Newmarket Era, 29 May 1914, p. 1

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I STORE Paper as well as he Oldest weekCirculation during put I JACKSON Editor and J vv fflk 0 NT ID A tXII No 17 cent Mr Jones Insisted That His Wife Try a 41 Detroit Now SHE Is Glad That He Did She did not It possible that this stove would do all that was said It would do Oho did not think that Detroit Vapor Oil or stoves lgtt gas simply light tho burners and stove Is to cook on An Intonsoly hot flro that cooks And Just splendid Now is dollflhtod Wo invito you all to call on us and wo will bo pleased to show you this I 48th I decorated graves of of the regiment in Mount Pleas ant St James Prospect Mount Hope and Cemeteries last Saturday A report issued bothe Ontario de partment of Agriculture based on re- up to the middle of May regarding crop In fall suffered by winter clover In jured and Wis peach crop In localities almost totally ruined Spring conditions however have shown very considerable improve- Edwin Ferguson a Toronto boy was through left lung by umbrella when anothor boy jostled Mm He died an hour later with jjs prescription the freckles was written by a physician and is usually In removing and giving a clear boautilul complexion that it sold by druggists under guarantee to refund the money if it Dont hide your freckles under a veil get an ounce of rfnd re move them the first few appli cations should show a im provement ol the lighter freck les vanishing entirely Ho sure to ask the druggist for the double strength it is this that is sold on the moneyback guar- Si l A I I I J PHONE I l NEWMARKET e We invito you o our Seeds Wo a full lino of RED LUCERNE LOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED seeds are from purest seeds from clean PIUGES VKHV Also Mangle and Turnip Seed We are now booking orders for Coal for May delivery at prices If you want the bos J coal the market let us fill your orders EVES Order by Phono or Garters Hen Manning Ed Church Nelson Miller or Boyd INCORPORATED 1855 OF Paidup Capital Reserved Funds it- Business Accounts of Toronto invitee the Recounts of Mow Its ample resources exten sive connections and complete facilities as sure customers of the Bank of Toronto a per fect service 117 Branches in Ontario BRANCH and the West FIELD Manager Man South End Lumber Yard t p Larson Our Aim To Soil You Goods Possible THE STANDARD AWVHRACIYE WILCOX LAKE BRICK NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT Everything in Lumber Lath and Trim Carters Alfred Bishop St Harvey Ontario WHAT IM u AT ALL IS WORTHY Best Right Prices LATH SASH DOORS fit Va6erl Be l Material Trim la Oak Kilo IT TO amTtoa LESS AND THUS in COST IS SO SLIGHT THAT IT SHOULD CUT NO YouMI Find Ywlll Pay to Use the Best Hind Toronto at a mass mcotinK last week decided not to strike They showed good sense McDonald a Toronto labor er was instantly killed when machin ery weighing four tons fell on him at tho disposal A deputation of eighty men and wo men representing ail the loading reli gions an social welfarb organizations of Toronto and headed by Judge waited on Board of Con trol last and urged the estab lishment by Toronto of a detention homo or industrial farm for delin quent children marriage of Miss Kathleen Sweeny daughter of Bishop and Mrs Sweeny ol Toronto Ins been announced to take place in St Cathy dra on Tuesday June lfl The bridegroom will ho Mr Cecil of Montreal A cablegram announcing the success of one of the women graduates of To ronto University lias been received from London Dr Agatha who has been studying In has received degrees Lon The distinc tion is aiflo Iters of being the third woman to have this degree conferred upon her It would appear timely for Govern ment immigration agents In old country and on the continent to he admonished respecting the classof Immigrant coming to this country In tho report of Pro vincial Police it Is stated that undesirables were turned over to tho Dominion immigration authorities an increase of Ontario alone oyer during the past half- year Although the Whitney Government is still apparently undecided respect ing the date of the next Provincial elections all six divisions of Toronto announce Conservative Conventions to nominate Candidates It looks as if the Government were getting ready for the conflict sure enough A strait abolish bar policy will bo the dominant vote in Pfttk- dalc at the Provincial elections so the temperance people declare During the past week Hon in the Borden Government at Ottawa was called to the Ontario bar by Sir