Newmarket Era, 10 Apr 1914, p. 8

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ffVIVi icafa May TlimwtUenaouu4r medicine medicine J- that I nearly la had have used and I have not had another iUo oMiOlionH tub branch of the Upper- amounted tr account- sickness ml school dropped fiC during Maroiijlicing only Mr McCorinoliie of who has been Spending hero with his parents Mr and MoGonachlQ of Catharine Ave left for homo on Monday night via David who has hail what known as the bos ford north occasion A In JK I OH Youre Slow You knew Stop rneatttnUety J While in his torero an this municipality on has deposed of his did me any stood I I Used that did me any good and I H grateful to for me well as lam today that took in likes very and takes them whenever he has cession to a remedy for ConsttpV Mas Pi ere cold by nil dealers a box for he Wi r will be to any address on receipt- f by Inut-a-Uvct- Ottawa HOUSE 8ALG OH i Apply to St Newma TOLET heated unfurnished RootpS and use bath room Mrs Ave North- FARM For Sale exchange for DAVIS comfortable Brick House with I You know you cant to sick la good means food Cot you- arid your family It Is up to you to care is up to you dont teeV to you- build you Up ward of slck- you and your family That wo have In Rwtafl OUvo Oil In offering wo protect you against moneyrisk by personally It does hot KBvOrtyojur health we will giro back yaur money without l 1 word or question it Public Works Do- builder health and minion Oovcrnmwit has awarded yoU ft contract tor the new Post Office here neighbors If dont to Hans of Midland the tender r nearly 121000 locturb by Mr Blake of the staff Toronto before Trinity last was very intertotlng Ills sublet was The Wonders As- Some of the special fea tures depicted on the screen were Sun spots largo as the earth spi ral and ooo Mr Ed of Newmarket was try convenience Apply to Milfard Ave Mrs WANTED I to rent from to acres at Had with House and Stable on it mo know what you have Send to Avenue Toronto WANTED TO BUY Tows and farm We parties who have farms for safe elite us Box 373 Office at Ave three blocks Station facing tjd St Phone 160 C 8ALE Andrew St Newmarket a lot Cistern domestic wa ter electric light Apply on premises the evening or address Lane Cox Newmarket HOUSE FOR New Brick House on Siw- street rooms domestic water etc Apply to GEO PERRAULT CI Newmarket New Brick House nicely situated West side of Town Improvements Apply to Box Newma HOUSE FOR SALE On St Newmarket Mod ern in every way rooms besides fcaihxoom and wash room Mew Convenient to all down town centres Will be sold at a bargain easy terms Apply at this office FOR SALE A new Brick Clad House 8 rooms Furnace and Bath on Grace St opposite A Thompsons Ma- Shop Apply to Box Newmarket WE SALE A property situated on Prospect AVe A largesized dwelling all conveniencesall in first shape Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit Frame stable and cement hen fcoese This we consider the best in town so act quickly Terms tin be arranged to suit purchaser to P Morton box in town Wednesday Miss entertained a number one evening rtcent- A Weaver and daughters are spending a week with Mrs at Pine Orchard Mrs Sparling is making some you we give back your money Rexall Oil Emulsion Is com posed principally of pure Olive Oil and the Each has long been endorsed by successful phy sicians Here they aroforiho time Combined The result Is a re markable nerve blood and strength- building remedy that is both food and medicine- For all who are ner vous run and debilitatedno matter what the cause for conva lescents for puny children we know of nothing that will give health and strength as quickly as Olive Oil Emulsion It Is a real builder good blood strong muscles good di gestion Pleasant to take it con tains no or habitforming drjugs If you dont feel well econ omize both money and strength by beginning today to take Ol- store Is to he opened shortly by the Messrs A tea entertainments will he held on Easter Monday evening un der auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church An excel lent program will no rendered head of cattle sold at Mrs sale the price running up to ISO A fire was narrowly averted in Hie home of Mr Warren Phillips Tues day evening Fortunately it was dis covered before much damage was done The is a mystery It occurred in a room in which Mr Phillips had stored his household ef fects Once more the advantage of having a rural phone was establish ed A general alarm was rung in which brought prompt assistance from his neighbors and thus prevent ed serious loss BRADFORD Miss Olive Mulqueen of Newmarket spent a week with friends in town The Ontario Ladies Quartette gave a concert here on Tuesday evening in aid of the Public Library The Lukes flour mill was closed down for a week a number of men being employed in overhauling the ma chinery Mr Lukes believes in peri odical repairs Mr Root Stewart was presented a cheque for by