Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1914, p. 1

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f i Stylo II b Lenses- Stylo frame You With FROM- UP Graduate Optician You Chance Leading Paper well as tho V 1955 copies week ii OMfcOwrBesfc TERMS- dTe SUtes No paper wt baUWe of reds Customer AH Warranted I JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON I nn n I ira A solid carload of ruaUod val ued at here from last week Prohibition of the manulaotiiro BROTHER AMD WEDDED Forcible Feeding on all Heaters Blanket and Vlntor A Full of Odd Lines wo to Clear Out AT BARGAIN PRICES Skaters arc Particular the Auto and Faster Any Other PHONE II NEWMARKET transportation Intoxicating liquors In Canada forcibly ured by the of ibe Toronto Presbytery the Assembly of tho at a lost City Council- taking steps looking to driving sparrows ibe public parks and bribing in foreigners reaching Canada those days are not for ft TOnyS fob last long after marriage for he left George Foster Millie- ColpJusfc as were l Trade and Commerce be- leaving to procure a inornate lieves that lie has found a have a nuptial knot tied a for the market to the south which the Government re fuses to the western farmer for in the Heat Produced And You his Russian wife in Montreal Immodi- on arrival Magistrate ordered to bo paid over 1 mediately and Tony was ushered back to jail to be held oil remanded rente nee It la stated by polico authority that no Icsb than out of a popu lation of Chinamen In this city were arraigned in the police court during No wonder ment taxes Chinese Immigrants WIll Have Comfort Peace of to allow them- to and Happiness c No less than Chinamen were up in tho police Good Coal for the Cold or keeping opium jaunts Always Procured at H EVE Order Phone or Manning Ed Church or Root Boyd INCORPORATE 18 Paidup Capital Reserved Funds 1 The Convenience of Savings Account Deposits may be made at any time Interest is added to balances halfyearly Money In Bank is Safe and not likely to bo spent needlessly You funds may be withdrawn as required ill Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH FIELD Manager End Lumber Yard THE SMALLEST SCUTTLE Of our fro burning coal wil go as far as the largest of other There are as many grades of coal as there of eggs and t be sure of beat you buy where only the best is handled That is right here as- many large coal users can tell you P j Cor Carters AH and George E Thing in L Lath and Shingles Phone TW I Need an Odd Pairs of Trousers To wear out that old Coat and We have otno Bargains in Trouserings ALSO at deduced Prices TAILOR PHONE NEWMARKET ST AT WHAT IS WORTH all at Right Prices LUMBER LATH POSTS SHINGLES SASH DOORS Design la Veneered Doors Material and Trim In Otic Kiln Dried mi Maple Oik etc ill mm IT WORKS TO BETTER ADVANTAOK REQUIRING LESS TIME AND LABOR THUS THE DIFFERENCE IN COST IS SO SLIGHT THAT IT SHOULD CUT NO FIGURE Youll Find Twill Pay The York Radial Co has commenc ed work on their pole line to In dustrial Farm buildings Mr J Bone ol the Daily Star was elected President the Univer sity Lit last I Judge Morgan imposed a fine of upon Jack Koarns who was guilty of stealing Mies whom ho met last Septem ber at the Exhibition The in Imposing fine said There are apparently a lot of details but I can read between the lines Mr Robinson secretary the International Commit tee says ninetyfive per cent the boys of Toronto over 11 years age are at work for wages Less than per cent go to high school and less than per cent to Universities On Thursday night of last week fire from spontaneous combustion took place in the United Incandescent Light Co premises Richmond St and did The Tea Co also suffered Business was so congested at the Sessions Court that Judge Morgan was again called to the Bench on Wednesday of last week His first case was the trial of Martha Camp bell a dressmaker on a charge or stealing a waist from Eatons store He fined her instead of sending her to Jail A coaloil stove was accidentally upset on Gloucester Street the other day and damage done Geo A Galloway pleaded guilty in the Sessions last week to a charge of stealing SI ISO from the Western Can ada Flour Mills Co and was remand ed for sentence till the May Sessions Rev A Logan- of was nominated by the Toronto Pres bytery as moderator of General Assembly which convenes at Wood stock in June next Already preparations are advancing for this years Canadian National Ex hibition The best Bands of Great Britain and the United States will be features of the show Last week was a jump of from ten to twenty cents per bag on po tatoes There is a superabundance of tubers in Now Brunswick but the storm delayed about 200 loaded cars for this city and caused a shortage About damage was done to the garage of W Gates caused by a leakage of gasoline which took fire Dr an eminent New York surgeon when in the city last week visited the General Hospital He said he had been In many hospi tals in the world but he bad never been in one so free of noise as the Toronto Institution Rev and other mem of the Alliance Council were In Ottawa last week with the view of having some amendments made to the Canada Temperance Act The amend ments are deemed