For RettoMd To by EPnkIin V Corapound Canadian are continually logos such Jetton two following ore heartfelt of any medicine to compare with it I ulcers nl foil ing of womb end doctor did mo no good I raftered dreadfully for until I began taking your medicine recommend It for nervousness and In- digestion Clark Station hi I hoard your highly praised and a year ego I began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble ly left side pained all the and beforo my periods which Irregular and painful It Would bo worse To down caused me pain and Buffer ing and I would bo come- tinea that I could not bear to boo any or hear any one speak Little specks would float before my and I was always constipated I cannot too much for Vegetable Compound and liver Pills for are no like them I have taken them and I recommend them to all women You may publish this testimonial Mrs Ste phen J Martin Cheaterville Ontario Canada a T Timl GOING NORTH Leave ara fl56 1030 1050 GOING SOUTH lycave Allatdale Newmarket Toronto am pm Acwrdinglo article condoning in Staff Sergeant Mo- that bis than one annually but somo glaring aibnghe do has transpired de- of Ho tolls of ft woman who had been deport ed Canada without experiencing any difficulty in passing immigration officials It is came to To ronto and commenced to an immoral life The woman was arrested and on the suggestion of Inspector of Prisons Rogers was sentenced lo Jail for sixty days to wait deportation For some reason or other on the ex piration of her sentence wo man was not al though according to was liable it is said to a years imprisonment and that she must no deported This is a painful record and should cause tho blush of shame to mantle the cheeks of Federal authorities But same Staff Sergeant also re ports another and even more glaring case of miscarriage of he says Anoth er woman had been arrested on complaint of another wo man whoso husband she was liv ing with On hearing com plainants evidence and that of the Department of Immigration she was sentenced to jail to await deportation On the ex piration of her sentence an em ployee of the Immigration De partment came lo Toronto and after visiting the jail and listen ing lo womans story accord ing to the police refused to take charge of her allowing the wo man her freedom Such a gross miscarriage of justice calls for immediate ac tion The Department of the Minister of Justice should get busy Officials capable of this kind of law administration Canada has no use for The Augean stables want cleaning the sooner the better for the morals of the country eOOOt The by Sir Lyman FARM- 4 The legislature led by Government defeated the Liber- proposition for owner ship of telephone wjt Will people of Ontario for this kind of expenditure That was the question asked in House whon it was found the coachhouse of new premises cost It is simply extravagant to soy the least A grind Church the tte ol the pa aboaM by Vera Gray j 100 acre pf choioe day by Wl elector- Sir the MtawryHarrJ Co which Is engaged In of at implements fie la with on wail loss of y fcend Glob says Ah early election Ontario almost certain Liberals should about the work of organization at once It id to hoped Liberal organizations throughout county will take this quiet bint to mean all that in tended should get Members of the Legislature it is reported smiled knowing ly the other day when Hon Mr Hearst proposed a bill to prohi bit political contributions by corporations contractors etc and wound up by declaring he didnt believe funny work to any extent took place in Ontario and there sat the Provincial Sec retary looking sedately who had been berated for receiving a contribution No wonder members smiled including Ihc representative from North York among Literals 1 the Dominion Under a wind mil that cuts he house pig pen ben by Mr Justice appointed to Senate and a Hall Toronto member time professed to a Liberal few days V Wherein lies the reason for his Not or Co vicon 1 I I lenVclSljr he pig pea house jj justice to the Senate aad ft cement Hall tor lember of that body to Metropolitan Clewing for wc8 operating a Jointer In Factory and flollflaj acres of fall plowed of p A the machine which was not reason wrnis choice winter trees change of attitude Why efweU ta pracUc severed- Ma now withdraw from that par- and other small plum arid cherry trees all bearing i bo lo bs LETTER FROM FLORIDA A press despatch from Ottawa slates that the recent order of the against sending money through the mails save by registered post will so modified as to exempt amounts not exceeding Tin despatch further stales that the regulation was designed to re move the temptation from postal employes to steal from Hi mails Yes lax hundreds of thousands people to compel Government officers to be honest However Ihc reported change will allow subscribers lo still send their for a years subscription lo the Era without being liable to pro secution via Core for Spavins Curb Ringbone Splint Bony Growths and Lameness from many other causes It keeps horses working A 1 bottle may save ahorse for you Get a bottle ihc next time you are in town Sold by druggists everywhere a bottle for also ask for a copy of our book ATreatiseon the Horse or write to J COMPANY Falls Vermont 1 Have You Bilious Attacks Chamberlain Tablets keep the liver tight up to nor mal all the time and why they are effective In cure of Stomach Disorders Fermentation Indigestion and all ailments which are the lore- runners of biliousness Try them a bottle Druggists and Dealers or by Mail Chamberlain Medicine Co Toronto GO During the past week we re ceived a letter from Mrs G a former resident of Newmarket now of Detroit who lias been spending the past win ter at St Petersburg Florida one of the most pleasant winter resorts of tho Slate Residents of Newmarket away back in the seventies will remember the late Mr who con ducted a