the citizens and a very complimentary address since his retirement from the posi tion of town clerk after holding the office for fiftythree years Mr Stewart was a most capable and at tentive official and is said to have missed only two meetings of the all that time and lie nev er missed a nomination or election The late Campbell who passed away last was one of Brad fords most prominent citizens He had been a resident for over years and was always identified with the best interests of the town In busi ness he was a grain buyer and coal merchant in politics an ardent Re former in religion a staunch Meth odist For many years he sat at the Council and none were more highly esteemed The funeral service in the Methodist Church was largely attended He leaves a widow two sous and one daughter Our citizens turned out en masse on Saturday afternoon to the opening of the Watson Factory The Town Band played on the streets and afterwards gave a program on the upper floor of the factory The visitors were con ducted through the building by cour teous employees and were shown the process manufacturing the output from the lumber pile to the finished product After a short address Reeve the big whistle was Rexall Stores and in this town on ly- by J LOCH ERNE Burn On March L to Mr and Mrs Walter Billiard a daughter Mr and Mrs Waller Sloan spent last week end with the for mers mother in Toronto Sawing hoes art now the order of the day in this district Mrs Ilcnry Miller underwent an operation in Toronto last week and is doing nicely This is the third operation for the same trouble Mr Elmer Black has moved into the house of Mr John and Mr Hugh Graham of Pot has moved into the farm which he purchased from Mr J McGuire Mrs Fry is spending a few days with her daughterinlaw Fry King City thought would writ- a few to let you know how via tor relief- gave m f bother sod called blood They wont help by weak strained or Irritated The cure GIN PILLS will do as nothing Take GIN NOW and facMt from winter box for and money promptly refunded you are not satisfied Order dealer doc not handle GIN box eent National and Chemical Co of Canada AT SEA Mi School Reports No East for March Harold Jr Ross Hodge Grace 3rft Annie Jack Knights Gimblett M Sanderson Irvine Ross Vera Sheppard Verna Sheppard Jr 3rd Fred Knights 2nd Carl Ross 1st John P Knights Jr 1st Kathleen Knights Oliver Elmer Pollard Highest in English LiteratureJack Knights and A equal per t- Highest in Oral Reading A Jack Knights GO per Highest Conduct Marks Jack Knights Grace and Irvine Rose Fred Knights Inspectors visit Mar Average attendance Richmond Teacher laxatives are different that they do not gripe purge nor cause nausea nor does continued use lessen their effectiveness You can always depend on them box at your Druggists KCczil Co St Johns Aprri2 sealing steamer Newfoundland has been crushed In the ice Just south of Helta Isle Strait and the greater of her crew of men are to have perished Worst disaster in sailing fleet for over twenty Steamers In the vicinity picked up several bodies and a few of the who survived on the Ice to which they escaped when their vessel went down Fifty of the crew have been ac counted for In this manner Most of them were dead when discovered and several others were dying TIME IN ENGLAND London March The wide ly heralded rally of Unionists lo protest against any coercion of Ulster brought an enormous concourse of people to Hyde Park from all points of the com pass today Twentytwo processions wilh bands playing and banners flying converged on the central open of London from as many different localities and mobilized around fourteen platforms Ml life meetings were address ed Peers anil Members of Parliament who never before had competed with the orators of various creeds and theories who customarily occupy Ihe open air platforms The speakers fiercely de nounced any attempt to use the and navy lo drive out by any force of arms our Ireland from it in the Parliament of United Kingdom Demands were expressed that Government should immedi ately submit this grave issue the people tooo RHEUMATISM of j his as lavo fidol building for and bate fell throe wberi a P Way Ho General Hospital of then At the meeting of Toronto Union IngresoluUoh was passed thai the Toronto Christian Union deplores the growing use of profanity In out city and that as a union strongly urge our to possible- means to stamp it out A new comet was the Observatory last weeV At present It is very small uaig a small telescope It Is the sun and will soon be to the naked eye it is travelling aortic ward at per day and may be seen just Wore sun rise It has a tail 17 months old was scalded a tub of wa ter died at the Sick Hos pital The Toronto Street Railway must operate a lino on Queen street East from Beach to Mnnro Park and tear the coot operation while the City of Toronto must maintain the roadbed That was the decision arrived at by the Railway Commit tee