important in view of the act that campaigns for its adoption will likely be entered upon in Counties instead of Local Option for Municipalities A number of Counties will probably follow the ex ample of Peel In the near future Constable Holmes had a long chase In his effort to capture Joe charged with stealing a suitcase When the detective found that Billy was losing ground in the race he fired his pistol This give up If plans now being considered arc adopted Toronto will have a parks system second to none on the conti nent i The funeral of Mrs Grace Smith Abbott took place on Wednesday of last Deceased was years of age and has resided in Toronto all her life Her son Is connected with the Clothing Factory at Newmarket For the brutal treatment of his wife whose face showed Illusage Duncan Mcpougall was sent to penitentiary for two years and to have lashes Now will he he good and have a nuptial knot tied by a justice of the peace Miss Har dy a homesteader near Buckingham Weld Co discovered that Frank Cam- a neighboring homesteader to whom she engaged was her Miss Hardy fainted and it was some time could bo The discovery of the relationship between Miss Hardy and Cameron the real name of both being Howard was brought about through Cameron wearing for the first time in her pres ence a small gold ring with a bis chain did you get that ring faltered Miss Hardy as she noticed and Inspected it My gave mo that to remem ber her by the last time I saw 23 years ago answered Cameron astonished at agitation Then you are ray brother ex claimed Miss Hardy and Minted When Miss Hardy revived she prov ed her relationship all doiibi by going to her jewel box and taking from it a silver coin bearing the date of her brothers birth and his Initials which he had engraved when a boy It appears that the brother and sister were deserted in childhood by their parents and later were adopted In different families wheat and wheat products on his recent trip to the Orient in search of wid er conceived bril liant idea of leaching the China- Healthy Hair No l Parisian i Letter from Twenty companies with a total capitalization of 1035000 were incorporated in Saskatchewan during February under the provi sion of the act concerning local comoanios The Provincial Department of Agriculture and Dominion Department of Agriculture have recognized the feat of J of in ft men to abandon rice as a staple food and to cat instead Manitoba No i Hour The minister be lieves that even if but a small per centage of tho four hundred mil lion odd Celestials can be weaned from their traditional diet and persuaded to consume wheat flour Canada can get rid of a large part of the surplus for which she is now seeking a mar ket In the House on Tuesday last Mr Foster said Once the idea is taken up though the increase be but lit tle in each case or in each dis trict the aggregate will be enor mous In this respect I believe that in both China and Japan there is a great future for Cana dian flour wheat and other Can adian products In the face of Hit Governments refusal to open to the western wheat growers a market whose patrons need no such teaching the humor of Mr Fosters pro posal is obvious It was not lost upon Sir Wilfrid who speaking on the subject at the be ginning of the session said I have it on good authority that the Minister of Trade and Commerce contemplates sending bakers to China and to IrorK the Chinese and Japanese the supe riority of a wheat diet over a rice diet Hie Minister of Trade and Commerce not bak ers hut confectioners pastry cooks and culinary machinery of every description and let their be to wean the Celestials their pro clivities from their habit of con suming sharks flns bamboo roots and duck eggs two years AGO i From Era March This la St Patrick Day not specially celebrated In Its entirely needless to have un sightly matted thin or faded hair A little care is all that is needed to make it thick soft pretty perfectly healthy and free from dandruff Use Parisian supplies hair needs and is absolutely harmless It quickly stops and falling hair ajufifl one of the best tonics to the scalp and make hair grow long and beautiful Get a bottle of Parisian Sage to day from J Patterson or at any drug counter It costs but Rub It into the scalp all head feels fine the Trustees talking of heir Is and perfectly Wealthy tt THE WEEK IN THE winning three times in succession the silver trophy for the best I them to aubsti- exhibition at the National lnesft delicacies no- United States Grain Show in the and J Hill Sons now retain the handsome trophy for the worlds host oafs The loss to Saskatchewan fire during the month of January was approximately The ratio of Ire losses in was much better than in any other city The insurance companies made good profits on the hail insurance written 1913 in the Pro vince of Saskatchewan according lJi the figures compiled While some of the companies register ed losses on the years business others made considerable pro- fits The statement shows the total gains of all companies to be 1 and the total losses leaving net gains regaling 8618393 o a C preparations of wheat flour and anything and everything in the Way of cereals not forgetting porridge the food of the