Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1914, p. 5

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SIP prank a j Nqwkti On Wilkinson The OloauoTfta newly of will hold a Sooial- In the Christian Church on Wednesday March Lunch of toa coffee Band- and will ho to p It y C tofivsy or rtotes I j MR LEAVES I 1 I- I MaimHUvct Newmarket Go pm i7 Tolcptocj33 Boyd of Surgeons 46sptali2idon ftaTlmotby plsphonaftio Consut Gnesn FAINTER Atdcn A to CndlOflttlioiqQcca StroctHowinafat Bolton PcdsUr IiauEeDocGCtor S ND ppoGltoetuodiflt Park nho near- y ypesday irch Mr bad delivered itodcaL Sio ftiq to On Joseph J Toronto brought to for In Newmarket UMfupArat being con ducted A Addison yo City accompanied them Butler Walter A Deceased was an Mrs Tic a In a in politics of Friday and sev eral wonderfully flio- sleighing Orcat quantities of loo are token from Fairy for So far town always short of fee scholars are already Jot Easier holidays and maple syrup will soon be on bill of fere up Youll bo gardening in Mr sold carU go business- to Mr and la into on Minister Hotb But Many Trouble Behind Won Cochran fee Minister gone to Europe for back In this Apatt Us health a m It J well known that w Ho ff thanro Northern Railway joca therclrI aUIm of the Railway and Canadian with colleagues as to whether or not plum- for or both He left tho Staunton with to and defend Ho left- to the acting Railways Hon Dr tho task of trying- to patch up with Maritime of the Government with re gard to party squabbles over patrori- and distribution In connection with the management of Intercolonial Ho has left to Hon Dr and Hon J task of try ing to explain the and concoquent of hundreds of thousands Of dollars of the peoples money In connection with harbor works at Pott Nelson HO has left unsolved the question of the opera tion of National- Transcontinen tal Railway which is to bo completed at the end Of this year and which may bo taken over by the Crand Trunk Pacific because of the failure to abide by tho terms of tho original agreement Hon Geo IS Foster was absent during- greater parts of the two glT POET Poet of I Wl Campbell and took of baa been well and the reading public cornea of stock He of Scottish and English beta on Aide branch of the f dwbtadod from Campbell and alto of tame and Fielding the Ji0711at In father the 8waMtea Campbell was a clergyman and mother Mathilda Frances Camp- ball was daughter of late Major Franc Wright the Royal hi years of ago and bora t Berlin and was destined for ha church In fact was an ordained When ordained ho took up In New England pat three year lata- returned to Canada and was for a time rector of Etc- retiring from tba minis try on bis health In Dr Campbell married Mary Louise only child of the late Dr David- Did- and Louise liacdooald f the ancient Barons and North Bri tain and In descent through ber maternal grandfather and In the Commons tost week of day was spent In a proposition of Mr P for ftiohmond dcclarliiifXhat In the opinion of the House the Government should inaugurate an old nB6 system Hon Mr White was not favorable lorlhe resolution and the debate 4 Hon Mr has introduc ed a Government bill to amend Weights and Measures Act by making metric system com pulsory PostmasterGeneral made tho following rnentto- the Thursday of last- week If had been to the weight limit on parcel post from six pounds to eleven starting at once The original intention was to allow three months to elapse before the of parcels was increased to eleven pounds jUowover system is already working so smoothly and so satisfactorily that it has been decided that the Department will be prepared to capo with increased business Border P has given notice of a resolution call- j through her maternal grandmother ARK HARDWARE i ftvHi You Can an Save Money By Buying From Us a3a v 1 INStlftANCK of Wxlttta Market KST4EZ us 9CZ iBaiia A jfcachar Voice VicCv Dealer All and Repair Industrial Homo The Industrial Home Commis sioners Institution week Ho audit the for The accounts passed amounted eighty of was paid to Mr twohun- to Go for goods Thr- wage was 50800 was up of sundry amallaccounts building is mot quite completed yet but it is expected it will be for occupancy in the of a month There are flcvcrnl more women than moo The Inspector was instructed to advertise for tenders for the supplier Home was found to he in firnt class previous sessions of Parliament thus escaping the troubles of the Govern ment with regard to the big prob lems