Newmarket Era, 10 Apr 1914, p. 5

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day ion i AUCTIONEER ANDCOlLKOT I Dr i On J Wilkinson Grocery Tfty cud Heal or See Dp p Gone ROYAL to Am to Pm DC S yd Graduate in Cat vocally Licentiate ot C0K050 of Physicians mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons el Former clinical Bye Hospital and Uni versity Ear and Throat England Wain and Timothy Newmarket fcS AND Ate7 from Street Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Peroral Niagara and Street J A PAPERHANGER on all kinds Wood Natur al Wood Inside and Outside Decorator I guarantee as to with any man for Church effect a iutMantMl saving In your buying through reading hoEra v Say did hear about thatflocV geese that flew over town week and were gaoling among thcmBclvco about the in the way towns of Aurora and Newmarket Were latter double the price i The License Board for this District has oeea toappointed and Ms as fol lows Dr J Stevenson Auro ra Chairman Angus Ego Sutton and Archie King The Board will meet at the town Hall Sutton Saturday April at to consider appli cations for licensee which are the same year rlghtin all Si Johns The Devotions of the Way of the Cross will bo held on Friday Afternoon at 4 oclock On Easter Sunday First Mass will he at oclock High Mass will bo celebrated fttll oclock when the Choir will- render Gounods Mass in with Sanctusfrom Rheinbcr- In A Musical The new altar will be fully lighted for the lime 11 S 7tefterxton AND Ao ZortriMs CD ESTATE Ail Sold W Voice Violin in all piawo for Columbia Records Service Li O t meets tie 2nd Thursday in over Douglas train Street The Newmarket Womens will hold their regular ing at the home of Mrs John St on Saturday April the commencing at the usual hour The subjects for this meeting will be Personal Responsibilities of ones own Health and Value of Vegetables AH ladies are given a cordial attend Sale last Saturday add ed to the treasury Crucifixion This masterpiece of compo sition rafter the style of Handels Messiah has in preparation by the Choir of the Methodist Church for several weeks and after a lot hard work arc getting it In good shape to present to the people of on Good Friday night under the able leadership of Mr K Farr It is needless to say that there it a treat In store for every body The la without doubt masterpiece this great compo ser The very name Is sufficient to assure music will be given by a choir voices The principal colon will be taken by Geo Young end Eugene The words of the Oratorio are exceeding ly appropriate to no doubt there be a very argo There will ho no ad- but a to defray expenses S J An the other day opinion woiiderful of years the of amBuk Ae flinftlo thin layer of filled to a injury of microbe ben found floee not kill as to a to it jto6 why are of They nothing g All lio Know lioildnev As as to a or to part tbo that new in of freali UdiUUiy below in secret healing fornil in and literally off the It Thiols why are the other day Mr of Co and told them that for over twenty- flvo be had been a to eczema His hands wore at onetime so covered with sores that had to sleep in gloves years ago was in troduced to him and in a few months it cured him Today three after bis cure of a disease ho bad for years be is still cured and no trace ofqny returnof the eczema All druggists sell box or- wo will send free trial box you send this advertisement and ale pay return postago Ad dress Co Toronto irvt r IK HI EX 1 iiDers J etoty of in the a putty rounded by sharts and a flower dwelt alls Jests- Bands and tier fair youu Toe former was a noted ltrW fcer to odd quality to of two ladles were toy for tho rentals brought MR DOYLE ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION byman Jackson Issuer of- LICENSES Newmarket Private Papers at private desired fn LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call before ordering elsewhere Out Stone for Building Purposes and made to Order GEO Just as you are I wouldnt a thing That is ts of photography And with the fast plates of the clever photographer can take you you are Long exposures la conscious at titudes ire a thing of the pat In fact having taken Modern Studio Is as an informal call on good Make THE PHOTOGRAPHER IN YOUR TOWN NEWSPAPERS Death of r1to8 Tattoroall We clip the following from Or- Times of last- week Miss Rose Hannah the- late Edward Tatter- died at the home of her mother road on Monday March just before six oclock In the morning Miss been In poor health for a month past with heart trouble and was getting along well when she was taken with a stroke on Friday noon of last week following the receipt news of the death of a dear friend Miss Tattersall was born at Sharon in the township of East and has been a of for twentyfive years She was a mem ber of St James Church and has for the past lew years been in attendance upon her aged mo ther who is in poor health She is survived by one sistfer Mrs Oat and four bro thersJames at at Rupert William at Butte City Montana and in The funeral was held yestcilay ternooii to St service being Conducted at the house by Rev J WORK TRAIN CRASHES THROUGH CULVERT Geo Vincent engineer and Albert Sinclair fireman residing at Toron to were instantly killed when the engine and one car of a work train crashed through an undermined cul vert two miles east of a station about tea cast of Toronto about oclock on Thursday morning of last week The engine and ear toppled down a 20 ft embankment the engineer pinned