Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1914, p. 6

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i ALBERT V4lVft4flAPVttllMt9 I I MOUNT ALBERT Personal Dr Huron Hamilton at the his brother- inlaw Eugene MieB Pearl of Victoria Toronto was a visitor it the home of Mr John Wal ton over in for a couple of days attending a mooting of of tho County Council Mrs who has been HI pneumonia is expected to on the road to recovery John Moorchead from an attack of illness Mr an old was calling on old friends on Tuesday Two of our local sports were driving and when about two miles from tho village hud a slight break in the harness They took turns leading the horse and drawing cutter This shows that the rising gen eration have not the resource fulness of their ciders who would promptly have repaired the harness and drove home Mr John of has purchased the house near the Railway from Mr Smart and will move into town shortly The report circulated that cer tain of the Public School teachers were in the habit of arriving lute indignantly denied by those con cerned teachers were greatly annoyed at the rumor A number of our young men took in the carnival at on Thursday night of last week On Monday evening March Onward Lodge No after the regular routine of busi ness was transacted had a very enjoyable program consisting of music singing and speeches Remember the SI Patrick So cial on Tuesday evening under the auspices of the M of MtAint Albert and Dr J P Ph of Wilfrid will exchange pul pits next Sabbath funeral of the late Burn took place last after noon was bora In To ronto Township year ago Ho loaves a widow and three sons a Q O I Following is standing of the pupils of Mount Albert Con tinuation School as shown by the examinations held during the last week in The asterisk de notes thai those pupils failed to obtain the required sixty per cent of the aggregate mark Form III Mabel Pickering Hon Annie Mainprise Hon Lylo Stokes Hon Maxwell Walk er Mildred Ramsden Olga Shaw Russell Graham Harrison Toole Form Ruby Olive Ross Hon Jennie Mainprise Nellie Shields Willie Stokes Austin Cook Clinton Anna Dike Gladys Robert Theo dora Harrison Form I Vandewater Hon Ross Hon Minnie Moore Hon Toole Lapp Ralph Allen Cup- pies Sherman Millie Brooks Bon Russell Mainprie Owing to different circum stances the following pupils have not been graded Ibis month Barbara Armstrong Moore Daisy Watts Hansford Leila Sloan Nellie Goer The service on Sunday was conducted by Mrs Fletcher Prof will preach next Sunday Glad to report that Mr Brooks Is recovering and hope to see him around again The social at home of Mr Will was a great suc cess taking the weather into consid eration Mr King attended the wed ding of cousin last week Tho married couple are visiting at Mr Kings now SHARON Ramsay and his brother left for tho West on Tuesday hearts will await their re turn Norman Crone accompanied by Miss Ada spent Sunday in Toronto the attraction Mr Klteley held a vcrv success ful sawing bee The goat did not get his taken off this time Miss Ethel Hall entertained ladles at a quilting bee on Wednesday afternoon Begins to look serious Mr Herb Hall is contemplating ex tensive improvements on his house this Spring Mr Lloyd entertained com pany to lea on Monday evening Sandy Hank JQDKEnKVILLB While cuttingtrees in the bush one day last week Mr Charles White was unfortunate enough to have his leg broken the tree fall ing in the direction His brothers also Messrs Ross and Floyd Cunningham were with him and carried him to the house the Or was soon in attendance Although suffering a good lea Mr While is pro gressing favorably under Dr Grahams care The Central Telephone is now down at Mr Walter near the station Miss who has had experience in the Central is in charge Two loads of young drove to Bradford on Wednesday evening where they enjoyed skate as a good rule Mr and J J Terry spent several days last week visiting in lU HI The League wish to announce the lecture on the of March subject Marriage before and given by the Rev Stewart of Aurora Music by the choir Lunch will be served after Hie program All are cordially invited gram The by the Bros Miss and Miss- Jennie Mainprise and both dialogues wore well giv en only drawback was the disappointment in a few of the musical numbera Proceeds Rev P Fletcher leaves Hits week for Drayton Ho will take the work there for a couple of weeks rand it Is Prof Dales of that place will fill pulpit hero Mr John Gordon is moving this week to his farm near Lake Gordon family will bo greatly missed in this community KE8WICK The next meeting of Womens will be at the home of J on March at The subject Differ ent Methods of Preparing and their Food Value is to be introduc ed by Mra Frank Terry Ladles all welcome The trial of A Monroe well known locally who appeared be fore Magistrate here on Tuesday charged with being in toxicated in a local option village excited considerable interest Monroe was represented by coun sel and put up remaining for the summer months of visited his sister Mrs J In Sutton this week Mr and Mr of Richmond Hill were in Sutton last week Sale of Furniture Mrs Brooks have a sale of furniture etc on urday March at her resi dence Sale starts at p and the terms arc cash See the Dandy New Ties That has opened up this week They are the latest Mr was away on a business trip to Toronto and Hamilton last week for the Lake Ice Co At Homo The Sutton held a very enjoyable At Home in their Hall on Friday evening About guests were present and the time was whiled away with cards music etc Refreshments