed wit wire fence Mail delivery twice day Red brick House with telephone barn on stone wall with and all modern conveniencesgrain crusher cutter root pulper and a wind mill that cuts wood Driving bouse pig pen and hen house Watering troughs all cement Con venient to Metropolitan Crossing for shipping cream 33 acres seeded acres of fall wheat plowed of pasture A wellbearing orchard of choice winter apples 45 trees One acre of well cultivated strawberries strawberries and other small fruits plum and cherry trees all hearing well The fruit is being along shore in summer time at big prices For quick sale will accept a reason able deposit and a mortgage at per cent for ten years Immediate pos session given Will also sell the entire Stock and Implements consisting of registered some Shorthorns also some firstclass gen purpose horses This is a chance in a lifetime so act quick For further information apply to P MORTON Phone Box 373 Newmarket WOOD FOR SALE Green Hardwood feet long de livered in Town if required Also sawdust for sale George Newmarket P O AURORA At Trinity Hall last Monday night Mr P Rogers of Toronto gave an illustrated address on his travels At place on Thursday ev ening of this week the national edu cation series of pictures were to be for the first time They are to illustrate the principal industries of the Dominion and the processes of manufacture A tour of the towns and cities Is to be made The Band gave a musical carnival at the Rink on Tuesday The hockey tournament was quite a Kodako of Toronto beat the Auroras Aurora won from Park- dale The of Toronto won from Bradford Toronto Junction Victorias won from Newmarket March came in like a roaring lion but wo it may go out like a nice little Iamb Mr P Lemon and Mr rey each sold a valuable horse last week Mr Anderson who has been vis iting relatives and friends since December lias returned to his home in Vancouver Mr and Mrs and son of spent Sunday with friends Mrs of Victoria is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs J Burnett Mr Burnett of Markbarn spent Sunday at his fathers Mrs attended the fune ral of her brother in the States Mr Ward Cook is spending few days with friends at Mount Albert Miss Steel of Bolton is spend ing a few days with Miss Courtney A few of our young people at tended the dance at Mr L leys on Thursday evening All report a good time Miss Cutting made a business trip to Newmarket on Saturday Mr Sayvdon called friends at Cedar Grove recently Mr J OBrien called on friends at King on Friday Miss May Graham is on the sick list We hope for a speedy re covery A number attended the rink at Schomberg on Wednes day night Mr Dove V S of Toronto spent Thursday with his parents Mr Mrs Dove Mr is spending a few weeks with his brother Mr McGill ooo CUTTER FOR Almost new A Bargain Enquire of Ross St Newmar ket J Having opened a Flour and Feed Store I am prepared to supply Roy al Household and Flour al so Bran Shorts and all other kinds of Feed Phone ALLAN HOWARD Main St Hotel 1 Lake villes summer resort is to boom next season Mr Ed Baker has let the contract for the building of a commodious boarding house and four cottages This de lightful sheet of water on ac count of close proximity to To ronto with its fishing bathing and boating facilities bids fair to rival Jacksons Point Noah Bakers sale on Friday last demonstrated that progres sive methods pay The crowd was likened to Markbarn Fair and proceeds ran into thousands The cattle and horses were all washed the day before and the cement stables scrubbed out The farm had been previously sold for eleven thousand five hundred dollars to Clarke Johnston of Mount Joy The high wind Sunday night blew the roof oil Mr John Hunt leys barn smashing into end of the house The tremendous impact of heavy timbers in the middlo of the night gave the family a great start and much uneasiness was felt until- the cause was discovered TOWN LINE ITEMS- March certainly came in a lion who will vouch for how it will go out Wo are glad to hear that Miss Jeanie of the Line who has been somewhat indispos ed is some better and able to sit up Mr Alfred who has been called to serve on the jury wont to the city on Mon day in for opening of the Court on Tuesday morning Farmers who have got up their supply of firewood are anxiously waiting for Franks circular and gasolene What a contrast in climate I The correspondent learns from exchange that potato planting I J i I N E MA R K A f I A 1 I roctc of ka Mr Items On Monday evening Mrs J M Terry entertained Hie Black Orchestra and a few friends in their usual hospitable man ner Although some of the mem bers of the Orchestra were ab sent the assembled people were treated to some excellent music Mr Robinson of formerly of Newmarket was the guest of Miss M at her home on Sunday and also oh on account of the in his native Scot- sisters The daughters are Mrs land on Jan j Ed Lloyd Newmarket Mrs Rumor says that Master Bert- Webster Town Line Mrs ram Wilson looked becomingly Fred 5th Line Mrs Jno smart in his Scotch Kilts at and Mr Dales only son Skating Carnival being Tom who reside on the homo- rewarded with a prize stead with their mother to mourn An interesting link with the their loss and we are sure the past has been severed by the I sympathy of the community goes death of Mr David Dales who out to them at this lime of sorest passed away on Thursday night bereavement Feb 26lh at his residence on the Line of King at the ripe old An Appendage to the- Town Line age of years Mr Dales was born in Yorkshire England and was a fine type of Englishman a man of sterling character and genial disposition and was well liked by ail knew him Up to the last he preserved many of his faculties- almost unimpaired and it was very interesting to verse with him on the reminis cences of pioneer life in early days of King Tp In private life he was most unassuming his innate ability his sterling in- Monday like many of the early storm settlers and his untiring Indus- Mrs and Mrs try enabled him to be called sue- have rom an cessful in life Although Sunday tended visit friends in the last the day of the funeral was Queen City cold and inclement a large Miss Vera has of old friends and neigh- i Toronto to attend the Spring assembled at his late home Millinery Openings and dispensing with a service at the Christian Church Elder Ob Freddies going West again conducted a service at The girls around turn pale the house where with his usual But one consolation is ability he gave a powerful ad- j The coming of the mail dress from a passage in the Book of Job The simple Freddie is a genial lad hymns Rock of Ages and favorite everywhere Nearer My God to Thee render- irls out skating feelingly by the Chbir caused lakcs care many to think on the solemnity orchard where in surn- of the occasion Thereafter the mertime remains were taken to Kettleby wont lo roam Burying Ground followed by a Johnnies horse it paws the large cortege of sorrowing ground neighbors The pallbearers Anu be were six- familiar neighbors Messrs Simeon Lemony George My inspiration has expired John Cook John My thoughts have ceased to Black Milton Terry and A Davis low Besides his widow four daugh- bores wishing Freddie all Given at Timothy St Apply to Mrs Comer WORK WANTED Plain Laundry or Out by the Day Ontario Box Newmarket PO TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all per sons having against the of Athalirda Maud Barker late of the town of NeTnarket married wo man deceased who died at Newmar ket on the Fifth day of February are requested to Ale with the solicitor for Execu tors of the last will of the said de ceased their said claims properly proven or before the March as immediately the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets the estate amongst those parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims then filed day of Feb 1914 C WIDDIFIELD Solicitor for Executors 3w4 Newmarket Oat v fel- I- it i Short CORD A FULL 4 and one son Mr Dales leaves two brothers and three success In his journey here below j Delivered in A Quantity i9irttepz A SONS a i i

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