Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1914, p. 7

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J 1 r VFBIPAY MARCH l China White on Gold out entirely of per Price Quality la Ho I white body with wheat sheaf In centre out quick 6 In Sauce I Importer of Staple and China China Hall Grocery Itocal 1 The Willing Workers of the Church met at Mrs Ken Rob- on Wednesday afternoon for tholr monthly gathering Pretty cold yet these below yesterday It In Early Too many and oth er people who have items for the paper wait until the last day before sending them In to the office The suit soma of the matter has to be cut out or Wee left for another Nearly half the matter for thin weeks came after four oclock on Wednesday afternoon makca very much hurtled and al so us from catching all oclock on Wednesday afternoon Thin Please rend your In as early in tho week as possible Mr ha rented cottage at Orchard Beach for com ing Why not 8almon Tho food you buy at tho prosont Notice tho follow ing Cans and Dried Poaches Apricots 13o In Prunes at pop ID for pop IX The Leading OF Dloordorly The effect of Saturday nights ca rousal extended to Monday night when unknown threw a flower pot through the window of the candy store the corner of Main and Ave which also broke glass in the end of the show case There was also another pane of glass broken in tho front window Such conduct is reprehensi ble and if authorities can get any clue to perpetrator full Justice will bo out The liquor traffic is no doubt responsible for this wan ton destruction The occupants of the place arc strangers Millinery MrstC M Hughes has commenced on Millinery work for the season Or ders taken for Millinery be fore opening day6 Christian meeting last Monday evening was in charge of Aurora BYI who paid us their annual visit A flno program was rendered by them including a good talk on the topic Vision and Service After wards a social hour was spent On Tuesday the E So ciety held their second Skating Par ty this winter at tho rink which was enjoyed by all present About young peoplo Indulged in freshing and splendid Next week the meeting will he Thursday and tho prayer- meeting will join with us Kindly remember A good attendance is looked for The subject Well atorod memories will bo In charge of the Social Particulars of the coming Commit tee Contest will he Announced later Com is Main Timothy Met Bargain House As we are going to remodel our Store and need the- room wo are putting on a Special of Mens and Wear A Special Big Reduction on Boots Rubbers Be sure and attend this sale and some of these Bar gains High Literary A meeting of High School Lit erary Society was held on Feb and the program consisted of the fol lowing Piano selection by Earl Debate Resolved that the pres ent day missionary enterprise should be restricted to our country The affirmative was by Mary Morton and Mary and the negative and Carman The affirmative won although the boys had some very good arguments Quail acted as critic and gave some very helpful sug gestions to the speakers Heading Rhea Atkinson titled Nothing to Wear Solo by Harry Stephens Owing to the illness of the editress of the Society Paper it wasnot read and many were disappointed The meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem The next meeting will be held three weeks and everyone promises to make it even more successful than the last a Doors South of Hotel PHONE King George Greenhouses STREET I AND GREEN FOR PATRICKS DAY Wot La Rovale Millinery Parlors for the very latest in Spring Millinery New and complete stock One door north of the New Royal Hotel Funeral and Wedding Work Reasonable Prices at Agent tor Phone Fertilizers The Beat American Business College Toronto is pioneer highgrade Busi ness School of Canada Under new management It is doing work than ever Write us if you want to prepare for a good Ward Prin County Fairs The Local Branch the Depart ment of Agriculture has decided to put on Six School Fairs throughout the County during the coming sum mer These Fairs have been tried out in the Township of King during the past two years and in Town ships of Vaugharr and last year and have been vary successful The Department supplies eggs from the A Barred Rocks laying strain and different kinds of seed such as the No 21 Barley No Oats Delaware Potatoes Corn Mangels Turnips etc This seed la taken home by the pupils and grown and looked after by the child These plots are visited during the summer are given for the best cared for plots Then all the ma terial is brought together with Weed and Insect Collections Baking l Sewing and other exhibits make up Fair Nobody but school child ren- are allowed to show and the training they receive In this competi tion is- going a long way to Interest tho coming generation in agriculture Then the seed which Is supplied Is from th3 very best vari cities and the are also from one of the best strains of fowl ever produced These Fairs will he held In the fol lowing Townships during thn coming summer King Vaughan The Department hears all the except the prize money which Is collected from the different School Hoards and other sources The circulars announcing these Fairs will be circulated In the Town ships interested very shortly and parents and pupils should do oil in their power to make the Fairs a success i a At the regular monthly mooting the of Church held Id the church parlor last Wed nesday afternoon there was a good attendance Mrs Re A