strong and he free in this part of the world If my honorable friend the Minister of Trade and Com merce succeeds as a result of his pilgrimages to China and Japan in obtaining for this country the sale of one barrel of flour more than have exported hitherto then the government will have done more than they have so far accomplished during their four years of In the proposed teaching of the people of the Flowery Kingdom how to consume wheal flour thus providing a market for the Can adian surplus no doubt many new positions may be created for Conservative office seekers Meantime however the western farmers are apparently to be market until TORY HEELERS REWARDED education of the Orient is complete Minister of 1- Commission on Of Si Farm the Government was defeated arrangements were well under way towards the eslab- of an Farm in the Province of New Brunswick- The Director of he Experimental Farm System Mr had recommended the February and Bring Out Unsightly Spots How to Remove Easily While slating John Moore ell from tlie a roo and bad his skull fractured Wis A conference people interested in the metropolitan area idea held on Friday the suggestion of the MP for York to the area to the City and Townships of York aid fen The woman with tender skin dreads March because the wind is likely to of a site hut when the cover her face with ugly freckles Conservative Government came Fortunately for her peace into power Hon Martin the recent discovery of a new pro found that the farm recommend- scription otbine double strength was admirable in every way makes it possible for even those hut for the vital objection that it most susceptible to freckles to keep was owned by a Liberal Another their skin clear and white No mat- site was accordingly located how stubborn a case of freckles about three miles from have the double strength othine and Mr A Thomas of should remove them a Grand Master of Get an ounce from your druggist the Orange Lodge was given banish the freckles Money back to put through the deal fails The farm cost Tho ditorGenerais Report shows that Mr Thomas was allowed as commission for purchasing this farm the sum of One Thousand Dollars What makes the mat ter worse is the circumstance that the farm purchased is of questionable value for the pur poses On February in the Com mons Mr Car veil P for Carl ton challenged the Minis ter of Agriculture to show that this site was the most desirable one Mr declared that no Member of Parliament would take this Thirteen Thousand farm as a gift and be obliged to live on it- He further staled that no Member of Parliament would give One Thousand dollars for the whole farm The Minis- tor of Agriculture Hon Mr rell did not deny either of these allegation Hon White Minister of Fi nance stated that the Government does not to recoup the share holders of Farmers Bank Chan tendency to tendency toward No Sold for W yew Doctor JejSijJtf The new experiment in the re formation of boy- in Chicago is now being worked in an unpre cedented manner in Nebraska on a Prison Farm It is staled in the American press that twelve of the worst boys in the United States have been established on a nineacre last chance ranch of the Neb where they will lie given a chance to reform and thus cheat American prisons or twelve promising criminals We arc told the boys range in age from to years and wore selected from bad boys in twelve Eastern States If the ex periment proves successful it will be enlarged and widely ex tended Where the boys are lo cated there will bo just enough of work and play to keep them in good spirits The ranch has been supplied with horses cattle and sheet Each boy will have to look after his own reputation All traces of an actual police na ture have been removed and a fair trial to the scheme will be given If successful it will be commencement of the greatest badboy reclamation ever known Tfe majority for Canada Act In Peel offi cially announced as Special to the Era Political Contributions Mr Howell introduced a Bill to prohibit campaign contribution either to Provincial or Municipal elections from corporations Government contractors all holders of liquor license whether bar shop brewery distillery or wholesale and all associations whose purpose it is to further the interests of the trade in intoxi cating liquors In addition to a One of not more than and less than those guil ty of violating this law are to be liable to imprisonment of not more than one year and not less three months It is not known yet what alti tude Government will take towards this Bill Last year Sir Whitney approved the general principle of prohibiting campaign contributions from certain sources and also requir ing the publication of campaign expenses as embodied in the Bill of J Anderson Liberal Mem ber for South Bruce Last years bills withdrawn on the understanding that they could he year Mr Howells Bill adds Govern ment contractors and license holders and Associations Jo the corporations which alone were debarred by last years proposal The lines are more drastic and the imprisonment provision is new The latter is the most important part of the Bill as he prospect of jail will often deter a man who could not be held back fear of a fine It is