mercantile trade here for some years and afterwards removed to Detroit Mich Mrs has our thanks for a copy of the St Pet ersburg Times and also an ar ticle on Ihe many advantages of that city as a popular winter re sort The stormy days towards the close of last month while Ontario people were obliged to heave anthracite coal into the furnace to keep Jack Frost out of their dwellings Mrs tells us she was picking grapes and other luscious fruits from trees and vines which she was able to reach from her room window Young people and those of middle age enjoy our sleighriding and winter games on the ice but wo arc prone to confess that our more elderly citizens are not slow in express ing their larger appreciation of weather conditions Mrs has been enjoying this winter in Florida Mrs desires to be remembered to od friends in Newmarket and vicinity and winds up by telling us she can not do without the Era Pos sibly she may visit this part of the country between now and the first of June next ASSEMBLY A bill inlroTJTTced in Ihe Legislature by Hon James during the past week amends he Factory Act by mak ing the inspection of all boilers in use in Ontario except those in private residences once a year compulsory Boilers in ho tels schools theatres etc come under the inspection by this amendment Various amendments were submitted last week lo the Motor Vehicles Act by Mr P P for South Toronto One is lo the effect that Councils of municipalities may set aside speedways upon which motorists may travel faster than miles rate hut the roadway must have notices accordingly Townships may make some road rates not to exceed miles an hour The Renfrew Mercury gives a welldeserved slap lo the Hon the patronage system practiced in connection with building a Cus toms Examining Warehouse at Ottawa It says Already half a million has been spent on the foundation and it is not yet fin ished The Liberals claim that the trouble originated with par ty patronage incompetents be ing put lo work for party pur poses The followingis a letter written by A P to the Inspector Put this man on he was a good worker at he election and I would like to have him appointed to carry water or some good easy Job He is not very strong but he did some good work at the last elec tion and you must find a Job for him O Doctors did not Chgrry for net offer lo A Year Doctor MENAGE TO KEEP GOING No we have not yet received official notice of the Menace barred from the Canadian nor do I we ever will said Mr Nob Scott owner of te Journal Published fit Aurora winch is reported lv been the the mails I be official ie done notice if vim It to publish and no matter what a wheti- l of the that will show the toman they cannot irovrn is have Ireland and we will send the Menace through mail- at tight cents It is expensive but we have the wiM make th- tf TRY THIS STOMACH REMEDY AT OWL RISK ruin our DcaiQna G I nd tomtif Ox- tor 7HJtpoUfO Sold Sfi3Brc4dW You know us your home druggist and when we give you the opportuni ty to try a remedy with the under standing that if it doesnt relieve you and satisfy you Id every way we will give your money back there Is certainly no excuse for hesitation on your part This is the way we al ways sell Dyspepsia Tablets We know what tbey axe made of We know that they have benefitted your neighbors and friends We honestly believe them to be the very best rem edy made for indigestion and dyspep sia Pepsin and bismuth and the oth er ingredients contain are en dorsed by the entire medical profes sion for relief of stomach ail ments and to aid easy comfortable digestion Soothing to the stomach ledo checking heartburn and distress We undersigned known stimulating the flow of the stomach of which has been a member His of attitude is duo as he himself says to the fact that the Liberals declared by their votes the that duties upon agricultural implements bo entirely abolished For this reason Sir Lyman Jones takes aides against Sir Wilfrid and the Literal party In the stand which tbey have taken on this question Liberals hove been actuated the belief tar iff protection is no longer needed by Canadian makers of arm reaching and by conviction the farmers of Canada who are willing to forego protection for themselves should bo given the opportunity of purchasing their Implements of pro duction at cost a fair profit to the manufacturer and should not be compelled as hitherto have been to pay the Canadian manufacturer not only a considerable profit but also a further amount equal to the duty levied upon implements of for eign make That the Canadian manufacturer of implements is no longer in need ol protection has been amply proven in recent years It has been proven by fact that he has been able to tend his Canadianmade Implements into foreign markets in the face of foreign duties and compete successfully in tbe home markets of foreign manufac turers It has been proven by other fact that in some cases at least Canadian manufacturer has sold his implements in foreign coun tries at lower prices than he has de manded for them from tbe farmers of the Dominion With these facts before them the Liberals set out to attempt to give assistance to the farmers of Canada Straightway Sir Lyman Jones in terested in the manufacture of imple ments ceases to he a Liberal There are several facts- worth not ing It Is worth noting that the Lib erals ere adhering consistently to their policy of tarifl reduction with the object of burdens upon people of the Dominion By tbe Reciprocity Agreement of la they to lessen burdens and at tho same time obtain wider markets Tor Canadian products in that endeavor the Liberals in Opposition continue their fight for tariff relief Three main planks in their platform stand out dis tinctlyfree food free wheat In or der that the Canadian farmer may sell his wheat at greater advantage and Canadian customer obtain his flour at lower prices than