a I ST i ThoB a o Main Newmwko to Loan on good- So- prank AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Main DENTIST Street DENTIST over McCaulcyfl Grocery Real Estate ABft Howards Livery Newmarket vou want lo or Be Me j Given Timothy St Newmarket Apply lo Mrs Comer- I Dp ROYAL BLOCK Main Street Hours to am a to 4 pm to pm Telephone Graduate in Toronto University alflo Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and mem ber the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical in MoorfleldB Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Sis Newmarket Telephone PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ardcn Ave 2nd house from Street Newmarket m Hen iTl Muses changes Interior their hardwood floora Ik In now comfort- window Mr W- XL present quH unique poytVty ordiriary Interest for It an vrl j vxll In background In of World and alto of Running from map to the dif ferent of beans which coum grown from the till broakfaat tablo la certain ly window and Mr Is to be congratu lated on brilliant fiolfcon Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Niagara and Street Newmarket a on all Wood Natur al Wood Finisher also and Outside Decorator I guarantee my work lo compare favorably with any man for to Mall Boxes Ah a of of the parcel- poat system In Canada the department has decided to adopt a now rural mall combined letter and parcel post hex to meet the new conditions A sup ply of these now boxen will bo ready for delivery on or about the Ifitli The price per box will bo that the holders of the may not suffer any hardship by reason of their having already paid 53 for the King Ed ward box tlioy will be their returning the automatic signal and an additional to to got now box the Department having undertaken to make good the balance W price enabling pres ent to procure a new box at name roqulrcd of new subscribers Tlio InCkJng signal device Is circular piece of mechanism to the end of arm on which the hex rests and turns desiring to exchange their present for I be now one should forward the splf-hck- signal oddltioual to of division who will then forward a box of the new pattern tie Industry sjiiop on west side of Market Square la going Into silver plating -V-v- HOUR may ONTARIO SUMMER SCHOOL is xp I- fffM nirrlfftWI if ff lockup 40 Ruffftto Meter Co parts- 4666 WtyJvn Ceo gloves w re 70 York Radial OTwaatowV 66 i S WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Market Building fl NEWMARKET Teacher Piano Voice and Violin Dealer in all kinds ot In- and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia and Records Complete Stock Prompt Issuer of Marriage licenses At the Era Newmarket Ofllee Private Papers Issued at private resi dence if desired NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering elsewhere cut Stone for Building Purposes in Stock and made to Order Resolution The following is copied from the Tribune as Mrs lourdan formerly Miss was a New market pirl At the recent meeting of the Hoard of Methodist Church following resolution was paseed Moved by M by A Silvester and re solved that at this last meeting Quarterly Hoard prior to the dons of tht pastorate of the Rev P A lourdan we desire to record on our minutes a few words of apprecia tion of the services of Pastor lour Mrs and their family We desire express a few words appreciation of the efforts you have each and all put forth for fur therance of the work of the church during your pastorate of the past years We have been highly favored in not only having the personal and unceasing services yourself but those ban been so constantly and helpfully supplemented by the work of Mrs lourdan and the other mem- A but quiet took placo when of Newmarket was to Mr8 J of Part Arthur The Rev Canon A waa at the homo of Mr Lawrence Beverley Toronto Mr and loft Interfar now homo In Port Arthur outoHown wore J Steele J J NelHy of hlx and J and of Mrs and Olive Beaton World Farm Produce Very good market last Butter and plentiful Green coming in again Ruling prices as follows do and Butter per Dressed Chickens per Apples basket and Potatoes per hag Green Onions per bunch Lettuce per bunch Parsnips per bush- Plants per box I Live Poultry per lb Rabbits 25 to per pair Young Pigs each Hides to per lb to He per lb to each in s 760 to each Tallow 5c per lb DRIVEN NEARLY INSANE By the Tortures of Sciatica how Mr Ill- In Dick ens story Wait waiting for something to torn Bald ho to A David Vou are no to tho fact that there been periods of when It bos been that I should until certain abould turn up when It baa been necessary that I should fall back before mak ing what I shall not bo accused of presumption In term ing a spring The present Is nun of those In the life of num You find mo fallen back for a spring I every reason to believe that vigorous leap will shortly lie result Borne Hit hack In similar utter complacency waiting to leap upon he golden opportunities Unit their alert neighbors really pounce uion In the advertising columns of tills paper DONT boa Act PROMPTLY you see bar gains here ltenlly thorn Youll bo sur prised to find how much It THOIIKANDK DO has boon the experience of many a poor sufferer from this af fliction the scinWc nerves when lambd are capable of giving the most excruciating torture possible to imagine Thanks- to a discovery by Dr an Austrian specialist re lief folows