Newmarket Era, 1 May 1914, p. 7

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i ira I J- V ate Early Longfellow I FIELD Our first shipment Dow In store White Cap Yellow Prospects arc for higher prices- RED At Specially Reduced Prices for No and No 2 quality medical will for pick members Independent of the Medical Association who re- r m KM spreajl with great rapidity and I n caned took A as the Town King was abating at physician on evening of the day halfmast people at once the and this doctor found cause fifteen the lads back TIMOTHY A Snap for the balance of the No ALFALFA or LUCERNE Reduced DUTCH lbs at lb Thin lot only at this price iL lint of Sunday will be a busy day in New market In addition to regular nervlooa several churches there la the opening ofthcr new Church Confirmation In Church of England service In the Methodist Church and Oddfel lows Parade Christian r Opening Service was In the New Church In yesterday for tho time Tho building Is with portico entrance having Beating capacity of in auditorium and School In with chairs and two claa rooms tlic whole costing about most of which Is provided for and when the church Is dedicated on Sunday after noon by I in the offices our leading business Y- it is expected that it will be from debt There will service at ad I p today also and p li on Saturday Sunday morning at Attftie tlmool his death Mr xhftwM eeyere punish Hughes occupied the position of Town considered Is Clerk and Treasurer which appoint- was not aeyere for the was made on the and said ITavfd Lloyd years ago formed in proved to a very capable and opinion of the amount of force that who by his had universal kindness added Commenting on the London tan- friends to his already legion of per- says admirers I i A blow from a cane at was only child of appreciable of pain late and Sarah which by the way Hughes and was born at in do but It leaves tho Township mark quite out of proportion In I to some sixtyfour years formidable charocter to amount Where his father at that carried wiring which after the on a mercantile business which later- j been endured if any Was removed to for a few ng years and then to lho tit of an exemplary rig- KIK were spent the counters and felt China Hall Grocery I oclock Dedicatory Sermon at and at p m by I of tho following Ammonia In Liquid Ammonia In for and Comfort First quality Brooms fit Scrub bing Liquid Veneer for polishing Dustbano compound sold In tins In bulk Wo La The ding Phone Service CORNER OK Main Timothy 8troot8 The Market Bargain House -OF- GOODS CLOTHING BOOTS SHOE8 RUBBERS etc Big Discount on All Linos GOODS MUST BE SOLD Come and of These I Newmarket Three doors south of King Hotel Phono 232 Presbyterian Guild There was a large in terested young people at the Guild mooting of the Presbyterian Church last Monday evening to hear the sub ject that Homo Missions are more important than Foreign Missions dehatcd It was splendid ly handled by all speakers The affirmative was taken by Miss For ester and Mr John and the negative by Miss and Miss Myrtle Mr and Dr kindly consented to act as judges In absence of the Presi dent tho chhir was taken by Mr John Bingham Dr in giving the decision of the judges commend ed the young people for the large number of arguments brought before the audience and the clear way in which they were presented lie said it had indeed been difficult to come to a decision hut finally it was given to the affirmative Womens Canadian Club Several of the ladies of the Town met at the home of Mrs Cane on Saturday last and organized a club to bo known as The Womens Canadian Club with the following of ficers Hon Mrs P Firth President Mrs Thomas 1st Vice Miss A Lehman 2nd Vice Mrs A P Addison Literary Cor Miss M Norton So Miss Treasurer Mrs Aubrey Davis Cane J it Webb are members the without office The aim this Club is to become more familiar with Canada and its people There will be a meeting held during the next few weeks but the general years work will not begin until the coming September when the meetings will be held on the ev ening of Second Wednesday of each month All the ladies of the Town who are interested in this study of Canada are requested to at tend the meeting establishments As a young man be took an interest In everything going Ho was a chatter member of the old I Town Band the lacrosse club the old Newmarket Bicycle Club and many other social organi zations For several years he was librarian in the Methodist Sunday School and afterwards likewise be came the Town Council He was aJBoa Justice For many years My Hughes has a deep interest in OddFellowship and Masonio order He was a charter member ol Pyramid No 160 also of Newmarket No I and the Veteran Association He was also a member of Tuscan No 9 and A and Boric No liO It AM of de St- Aldcmar No and Temple A A ON MS Mr Hughes was the frequent choice of fraternities as delegate to the Conventions of their orders through out Canada and the United States Being of an active temperament and observant ho had also for years past