of trade defence transportation problem Is now to before the House in the of the Minister primarily in charge of fOQOt for legislation to prohibit the manufacture importation or sale Of cigarettes in the Dominion Mr Stevens M P for Vancouver has introduced a bill to amend tho moneylenders act by making the present law apply- to all loans those un der also to reduce on cer tain loans I- In reply to a question on llje of the asked by Dr in regard to his expenses of his trip with officers to the Old Country Hon Col Sam Hughes said the total cost was expenses of the ladies who accompanied the par ty were paid by their husbands and fathers They visited ma noeuvres of the French Swiss and British armies while Col Hughes personally visited the German manoeuvres and the Belgian and Dutch military centres Hon Mr as Minister was arraigned for his conduct In heading for England summer Military trips at home and trip when the labor AnnoAD Twentyfive officers one lady private secretary ono assistant trouble was so marked up in Columbia that the mtlita had to be called out Mr Verville in the course of his remarks docludi the Mr Harold Provincial lady private secretary and two I the wives ggenee and absolute comprised the OTC0 deserving censure The vote parly which Col Hughes the Minister of Militia took with him to Europe last fall estimat ed total cost of the trip has been stated by the Minister to be Those who are informed stale that when all the bills are in the total cost will be vastly in excess of this sum The offi cers received for pay of rank to censure however was defeated by to 43 AH tho same it Is caret fc talk in the House Mr will The Commons Hallway Commission reported tho bill to incorporate tho Sudbury and Kcpawa Bell River Railway The line will run from Sudbury to the foot of Secretary of the Pocket par salary a day meal League will address a j While Col Sam Hughes en- union mooting of the this Gold and for subsistence and other and from Kepawa June- allowances in addition to aregu- In Quebec with connection with it pies feOOieCws of this tow in the Sunday room Wednesday March 25th v society is expected to be Ageat tor Columbia wi VtilTU Records Complete ffrompt O cuitts Thurify in Qilao ifitoro Newmarket ItJHOI of LICENSES tte Era On3ce Offloa Private iasued ivtt if v one number on the program Everyone who Mr Waite January the Methodist the Annual S wftrtion wjll wish hear him Those who did not hear blip should be to hear this time Mr Whites for March 2th will be Maying bas A on the continent he en gaged on an average of seven au tomobiles per day from IhoAVole- Motor Car Co Ltd These cars were sent from England to Boulogne and from there convey ed the Parly over North and North Eastern Franco and other continental countries The au tomobiles were with the party from Sept 3rd to October 17th and the total amount paid for automobiles alone was During the years 191213 the Militia Department paid out for repairs furnishings and upkeep the at the point where crosses Bell River The big railway corporations are giving uneasiness to the Gov ernment side of the House Re port has it that the T P will seize upon the Gutelius report as an excuse to pay interest upon the alleged to have already shown the money was spent to good advantage YOU CANT EARN MONEY WHEN YOURE LAID UP from Stuart Karl of Orknoy of the V of Scotland alao through the came and 10th from Lady Gordon eldest daughter of the Earl of fiufberland Mention been made of Campbell relationship to the Duke of Argyll As a matter of fact not only are the poet and the duke relations are Intimate friends and both keenly in literary work Dr Campbells last visit to Europe be made a long stay as a guest of bis distinguished kinsman For many years Dr Campbell has been a mem ber of the Civil Service at Ottawa and Is attached to the Dominion Ar chives Bureau under Dr Doughty He Is known to all Canadians as a writer of verse and has been called The Poet of the Lakes His poem The Mother has been plac ed the Chicago InterOcean among tho gems of English literature It has also been pronounced to be the nearest approach to a great which has appeared for many a long day and was referred to In the Cana dian House of Commons In terms of commendation by Wilfrid ler Dr Campbell has also written much Imperial verse and of late has written considerable fiction He is fellow of the Royal Society of Can ada and a past vicepresident of English section and past presi dent He Is now secretary of