a dose of Kephal- The fame of this prescription has spread all over the civilized world and is heartily by the medical profession be cause Sciatica i or Neuralgia yield to a few doses and no safer or more reliable prescription has been found It you find it difficult to locally the manufacturers will send you large tube on receipt of 50c Kephaldol St Montreal THE KIND LITTLE ROY A teacher trying to Impress on her children the of kindness to ward ell animals took them for a walk to bring lesson home to them Hearing a scream from little John ny she asked Whats the matter Johnny Svo been sitting on a- hornet was the tearful and Im afraid Ive hurt the poor thing Worth Considering On the of May had a Horse Show that would make a large city feel proud The Show was under the auspices and was held in the large Skating Rink where everything was conducted in your new field of labor you will find still larger scope for a life of bless ing to others similar to what you have experienced here Rev lourdan has received a hearty invitation to Central Church Bar and will be taking up Ills duties there the 1st of July Just aa you are I wouldnt a thing That the spirit of photography And with the fast plates and fast lenses of today the clever photographer can take you just as you are Long exposures conscious at titudes are a thing of the past In fact having picture taken in a Modern Studio is as pleas ant as an informal call on good friends Make the It I Till- IN YOUR TOWN Phone hers of your household that we real- have been Messed as a church in a greater measure than we could have dared to expect You will shortly be called on to sever your credit on the manage- ship but wo trust and pray that In The judges stand was in tre of a softly covered arena decorated with bunting flags and surrounded with U A grams laid in limed stone The crowd of admirers ol the faith ful horse filled the spacious building both afternoon and evening horse had a class and every class was well filled Sometimes as many as 18 or entering In the one class One very important matter the fairness of the judges ruling was commented on by all alike and public satisfac tion was frequently evidenced by a pplause and useful was the handy Official Program which was sold at 10c a copy and the people wit lull infor mation of entered in each class There were a lot of the Newmarket horsey men there and most of NOTICE As I have opened a WorkShop I prepared lo do all kinds of on wagons sleighs buggies niters also turning hand sawing ripping All kinds of saws filed A few secondhand rigs for sale Also wire fencing Fold and pui up LAWS St first St west of Fire Had Phone WORK WANTED Plain Laundry or Out by the Day Mrs it Ontario Street or Newmarket P0 School Regular meeting of the Hoard was held at the Secretarys last Fri day afternoon Mr J McKay in the chair Other members present Messrs -lack- son A Hen Ross and spontaneous outburst of Dr Mutt Particularly attractive Mr of Ag appeared before the Hoard and made an autoniohlic In order to keep up with the requirements of his In all parts of the County At the pres ent time as much as a month Is paid in livery hire besides railway and hotel bills that might be avoid ed by the use of a car As the Hoard has of money on hand from the Government for use in the it was decided to grant that amount for the purchase and equipment of a car for the use of Mr and assistants The purchase of coal for next win ters use weight about 300 lbs due before April Arm strong PUBLIC NOTICE All persons who intend to build in or any person putting in Cesspool or Closet on premises al ready built upon must submit plans to Hoard of Health and obtain cer tificate before commencing the same otherwise costs will he incurred By order DR SCOTT Medical Health J Harvey re SO Robertson Co waste Pay Sheet R A Applications Trvi6eand j Scott for electric current granted WV The Clerk was Instructed to return a Rook to A p au ditor as was not ordered P Murray re road reserve was referred to B Pom Application off John Walsh for wa ter Caldwell Block- granted- Communication re Building Inspec tion from of Public Works On tario referred to Property Com Invitation Lodge to at tend Dedication of Now Hall ac cepted Com was Instructed to purchase a sufficient supply off Oil to sprinkle Main St Prospect Ave and such other streets as are poli tic for Tho Mayor was Instructed to veillno a Public Mcetng in the rvw Hall on May at oclock to discuss tho ByLaw to raise by debentures Mayor Councillor Evans Hun ter and appointed a Court of Revision Tho ByLaw appointing P J An derson as Town Clerk was finally passed Council -e- O I aliol an arrow into the air it fell in the I knew not where till a neighbor said it had killed his calf ami had to pay llilll anil a half I bought some poison to slay sonic rats and a swore it kill ed his eats ami rather than argue over the fence I paid him four dollars ami fifty cents One night I sat sailing a toy bal loon and I hoped it would soar tilt it reached the moon hut the candle fell out on a farmers straw and lie said must settle or go to law Ami that is the way with a random shot it nev er hits lie proper spol and a joke you spring that you think so small may leave a wound in some fellows heart Philadelphia Pa Auto bandits arrested have been im plicated in a syndicate of motor car thieves who have operated over the