Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1914, p. 2

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1 two y yy-y- NBWJtABKET FRIDAYMARCH I LADIES WANTED To work their own town No Ni- monoy noode to start Box WANTED Apply to Mr HI a Dray in exchange for Armlta Aurora FOR Brood Sow weight about April let Arm- HOUSE TO RENT Nino ill convenience Ap ply to Slim GRAIN For Sale Barley No and J tor St Newm In Newmarket on a small purse containing a sum money Owner can got at Era by paying for this For Cutting Stove Wood by the cord In hush back o St Tenders up to noon on Sat urday addressed to lames care of Mrs McMillan I No Newmarket Bred to lay White Wyandotte MoLcod Bros strain hatched from pen No Any ot these birds at for quick sale Geo P PollooBef York County Council Special composed Reeves Keith and bad a conference with Deputy AttorneyGeneral Cart- wright on Monday last at the- Par liament regarding the pro posed of the Constabu lary York County Committee laid Mr Sir Whitney Premier ot On tario ha far recovered from recent to be Able to return to Wa home A terrible tragedy took place on Monday oh Adelaide St a named Isaac phot and killed Oarlock In t quarrel WCtottWJJMN and then ahot himself too of the bills Shortly before on Monday they will make application to Intro- walking under the gates at the on Ave cap pulled down over his ears Wirt Beaver was and killed by a passing train A burst watermain on Monday gave tho residents on Sumach and Amelia streets a lot trouble Torontos Hospital bill for last year to and In January this year maintenance of patient In the publto wards cost the sum A thlof stole a bundle of from M Jacobs but In carrying It of ho loot a pocketbible with name written therein Jacobs up bible enclosing a note to the thlci telling him to practice its and not meddle with other hay Several resolutions aiming at the cessation of negotiations for the pur chase of Street Railway were voted down In Council on Mon day night An employee tho Ellas Coal Co was down by an auto on Monday night back bad ly injured Six young men were arrested for misconduct on the street cars Mon day night Bishop of Toronto in fol lowing THE COMPANY THE BE8T AGENT We give notice of having appointed Mr Morton our Agent at New market who will bo prepared to at tend to all matters referred to him by clients concerning Fire Insurance J GARDNER THOMPSON Managing Director The LiverpoolManitoba Montreal to the Legislature for the ap pointment of another Magistrate and a to authority over polloo force Wonder who la looking for a salari ed now The administration of law Is becoming a costly Item for York County without apparent ad vantage POLITICAL With passing of the member for from the Ontario IJogrisla- ture it la to be hoped another such exhibition of political departure from correct mothods as his admitted rec ord revealed will not Itself on the floor of the House for many a long day Globe of Wednesday makes tho following observations opcode lie having stated in the a few days ago that arc others He promis ed to name them but subsequently appears to have decided otherwise Globe comment wo en tirely endorse greatest need in Canada to- owln language arraigned modern day is a thorough political house- j tendency in a sermon on Sunday cleaning Wo must do our best to a home today is prove public morals from top to hot- boarding house where peo- The first step is the purifica- 0 and sleep at night The old tion of the fountain head How can idea of the fireside and the a Spartan code he required of tho family circle Is gone As soon as the executive officers of government when CU drank in tho tho men entrusted by people with morning the man of today hurries the conduct of the government are business and as soon as he themselves too often open to finishes his evening meal out he sure Tho Mausseau scandal at Quo- streets for pleasure bee the affair in the On- generally have the notion tarlo Legislature Mr uni we have not had much of a happy mothods of collecting political snowfall the passing winter but it contributions as last year city so far for and the Hon Robert Rogers cynical lhe removal of snow Last year it defer of tho gilt of a valuable cosfc of urban land to a Prince Al- Council turned over a her friend under tho guise of a on Monday and abolished the homestead all indicate the ten- Treasury Board The Board of of the times As a people our resumes responsibility for the moral sense Is becoming so blunted Citys finances in regard to public affairs that men Business in real estate is beginning In high position do