P Addlsoti gave a splendid Map Talk on Japan rendered a beau tiful solo and Velma gave a paper on Who Kingg nusl- Or J Wesley President of the Newmarket Hotel Co presid ing on Tuesday evening last at the first regular meeting of that company since bin return from his three months visit in London and Paris presented Messrs fives Aubrey Pearson Hunter and J A Cody bin board of each with a beauti ful ebony walking with en graved silver band The gifts are extremely handsome of the doctors enjoyable trip abroad and his generosity was likewise extended to Mr Geo Brown the Hotel efficient and popular manager to Mr Geo Vale auditor and A the accountant who were each caned in similar stylo March 17th Remember date Irish Concert Town Hall Uncle Josh drama in four acts Christian The for next Sunday prom- ice to be of more than usual interest Rev A Lighourn one of our most prominent ministers who is on a visit to Ontario in con nection with our educational mat ters has promised to supply our pul pit at both morning and evening ser vices It is only a few weeks since Mr Victor Lightbourr left us after conducting a series of special meet ings and we arc pleased to have his father with us for a Sabbath He will also address the young men at their Banquet on Saturday evening so a very enjoyable time is anticipat ed The lY0iF held their annual Concert and Oyster Supper on Wednesday evening of last week in the Meohanfoa Hail It proved to be a decided sue- cesH Foolo officiated at the chair in usual Jovial manner The program was well rendered and received hearty applause consisting of Mouth Organ Duett by Miss and Mr Allen Pine Or chard Violin and Piano Selec tion by fir Woodcock and Mrs Miss Stewart gave borne vocal selections Mr A Alien rendered some very pleasing comic songs Mr and Mrs Powell gave several selections on Mouth Organ and Piano Miss Madill deliv ered some recitations Mr acted several comio songs Mr Scott P It delivered an eloquent speech which certainly impressed one very favorably of Wig Foresters as one of the best Lodges on re cord t The- Oysters which were cooH- and served by the ladies were unsurpassed in flav or Mr and Mrs Jesse Tatton were visited by Mr and Mrs T and Mr and Mrs of Auro ra on Sunday Wo are pleased to report that Will Davis is still improving Mr Lindsay White arrived from Vancouver on Saturday and Is at the home of his undo Mr L Wat- eon Si busy cutting etc Mr Lemon was paid a flying visit on Sunday by Mr Will Robert son of Christian Church Choir attend ed service in Newmarket on Sunday night We are sorry to report that Mrs J Burling still under the doctors care and not improving as rapidly as we would desire Mr Geo Ferguson of Snowball was in tho village on Sunday night Why cant the dads be as benevolent as some of the Snowball dads Mr It has purchased the lot on Low Avenue recently owned by Mr John Paxton and intends mov ing in the near future The M A met at the parson age on Monday afternoon Mr and Mrs J Seymour also Jack and Boh spent Sunday- with their mother and sister Mrs and Miss Seymour The Christian Church Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs Will on Tuesday March 0 SNOWBALL Mr Archie Mitchell spent a flying visit to Newmarket on Saturday Mr and Mrs- Morning and Mr and Mrs Ferguson spent Sunday with Mr Black The sawmill has started at Mr Both wells The men hauling logs are glad the snow still remains The Choir selections for Sunday morning service will be Be Silent Jubilate Deo in Schilling Selected In tho evening the Choir will render the following selections Hearken Unto Me Sullivan Jerusalem Gounods Gallia God that Madest Earth and Heaven Solo Godfrey Still Still With Thee Aley Speaks Just as I Am Wagner My Faith Looks Up to Thee Lackner The Sua shall be No More Woodward A hearty welcome Is extended to all to hoar the and service of song beginning at pm Com Under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the above church the Madri gal Concert Co will give a Musical and Literary Entertainment on Fri- Miss Clara a day evening April 3rd Mr Arthur days in Newmarket last week Ernest Cobb A will be dramat- Miss Bertha Ferguson spent Sunday reader and Mrs Pearl Cobb plan- at her home 1st J A number of young people from Snowball attended the Carnival at Newmarket and report that they had a good time An oyster supper was given by Mr Robert Evans last Saturday evening to a number of friends who greatly enjoyed it Tho many friends of Mrs George Brown are pleased she is getting along so well Hope she is soon able to come home Mr Charlie Casey spent the week with friends in Toronto Where were Bill and George on day night Did that black eye need attention Mr Harry Stephenson of Kettleby morning service here on Sun- day CO Impossible to be well The to good health Correct once Aysrs Pills One at Sold for year Year fiSfiJ ALLAN Mr and Mrs John Williamson en- Having opened a Flour and Feed a number of their friends Store I am prepared to supply Roy- on Wednesday evening al Household and Flour We are sorry to report the illness so Bran Shorts and all other kinds of Mr Geo Wesleys boy of Feed Frank Mr and Mrs Evans spent over Sunday in Bond Head Mr Victor Bridges toe much im proved Mr and Mrs Geo gave a dance to their many friends Thursday from Prize Winning of new addition to their house a grand place to dance in and all report a AT Phone HOWARD Main St Opposite George Hotel White neck and hurled him back He suffer- concussion of the brain and