Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1914, p. 8

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if v fey- Kb- Oh Aug About two years ago I found my health in a very bad elate My kidneys and liver were not doing their work and I became all rundown I felt the need of sonic good remedy and having seen advertised I decided to try lit in Their effect I found more than Their action WAS mild and the results all that could have been expected liver and kidneys resumed their normal action after I had taken upwards of a dozen boxes and I regained my old time vitality Today I am as well as ever the best health I have ever enjoyed and I unhesitatingly give you this for publication if you wish A hundreds of letters received by the Company the same expres sion la used Iruitativcs Is the best kidney remedy in the world At any rate these tablets have proved the best to the hundreds of men and women who been cured by taking them a for trial size At all LIFE AROUND THE HUB 1 NO HOSPITAL FOR MR Mr spent his birthday in Toronto Mr Woodward blacksmith had a fall on the Ice He struck back of his head arid lay unconscious for about forty minutes Mr S At kinson found him In a he Is Improving steadily Mr shipped a car of I pail timber to Canes New market last week He to ship a car of cord wood tide week Ho has a number of men cutting In woods The residents of are tho new rural mail delivery HE TOOK GIN If you ever hear anyone oar that Rheumatism cant be cured if they have ever tried GIN Or ask them to write us for proof that GIN- FILLS have cured hundreds and hundreds of cases of Rheumatism Sciatica Lumbago Pain in the Back other troubles caused by weak Kiducya A BETTER THAN POTTAGE i Mr visited friends at King City a tow days ago Mr called on friends at Cedar recently Miss Cutting was hi New market on Mr Ward Cook Is spending a few days at Mount Albert A number attended the rink at on Wednesday night- Mr Dove of Toronto vis- or sent on receipt of price his parents a few days ago Limited Ottawa FARYI FOR SALE Or to Rent Possession 1st of Ap ril Apply to Mrs Q Vernon St Newmarket I HOUSE FOR SALE corner ol College and Oak domestic water electric light furnace Good garden and sta ble Joshua Newmarket PO Mr of Toronto is spend ing a few weeks with his brother Rheumatism can be cured being cured every day by GIN PILLS is the best kind of proof Ogdkk I been troubled with Rheu matism so bad that I could not work A doctor tended me and told me to go to the hospital but all to no good until friend told me to try GIN PI did to and after taking a Sen boxes am perfectly well lawlhr Take GIN on our positive guarantee that they will cure you or money refunded a box for Order from us if your dealer ran not supply them Sample box free- if you write National Drug Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto rendered a beautiful piano solo be sides being tho The proceeds netted nearly HO Mr and Mrs Herbert will long remember their friends and neighbors on the line and in and few of our young attended day night was of one of I I TO LET I heated unfurnished Rooms and use of bath room Mrs Pros pect Ave North Newmarket the dance at Mr I and report a good time o Work at the new wharf is going on well the recent snowfall helping Hie drawing of and timler The Lake Ice Co finished filling their Icehouse this week I he Knickerbockers will be a couple of grandest events which befall a person In a lifetime Abbott 30 peo ple from far and rear commenced to arrive at tho town hall the ladies bringing refreshments Af ter about had assembled the chairman Mr J as Cooper called the gathering to order and a musical program was opened by a solo from Mrs Marion Butler followed by llos by Miss Kitchen Miss jCrcfghton and Mr Robinson with people like to take physic salts because they are so disagreeable to take and pi the griping and pains they cause- Orderlies you to take less physic and all without griping of looserexs Salts and harsh physics usually give only temporary relief and often leave itho bowels worse off than before RexaU move tie bowels promptly and soothe tono and strengthen the Intestine muscles leav ing healthy and regular in ac tion they taste like candy and the movement cause is as easy and natural as though your bowels were In perfect health and never had to take any physic at all We have do in Orderlies that wo urge you to try with understanding that if tJiey do not satisfy