things as to revive Deals totalling come and justify things done by BOY WANTED HONEY in one day may be earned mo than during AN EN TIRE WEEK in other ways Ap plicants must be bright neatly dress ed clean bands and face I want MANLIEST hoy in the Town early prepared for work J Y Newmarket others that were they done In pri vate life wouljd land those doing them behind prison bars 6 a were closed last week His Royal Highness the Duke of Mrs Aubrey Davis will not Friday Dr Boyd will not receive again Andy Davis entertained last Friday afternoon iMr Toronto was home over Sunday Mrs J Can bad a seven- hand yesterday afternoon Mr Jud4 is pending a for weeks over in Illinois Mr Lloyd had a few in to tea on Friday afternoon Mr Hunter was in Mont real this week on a business trip Mrs entertained a number of led lea on Monday after noon Mrs Beech Winnipeg X could not do without the home Mrs Smith of writer cannot got along without Era Mrs Spur of Aurora was the of Mrs McManua on Thursday of last week f Mro of Prospect Ave nue had another thimble tea on Tues day afternoon Mr and Mrs Walter Stephens were At Home with friends on Wed nesday evening Mrs Fred Doyle left this week for Sask to visit her sis ter Mrs J Mr J W of Tecum- was tho guest of Mr J Galbralth a few days ago Mrs Kavanagh of Toronto sends a renewal for the Era which we aro always so pleased to receive Mr K Morrison will repre sent A O at the Grand Lodge In Toronto next week Mrs T Watson got home last Friday after an enforced absence of ten weeks at owing to illness Mr A of has decided to go back to the farm and is offering his residence for sale Miss is representing tho local Circle at the Supreme Home Circle meeting in Hamilton this week Mrs Li Atkinson entertained a number of ladies on Tuesday after noon In honor of and Mrs Mr Gordon York of Detroit Mich writes We nave enjoyed the Era during the past year and wish to take it on Messrs and H also Miss Mae White all of Toronto visited at Mr will visit Toronto on the aS and and visit several In- Mr the last intimation is given in the To ronto News of Wednesday that the byeelection for will not likely be held till the latter part of tho summer or early In tho fall The Ontario statutes provide that a writ for an election may not be is sued while the House Is In session It must be issued however within sixty days after close of the ses sion A GREAT BARGAIN Quarter Section Acres In New tor disposal Good road through good water supply and good timber on it A portion cleared and under cultivation Some fencing done and easy access to rail track Price per acre double Apply to J DUNN Krugersdorl P O New Ontario On Tuesday last Mr Evanturel MPP for Prescott re signed his seat but did not make threatened charges against various members of the Government foresha dowed when he got hints from both sides or the House that he must stop down and out In a letter to Mr Speaker he simply states I wish to tender my resignation to the House as member for the County of Exit Mr A writ for a new election for Prescott will follow The Liber als of Prescott during the past week also Mr they down ed him At Glen Ethel Millinery Parlors Main St doors South ol King George Hotel March to STYLE the best the latest and being in touch with Paris and Ameri can cities makes it possible to keep these in stock QUALITY our hats are marie from the very best- material We deal with the best wholesales only PRICE Having large stores en ables us to buy in large quantities which means lower prices Ydu get the benefit of this WORKMANSHIP Our Hats arc de signed and made by expert designers and Miss Whittle who is In charge of our Newmarket store this season is not only a highclass Mil liner but also an expert designer You will receive courtesy MRS A deputation representing Mimlco New Toronto Weston and interviewed Hon Mr this week and requested to have the date of municipal elections changed from the first Monday in January to New Years Day The Minister suggested that the views of member of the first Ontario Leg islative Assembly after Confederation passed away this week in his year Pleading guilty to a charge of se curing valuable securltieo from Har riet by fraud Francis Wright was remanded on Tuesday by Judge Morgan till the end of Sessions for sentence Dr Hunter and Dr John Ferguson have got into a crossroad about statements made In connection with the Western Hospital Nine students were expelled from University board this week because of their gambling pro clivities They are permitted to con tinue their studies The funeral of tho late Sir George Ross on