at Hall when the lion gentleman signed the roll and took his scat within the charmed circle Hon Mr is a moni tor of Manitoba bar and an bencher of the Law Society On Thursday of last week Allen was sentenced to seven weeks in jail on being convicted of running down Win Jones a cyclist on April injuring the latter se riously a was In a wagon when he did Jones the A young lad of ten years who man aged to slip out of Juvenile Court was brought back from Pcter- and sent down- He was arrest ed on a charge of stealing newspapers from peoples doors After a heated night last week the Toronto waiters and roataurant employees of Union No voted in favor of the no tipping bill now before the Commons This Union has a mem bership of about At the annual luncheon of the Unit ed Empire Loyalists in the King Ed ward Hotel last Wednesday week tke Duke of was the guest of honor More than one hund red and fifty descendants of the peo ple who made sacrifices for the sake of loyalty were to the very cordial greeting extended to His Roy al Highness The largest chair lunch in Canada will ho opened on or about the 1st of June next at and and Queen streetfeast The nine months old child of Mrs Frank Graham Street was overcome by while she was giving him an airing in dalo Park Before aid could be summoned child died The claim of A E Pope a letter carrier and his wife for being run by an automobile at corner of and St Streets on the evening of January fl3rd which has been the attention of Judge Denton and a County Court jury for days resulted a vertfiot of divided to husband end to the wife The action was for and against Miller a contractor ho could release his rem the of a policeman Geo Altai soon found himself In the embrace and the hug was court when he waa or days Hurrah for King George From Era Way by ftev Bell on the Inst Miss Jihe Burns all of Sharon Feast by the Children Peace- is- announced to be held the of Juno Mr McClure of Hollatfd Landing was up before a Magistrates this week charged with acting aa without a County llccn He was fined In all that a from fleglnd- The of will endeavor to strengthen relations with nil parts of Saskatchewan duringthe present year Tim first excur sion with this in view May The trip vi8 over the line and oc cupied two days lout stops were made at and while all points and had of men on to the men An interesting lias down at Mr Justice Drown which pro vided that companies in school district must pay a proportion of their taxes for school purposes lo lire separate school hoard The publio hoard will probably lake some action to set aside tho judg ment This decision is of partic ular Interest as it affects a number of the companies in ilegina who failed to writ ten notice of the manner in which they wished their taxes di vided The companies in other cities are equally interested in decision as it shows their liability in the mailer of the sup- poll of separate school The hotel to he erected at jlna for the Grand Trunk Paci fic Bail way will be completed and open to Hie public by August In according to an announce ment made by Donaldson vicepresident and general man ager of the Trunk Pacific Hallway The steel he an nounced will be erected by the fall of the present year and early in the contractors will commence on the equipment of the interior The cost of the hotel will be over The Oily council and the gas promot er are apparently a deadlock with lb- lermsof the agreement by which Mr agrees to supply with natural gas at the price of per cubic foot Tin difficulties are not in connection with the price for Hie gas but with respect lo the nature of the bond guarantee to be given by Mr The Provincial Department of Agriculture has already started activities of the year in the way of bringing- in high grade cattle The first shipment has arrived Winnipeg may adopt the scheme of daylight savings A meeting lias been held to dis cuss the advisability of scheme and it is likely that the outcome will be favorable The scheme is working to consider able advantage at llegina Brilliant Young Baptist Is Galled by Death The Baptist Church lost one of most brilliant young men the 2Mb of May when Geo Stocks who had just a week ago taken charge of the Baptist Church died a few days illness Rev just completed his bird year at with a brilliant term and was entering upon his church work for the summer months He is best re membered for his great at church was constructed under his pastorate It was bis life work for the three years and general IOgrel was expressed a year when he was obliged to give up