the so ciety He a member of the Liter ary Committee appointed in connec tion the Quebec Tercentenary celebration and Is a councillor of the Canadian Landmarks Association H was a delegate from the Royal Socie ty to attend the quarter centenary of Aberdeen University in and to the late King Ed ward He received tbe bonorary de gree of from Aberdeen upon thin Among Dr Campbells best known writings are Lake Ly rics The Dread Voyage and Hlldebrand Politi cal Tragedies Beyond the Hills of Dream poems Collected Verse Sa gas of Vaster Britain Ian of Orcadea Canada with Martin RCA descrip tive of Dominion A Beautiful Rebel historical novel The Cana dian Lake Region Dr Campbell lectured before the Imperial Club London Eng on The Practical Ride of Imperialism in 904 and was present at the coro nation of Their In I I Paints Oils Glass W A K i A a A 1 THAT MMb There are a lot of people in town who cannot afford to be and everyone who has- the Automobiles owned by that perhaps none of you feel that him will say the date so loo sick you LATEST DESIGNS Monuments and Head Stones- fcefcs for Purposes in Stock and made to Orcjj GEO W Methodist Good ft5ngrogaUons Sunday and by the The evening sermon to Men on Work jnd Religion was extra good The to the children on Is it worth was very practical The too was good and the new organist Mr L K is awaken ing lively interest among the Last Sunday was a solo by Miss Mortimer and chorus by choir and in the evening Mr Geo Barker gave a solo In the Sunday School pledged themselves by signing the total roll Next Sunday evening the pastors subject Is Enthusiasm On Good Friday evening April the Choir will render Stokers Crucifixion This work is now so wed under way that it promises to be a rare treat and everyone should make a special effort id attend More particulars later OUR TORONTO fi SPECIALIST la and I cause nature far Pleurisy Lumbago Kidney ironic flotipaUon Hay Fever Ataxia Vapor and Medicated Appendicitis Paraly- ftimalo Weaknesses of all kinds without to am to WednesdaJ Thursday and Friday and other hours by appoint ment Office Park Ave Opposite Method ist Church Shed Newmarket Free Phono endorsed by successful physicians the one for its food value tie other for Peter Estate Peter blacksmith and farmer of King Township who died on the of January last left an estate valued at His will dated 7th Oc tober leaves the homestead and annually from es tate to the widow for life The sons John Marsh Charles and Watson divide the farm in equal shares Marsh gets the home stead and blacksmith shop Charles the veterans Grant Wat son Whitchurch land while the daughters Mary and Mar garet each get from the sons shares 82522 subject to the above dow ers is to be divided among sons Among the items special ly dealt with in the will is the following My will is that my grandfathers clock be kept in my famijy and that it shall pass Into the possession of my son Job whence has a house of his own and to continue in of name Department in Canada 92 some of you cant During the Summer of are sick slss Si Atttetrffl aw through Canada on a special W U ensble J with a host of attendants as and officers This trip cost the country k cause to something just 5 strength and health Make y more comfortable and provide against serious sickness We dont believe there Is any other I medicine made that will do as much Three children of Mr Rush at the towards saving your health and thus disappeared on Thursday of helping you save your money as week and although the whole jail Olive Oil Emulsion It is a medi- was hunting lor them that gets right at the trouble ttiey were not found till next day It and relieves it by toning the nerves appears they bad accompanied their enriching the blood and giving new mother to the street cars and were strength and health to the whole told to go back home Instead of so It doesnt do this by means doing they wandered to the homo ol alcohol or habitforming drugs friend at Swansea It being near cause It contains none Its strength dark when they arrived they were healthgiving power is due to to remain over night which lve Oil and the HypophoSpbites long caused all the trouble Receipts on the civic car lines on Danforth St Clare cars so far this year total expenditure or operating leaving only for wear and tear A woman suffrage drawing room was given by Mrs Goo Valentine last week Mrs Howard an address Caught playing poker last Sunday no less than five men were fined That was a poke thby didnt like Such as