Tuesday was attended by hundreds of distinguished public men including Senators members of the House of Commons and Ontario Leg islature A big fire in King Street which originated in the boiler of Geo A Rudd Co man ufacturers totally destroyed Cue building and swept the street to the establishment of R Co hat manufacturers and alsoer-n- sumed the building and the contents Loss fire throws one hundred men out of em ployment ASSEMBLY NOTES been very ill the past four or five weeks but wo are pleased to report that she is improving Mr and Mrs W Wiley were At Homo with a number of friends on Saturday evening and provided a de lightful musical program A number of Newmarket OddFel lows visited the Encampment in To ronto on Wednesday night returning home on the midnight car Mr Addison Williams one of tho wellknown farmers of this section has been seriously ill for some time We hope to hear of his recovery Miss Forbes has- been reen gaged for the Millinery of Mrs M Hughes and will have superintendence again this season Miss Eileen Hewitt left on Sat urday for Grand Rapids Mich to spend two or three months with her aunt for tho benefit of her health Rev H F Thomas has so far re covered from his recent Illness that he expects to occupy his own pulpit in the Presbyterian Church on Sun day Mr Burton Marsh eldest son of Mr Uriah Marsh Town Line left for his home at Nether well on Tuesday of this week with a car of horses It is announced that Hon L Mackenzie King will address a ban quet of the Republican Club of New York on the celebration of the cen tenary of peace Mr T Bailey of Portage la Prairie Man writes Although away so long we like to get the Era It seems to keep us in touch with our old friends in Newmarket Mr Ralph of Richmond municipalities generally should be claims Hon Mr Hearst Minister Hill was in town on Saturday rehired If Provincial change was j Lands Forests and Mines has to move shortly to a farm Breath of Spring has blown winter stocks away Spring Styles are in every department Sprin is here despite anything thai the thermometer may say to the contrary at her first whisper Dame Fashion entered our store with new styles that artists and originators have for Bpring wear first showing of spring fashions is comprehensive and is daily augmented by fresh shipments from the countrys style sources The exquisite freshness of the styles coupled with the beauty and of each fashion is more than sufficient to justify our enthusiasm We should like to have you come to view these early displays of j spring apparel etc It will be distinctly to your advantage to do so V ft Rich colorings and novel designs characterize these spring silks and dress goods We have nover shown lovelier or more practical ma- It is a real pleasure us to show them to you Striped silks in Ivory Grey and Brown yard wide This silk will be very popular this season per yard Shot several colors yard wide per yard Brocades in a variety of colors yard wide well worth per yard Silks for trimming Printed Plaids to match all shades of dress goods Shantung Bagdad and nrJ wia THE LEADING Boose YCi tea buy your Cheap For Cash EMBALMING A at 17 W To overcome trouble occasioned by legal mixups in locating mining He in the sired If the change is made thou- a series of amendrncits to the township of Whitchurch and brought sands of will be deprived of Mining Act One very impel up n load of implements the privilege of a holiday visit to change deals with the King of cairn I Mrs R Manning had a number tant friends on New Years Day boundaries 1 0 in to tea on Friday after- CAPPELLEOn St of March to Mr and Mrs Louis Cappelle a daughter HARDEN In Newmarket on March 1914 to Mr and Mrs Ed Harden a daughter In Newmarket on the of March to Mr and Mrs R Dillman a son WILSON In Mount Albert on Fri day March to and Mrs Robert Wilson a son McMAIN In Newmarket on of March 1914 to Mr and Mrs Eg bert McMain a daughter WOODCOCK In- Newmarket On the of March 1914 to Mr and Mrs Everett Woodcock a daugh ter Or- of the grown in this section Take a look at them and see what spraying and trimming will do in the production of Choice Fruit New Figs New Dates New Peels New Currants Newmarket 10th to Mr and a daughter on March Mrs Ed noon to meet Mrs Rev Neal and New Telephone TORY when railway fares are cheapened or else forego the right to cast heir On Tuesday last out of for I Mrs Rev Simpson of Toronto The votes This change involves much for the memory of Sir Gro W Ross the former was the guest of Mrs -Man- electorate of the country Bet- Legislature adjourned without trans- Sunday and the