his pastorate on account of ill- health A week ago he open ed his pastorale at Schomberg and complained of illness after his evening sermon A widow and young son sur vive BOi Wallaceburg May A huge stack of flax the property of Mr proprietor of flax caught fire tonight from a sky and was completely destroyed the conflagration teiag seep Tor miles His Birthday wilt be Honored in Newmarket next Wednesday being the lowest amount the bylaw inflicts The fiales took place the expiring of his license and the renewal HOME RULE FOR IRELAND London May By a vole of 151 to a majority of the House of Commons today read a third time the Irish home rule bill and passed the bard- fought measure on to House of Lords where another effort MURDERER STILL AT LARGE Set Three Barns Afire After Securing Supply Ammunition Ma William the farmer will be made by means of large after slaying two amending hill to bring the act in- I and wounding to a shape which will secure it Kettloby Division of an nounces annual picnic on Juno 18th A number of talented Bpeakcrs have been secured to deliver Mr advertises liat be is prepared to pay big head market price In cash for wool following persons were sub scribers to the Era in 1863 at Holland Landing P Aaron May Mr Jas Parn- John Wllcocks Thorne Cody Evans Wilson and tho following at Keswick Brans Calvin Ernes E Karl Warriner Huntley Silas Ernes W Belfry Stephen Mann P Lawrence and Draper Almost one has passed away the goodwill of all classes of Irishmen The Home Hole Hill Brief The Irish Home Bill which passed the House of Com mons for the third time yester- and win di will become law the House of Lords as sents or contained the fol- provisions is a lloiise of of in hers Irish cannot legislate on peace or war navy or naval or ihililary force foreign trade He of dxcipL defined taxation coinage or le- a third visited bis home between midnight and oclock this morning He had a very earnest conversation with wife according to an ac count given by the woman to the po lice today telling her that ho had come to say goodbye and that she probably would never see him again It you hear a single shot is reported to have said you will know I have taken my life I will never he alive The murderer then loaded his pockets with all the amunitlcn ho could in Ihc house picked up his rifle and fled into the night A few minutes afterwards the barn of Mrs Henry Cook widow of six weeks and a neighbor of the Rut- YEARS AGO From Era May 1389 tans was set on fire and burned to j the ground a team of horses perish re any iaw estab lish or endow any religion or prohibit the free exercise here of or a preference or advantage or impose any ability or disadvantage on gal lemlei in the flames A little later the barn of Thomas Fletcher who lives further away went up in smoke Later still this morning the ware house and stable of P Brace dis1 at Rapids the nc- village to the place the validity of any marriage Temporary restrictions are placed legislation on land purchases oldage pensions na tional insurance labor ex changes Irish Constabu lary Postoffice and other sav ings banks and friendly societies The Executive remains vested in the Sovereign or in- his re presentative Fortytwo members still will be sent from Ireland lo the House of Commons The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council to give the final decision as to the constitutional validity of any act passed by the Irish Parliament The Irish to defray the cost of the Irish administra tion except for reserved ser vices mentioned above The Imperial Exchequer lo pay an annual sum to Irish Ex chequer starting at and eventually after six years becoming a permanent payment of 100000 annually Check Chronic Rheumatism Now count of religious belief or destroyed by lire or ecclesiastical status or n by anybody make any religious belief or re- far learned at the ceremony a condition of scene of any of fires but there is no doubt felt that he is responsible for them Brace took a prominent part in organizing the first pursuit of after the murders were com mitted and so earned en mity motive however has been learned for the burning of property The loss will bo a serious one for her as the has a number of small children to support MURDERER GIVES HIMSELF UP May Con trary to police expectations and to his threat that In- would nev er be taken alive William tin- Muskoka and trapper who on Wednesday morning shot and killed his laughter Mrs Alfred their home at eys Rapids quietly surrendered lo Inspector Greer of the pro vincial police and Constable