travelled extensively for pleas ure not only visiting all important points on this continent but likewise Great Britain and France on occasions His last trip of this char acter was about a year ago as- a member ol a large party of St Pat ricks Xhapter Toronto on their memorable visit to the craft in Ire land and Scotland On returning from lliis trip and whilst still on shiphoard he suffered a slight para lytic stroke from the elicits of which he never entirely recovered eventual ly succumbing heart failure on Tuesday morning last The funeral will be conducted with Masonic honors from his late deuce Prospect Ave this Friday afternoon at three oclock The OddFollows will likewise attend in a body A legacy to the Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto and also one to the Methodist Church at Newmarket of which his father and mother were prominent members and provision for a Memorial to their memory are we understand bequests made by Will of the deceased time but only for about an hour while will bo visible on well protected and tender skin of tho back for dan wheals which would harrow heart of mother In other words boys after a caning looks for worse than It feels HARDY TUSCAN WOMEN One Old Damo Who a Mountain Guide Illustrative of tlic hardiness of inen In Tuscany Sir Francis Vane re lates Walks In Tub- cany the experiences of two Ifshnicu who were traveling Italy who appealed to village Innkeep er for u trustworthy guide to conduct thorn over tho puss between the moun tains of Itondfnujo and To their surprise an old woman ap peared and announced that had come to make arrangements for tha Journey They concluded sho mast the mother of their guide What was oar amazement to learn that this elderly was oar leader Indeed she WAS got up for fray In long and short skirts On wo tramped always walking with military swing which a might have en Vied Tho path was difficult and could J not bo used by vehicles Our guide led us ateep way which follows a small and rushing stream Issuing from out the of and up It wo ascended for an hour or until pass was reached Wo here hud the merciful Intention of sending the old woman back an however she very strongly opposed It was only by allowing her to few miles farther on thai we could Induce her to leave us before she bad seen us safely to the end of Journey t SHAWS BUSINESS SCHOOLS Toronto Canada include the Centra Business College with City Branch Grad uates are universally Fnter any time Write for cata logue Shaw President Head St if EXCUR MANITOBA March SioCHtUr Winnipeg and Return Edmonton and Return 4300 Tor West an J Eft 1 1 Toronto two fie Picket Agents or write MURPHY P A P Toronto I Agent Newmarket icularsl regarding RAH- tickets from Canadian Pa li win U St Letters Must be Stamped The has decided due dial the of in rural mail boxes is an All matter should fully pre paid by postage stamps have been that they aye sometimes ask ed or two worth postage stamps and they proles that this i a great hardship ami adds con siderably in the of their The Department is of Mm- opinion thai the complain if Hi is justified not only oil account of tin unneces sary hardship imposed on courier also account of Ilic reduction in the efficiency of ifo- service consequent on delays Couriers will not therefore he obliged from ths date to sell stamps in of less cents Shade Trees It may not he very widely known hut it is nevertheless true that while even the owner may not remove shade trees on the highways without the consent of the Municipal Council yet it is likewise a fact that even the Municipal Council cannot legally move any live tree the highway without the consent of the owner of the adjoining property in front of which the tree stands unless such tree is within thirty feet ol other trees and even then the owner must have two days notice and can de mand compensation if lie had planted and protected such tree The Fores try Department very points out that in legislation for tin of shade trees the ice of Ontario has set a good example the whole dominion Under the tree planting- act trees- planted or left standing in the public he- come the property of the owner the land adjacent to the highway telegraph or telephone panics are not allowed without per mission to slash and trim trees to suit their notOns or convenience neither is it lawful to tie a horse to any such trees and where injury is done to trees by animals tied there to damages may be collected Our Windows Always Bright And Clean By MOSS HE value of a piece of real estate Is measured by the number of people who pass it daily corner of Slain and First Alfalfa Is not as valuable as the corner of Broadway and Wall street New city The value of show window Is measured by the number of people who stop in front of It dally This paper is a HUGH WINDOW Thousands stop In front of It and look In Are YOUR goods displayed therein for the observation of these thousands Do you think it pays for them not to ceo your goods Great department in New Chicago and such cities pay big salaries to expert