Newmarket Era, 6 Mar 1914, p. 8

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v I What la the natter Hes all right bear to spent I i cry were not doing their work mid I was all run down in condition I felt the need of opine good remedy and having seen advertised I decided to try Micro Their effect I found more than satisfactory Their action the result all that could be expected kidneys resumed their normal after I had token upwards of a boxes and I regained my oldtime Vitality Today I m as welt as ever the health I have ever had A KBIAY is the greatest Kidney remedy in the world It acts on the bowels nod the skin a well as the Kid neys and thereby soothes and cures any Kidncyoreucsa Is sold by all dealers box for trial size or will be cent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa I FOR SALE Brick House on Prospect Ap ply to Grace St New market i i 1 heated unfurnished and use of room Mrs Pros pect North Newmarket BOACRE FARM For Sale or exchange for Town party DAVIS Newmarket a on the 2nd wedding bells TOWN largo from- this vicinity attended the social gathering Mon day at Mr College Toronto gave an illustrated lecture Japan St Mary Magdalenes Church Wednesday night The friends shocked to hear her death on Monday of last died at the homo of her Bister Mrs Ellis Toronto and the funeral Was held on Wednesday interment be ing made at St Mary Church Cemetery 5 I FOR A comfortable House with convenience Apply to Millard Ave FOR SALE A New Brick House on street rooms domestic water furnace etc Apply to GEO Newmarket FOR New Brick House nicely situated on Ardea Ave West side of Town Modern improvements Apply to A Willoughby Newmarket A Brick Clad House rooms with Furnace and Bath on Grace St opposite A Thompsons Ma chine Shop Apply to McTAVISH Box Newmarket FOR SALE On St Newmarket Mud- em in every- way 9 rooms besides bathroom and wash room New fur nace Convenient to all down town Will be sold at a bargain on easy terms Apply at this office WE SALE desirable property situated on Prospect Art A largesized dwelling with all conveniences all in first class shape Quarter of an acre of grounds with appje and small fruit trees Frame stable and cement hen bouse This we consider the best buy in town so act quickly Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser Apply to P Morton 373 Newmarket A sloighload of young people from hero attended the danoo at the homo of Mr Cherry near on Tuesday night The married ladies ami gentlemen of and vicinity held an other- of their popular skating parties on the rink on Friday ev ening Tuesday the Sham rocks jounreyed for a of hockey It was called about 330 and an hour of strenuous play resulted in a score to in favor of Tottenham The small handi capped the players con siderably The game was pretty free from roughness VANDOUF The Foresters held their annual Oy ster Supper in Vandorf Hall on Wed nesday evening A splendid program was given by local talent and also an address by Mr John T Scott of Toronto Mr T Lennox acted as chairman Wesley Methodist Sunday School propose holding a Concert In the llth oi March An excellent- program will be rendered consisting of a dia logue entitled Not a the House also a Quarterly Board Meeting readings by Messrs on loo and only of yourfg nienKonioiitiit w aHss ttavcy J er winner chair ahd pickle ortered for the purchase- bearing certain number Aurora Specialty If mains cloocd while has lalcl off o men As a result fait Here Witness f V 1 A f You Can I I fi J On of the chief icasobs for testing- not simply in vhilo but at regular intervals found In the that they are known to vary so and often so Apart altogether from what arc terincU normal variations from milk ing to milking varIatonS between morning and evening and the variations between the fore milk and tho careful noticed in two days a variation In the teat of almost two per centot fat in the of Individual cows for which no reason be Obviously it would bo quite unfair to any cow on any one Isolatedj test when 0 one that is suppose tp bo a high test- Could you A fair and Just way is to take samples regularly and test a sample a Titcn there- will be credit given where it Is really due not necessarily to tho that is supposed to be Is fancy name or fancy price but frequently to some tacitly despised individual which is really queen of dairy- It will pay to select those cows that are known not to yield milk rich in at for Passing Bad Coins Convicted on the charge passing money with know ledge that it was bogus John Grang er living near Holland Landing East Township was sentenced to two years in the Cen tral Prison by Magistrate in the County Police Court Thursday of last week on the of March An excellent- program r J full different utensils found In Grangers house There was a box full of tin and lead metals several ladles different bottles filled with borax plaster of Paris and several know what that Keeping yourself It up to you whenever you unbuild you up wra off r r protect you talent The entertainment should be well patronized I LIS TON bells are ringing in this S V claimed these I and choruses used and that he got the bad money from a lew from whom he bought a comb Didnt you know when you got the change that the tencent pieces were counterfeit asked the magistrate No I didnt know then or when I passed them to the storekeepers replied Granger I think that anyone fingering pieces could tell at that they were not good said the All of the counterfeit money was in toncent pieces and although the coins have a remarkable likeness to the real tencent piece they can be recognized as soon as they are touch ed ten from different storekeepers at greasy feeling Granger