the legislature A petition carrying the names of members ot College Street Bap tist Church was forwarded to at Ottawa asking the Government to open the malls to The the Protests ant paper published at Aurora The street car and the police officials who have beer at log gerheads over the traffic regulations have buried the hatchet and the cit izens need not fear a strike The International Mail Equipment of Canada In this city has the con tract to manufacture special combined letter and parcel for rural mall delivery of which 10000 must be delivered by- the of June I Mr J J Kelsi of Neglect ed Children of Ontario has been granted six months leave of absence to social work in the Old Country He has about completed 20 years service for the Government The application of the County jur ors for an Increase In the daily al lowance from to was re fused by the Board of Control The Government has an Im migrants Hostel for their temporary free shelter also a restaurant con nected therewith south of the Union Station Immigrants are allowed to remain there for hours free of charge Representative men from four city regiments in the second military di vision including the and the Royal Grenadiers will train this vear at Petawawa Camp Instead The next Dominion of the Brotherhood of St Andrew will be in Winnipeg from 24 to The arrangement has been ap proved by the Archbishop of Ruperts Land and an attendance of several hundred delegates is anticipated The Co whose factory suffered in the recent Swiss Laundry Ore has sent a cheque for to the Firemens Fund In opposition to Hon Adam Peck the HydroCommission excluded the cress from the discussion for a re duction in rates Why representatives objected to the press is causing mhch adverse criticism An invalid child five years old at the home of was badly burned last Monday evening It is thought the child was playing with matches and set fire to the curtains and before the invalid could climb from the her clothes were ablaze Her screams brought her mother to her aid who smothered the blaze with a blanket The child is in a rather serious condition Four tailors who do a worked on Sundays to complete garments for Easter and the Police Magistrate took all profits and a little more by and Lumbago Quickly Cured By Kephaldol A druggist in Toronto said that he was asking an Old Country customer his about KEPHALDOL TAB LETS This customer told I suffered from severe Rheumatism Sciatica for twenty years hardly ev er being free from these troubles I read about in the Glasgow papers and sent home f some Three hours after taking two tablets the pain was almost gone and after taking six or seven had not a bit of pain This druggist went in to see the doctor about his wife and asked him if he had ever heard of KEPHAL The doctor said Yes I un derstand is a reliable sedative and anodyne relieving pain without affecting the heart or vital organs Since KEPHALDOL has been introduced into Canada have prescribed it in several cases of se vere headache and Neuralgia and just recently succeeded in helping a nest severe case of La Grippe with it Since then this druggist has order ed and recommended it to those of his customers who want ed something to relieve pain If you are unable to get KEPHALDOL Tab- lets at your druggists send to Kephaldol Limited Latour Street Montreal Send the Era to absent friends lucking on a fine of or days in Jail Throe women work ing for these men were also fined each Another man sold a film for a camera on Sunday and was fined Nowwill they be good A house breaking foreigner named was sent to the Kingston Penitentiary for 3 years on two charges ftfSC OIL I ffteupsrale quickly and avoid the of troubles can take a of Its imlqmodlclnil changeable spring the and of A- best Bark and Malt Extract and combined with fi Cherry Bark Malt Extract In a form that Is really pleasant lo take and moil Ionic known easily digested even by 100 Utile from delicti your I If ATIONAL DRUG CHEMICAL CO OF CANADA UNITED i in if Lei a This Store Recommend because finish household that no mere var nish can give I 1 I I the HEN you start on your campaign this Spring dont for varnish ask for LAC snd dont be content win but JAPALAC put Tina bearing the name GLID- 21 beautiful colors providing for possible requirement of the housewife JAP- is indeed a wonderworking aid keeping furniture floors and woodwork spie and span No or marred a piece of furniture be a coil of make it look like new It coven up the nd produce a beta brilliant durable and applied No experience required your local bird ware for the color card and book A and One Utej el In Newmarket Is Sold by i Gliiija Varmiak Co Tcroato At a meeting of the Aurora Od WORK Boys Association last week it was Laundry or Out by the Day decided to admit women into As- Hastett Ontario Street The name the organiza tion was changed to Aurora Old Boys and Girls Association Box i Its tea edds aid a coats Given- at Timothy St Newmarket