are now charged free agricultural implements in order that the Canadian turalist may obtain bis farm machin ery at lower prices without any injury to Canadian manufacturers and thus fco able to produce more cheaply with consequent benefit to himself and to the consumer who uses products of the farm It Is worth noting Sir Lyman Jones would not leave Liberal party if he had not reason for belief that the implement business can expect more favorable tarifl treatment from the present High Protectionist Government than from Sir Wilfrid without this reason his change of front be absurd Sir Lyman Jones knows no doubt that though Premier Bor den may tinker with the implement tariff that gentleman will not give the farmers real assistance by abol ishing the farm machinery duties A third fact stands out demanding the attention of every Canadian elec tor That fact is that in the politi cal fights of the next few years the Liberal party will have ranged against it more solidly than ever he- fore the Special Interests which have tariff favors to seek and privileges to protect The action of Sir Lyman estimable man though he person ally be makes this fact abundantly clear Ranging themselves more defi nitely and emphatically than ever be fore on the side of the average every day citizen Canada the Liberals now have to face the unswerving un compromising opposition of the every Special Interest Sir Wilfrid and his follow ers are going to the battle with the courage of honest conviction If vic tory is delayed if victory should not come the fault will not be theirs but the fault of the citizens up on whose votes at polls the issue will depend plum arid cherry well The fruit Is being sold along lake shore in summer time at prices- I a FOR Sow about 3C0 SINGLE FARE PARE Good going and April returning April Return only Minimum fare Between all stations In Canada cast of Port Arthur also to cad a mortgage at per tent for tea years Immediate swrfon given POTIOR Will also sell the entire Stock and NOTICE ImplKnenW consisting registered As have opened a Workshop- J some Shorthorns also prepared do ail kinds of wood- some flrstlacs gen purpose horses on wagons sleighs buggies Brian in a lib a a luming band sawing is a chance in a so of fl act quick For further information 6e rigs for sale apply to bean Also wire fencing sold and put P MORTON Phone Box LAWS Kaplan flrsl St west of Hall Palls end phone 222 A Rock Niagara Bridge Y Excursions Round trip tickets to Points Manitoba Alberta and via Chicago St Paul or sale each Tuesday until Oct a- at low Through Tourist Sleepers to Winnipeg above dates leaving Toronto No change of cars RETURN LIMIT TWO MONTHS Tickets and reservations at ill Grand Trunk Ticket Offices HORNING P A Union Station 1 Depot Agent J BROUGHT Phone A cent c a rti7i i Furnace Work J SSI r d 4 and VOU will find that are best at first and cheapest in the end Concrete buildings cannot burn and many do are saved in lower insurance rates They need practically no repairs and never need painting Concrete barnyards make the best kind of a feedingfloor and save many dollars in feed bills as your stock ecu every panicle I that you feed to them Send for this free book Whit the Farmer Can do With Concrete It to build your concrete barn 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS I OSBORNE SOUS Next to Smiths Grocery Sou ft floor or any other building that you may Farmer Bureau Conada Cement Company Herald Bidldiny fit CGorr ia Having a Flour Storo prepared to and to ani all other of Feed ALLAN HOWARD Mala King IB If gal fOi As Mr Xi CA We oDex Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY CO To- all Yon countries will hseur free MARfOy Montreal p J Cheney for ths last fifteen and believe him perfectly in all and financially able to carry out any obligations made by firm Raiding KInnan Wholesale Druggists Toledo Catarrh Cure la acting directly upon blood and mucous of Testimonials sent free per bottle Sold by all Take Halls Family Pills lot juices promoting regular ac tion Digestive Tablets help make your stomach feel good again and make It easy for you to eat any thing you like There Is no red tape about our of fer If they dont do Just what you want tbem to just tell us so and we will back money just as cheerfully as wej took from you They are only at the Rear- all Stores and In this town only by J sizes and i y A special train loaded with rado farmers and their reached an Alberta town last week after a rail trip The newcomers brought with tbem set tlers effects worth over in cluding nearly 200 horses Ifhey had prospered In Arkansas Valley but bad grown tired of variableness and uncertainty and had decided to their lot a country with lees limited opportunities These Ameri cans are all expert and They took to Alberta not only a plenitude of chatties and coin but more important know ledge and skill necessary to make tbe most of what that fertile region of fers to tbe experienced -aicuUurat- There were nearly twenty robust famlllee In this Interesting caravan I a ml J wt f Painted Vith Martin Ordinary Paint Requires Gallons More ft V A PAINT is not cheap simply because the price is lowif you would economize on paint you must look beyond the purchase price per gallon The cheapest paint for you to use is the paint that takes the leal amount for the job It may a little more per gallon but because it thoroughly covers more wears better and stays bright longer it is the economical in the long run The Paint for wear and weather is abso lutely the cheapest paint to ate because it goes farthest and endures longest Pare Point has a covering capacity of ft of surface one coat per an a covering capacity of lead and oil paint of only to ft of surface per gallon or the lower priced Prepared Paint with a covering capacity of not more than ft of surface per gallon Give your how ttr of iftOf Pare vU to cover lhen i