were served and after singing the Na tional anthem adjourned to meet again at a later dale Quickly ihrC2t cad lanxr colds It end the Poverty makes it easy to live life To no money la pocket is to- pocket an affront NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Having opened up a Harness busi ness In the Shop run by Mr DIx I am prepared to furnish the public with all kinds of Heavy Team and Light Driving Harness at Mod erate Prices Horse Furnishings kept on hand Repairing Promptly Attend to I BARRETT TENDERS WANTED For the erection of a School Build ing in No East They will be received by the Board up to March 14th Plans can be seen at the home of the Secretary or at the office of the Architect Mr If Phillips Newmarket lowest or any tender not necessarily Secretary SEED GRAIN POR SALE Banner Oats A No Barley Canadian Beauty Peas Red Clover and Timothy Seed Govt Standard far Also orders taken for Spring five weeks old J COWIESON L I Report of Queensville Public for the month of Febru ary Asterisk after name denotes absence at examinations Room Class- Marion Florence Lewis Vio- Irl Thompson Cecil Foster May Robertson Bertha Kathleen Moore Oxford McNeil Peter Milne Marshall Fred Ralph Hillary Stephens Viola Hill Floyd Watson in Class Willie Mackie Beatrice Thompson Raymond Watson Wright Walter Hill Jennie Russell Jr Iff Class Emma Alice Smith Byron Hill Harvey Robertson Ralph Hill Ronald Marjory Mario Watson Best conduct- Hillary Ste phens Fred Floyd Watson Junior Room Gordon Wright Jr II Calvin Jean McNeill Gladys Flanagan Alice Perkins Lena Smith Marjory Lewis Fred Edna Longhursf I Ross Arthur Byron Cunningham Jr Irene Mary Wed Jamieson Bain Charlie Kim a Bond Bruco Morton Gcorgio Hill A Percy Young Lena Squires Flossie Wright Flora Williams Morton Walter Orris Maries Ross Watson Leonard Milne Squires Smith Wil lie Bellar Roy Best Conduct Bertie Bain Florence Squires Wright A M argument fOr his defence that the magistrate decided to reserve judgment for ten days- in order that a point of law may be set tled o- HOLLAND LANDING A very happy event took place at home of Mr and Mrs Geo on March 3rd when they celebrated their Golden Wed ding- Unfortunately many members of through illness and other reasons were unable to be present Mr and Mrs Roods family consists of children girls and three boys Their grand children number i and groat- grandchildren 2 All reside in Toronto except a son and daugh ter Ms Richard Manlley of Bos ton and David in the West All the members of the family are living and married but one daughter away many years ago The only members present at this happy event were George Win and wife and children Mrs Jack Mann a daughter and Miss Owen a niece Mr Rood was born in years ago He removed early in life from thence to Boston where he married Miss Clara Brown Later be removed to Kingston and after remaining there years he came to Hol land Landing in Ho then found it in a much more pros perous condition than at present Mr and Mrs Rood are still en joying fairly good health and are likely to be spared to live hap pily together for many more years The Era wishes them many years of happiness and prosperi ty Fraternal Visit A couplo of loads of such a strong brethren drove over to Beaver- ton on Wednesday night to visit that lodge brothers put on a lodge of instruction and had Lindsay degree team put on the 1st and 2nd degrees Social The Ladies Aid of Knox Pres byterian Church will hold a social at the Manse on the evening of Friday Feb A program of vocal and instrumental music games and readings will provide a very pleasant evening Re freshments will be served Ad mission toe weaker brother to the reproach of others For auch how necessary is the spirit of hu mility gentleness and pa tience and Faith 1 How forceful are the Masters words Except yobe converted from the spirit of the world to the Spirit of Christ as little children- in meekness and teachableness ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of voh Matt We should not only have this love but we should have with a- semi-indifference- but with a real interest in each others fare the rich as well as the poor the educated well as the Ignorant Our love should go out to these as we see any lack in them thai we could supply rendering as sistance of any kind using al ways of course discretion for love learns to bo wise and to lake into consideration our motives while- we endeavor to do them good The Apostle suggests that we see to it lharihis is our own ex perience not merely that it is a principle which we recognize but that we should give heed to our selves that this should be accom plished in us in our own- lives It would not he natural to have that of mind which would practice forgiveness of those who trespass against us hut when we think of the fact that the whole race- is fallen and degraded through heredity it should make us sympathetic If some are more depraved we should have the more sympathy for them As we ihink sympa thetically along those lines our sympathetic love will increase as we practice sympathetic love the new creature developes V TO Period I Befortthe coming of the little need to be of all their natural strength Instead of bemgharassed by forebodings and weakened by nausea sleeplessness will bring to your aid Pierces m will find that moat of tbe-roffer- leg will not make Its appearance Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription is the result of a- life of ailments and is the right for women- Its np in its field for more than forty year is year to be derived from its one either