whole North American Continent from New York to Ban and through Canada By the finding of a diary in possesion one of the live men arrested txxlay for the theft of a car stolen In Cleveland police have a clue which reaches into more then fifty largo cities and unearths one of the gigantic countrywide systems of theft that has ever come under the ken of the American police The lists show committed in Montreal Quebec Toronto Ottawa and other Canadian cities along the border of tie United States Montreal May A dashing young woman the stock market and a young bank clerk the three elements In tragedy in Montreal bunking circles The clerk and the lady are gone from the city A de serted wife is disconsolate in a West- mount I home while an aged heart broken mother refuses to be comfort ed in another home Across the con tinent the Pinker ton detective is spreading Its net for the capture of tho fugitive and his fair compan ion Vassal until he fed collection clerk in the head ofiice of the Merchants Bank of Canada here is wanted by the detectives on a charge of using the money of the I bank for his own purposes A scrutiny of the accounts has re- vealed already missing but a this is in recent transactions it is thought that the amount will he far larger when the entice accounts he has handled for the last three years have teen investigated it Street vv Una Scoured a Repair nan from Ford at Toronto and lo prepared to do all kind of Hcpalrlnn rf 1 are always found In genteel The last word In ties In handsome shadesj and artistic blends In suporb effects Our shirts create that aristocratic and elegant effect Let us give you a few concerning mens uptodate appareL Mens Outfitter f P MORTON Town Real Estate Company AND LIKE INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN MONEY HOUSES AND FARMS RENTED RENTS COLLECTED ALL KINDS OF TOWN FARM PROPERTIES BOUGHT AND SOLD We have for sale soma excellent with all modern on tide of Main St will be sold at a price Beautifully situated At a bargain for Quick Sale Also a number frame I largo gardens small fruits Terms lo suit buyers and prices right T- I I You men ought to be moving our vay toward getting one Wo are stocked up right with the goods that knowing dressers will wear this season Exclusive Designs PIT AND Call in early and a selection i WILL TOUR TAILOR PHONE J NEWMARKET ST I a piece them were luck in getting of it as they say A good Spring Horse Show here would do a lot for the horse business the vicinity and interest farmers in breeding and raising a better class of horse The Agricultural Society could easily get splendid- assistance in starting a Spring Fair and it I i in was left in the hands of the I would he a great feeder the annual rail Fair Music may have charms for sava ges but girl who does a continu ous on the piano evidently forgets Supply Committee Mr Merrllt was heard before iVe Board concerning the work of the school which appears to be In a satisfactory condition All the teachers were lhe partly for the year commencing Sept let the salary of Miss being in- creased and Miss Quail Schmidt Aubrey Da vis and Howard Cane were appointed along with the Board as an Advisory Committee to select the subjects to be taught in the Commercial Course next year The Supply Committee was in structed to ascertain the cost of a new cement walk to the front of the School and to the next meet ing of the Board Theri are at present pupils pre paring for the Departmental and the examination fees will cost them J262 If they are you la danger through or fall to filter the Impurities the blood trouble comes at Backache Gravel deadly Bright fir the reeulu of kidneys Indian Root contala a most effective which fttxtngthent and the kidneys they do their vuU thoroughly and Well Try PI GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION Steamers will leave Port Mondays Tues days Wednesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at p commencing May for MARIE PORT ARTHUR FORT WIL LIAM Tin steamer Manitoba sailing from Port Wednesdays will call at Owen Hound leaving that point p Hi same day STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Will leave Toronto 1245 p m on sailing days making direct connection with the steamers at Port TO CANADA IN- VIA PACIFIC Particulars regarding tickets from Can adian Pacific Ticket Agents or write M MURPHY P Toronto ATKINSON The Greatest of Modern Time Savers The Newspapers By YOUR grand mother used to do her buying with ranch more than yon do now She had to in- I nearly ev erything personal ly She took more time than yon could possibly afford to waste Times changed BUYING la now through ADVERTIS ING You go direct to the point advertising la the SHORT COT to economical buy ing a and a It you and guioK more so any other form Keepaper thing ball on the head It attention of thouaanda Ia are IMMEDIATE and W want youactaally what newspaper for yon Dont yon think ouht te be glad that you are living of COUPON Please send me your Book Fill in and Mail this Coupon NOW Donc put it off until another time MM- r Are YOU Getting a Profit From Square Inch of Floor Space Book will loll you how can double your near to building It will you bow to make inch of floor space py a profit It a wealth of lion lot retailer and manufac turer may prove worth It of for tain who to Well gladly it J- COMPANY iiT 4 J rt I ARCHIVES OP