you In every way ell you to do to get your money back is to tell us We honestly believe them to bo the best bowel remedy made In vest pocket 25c and a You can buyRezall Orderlies only at The Stores and In town- only of J and 8ettler m weeks yet while the nolle art Co anQ Mi5a expect take out Ice as long as it tho program Mrs Leonard were called to BOACRE FARM For Sale exchange for Town pro perty DAVIS McCARTY Newmarket comfortable Brick House with holds good Mr Gordon McNichol had mis fortune to run a pike through his one day last week but is able to look after affairs just tho same Mrs Johnston or is visiting her sister Mrs 1 Whan and a rubor of They report a good time platform Mr A Weaver read au j address and presented Mr and Mrs I Leonard on behalf of their many friends with two beautiful quarter- cut oak and leather Morris chairs followed by everybody sing- Mrs McKay friends on Friday night J Mr met a wmioiic Mr accident while playing hockey at der considera Apply to Mrs his Millard ankIc wi C0Ilfincd anfl NEW HOUSE FOR SALE On Andrew St Newmarket 24x30 lot Cistern domestic wa ter electric light Apply on premises in the evening or address Lane Box 36 Newmarket HOUSE FOR SALE A New Brick House on rooms domestic water furnace etc Apply to GEO the for a time Town Council mot recipients wishing thorn God speed and expressing regret at their departure Dr K also addressed them In a unique speech appreciated with a painful by all Mr laboring Iderable emotion responded many friends for their kindly wishes After presentation the floor was and both young and old enjoyed and appointed the following of- waltzes twosteps etc fleers Clerk Treasurer W Evans Assessor Col S Martin Caretaker of Hall and Market Coombs Fire Chief Ed fas McKay Truant Officer Simpkin George Coombs J and At the close meeting Mr Stewart who Village Clerk FOR New Brick House nicely situated on Ave West side Town improvements Apply to A Box Newmarket years handed in his rcsigna- It will ho formally accepted in a public meeting at the Town Hall on Friday night NINTH LINK KING FOR SALE House Bath rooms on Grace Mrs Edgcley has return ed home after spending a few days with her sister Mrs Stewart Mrs Win Stewart spent Wednesday A new Brick Clad with Furnace and St opposite A Thompsons Ma- with at Eyersley chine Shop Apply to Rugging bees are the order of McTAVISH in ihis neighborhood Box Newmarket Mr and Mrs Herman McDonald Master George of Holland FOR SALE visited at Mr Atkinsons on Monday last On Church St Newmarket Mod the evening of the ult the in every way rooms besides friends and neighbors of Mr Wilbert and wash room New fur- Stewart gathered at his home to addition to a large foreign Convenient to all down town and give him their secured by the Positive Clutch centres Will be sold at a bargain aso to present him Works the company has just a as a slight token of concluded arrangements whereby the the esteem in which he is held The present extensive output of the was read by Mr A Stew- l will be greatly increased The while the presentation was made A desirable property situated Will be sold at on easy terms Apply at Mrs was the hostess of a very enjoyable party at her home on the 3rd con on the ult when about young people were present Time passed quickly with music I games and some of the girls demon strated their ability to make candy ihis office WE HAVE FOR SALE Prospect Ave A largesized dwelling with all convtraiences all in first- class shape Quarter of an acre of 1 with and small Everybody had a good time Frame by Mr Jos The evening was spent in dancing and other amuse ments Luncheon was served at mid- cement hen trees Frame stable and house This we consider the best buy in town so act quickly Terms can be arranged to suit Apply to P Morton box Newmarket Co is to be congratulated especially at a time when business is so dull Tenders are asked for the erection of the now Post Office and Custom House In Aurora The building is to be on the east side of street almost directly opposite Banner office of red brick two stories and Mrs Job Kitchen is visiting her basement The frontage is eet parents at King City for a tew days and the depth 48 feet There Is to be a clock tower over GO feet high The FOR RENT Mr Robertson of Newmar ket attended the Assembly the other A bus load of men from here at- acres in the Township of East tended the ice races at Tottenham Lot No in the Miss Varcoc has returned to