window dressers Thousands dally troop in front of their win dows attracted by the offerings so attractively displayed These same stores spend fortunes for page after of window dis play dressing in the papers Would they cither unless It was good business up oor advertising depart ment RIGHT NOW for OH DISPLAY ub dress up a window for you In this pap- Father and Hit Daughters The habits of a which began generation or ago of being a source of maintenance need of keeping In means of maintenance the habit of power and of Weeping bold of source of power J may make a man less than fair per- haps lu dividing his acquisitions with bis wife but when It cornea to tho daughters whom he Is going to leave in world when he quits It he Is all for securing to them as far as ho can a full share of all liat Is worth hav ing Hardly can sex selfishness In between him and his girls As be tween them and all males be Is for them He wants them to no good thing that may lawfully be coming to them Ho wants no mas to bully them no man to Impose upon their generosi ty no man to bring them to want to Borrow or a hungry heart Edward a Martin in Atlantic A Maker of Cripples Dr Charlton Wallace once Investi gated with great care cases of hip Joint disease tuberculosis of the hip lie found that of this number per cent cauio of tuberculous families or bad lived In houses where there had been known coses of active tubercu losis within a year In both cases explanation was the to Infection When the tubercle germ cannot murder victim it does Its best to cripple him The only safeguard is to make sure personally that your house does not harbor this greatest of human enemies Chicago Journal Man You say you occasionally smoke of your wifes birthday cigars Yes I dug em up the other day and they are a great help iu my pres ent situation What is that I am trying to quit smoking for good Albany Knickerbocker Press cor Courtesy at the Pawnshop You go first Meier I wait Thanks Id have you know Im no more hurry for my money than you Blatter WANTS TO KNOW guns kick when Pa bow do have no logs Dont ask absurd questions Guns havent any legs have they pa not Well- hen whats the use of them having breeches ar Send the friends Rest Ability What Is the of success ask ed the fool ability to conceal your lack ability replied sageCincinnati Enquirer JOKING WITH PAT Ail Irishman with very thick head of hair was one day the cen tre if a ring of English farmers who wore endeavoring to crack jokes alMs Why said one of them youve got a head of like a stack of hay Ah returned Pat ruffled Hints just wan thinking That account for my having so many asses around mi I the Bra- absent Friends J HOUSTON who lives on a road that has lately been im prove in Lauderdale County Mis sissippi makes the commonsense statement which follows I have never made an investment for which I have gotten as much financial and satis faction out of as I have out of this road The advancement in property alone has been sufficient to four or five times pay the whole cost of con struction and 1 dont think the county could make any investment that would bring in returns as to build a network of them all it It is such a good thing that I want every man in the county to have like it and I am wilting to pay my part of the taxes to help him get It Build Concrete Then your road taxes will be invested not They will return many times the amount they cost and those returns will show incrMd valuation of your property the lessened cost of marketing your produce the longer life of your and vehiclti the greater convenience and genoral prosperity of your community ConcxeU roads all of tad no for clew tad In the Write for nee Good him will belter your i Cauda Cement Company Limited HrH And will bo Sold at a Bargain acres of choice land a cor- farm Township North Co of York Weir fenced Sail enclosed wire fence Wail delivery a day Hod brick House with telephone hiproof barn on stone wall with silo and all modern conveniences grain crusher cutter root and a wind mill that cuts wood Driving house pig pen and hen house Watering troughs all cement Con venient to Metropolitan Crossing for shipping cream 33 acres seeded acres ol fall wheat plowed pasture A wellbearing orchard choice winter trees One acre well cultivated strawberries strawberries and other small fruits plum and cherry all bearing well The fruit is being sold along the lake shore in summer time at big prices For quick sale will accept a reasou- able deposit and a mortgage at per for ten years Immediate pos session given Will also sell the entire Stock and Implements of registered some also some flrstclats gen purpose horses This is a ehance Id a so act quick For further information apply to Phone P MORTON Newmarket HOUSE ORGAN l For Sale May be scan at Millards Rooms Will bo cold cheap reasonable terms Monthly pay ments accepted i TOWN OF is hereby given that Tags Carters Teamsters and other Licenses arc due on May 1st must I obtained at one J HUGHES Town i f rf

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