latter the hold municipal elections the first acting any business Eulogies Mrs Monday in December or February delivered by Hon J J Acting Mr and Mrs Horner ol Prime Minister Mr Virginia wish to announce the en- Leader of the Opposition Hon R ol their eldest daughter A Minister ol Education and Viola to Mr Stewart others Penrose of Toronto son of Mr Parliamentary Notes 1 The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is soon to print new issue of Ite Official Tele phone Directory for the Dis trict of Central Ontario in cluding Town of Newmarket who contemplate be- coming Subscribers or those who changes In their entry should place their orders with the Local Manager at to inure in CONNECTING COMPANIES Should also report additions and changee In their list of Subscribers either to the Local Manager or direct to the Advertising Directory Montreal Local Manager The talk about Henri being placed in nomination by Pie Liberals of as successor to Mr in the Ontario House Is all Conservative gammon A man must be a resident of the Pro vince to be a candidate to represent an Ontario constituency Mr is a resident of Quebec That ends the speculation Premier announced to Par liament on Monday last that Canada will celebrate In on a some what elaborate scale the Fiftieth Anniversary of Confederation This announcement followed an elonuent speech Hon Mr Lemieux calling for some fitting demonstration wor thy of the event No doubt all Can ada will respond to the call for a general celebration St Louis Mo Mar That from to guests of the Missouri At lantic perished An the flames that the building this morn- ins is the belief of officers Sev en bodies have recovered and flfl of the structure are still Unaccounted for Report has It that Senator of Kamloops Division may the late Senator Ross successor as Leader Babies cant say what they think while cutting teeth Lucky isnt it Good people are supposed to bo hap py but their looks often belie it Berlin Ont Mar Jacob Thora- aslng aged and sister Mary Thomaslng years old who lived together on a farm on the highway between and New Ger many Waterloo County perished miserably during tho recent cold weather The discovery was not made until this morning A neigh bor Mrs who went to the farm this morning to buy wood found Jacob stiff and stark on his side In a shed Too much by her discovery to proceed further she went and arous ed neighbors The party thereupon found Miss frozen body on a bare floor a the house and Mrs Joseph H Penrose ol Au rora the wedding to take place the last of Match March ONeill who passed the bogus tendollar Bank of Montreal bills In received just half as heavy a sentence as was imposed upon his accomplices and of Lindsay When he came up before Magistrate this morning for sentence a largely signed petition was pre sented asking that he be released upon suspended sentence ONeill In support of his request said he had never In any police trouble bo- fore and he had been foolishly drawn Into this The Ma gistrate stated that he could not re lease him owing to the enormity of the often but he promised to for ward the petition to the Minister of his previous good rec ord and the fact that he bad given Kings might tellin his fa vor- The sentence imposed was two and a half years Kingston Peni tentiary Altar DAVIS HARPER On Feb at the Christian Parsonage at Stoufiville by Rev E FocMer Miss Nellie I Harper of Ring- wood to John Davis of ville Vancouver on Feb by the Rev Dr McLaren Armetta Sho- ver Dahlin to- Cecil J of San son of the late J A of Newmarket PHONE 35 AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO The Tomb DICK Ai the residence of her son Mr Dick Joseph Ave New market on March widow of the late Daniel Dick in her 1st tear The funeral took place on Wednes day interment at Buffalo on March Caroline Racine- aged years The remains wore accompanied to by her daughter and tak en to the home of her son Mr Eu gene Racine Funeral service in St Johns Church on Wednesday morn ing and interment In St Johns I Cemetery Father W officiating J Special Attention Given All Physician and Family J IT MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Photo Supplies Fresh Chocolates Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phone No Store No 1 T All will id Prompt fCGmio itmr iho you nt to cad way A t cat will I 1 seat ItUi Book HeasStody Priced tcfk r power vjJJ and or wiring wSuwo wirelets and etc Noinuter for wWUb w fait If too and ledftj for up and ttcyAu price lit I It CO rL 1 J j 1 J I I 1 i i I I i IT

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