take Good clay loam frame house bank charge of millinery depart- barn sheds Living stream of this season water York Radial station on the Born At Feb 22 fane 35 or acres plowed to Mr and Mrs A J Austin of ALSO ACRE LOT a 31 the 3rd Con of Hast Th Will rent Separately or to- g to passable condition of the roads after MRS MARY L skrm work will be spring opens commenced as soon as Send the Era to absent frlerda Constance Street Ironto Worth But Free to You Kidney Remedy is made from herbs and is perfectly harmless you hie a sufferer from Gall Stones Kidney Stones or Gravel will effect a positive cure If you have backache kidney bladder trouble or that is caused by excess of Uric acid dizziness puffy swellings under the eyes feet and ankles tired nervous feeling urine very pale or extra dark and cloudy too frequent and painful urination brick In urine after standing a few hours you are In danger and- Kidney will save yon At all Druggists per Free literature Manufactur ing Co Ltd Canada Kola by J The Womens Institute will hold their next meeting en the Mar at the home of Mrs Davis Miss Hallowell of Toronto and Miss of Alliston were the guests of Mrs 1 A M Armstrong fast week The Methodist Ladies Aid had a meeting and tea at the homo of Mrs Davis on Friday of last week Mr Luke Lyons se cured 2nd in the class at Tot tenham races with his pacer Fred The ball In the Town Hall on night the 2nd was one of tho most successful held her this win ter Stiles orchestra pro vided excellent music There were nearly one hundred couple present Tuesday evening was the occasion of a and meat tea given under tbo auspices of the Womens Institute Mrs Dr Stu art soloist and Miss English of Toronto were entertainers Mrs solos were very fine while the selectlois of Miss English were aJso captivating Mrs Dont wait until you some ail ment caused by poor digestion biliousness or by inactive bowels which may lead to a serious sickness Immediate relief is afforded by that best corrective and preventive iff mm Sold try la 25 Just you are I wouldnt change a thing That is tie spirit of photography And with fast plates and fast lenses of today the clever photographer can take you just you are Long exposures In table conscious at titudes are a thing of the In fact Laving ft picture taken In a Modern Studio Is as pleas ant as an Informal call on good Make the today L TIIE PHOTOGRAPHER IN YOUR TOWN Thooo taking advantage- of above Excursions should bear in mind the many exclusive features offered by the Canadian Pacific Railway in con nection with a trip to the West It Is the only allCanadian route Only lino operating through trains- to Western Canada No change of de pots Only line operating through standard and tourist sleepers to Win nipeg and Vancouver All equipment Is owned and operated by Canadian Pacific Railway the high est form of efficiency fares will in effect each Tuesday March 3rd to October inclusive and round trip second- class tickets will be sold via Cana dian Pacific Railway from Ontario points and- East at very low faros for example from Toronto al so West- and of Toronto to and return to Edmon ton and return Other points in proportion Fares from points East of Toronto Will be slightly higher Return limit two months trains leave Toronto each Tuesday during March and April Each Tuesday during March and April the Canadian Pacific will run Settlers trains to Winnipeg and West and for the accommodation of settlors travelling with live stock and effects a colonist car will be at tached to the settlers effects train This car will leave Toronto on regu lar train at 1020 pm and on ar rival at West Toronto it will be at tached to settlers effects train as mentioned above For not travelling with live stock and effects special colonist cars will be attached to regular trains from Toronto running through to Winnipeg without change No charge is made for accommodation in Colon ist cars Tourist sleeping cars are also op erated- on regular trains leaving To ronto pm Full particulars from any C P Agent or write Murphy trict Passenger Agent Toronto For the Era Tho Ideas of a Plain man By Wood Sometime ago was given a an ugly image of The God of filings as they ought to be At first it was amusing then I came to understand it knew it to be a lying malicious Tod as all idols are and smash ed it the name of tho Great God of Things as they Are Thou shall have no oilier Gods before me is the first of the