Apply lo Mrs Comer Even at and Continued from Last t to is to up feboufiekooping said with And in old house added Lucky we never rented Now that I come to think ot it has missing ever it shut up it and mother it have to repair the and iwt the grounds in order the JiCtical Timothy obviously glad do Molly what about be the old tome with new That will be vow have to Frederick foexet vnU weep if give wmatked how good -tb- Mil wmeUiing board and the fiddlebacK taufl asked Frederick maliciously colored theyre mothers she said stout ly Ill miss them horribly golden oak rather than keep l them out of mothers house There followed ten days of lees interest for every one woept grandmother herself mode no farther comment on fecv outbreak she told herself that pro bably he had thought her merely hysterical and and in the fear that aba had ungrateful and Sappwoiwlive she nut matter from her and tried her beat to her longings None of the hurry confusion in the were plunged reach ed her The tame was short but when money is of conaequence much can be accomplished Timo thy and Frederick commanded and and entreated and entreat ed and Molly and the law cajoled aid schemed and coaxed until finally what had seemed the im possible was and OTougbt Toward evening of day touring on the back seat drew front of Timothys to which grandmother had gone by special itf- to spend her Frederick ran up the steps as light ly as a mother put on your bon net and take a run with us Get in and Tim and wtll pick up Molly and Chester We make it a real joy ride You won t he- a bit crowded will yew moth er Not when its my own children who erowd me returned grand- promptly Ten minutes later the big car with its merry party smooth ly down street in the direction of the old house Half a block away from it closed her eyes as was her custom but opened them with a start when the oar came to a stop It drawn up at the old gate Frederick had already opened the door of avitomobOo and was preparing to alight What is the matter Have had a breakdown she asked uloudy now Ae knew Ae must took or feereeif fWbt a Hi of tt said Fred Tfa are jut going to take a look round tine Come H out tehma white Timothy had scrambled out on the side of the car in undignifi ed haste appeared to extend a se cond helping hand Madam Van Valkenburh shivered and closed her eyes It was apparent that she shrank from see- in the house Id really rather not she said so long Then her innate to please came uppermoBt and she Hose to her foot The effort was so plainly forc ed that Mollys eyes brimmed kover with tears Ixta go in just for a moment mother dear she said Im just dying to neo the old house myself So grandmother with a son on each side Molly behind hex and the three inlaw bringing up the rear passed up the old briek walk Dimly she wondered that it seemed so swept- grass was clipped the bedge was and level house as she could see on drawing near was fairly in its wnste paint An the door turned wonderingly to Molly theres brass knock er that I gave to vou I How it etbere demanded given back said Molly ran and she threw open the big walnut door Welcome home mother cried Welcome back home For one moment Madam Von kenburgh leaned so heavily on the arms of her sons that they thought she was going to faint Then them gently away from her with shaking hands outstretched and eves shining like a brides grandmother stepped over the threshold ind into her room Molly dropped her head on the newel and cried Timo thy and Frederick stood with bowed heads those who tread on holy ground No one spoke as Madam Van into the and looked about The firelight land the soft radiance of Uie lamp fell softly on the steel engrav ings on the walls on the faded crim son with their quaint fringe and tassels on the old sofa and chairs released from other drawingrooms and reupholtered as nearly like their original selves as possible on the canary bard swing ing sleepily in its cage above row of plants end on the old square piano in the cor ner It fonder and and made broad of right on tiba velvet with Ha Grandmother looked about her as if she saw it only in a dream Then she lifted her eyes to mantel above which hung the- picture grandfather that had been stealthily removed from her apartments Fredericks and magically brought hither in her absence She gazed at it steadily and then her lips quiv ered Were back homo John she murmured Mother mother forgive us Mollv was sobbing like a with her face against her mother shoulder We never guessed it meant so much to you But youna back heme now dear to until you leave it for good please God Madam Van Valkenhurgh patted her gently There child Theres no thing to mourn she said- with i quiet deliberation she took off her bonnet ant slipped out of her cloak Just take care ol these she said to Fxfecferick back in the kitchen to see what there is to Why of course you are all gomg ffei Ma ill

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