Fielding of at his home at oclock Saturday morning Half famished his clothes in tatters and bis face and bauds torn the heavy bush of the district the murderer presented a pitiable appearance when taken in baud by the police Through Fridays heavy rainstorm lay concealed in the bush and he told his wife Saturday morning that once when his pursuers were within twentyfive yards of him he was forced to swim the Buck River to escape detection Though he was soaked to the and the raw air brought Thoroughly Drives Out DeepSeated Uric Poison There is only one way to bo free from Rheumatism accumulated caused by an excess of Uric Acid poison must be expelled Altar At the residence of Mr Douglass Holt by Rev John Harris on May Mr to Miss Barbara At the residence of the brides fa ther King Tp by Rev 1 A Ran kin on May 22nd Mr Silas Stevens of West Toronto Junction to Mils Jennie eldest daughter of Mr Edward In Toronto on 29th Mr Har ry Willis to Miss Loretta Prior of The Tomb At the residence of Mr John Dougherty cob Whitchurch on inst Mary relict of Samuel Dougherty aged years On at Nobleton John Oscar in his year Near Albert on instant Hannah Jane wife of Mr Isaac Toole aged almost years Oh the Queens Birthday Newmar ket Lacrosse team beat Uxbridge by to 2 Under the auspices of the Mechan ics Institute Rev Harris gave a lecture last Friday night which was in every way a success The held a Gospel Tem perance Meeting in the Congregation al Church last Sunday evening Fanners predicting a large hay crop this season Hay sold here at a ton four months ago but It is only to now Steam has been up all week at Pump Factory Savage is laying In a big stock Mr Wright has orders for eight furnacfes to be placed immedi ately Two very at on Park Ave while the fountain on lawn al so attracts attention Mr P Flanagan has nearly com pleted his improvements at the Un ion Hotel Mr George had a bad fall working at Mr Silvers new house through a board breaking on which he was passing over some joists Mrs Alex Sutherland and children of Toronto spent the 24th with Mr Walt Sutherland Mrs Armitage of Waterloo and Mrs C Armitage of Toronto visited over Sunday Mr John Armi tage Eda of was in Town Monday Mre Pearson of Toronto la visitlne at her fathers for a few hays atSharon and Sharon be ring operations this week from the body That is MA will do and do it thoroughly sence of three watchers on his house lo lie in the hush but a few If you suffer from any form of Rheu matismSciatica Arthritis Muscu lar Lumbago or Gout get a bottle of J Patterson for It Is guaranteed hundred yards from bis home all night At Hie watcher were themselves forced by the cold air to seek shelter in Hair falling hair abort will be For many years I suffered from in my arms and should ers My kidneys and bladder were af- and I rapidly lost flesh Af ter five weeks use of I Fry Fort was a welt Erie Oat -t-OOOt- May S3 A memorandum Issued by the Department of states that mobollKaUon troops at iMs year will be most exfcnkive of any carried out for years the latter part of Julie cavalry artillery and InfanUy will for a few days of com bined training Peawawa has leen selected as the point on account of its location admirable faoflitte for handling large masses of men murderer crept into the shelter or his barn within a stones throw Of his house After half hour in the barn risked every thing and Crawled through the cellar window into home where be ravenously While he was warming himself at the stove Provincial Detective Greer Constable Fielding and three other armed men returned to re sume their vigil on ami the murderers escape was cut Off Ottawa- May The of fireworks rocket into the lumber wood yard of J Low street tonight was cause of a lira Girls and women of all ages want to be beautiful atod but unsightly thin and lifeless hair de stroys half the of a pretty face If your hair is losing its natural color is falling out dull streaky full of dandruff too dry or if the scalp nod burns do not be alarmed use Parisian Sage Rub it well into the scalp It will go right to the hair roots nourish them and stimulate the hair to grow long and beautiful It removes dandruff with one application stops Itching scalp falling hair and makes the head feel fine Parisian Sage supplies the hair with J at is needed to make it soft fluffy thick and gloriously radiant It is in bottles by J Patterson and at till drug counters for the trade mark with the Aubura Hair Accept other I i IS ifi i- if i I i archives of ontarioi

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