Command ments now the Real God is the God of Things that arc Real that actually exist and the most pest iferous of Gods is The God of Things ami Folks as They should he i i as we think they should be If one could be ones self faults and all and not be ever lastingly wearing masks and dye ing ones moral hair and sticking Peacock Feathers in ones spirit ual plumage and then if one I could learn how sweet and com panionable and good and helpful and plain ordinary folks are and that God when he made common people created something after all vastly more interesting and worshipful than these impossible fancies of our diseased minds and friends that are perfect and these children wives husbands ideally sympathetic and tirelessly- noble O To see the heart of things and to love the hearts of real peo ple zealously to cherish the san ity of existence to discover our own folks to find present ne cessary toil Ihe kernel of sweet ness the motive of song of Thanksgiving to be Hans pounding and making Poetry I To Labour as some one exclaims albeit in what a tur moil of grim stress with the twinkle of mirth in your heart and the light of compassion in your eye NOW K llrv In Fur Canadas r- province that i certainly land now going in or Karakuls stock and this topror a most lucrative the -Indue- try On a farm near Charlottotown there Is sherd sheep brought over from the desert of- Kokhara to this country little time These animals used In their country to produce Persian lamb Aatrachan Krlramerv and Broadtail or baby lamb fur These- different kinds of fur come from the offspring sheep very best Persian Iamb fur being se cured from the after birth as posslbia More recently a of 35 Lincoln Sheep wore sent Edward Island will ueedi to cross with the- thoroughbred stock and It expected thai pelts will supplied markot shortly Government tests In the United States- where the herd of these foreign eheep were brought In by eminent with the operation of crPrealient Theodora Roosevelt show thai Karakulo when crossed with longwool breeds- such as Cots wolds or Highland Black Faces will dtte skins valued X from to each In wholesale lets of 160 skins per lot According to MJ Walter Charlottetown whose roj port to the Conservation Commission on has made him a recognized authority on and raising of furbearing In captivity the prospects of Persian lamb fur industry In hie pro vince are exceedingly bright Dr Young who has conducting his experiments since in Texas with I the only other herd of purebred which was brought to from Bokhara is interested In the new- Prince Edward Island company America hasbeen paying put year for a considerable period Mr- Jones points out some for the fur of the Persian Iamb which ho claims by tbe way Is not a product ofthe Persian Per- elan lamb merely a Commercial by furriers tog to and that fur Is really produced from the Karakulo which are found in greatest ah on Bokhara desert north It Is very evident that funfaxmers Canada not deterredl by the lower prices prevalent the just now and look for a good business 1 i t J 1 V 1 rt iV i j i M Mm J t The Retail Merchant Will Find it on Pjge retailing depends very appearance of the store and the systematic arrangement of the- goods How to get the from every square inch of floor space is jo sent free upon reqncsl OTpages ftaadl9trifr retailers problems are specifically bail the coupon below Dont wait until tomorrow NOW Es Tbe heroism of an voman J who while HI assisted her husband to drag a sled bearing a sick man for six weeks is one of the tales re lated by Rev Greenshleld recently returned from mission work among the Inhabitants of far fern Canada man was Prof the German explorer succumbed to hardships Intended to chart great Inland lake in Batons Land the expedition food ran short One of the Eskimos returned on foot- to a days Journey only nourishment outbound was one tin of condensed milk though he carried back a heavy load of provisions With only one Eskimo and- bis wife and a dog sledge Prof- Han pressed north another his health failed the Eskimos dragged htm homeward on the sledge for six weeks although the was seriously III Abstract Statement OK ACCENTS OF THE OP For Year I miles Balance from 133 two Clergy Interest on hand Tax of ia 130S51 Taxes collected- in They reached the main camp where Prof died the Eski- mos reading the Church ofEngland J Municipal Railway Tax service In their own tongue his Timber primitive