had- succeeded in passing a few of them and the constable secur ed ten from storekeepers at Holland Landing AN ACTOR OF TALENT Wedding vicinity Scott is recovering from a long illness Messrs P and Stewart left for the West on the homeseekers excur sion on Wednesday Miss Fanny Lynn bud the- misfor tune to fall while standing on a chair and sustained serious injuries about her head and face Mr gave his friends a farewell party on Monday night of last week and everybody a good time Mr Peter McCaHurn celebrated his silver wedding one day last week A number of friends and relatives were present and all report having a most enjoyable time o o KING CITY I Here it is at Last Remedy is made from herbs and is perfectly harmless If you are a sufferer from Gall Stones Kidney Stones or Gravel Sanol will effect a positive cure If you have backache kidney bladder trouble or rheumatism that is caused by excess of uric add ditziness puffy swellings under the eyes swollen feet and ankles tired feeling urine very pale or extra dark and cloudy too frequent and painful urination brick dust sediment in urine after standing a few hours you are In danger and Sisol Kidney Remedy will you At all Druggists per bottle Free Literature Sanol mg Co Ltd Winnipeg Canada For Sale by J Patterson Jl Druggist Newmarket llootoror The next meeting of the Womens Institute in connection with King East Branch will be hold at the home of Secretary on Saturday March at oclock The pro gram includes Health of Women with dia grams by A A Ferguson Economical Use of Meat in the Home by Mrs V Hall The Hurry Habit by Mrs Lyle Wells Roll call Meats Left Over Re ceipts Everybody is welcome The friends of L Owen line of were shocked to hear of his death which took place on Satur day after a very short illness from plcuropneumonia The late Mr Owen was in the year of his age was held In high esteem by all He is survived by his wife and two sons and a sister in England The funeral took place on Monday to King City Cemetery service being conducted by Rev 60 City to odor Two bottle half of ii other or otter youth- Felaa Hair Product Hew Growth w5gttSftpteoiUoybwk MtffJMUM Mrs S Lukes had a large last Friday afternoon Mr Lukes was confined to the house for a couple of weeks with a heavy cold Miss of Newmarket visited with Miss Noilly several days Miss Wright of Miss Mills of were guests Miss for the Carnival Tho engagement of Miss Stella Kneeshaw to Mr Walter King is an nounced Reeve has succeeded in sell ing the new debentures at a premium ol which means a sav ing of to the corporation as compared with the offer last year The practice at outsiders bringing In scrub stock and making dumping ground for inferior animals Is one that has been carried years No wonder that of cattle is away below average This will continue to be so just to long low grade ruilkebws are shipped in annually The cows are left here and the is that much poorer while the speculator thrives on the good judgment the investor inustcal Carnival was held on Monday excellent music furnished by Aurora and Brad ford Bands Upwards of skaters It la the Best Remedy bat the cause- out of the When you are rundown ad matter what the It doesnt stimulate you and make you feel good for a few hours but takes hold of the and builds you Up to a healthy normal condition ii Jt Is a real tonic a real builder of healthy nerves rich- blood strong muBcIea good digestion It contains the to tone the nerves and give energy and pure Oil to nourish the the blood the entire system and give vitality and health It Is pleasant to take greasy flavor of the Olive Oil having been removed For you who are tired out nervous rundown debilitated weak emaciated for old people for puny children we recommend Olive Oil the best medicine vo know of to and keep you well and 1 We Make Our Living Greatest Drug Stores a bottle Sold In this town only by us of the drug here in your town It is our duty to give you the we cam for whatever ailment you may have and demands that we recommend nothing unless we know Wo know good believe it the there is made We know it is greatly helping many of your We believe that it will make you well and strong again money and worry in the end We feel it is good for to Olive Oil Emulsion and get you because we know youll thank after ward for making our confidence in it so plain that you didnt hesitate to take us at our We alio feci sore hat once we are and it to your friends Read our moneyback fluaranieo and flet a today Wo This Remedy to Relieve and Satisfy You or Your Money Back We dont wont your money unless Olive Oil Emulsion really helps and satisfies you If it doesnt come back and tell us and well give back your money We believe it will pro tect health if it doesnt the money is yours and we want you to have it Recently a of introduction handed by an actor to a manag er which described the presenter as an actor of much merit and concluded lie plays Macbeth Richelieu Ham let and billiards He plays billiards best- Argonaut Mr J of nipnt- was in the Mason ic Hall and presented with a solid gold watch and chain by his many friends on his leaving for There were 150 guests present and Judge was toast- master MY STOMACH Since Taking is Mrs J Waterloo Oat enthusiastically recommends Dyspepsia Tablets Her with them as she outlines it explains wiry I waa greatly troubled ciy Ehe writes I had taken much medicine that I might to take any more would only be making it worse My stomach just felt raw read of Dyspepsia and a lady friend told me they were very easy to take to I thought I would give a trial and really they worked wonders Anyone having anything wrong with his should give Dyspepsia Tablets a trial they will do the