nor alcohol will be found in vegetable prescrip tion in liquid or tablet form Sold by druggists or a trial box bo cent you by mall on receipt of BO onecent stamps Or Invalid Hotel Dr liver He The Christian Endeavor of Knox Church anticipate a very interesting meeting on Monday evening The topic is a mis sionary one and will be discuss ed as a debate Resolved that Home Missions have done more for the world than Foreign Mis Six young people are working enthusiastically on this debate will give fts strength and pa- For He trod the way before And He knows how long the jour ney From the earth to Heavens door Wood A Qsneral Manager Use The Mail For Banking You need hot make a soeclal trip to town to cash a cheque mate a deposit or draw some money Use the malls Instead You will our system of Banking By Mall a safe and convenient way of transacting all your banking business Deposits may be mads and cash withdrawn by mall without delay or trouble Call or write the Manager for Information In regard to Banking By Mall i I tod rids rapo MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY Manager COOO4 League The League of the Sutton Methodist Church will give an Irish Social next Mon day night MarJGtb The whole program consisting of music games reading songs etc will be of an Irish nature Follows this refreshments will be served The League members LETTER J i From acceptances at hand at Board of Trade headquarters it ap pears assured that practically every public body between the Great Lakes and the Rockies will be represented at the approaching- celebration in commemoration Swift Currents entrance into the status ol a City The special distinction claimed by Swift Current just at this time Is are striving tomake this evening the notable record building an interesting- and memorable 1 for the past year the actual one to all present and in as compared with in 1912 a cordial invitation to all who can possibly come This in- other striking feature the record is vitalion is also extended to tUe which these friends in the country to come its taken out in were and bring all they can with them Please remember the date There are now open for 000 Free Homesteads in Western Canada The bulk these are located along or near the CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY which is recognized in the West as the PIONEER FARMERS RAILWAY From March 3rd to the end of October HomeSeekers Excursion tick ets are on sale every Tuesday and are good to return within two months from date of issue Prior to Augustthese tickets may be obtained for two months on payment of 500 to Agent at destination for each month or part thereof Stopover permitted at any CANADIAN NORTHERN Station West of Port Arthur SOME CANADIAN NORTHERN PUBLICATIONS Vital Questions Peace River Alberta and How to Reach It Western Canada Has a Home for You ThirtyFive Thou sand Free Homesteads For Tourist Car Accommodation and all particulars in addition to the above publications apply to your nearest Agent or to General Passenger Department King Street East Toronto Ontario L Pas s Can Nor Ry Toronto Oat die pres MOUNT ALBERT In kinds of the very best makes Farm iHjsrelbwv Peter Speight tad best all le Separator and the j best Vae let me know what foe UNION STREET Mr A J Smiths youngest son about five years of ago was tak en to the hospital Tuesday morning It is hoped an opera tion will not be necessary The neighbors and friends of Mrs Daley sympathize ihbr and her family in their trouble At time of writing Mr Daley is very low The box social in the Church here last Friday evening was well- attended con sidering the fall of snow All were with the School Reports Report of No East in Ella Trusty Verne Arnold Kathleen Jr III Murray Smith Trusty II Roy Fountain Arnold Jr II Kenneth Mount Georg ia Willie McMillan I Bob King Jr I Ernest Dennis Hirst Bruce Howard Cecil Smith Primer Herman Present every day Hirst Nellie Cox Teacher SUTTON Japanese Tea Residents of Sutton and vicini ty who appreciate dainty re freshments indulged in under the soothing influence of sweet and inspiring music and served by charming Japanese ladies should not fail to attend Japanese Tea at St James Hall on Tues day next March from to 7 oclock Proceeds for James Church furnace fund Hockey The return hockey match be tween Metropolitan and Railways on Tuesday even ing resulted in a win for the trolley team This leaves them even with a win each Died At Virginia on March the 3rd Peter Doyle Interment at St Anthonys Cemetery Personal Mrs Cochrane of Erin is a guest at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs River St Mr J Brown and his mother returned to the city last Friday after a visit to relatives here Now is Iho time to pick out your Easter Hat has a choioo line to pick from Mr and- Mrs J were the city of days last week Mr J A Cook has accepted a situation as conductor on the Metropolitan and started on Monday Mr J Dent loft this week for the Weal where he purposes permits were I practically all completed whereas at other important centres it appears Monday night Mar instances were not even commenced or construe The subjpcts1 Monday suspended owing to the being missionary night was il taken by Mrs of SV Keswick who gave a very inter- Regaling the outlook or address on the Life and States into Western Work of Dr Thos Crosby among i Canada lot the season the the Indians- and Miners along the I J in Coast Mrs Marrftt is has already made a strong start a fluent speaker and her marks and descriptions are soi before Fall The bulk of the logically arranged that her travel