recognized that if Mr Howells Bill became law a big step in ad vance would be taken to purify politics in Ontario The Budget Hon Lucas presents the Budget speech and shows what he claims to be a surplus of The financial critic of the Opposition Bowman of North Bruce and other Liberal speakers contend that this alleg ed surplus is artificial and that in reality a deficit marks the years finance Government Mouse As a Member for a rural Con stituency Mr Bowman makes a vigorous onslaught against the Government for extravagance in building the new Government House The estimates first amounted to about 100000 but the Governments own figures now show more than Mr Bowman estimates tin- final and completed expenditure at He says that this sum is more than the total as sessment of the largest township in the County of Bruce and char acterizes the Governments ac tion as a wanton waste of the peoples money and one which is directly opposed to the spirit of democracy of which Ontario is proud and which the Government should encourage rather than discourage in this way ooo Will Stop Deposit Rheumatic Complications Checked and the Human Sewers j j The Kidneys Bowels and Skin are the human which carry the Impurities in the blood- When these are clogged Uric Acid sedi ment lodges in the muscles and joints and Rheumatism follows RHEUM A the great remedy for all forms of the terrible disease checks the deposit of Acid For- many years I suffered with Rheumatism I am 71 old but am proud to say that after using- one of RHBUMA the Rheumatic pains are entirely gone I dally re commend to my friends- J Patterson will return your money it it fails a Weston was in darkness Sunday evening ns a of a In tie plant caused by torn On Wednesday last while Mr Alfrei Burn of tbo firm of Sutherland Kim was leading his horse ths halter the animal In a sort play ful mood kicked Mm in the and broke his jaw also seriously cutting his nose Dr was called it and dressed the wounds During Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday of this week we had almost continuous wet weather Snow hat almost entirely disappeared The influx of public school scholar- has been so large recently new school house Mr is doing the photo- graphing business of the town these daysone door south of Hodges tin shop south Main street The Reeve Clerk and Councillor of North were appointed to draft a bylaw di viding the Township into Road Divi sions i North York Ag Society appointed a Committee to act with Newmarket Council in purchasing land for a ground A number of- people having spare money are crossing over to buying American silver at a large discount and bringing the same into Canada disposing of it at par thus making capital and lessening the re course the Banks are complaining of Canadian bills Of taking action to put a heavy dis count on American silver A list of the of Kii township appears in todays issue In looking it over it fiLst wonder ful how many of them have passed away YEARS AGO From Era Mar- The Altar WatsonHopkins At the Methodist Parsonage by Rev FerricT on the inst Albert Watson to Miss Eliza Hopkins all of East Mrs Lewis Niagara St is visit ing at White Rose this week Mr and Mrs J Rofcertson are removing to St Thomas Miss Stokes of Toronto has been visiting in town this week Prof Dike will address the Gospel Temperance meeting next Sunday af ternoon The Misses Morgan of Toronto arc i i weeks in town Chicago Toronto country spending a couple of the guests of Mrs Ramsay Messrs Jos- Armitage of and Clayton of were visiting in town and over Sunday Mr Cody of St moved into town this week Mr John Allen is very ill Mr of was in town on Tuesday Mrs Torrence one of the oldest residents in town slipped on the ice at the Forsyth hotel a few days ago and was very badly shaken up A party of young people from Au rora spent a pkasanti hour at the rink on Monday everting They finish ed up their social enjoyment at residence of- Rev Smith Mr returned from Ot tawa on Friday with the body of his brother for inter ment at Newmarket He left again for Ottawa on Monday to wind up his brothers business Sir Wiener and bride from Pottage ville spent a couple of days with Mr and Mrs Cyrus Park Avenue Miss May Proctor has been visiting in Kettleby for the past day Miss Winter and Miss Lemon have started dressmaking at J Davis Esq attend ed the Reform organization meeting at on Wednesday evening and delivered an address Mr J A Townley merchant tail or Aurora passed away very sudden ly on Tuesday last Messrs and Thos Dan iels of Aurora met with an accident- while driving home from Newmarket on Wednesday Another King farmer at about to remove to Newmarket Mr Creadon Miss of Toronto gave an entertainment before a in the Congregational Church street on Tuesday evening Each successive appearance of- Miss Wetherald in Newmarket increases popularity Her were admirably rendered The death of Mrs It Ardill North Is announced at the ripe old age of years the exception of being blind she re tained all her faculty to the last March is hall gone and only on 4 I 4 stormy day A large surprise party a vial evening at the Mr Sharon last week Lord Mlnto former of died j

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