un derneath The jumped from cab hut died a few minutes after the accident from injuries received The rest of the crew escaped injury is a small station on the line that caanecte with the main line of the at Thb work train the first to bo run over the line since last fall left West Toronto to pick up a number of work cars that had been left on the track last fall by the construction gang spring rains are believed to have undermined the culvert and as the heavy engine passed over the weaken ed tracks the rails broke and the engine carrying one car with it fell to the embankment twenty feet be low Thte rest of the cars were left on the track Nominations for offices in the gift of Ontario Amateur As- closed last Friday when Frank Doyle a former Newmarket boy was reelected arid four more added to the list assuring plenty of ballots and lively contests at tho annual meeting on Good Friday The completed list Is as follows Stevenson Toronto let Vice J Hind Orillia Toronto 2nd Vice Han over Jos Toronto Frank Doyle Toronto Executive to be elected Johnson London A A Smith T Henry Dr Stanley St Marys J Toronto Toron to Dr J H Wade Hantingo Dr P Powers Port Elgin Pete Hocking Toronto Ernest A Doyle Newmarket Toronto J Brown Rutledge Wallace Toronto P Day Thi holiday Hay falling on Sunday this year according to ho observed on the following Monday the you era la danger through or to filter tho from the blood trouble Backache Rheumatism Gravel Diabetes GallStoaea and deadly tease are the results of neglected Dr Morses Indian Root a most and the do thoroughlyand Try a ays mm Relief from the ailments caused by disordered stomach torpid liver irregular bowels is given quickly safely assur edly by the tried and reliable I MEN DO NOT WANT Improperly prepared young men and women In their- offices Attend a school that has a great reputation for superior work and for placing many In choice posi tions Write for catalogue American Easiness College Yooge Toronto the pioneer highgrade to3s School Canada caw management It 1b doing tor work than ever Write us if to prepare for a good Ward Mcx via Gomez with dead and wounded of a was by the rebels fast night on the of the fleeting Federals In all lighting foreign er was killed or injured The taking of marks- climax of first campaign of the revolution to oust gives the Constitutionalists vir tual control over the whole north ern tier or Mexican States The lighting began last Fri day and was almost continuous At Villa attempted assaults on the strong Federal positions daylight but these proved costly so the days were in cannonading and the nights in assaults Positions wore taken and lost lime and again Several night attacks sent- the Federals scur rying from strong positions but at daybreak the captors would be compelled abandon the strength and accuracy of the enemys artillery lire much of which is said to have been by French and German Killed Wounded Losses have not boon compiled but General Villa estimates his own Josses killed and J wounded and the Federal loss at killed and 2500 wounded with an unknown num ber of prisoners Villa believes the Federals j teased me about whom his cavalry is pursuing Sabbath frock for to the south form but a remnant of the Federal forces whose I08S he says probably is close to being total All the subordin ate generals have not yet report ed however and until they do just how many are captured can not he accurately stated The battle lines was four miles long and the field was de termined by three great hills formed like a carpenters square at either end of which lay the towns of Gomez and There were about men in each army The Federals had fortified the hills with rifle pits trenches and mcnU The nature of the it difficult to re cover Che wounded and many of them died of thirst and hunger or lack of attention where they Jell in res cue work hut they nnt the hillsides Some of the fiercest fighting occurred in hills south of Gomez andwit rcon ft raged with great fury in- Canon de Where the Federals made their last desper ate stand from finally fled followed by of Twice the reb els took two of the hills only to lose them but all the time tho attack was becoming more for midable as the soldiers attack ing from all sides except the west fighting from housetops drew circle closer about the enemy tcoo DO REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Mortgage Loans Debentures and Bonds bought sold Interest to yield to per cent Farm Town Property bought sold or lent- Rooms to Let Marriage Licen ses issued Let me know your wnts Phone P Box 5 Newmarket Oirt Sun Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots How to Remove Easily Heres a chance Miss to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles while if it does give you a clear complexion the ex pense is trifling Simply get an ounce of double strength from any druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it it to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beauti ful complexion Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength as this is the prescription sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove ihe freckles MOTHERS What if this were your son RMjfD amount month Bettys father bad left her thousand pounds Jessamine being head the and religious used tbo Greater part of her Into ma dis pensing charity to needy- Betty never could audemtand why they wero considered wealthy for fits was supplied with a new dre3 and a net only once every two years