grave and singing a hymn Old bridge plank Interest Account A Permanent Issue Expends Mrs the late Hon John Mcald3 renewed support MarVham L Legisiativer School Grant 1965193 i was soliciting the of the electors of South Lanark Ing the campaign of it was suggested to him by the Conservative party organizers that speakers Leg and Co School 37C50 be sent Into bis riding td support the antireciprocity cause Now Haggart had represented South Lan ark for forty years and his personal strength made Liberal opposition of little avail When the suggestion of outside speakers was broached to him he drawled In Well dont know that it would do much good You had better use your speakers elsewhere I want tell you that reciprocity Is not an Issue In county of South Lanark The only Issue we have had for forty years is The Battle of Fund Cbrfgy Reserve yund EXPENDITURES Salaries and Stationery and Printing Law Costs Roads and Parity County Tax Schools of Health Loans from repaid Sheep and Doge Miscellaneous Total Expenditure l Most people would be benefited by the use of Laxatives Gently thoroughly and without discomfort they free the system of the which poisons the blood and the vitality a box at your Druggists tmi CWokJ Ce CaasJa United Prayer Beads for Council Thomas a veteran of Kingston caused sensation at tbe Council re cently by sending the mayor- each alderman a set of prayer beadB Baying that they would bo able to pray with one hand in their pocket and use the other to pound tho at the same time Several ago Mr McAuley sent the the ten commandments but he cJGrved In bis letter that the mayo al dermen had very severely- broken them and that they needed another reminder that they pray as well as legislate ASSETS Old Machinery Tile Moulds 26700 Chmax Road SajryerMassey Steel Uncollected Taxes Reserve capi tal Interest la- Bank of Toronto hand in current Consequences of Moisture An alcoholic wrote a long letter to- one Neva Sco tia country apers bit terly of the of the viltsge streets After every rain he wrote the water Ilea In the ditch for hours The paper printed letter in full with the following Ed Note So does our esteemed correspon dent 1 easy for break a good roan make It a bad Along road that leads to fail ure we see a lot of pikers sitting on the fence waiting for something to turn up Opportunity is said to quit after knocking once at a door This is because opportunity Is not a book agent Occasionally a woman Is so contra ry that she will not fall in love un til discovers that the fellow Isnt worthy of he LIABILITIES Collectors Salary and post Clerfc and Treas sal mo Interest recM on R due schools in of Assets in Liabilities 3002 ol J1C06285 To Municipal Council of the Whitchurch Gentlemen We undersigned Auditors do certify we have the Securities and accounts of the Township We find- Securities Cash hand for the amount of at Dec and vouchers for all payments We have the honor to be your obedient Signed J A M VanNOSTRAND J GROVE Auditors Finally audited and allow this day of Feb CLARK Clerk SENECA BAKER ASSEMBLY Mr S Henry East York has a bill to Amend the Assessment Act to relievo the larger municipalities from sendiag a copy of tho assess ment roll to the County Clerk It also proposes to permit Clerks of villages to commute the rates as is now done in towns and cities Mr Cameron has a bill to amend the Assessment Act in rela tion to the assessment of lands ad joining roadways In each polling sub division The Assessment Act now provides for the average value per acra of land adjoining the way In each amendment will this to provide for ar riving at an average for each polling subdivlBion Children bow well off are until they grow circus has passed EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that all per sons claiirs against the estate of Athalinda Maud Barker late of the town of Newmarket married wo man deceased who died at Newmar ket on the Fifth day of February are requested Jo Ale with the undersigned solicitor for the Execu tors of the last will of the said da- said claims properly proven on or before the 23rd day March immediately thereaf ter the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assota of the estate amongst those parties entitled thereto having regard only to those clalma then filed day of Feb Solicitor for Executors Newmarket Ont A I i mi Iij 1 3498 1 J I we am newspapers For Sale at 1

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