at present is from Missouri whole address can easily be re- Nebraska and South Dakota membered We hope to bear according to immigration officials from her again in the near a single county Moody South Dakota it is stated at least 2000 We are pleased to see the rapid settlers have already come to of our Society and the da The P colonization policy interest taken by nonmembers For the Era Have Strength In the Lord No one can grow strong in the Lord unless he grows also in knowledge We properly esteem most highly those whose love for the and for His Truth are evidenced by their zeal in the study of His Word and whose fa vor with God is manifested by their being guided more into the deep things of God Nevertheless the weaker ones i appears to be gaining rapidly in fa vor as it becomes tetter known among American farmers and the important extensions of the plans of this railway in the way of readymade and irrigated farms are expected to prove a strong drawing card for the present year With the opening of the North Thompson valley by the early com pletion of Canadian Northern the advantages arising from the present campaign the Provincial Commis sioners of Conservation are now gain ing wide appreciation In this valley will soon be In operation the Provin cial Illustration Farm the first of of the Household of Faith are to its kind to be opened in British Co- be cared for and loved and help ed that they may grow strong in the Lord And just here the Apostle offers another word of counsel saying We then that are strong ought to bear the flrmaties of the weak and not to please ourselves Horn This does not imply that we should not expostulate with such a one and endeavor to help him get rid of his Infirmity This we should do in the spirit of meekness and kindness while we endure with gentleness the trial of our patience not seeking to please ourselves but rather to help a weaker brother or sister Let every one of us as the apostle enjoins- please his neighbor brother for bis good to edification not by simply ignoring his fault as though he considered it all right but while kindly urging him to strive against it still humbly and patiently submitting to discomfort it brings to us If this spirit prevails among the members of the Lords Body the members will all have a mu tual loveCffnd a mutual care one for another4a care that is good and to discourage all that is un becoming and a love throws its mantle over a de formity and endeavors to conceal a fault rather than expose the D Si 8 for lumbia So substantial has been the agricultural development of Kam- within the past season or two that the construction of an elevator is now under consideration to meet the needs of the local situation and the railway company has also under taken to furnish additional trackage to cope with the increased volume of shipments which include not only grain but fruit live stock dairy and poultry products as well Recent gas tests by two Westing- house machines have furnished strik ing evidence as to the high quality of coal for gas producing pur poses That the coal is strongly im pregnated with gas appears from tho fact that it continues burning with a flame until almost completely reduced to ashes coal Ho almost at the surface of the ground thus offering special induce ment to the manufacturer seeking a location where low cost is a con sideration Through figures given out by the local committee it appears that Tofield coal holds first plaee for low cost of delivery at the mine tor- manufacturing purposes whether to be as taken from the ground or for gas production fact that instead decreasing British Columbias importations of foodstuffs and other farm products bow a steady increase from year to willed attention wo I AT Crib Floors THEY keep the rats squirrels and other rodentsfromcarryingaway your profits Millions of dollars are lost to farmers each year through the ravages of rodents in cribs and granaries Part of this loss is paid by every farmer whose crib floor isnt built of concrete Concrete crib floors and supports the waste be cause They Protect You Grain Concrete is durable and clean It never wean out and needs practically no repairs It ii the cheap est of all materials for cribs and granaries Write for free book What the Farmer can do with Concrete It tells all about the uses of con crete and will help every farmer to have better buildings and save money Information Bucau Canada Cement Company Herald Building Montreal to the exceptional market now avail- has been postponed hitherto owing to able lor local fruit growers and the condition of the money market ifQq try and dairy farmers iff the Elko section of the West It appears that at present time not less that a day is being sent out of the Province to agricultural products alone whereas all but a very lew these products could be homegrown IN Ah English newspaper has an item about a Scotch lad who while playing on the docks fell into the water and was with this situation it is believed difficulty by a is Inducing small fruit ranchers slander as many others large You ought to bo very glad I means to take up the best of the near by said his rescuer proved farm lands that are being of- I am replied the boy An on favorable terms and in so glad ye got mo out What locationB a I wad got from my Although several expert of mother if Id been drooned the favorable character- bate beta made regarding the natural gas fields definite a girt has stepped on IK ilea the Put of council mans coin bo dlBCOTerfUVB no fairy A t

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