the muscles of neck were very severe ly strained so much so that Dr Nichol who was called expressed wonder that the spinal chord had not been severed at the base the skull Two Montreal policemen were shot b burglars this week and one has since died As have opened a Workshop I Urn prepared to do all kinds of wood work on wagons sleighs buggies cutlers also turning band sawing ripping All kinds of saws liled A few secondhand rigs lor sale cheap Also wire fencing sold and pui I up LAWS Raglan St St west of Fire Ball Phone WINTER SHOW I won with entries 1st 2nd Hen 2nd Pullet PEN No 2nd Hen 2nd Pullet at Newmarket Winter Show lot Hen 1st Pullet Brad ford Fair and four extra good hens EGGS per PEN No is headed by 1st Newmarket Fall Fair with some typical hens and pullets EGGS per 15 Order flow with per cent de posit as I am filling up with orders for future delivery CLAUD FAUX BARBIE Oat Member Orpington Club of Canada Prize winners The Dutch Egg Ma chine for hatching for Stanley Janes box Prospect Ave Newmarket HEAL E8TATE INSURANCE Mortgage Loans Debentures and Bonds bought and sold Interest to yield to per cent Farm and Town Property bought sold or rent ed Rooms to Lot Marriage Licen ses issued Let me know your wants- H MORTON p Box Newmarket Oat Phone most enjoyable time returning home in the small hours of the morn ing Mr Laurence Penrose is spending a few days in the city Mr and Mrs Howlett spent Sunday at Holt Sorry to report that Mr Hal Penrose had the misfortune to freeze his toe and it is causing him trouble What were the two Franks up to Saturday night I wonder who knows What the matter with town Its all or at least vou would have thoueht bo had sen the Mr John Williamson took over to Mr on evening Everybody the ride as it was a most beautiful nfght and the was all that could he desired The evnln was In and and went home well satisfied with Viva spent at Llnsteads Primrose March John of Bros Co had a nar row from death when driving In his auto around the comer of West and Streets ft a was wires He was unable to ear reaching a slock wire ancllt caught him around Welland County will build fifty- four miles of roads this year at a cost of Additional American troops have been sent to the Mexican border to protect property from rebels THE GREATEST VALUE OFFERED IN FARM PROPERTY Almost new A Bargain Esquire of Ross St EXECUTORS SALE will be Sold at a Bargain acres of choice clay land a cor- Two British army aviators were farm Township of North experiments at Salisbury limbury Co of York Well fenced Plain on Wednesday He is a wise politician whoso lence is so intense that you can most hear it ri al s OF SOUND all enclosed wire fence Wail delivery twice a day Rod brick House with telephone Uptodate hiproof barn on stone wall with silo and all modern conveniences grain crusher straw cutter root and a wind mill that cuts wood Driving house pig pen and hen house Watering troughs all cement Con venient to Metropolitan Crossing for shipping cream acres seeded There are mysteries in the transmission of sound that have not been fathomed For example acres of fall wheat 45 plowed of the sound of guns in battle have pasture A welltearing orchard of been heard ninety miles away choice winter apples 45 trees One though quite inaudible to those acre of well cultivated strawberries much nearer strawberries and other small fruits In England whistles sirens plum and cherry trees all bearing and noises of all kinds have been well Tho fruit is being sold along tested in order to discover a the shore in summer lime at sound that will be heard infallib- prices ly for a certain distance but no a reason- satisfactory results have been as deposit and a mortgage at per yet accomplished All the van- cent for ten years Immediate ous noises may be heard for a session given dozen miles while they arc in- entire Stock and audible at half of amiie Implements consisting or registered Many of disasters along the some Shorthorns also are due to that tcrfous soundless zone in which the human car cannot catch the warning But no one has yet discovered the reason for thai deaf or been able area of the varying lo cality it TMs is a chance in a so act quick For further Information apply to P MORTON Phone Box Newmarket Valuable Town Property IN NEWMARKET Pursuant to instructions received from the Executors of she late John Eves there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on the premises -on- the 21st day of March 14 at hour of oclock in the after noon by J Raedman Auctioneer in Two Parcels the Homestead Pro perty of the late John Eves situate on the South side of street at the corner of John street In the Town of Newmarket being compos ed of the Westerly feet of Lot No as laid down on registered Plan No PARCEL NO I The Westerly SO feet of the aforesaid feet od which is situated a- comfortable brick Residence containing nine rooms and a pantry with good and oa parcel are nice shade trees and shrubs PARCEL NO The Easterly feet of aforesaid feet are no buildings on parcel Together with the use of Lane run ning along side of both parcels TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent Cash at time of sale and to be paid within thirty days thereafter These parcels will b put up subject to reserved bids For further partic- ulars apply to J ROBERTSON VtndW Solicitor Newmarket Immediately the sale land there there will bo offered EotaaW a quantity of Dated

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