Betty eat beside a window mending a rent In a frock Two rowa of red geraniums In pots of tbo hue contributed a note of cheery to room Now then she glanced from work to aristocratic profile of her aunt What causes such rest- IC330W3 this morning child Jessamine asked biiBllj threading a needle Bettys lovely face became dyed to match flowerpots and stitch ed rapidly at rent I trust William baa not asked yon to drive again for he has had yon to Bradbury twice bis week is quite often enough Judge Trimble bis family occu pied the borne adjoining the cottage and William eldest son bad been Bettys playmate ever since the girl first came to with aant Aunt Jessamine wearing the two and said It was a ehamo that I was not allowed to purchase a new one now and then am supposed to be an heiress Phoebe la a gossip to talk to you of things and 1 disapprove of her frivolous Tour father left yon well provided for and I dare you always appear genteel and neat when you walk abroad that Is all that Is required of a maid Aunt Jesaamlne next la Easter AH girls have new sUk frocks and bonnets to match am past seventeen and never have yon given me a dress of If I have of toy own I desire aboTe all things to London and the flowered taffeta tan led cay wo will go yon ere no longer content with wardrobe selected by me I will have to cone London Unary Master William will think no more of you with all Oca tc2S277 than be would If yon la vom simple morning chimes awaken ed Bitty By the last bell gnm the tardy worshipers to di vine sha bad donned her Cow ered taffeta trimmed with frills of lace and tied baneath the broad ribbons poke bonnet The vain little sinner gazed at her reflection In the and a smile of satisfac tion radiated her countenance Jessamine could not conceal her astonishment and pride wben tbs fair vision descended stairs Well well fine feathers certain ly made my Betty lovely Hasten child Do not stop for posies William walked borne with Betty from the church while Aunt mine remained to Invite tbe pastor to dinner When they entered the garden Wil liam clasped band between own saying dearest I want you to know that love morning when your song floated my heart I knew you were one Can you love The dainty maidens frank blue eyes gazed into the brown ones as she arch ly said Was it the bonnet William that made you care No he answered It was girl beneath the bonnet Jean Dooglas In New York Press An anxious friefstricken to us wrote I have ft son fiftn years of Ago who baa tuberculosis In lung I have not the cue he should have doctors say that with proper care sod attention there is every ho might fully recover I would Be very thankful if he could ho admitted to tho ilaskoka Free Hospital If Suppose that your son or your daughter were ft consumptive that he or were pale and wasted and shaken by a hacking strength sapping cough San- that you hadnt the money to provide the medicine nourishment snd skilled medical treatment Think what a relief it would bo to you to know that Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives elands ready to help I Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hos pital for Consumptives will be gratefully acknowledged by J Gage Chairman Executive Committee Spadina Avenue or Dunbar Secretary Treasurer King Street West Easter In Russia Throughout Russia the Easter cere monies are Impressive because of many solemn details Thus on midnight preceding Easter priests leave the church as If going out to seek the body of dead Lord congregation In the with bowed heads in and In darkness Then listening multitude la aroused by ponderous on the door of the church Tbe priests return ed and as the doors swing open a great chorus of voices fills air with the chant Christ Is risen The priests file In with upturned faces and singing lips each bearing a lighted taper Fire Is quickly communicated to the candles of the supplicating throng In a twinkling the church Is with light and Incense where only darknes and bad been be fore to know you hive used it Tell your friends how It stopped your falling hair and greatly promoted its growth Your Doctor -w- silver Prize winners- The Dutch Egg Ma chine- Eggs for hatching W for Stanley Ave I l J PaintsOils Glass MA J TIME FOR l THAT in VSTQft I I A i will be along soon and you will want out right for Easter We showing the largest range off patterns In and voretctS ever shown In town your order now and be In when the warm weather doc I j mm come j it FIT AND 1 si ra TV 1 OUTFIT MORTON Newmarket Real Estate Company nti FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN MONEY INVESTED HOUSES AND FARMS RENTED RENTS COLLECTED ALL KINDS OF TOWN FARM PROPERTIES BOUGHT AND SOLD We lot 1 I MA with all on side ol Main St- will sold at a right price Beautifully situated a Bargain for Also a number of with largo gardens Email fruits Terms to buyers and prices right At 1MB i I I 1 CT3 You men ought lo be moving our way toward getting ono We are stocked up right with the goods that knowing dressers will wear this season Exclusive Designs FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Call in early and make a selection TOUR TAILOR PHONE ST ISA K MONTH Incorporated by CAPITAL PAID UP J 1600000000 REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS- at all important centres in and in New York ad Every business ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former Bank Branch as heretofore NEWMARKET r J-

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