this make people unchari table who would be liberal Mayor as a fact that a man possessed of worth of proper ty obtained an order from the Medi cal health onics of the city to be treated as a city patient at one of the hospitals at a cost to the city of a dollar a day Aurora Old Boys now in the city have decided to hold gala days there In July next Jane Street Methodists will com mence building operations for their new church at an early date Late Sunday evening a Collision took place between a Parliament and street car and one car was badly smashed fee Dried Fruit Inspection The latest bulletin from the In land Revenue Department shown that In the Inspection of package of raisins currents prunes figs dates apricots peaches pears samples have been found to be satisfactory and doubtful Among the sam ples taken seventeen packages been found to be adulterated and nine of the seventeen were figs Attention Is directed to the car tons Id which much of the dried fruit is sold Twentyfour were found to be one or more ounces light In weight and the suggestion Is made that regulations be adopted to make short weight In these packages an offense under the Weights and Meas ures Act and that cartons be made only in pounds or submultiples of one pound 05- Spring along coon and you will want to out right for Easter Wo are showing the largest of patterns In tweeds and ever shown In town Leave your order now and be In time when the varm weather dees come i FIT AND GUARANTEED 111 TO MENS Shipbuilding Dropped Back There waB lees shipbuilding in Can- year before of the years less than built last year than the and with the exception 1910 and 1911 it was The tonnage of Its tonic value Here for the first time they are combined and the re sult is a real nerve blood and body building medicine a real that we are proud to tell you about You dont ned to hesitate in using it because if it doesnt do all we say it will and satisfy you In ev ery way it will cost you nothing If It doesnt make you strong and well again come back and get your money It will be given to you with out word or question Sold only at the more than Stores and In this town only by us 100 OO0 Even some Impossibilities are pos sible If you are unable to ace any good In your neighbor try anointing your eyes with a milk of human kindness Within minutes of the time the Sound passengertrain was due to pass Bolton freight train wrecked last as- the result a broken rail ditching four cars and derailing throootbers The several last year and registered was This include practically no built for pleasure purpose the of which is growing fast but these are seldom registered anj there Is no record kept The tonnage of the Canadian ves sels registered last year was This Is about the same as year before The seagoing and Inland water tonnage out and In was which Is an increase of about five millions and tbe coasting tonnage was an increase of nearly and a half millions P MORTON Newmarket Town Real Estate Company FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN MONEY INVESTED HOUSES AND FARMS RENTED RENTS COLLECTED ALL KINDS OF TOWN FARM PROPERTIES BOUGHT AND SOLD We have for excellent with all modem conveniences on west side of Main St will be sold at a right price Beautifully situated At a Bargain for Sals Also a number of Frame with largo gardens small fruits Terms to suit buyers and prices rlgjit accident blocked the line for how A Sllgh Difference Col White when of the military district Including the Pro vince of New Brunswick was noted as a strict disciplinarian and re garded with considerable awe by the militia officers and men who came to Camp Sussex for the annual drill On one occasion a captain was al lowing bis company to rest under a convenient tree when he espied the colonel approaching Heavens men he exclaimed get up hero comes the D O is certainly one of the most able which flesh is heir to- Coated tongue bitter taste la the mouth nausea dizziness these combine to make life a burden The cause is a disordered liver the cure Dr Morses Indian Root Pills They go straight to the root of the trouble put the liver right cleanse the stom ach and bowels clear the tongue and take the bitter taste from the mouth At the first alga of bilious ness take Dr Morses r Indian Root Pills I -FOR- BUTCHERS BAKERS GROCERS BLACKSMITHS OR ANY TRADE j On Quick Order AT LOWE See Samples Before Ordering Elsewhere POINTING OFFICE Newmarket i PRIG 1 4

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