rest My fine now and I can eat any food One of the many good features of ablets is that they are to pleasant and easy to take The relief give from biliousness end dyspepsia fa prompt and permanent Try one after each meal theyll make you feel like a new a box at your druggists ponndtd by the National Drug end Chemical Co of Cafltda United smUWMp mm Electoral Corruption ipdrallons and other Special Inter- 8ttf friendly to the contribut ors In several cases the hear ing of protests arising out of the elections has been delayed de liberately by lawyers of the He pointed to the delay Government organization If frequently occurs in the Mr Borden been sincere in Mr Borden insis tently demanded the appointment of prosecuting of ficer for election trials in the Do minion which so frequently occurs in the hearing of election trials and to desire to stamp these the of sawbffsV co To prevent these and to has- during ten the punishment of wrong-do- j regime- as nor could he declared the appointment direct from toe Regal package Government merited severe con demnation for failing to bring about such an appointment In Halifax platform and on other occasions he pledged himself to appoint a prosecuting officer for election cases if he pow er In his Opposition days Mr Borden had as another theme the necessity of publicity as to campaign expenditures and prevention of contributions to such funds by corporations and contractors He spoke with vigor and seeming sincerity of the need for action in this di rection Mr Borden gained in in a campaign in which party he led had at its command the most enormous campaign fund in the history of Canadian political contests Lfn itself the existence of that huge fund cast doubts upon Mr Bordens sincer ity Those doubts have been con firmed by events since he became Premier His in the re cent debate gave further proof of his insincerity Not one word did he say in that debate regarding the appointment of an independent prosecuting to expedite the hearing of election causes Not one word did lie say as to publicity regarding campaign funds or as to contributions from corporations and contractors The record of byelections since Mr became Pre mier been one marked by the moat outrageous corruption prac tised on behalf of Government candidates Expenditures have been made by the Government organization which point clearly to the existence of great election funds to which no doubt the cor- Borden His remarkable silence as to campaign funds and as to the ap pointment of a prosecuting during Commons debate of Wednesday last is another evi dence of that insincerity More than two years in office he has not redeemed his pledge to not even forecast now uuy prove the electoral laws He action of the kind had promis ed when in Opposition He con sented to a Liberal motion for a committee to inquire the question of electoral reform but he did not even suggest that the committee should endeavor to frame provisions which would check corporation- contributions to campaign funds or bring about the appointment of a prosecuting officer Mr Borden is power now The corporations are friends of his party because that party does their will Mr Bordens Minister of Elections is an expert in trickery of the gross Manitoba kind of electoral rascality These are the reasons why the Premier fails to make good- his lireelection pledge regarding po litical corruption The evils have not become less but rather they have become greater since Mr Borden took office and he does not propose any effective action to check corrupt methods which help his Government in elections ML I V JusVaa you are I wouldnt That is the spirit ot nodera photography And with the fast plates end fast lenses the- clever photographer take you Just Long in conscious a are of the In tact having picture in a Modern Studio is as pleas ant as an informal call on good friends Make the THE IK is HOME DYE ANYONE I r HOUSEHOLD HUNTS Always boil new ironware before j using it I 1 In cooking fish make sure that the cleaning is thorough To remove jars of fruit satisfacter- pack them in sawdust Make baking powder biscuits with water instead of milk Linseed oil will repolish furniture which has become scratched Wash and dry flannels as quickly J as possible if you want them to be soft Small sweet red poppers are excel- lent mixed with celery and potato salad j 1 AS SOME OTHERS DO- said Willies mother as watching the Armless Wonder wind watch write Jus name and do other remarkably things with his toes that he can play the piano but I dont see how- Thats easy mamma replied He can play by ear it Send tfce Era Jo JHIS Letter fjom Mr Geo W Burt Wayne County Michigan how vel the farmers of that lection art with con crete roads Nearly one hundred miles have been built Wayne County Mr Edward Hinesi Board of County Road Commissioner Wayne County Detroit Mich Dear Sir Our concrete roads are far ahead of pecudon of the majority of us farmers Where we used to be two days marketing fifty bushels of produce we now market twice as much in one day and can go city anytime we want to We do not have to wait till the roads are good so we can go Also our horses and waggons will last twice as long J Hoping right on building these roads and that the county will stand back of this movement I remain Yours truly Geo W Burt Redford Wayne County Mich Concrete Roads ir the and moil Out can be they permit bigger value prove they permanent and require practically no repair which permit- road to be pent in buildup good Moil e open to traffic srery day in the year coil of and p JI U1 be sent free to everyone Write to Cwiada Montreal 1 i IK f J Vi J j

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