Newmarket Era, 29 May 1914, p. 2

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I WW 5fiA No be need apply who not School ERA OFFICE- v Fountain Pen having gold baa Finder please it at Box I PLATING AND FIXTURE 00 Having a modern up- todt Polishing and Plating Plant wo are prepared to do all In Gold Silver Copper- Brass or Tea Seta Cruets all kinds Of Ta bic ware- stovo parts all kinds of Metal Goods finished iual to now Prices on application at West flldo of Town Hall Newmar ket J WALSH Proprietor HELP WANTED Kitchen Woman and Diningroom Girls with experience to lako charge Apply to Point OF PRIVILEGES Booths on the Fair Grounds for I OOF on Juno 3rd can now he secured at 5 each from Lyman Newmarket and Li cences to peddle from baskets at each BAHGAIN8 IN PHOTOS are now making a canvas of llii lown in order to give ami every person a chance to save from to in photo Our will call at your door and explain to you groat bargain Bo a holder of a coupon which will en title- you to cut prices and until Nov OUT YOU BE A COUPON- EH It Now Phono The Studio Cor Main Sts TOMATO CELERY and all ton- flop Vegetables also FLOWER BEDDING PLANTS Several of the choicest vari eties in named colors or mixed to select from in Asters and Also stocks Phlox Snapdragon Verbenas Nasturtiums Sweet Daisies Giant Mignonette etc 10o Box of 15 Planto Celery 20 Plante On market every Saturday Mail Orders will insure prompt delivery TURNEY Queensvllle P Stop NOTICE As Hie wool season is now at hand I am prepared buy wool and pay Ihe Highest Price also rubbers horse hair metals and fowls Any expense will he glad ly paid CLOUT Jl 3 doors south of King George Ho tel Newmarket Phone WOOLLEN MILLS Are you in need of PURE WOOL BED BLANKETS for next winter If so let us make I hem out of your own wool cost will he less to you than if you buy the socall ed woollen blankets It Would Pay Investigate Writ us or ring us up about the matter I I HUMAN SONS Out i 1 t A quantity of both Hard and Wood for Sale Delivered if desired at Orchard or Roachs Point Apply to Hex Keswick OLD NEWSPAPERS Rule at Office forecast of pubKp opinion Here illustration we copy vino Globe Having done everything possible to load the dice by gerrymander an- that it will carry five the six irt the two they now bole- may be people have been known to sfioWtWr gerrymandering in strange The Globe pi- marks Hayijig Tree on bis pretence that hey menlary papers Mr now ho forced the raid on the by making the Province pay for tie printing At he next political piepie the P for North York should prepare and rend a brief under the caption of HoW the fSeiiernl and rank and of the par ly in Ontario Did you ever find a copy a This naked by tin Wilson X Slhr and the editor Ktufn Oil to nay- ho Co buy of any papers which can be proven free errors either typographical or in of fuel We will be pleased lo Hud a merchant a mistake in puUioK up an order WHO a case lis own err a nivj a mistake a pi- iil never mail in the wrong box woman who never forgot lp put in salt while cooking or put ten in the teapot before putting in Hie water Theres no telling which way the cat will jump On Wednesday of last week premier Whitney Intimated to a reporter of Toronto that the question respecting the dalb of the next Provincial elections had not been considered next day Hon Mr a Cabinet Minister ad- dressing a rally of over people at Windsor stated that will he an election at early date This announcement to press of Toronto It looks as If the Cabinet was divided the Hie temperance is- sub Ih giving much concern Al ready quite a number of people with Conservative leanings have expressed themselves against the unfairness of the inreefitthB clause In local option contests and will vote accordingly Two speeches in the Legis lature by the Provincial Secretary and printed in pamphlet form have been circulated through the mails to residents of this Hiding setting forth that the same had been printed by order of the Legislative Assembly This latter statement Is now declar ed to bo a matter of red tape at the Parliament buildings Two pub lic Wrongs have thus been perpetrat ednot to use a harsher term In the first place the legislature never made th6 order and Bonding tho same through the mails free was a fraud on the Federal treasury If such transactions had been perpetrat ed under a Liberal Government how the member for North York would have dilated upon the iniquity can he imagined He will probably about it at the next picnic on the shores of Lake it looks like brass for the promised buttons of gold Purity of action has been heavily discounted o Parliamentary Notes- items aggregating some for public buildings wife by the House of Commons on Saturday It has not yet been definitely decid ed by the Government not tho Redistribution Bill will be pro ceeded with this session It is announced that well prorogue on Thursday or Friday of week j The AllRed Line Hallway hill is not likely to pass this session The Commons Committee and the Senate do not agree to sections respecting Hie boundary between and Labrador ifc Ib announced that Duke of have give name ney Nurses locat ed on i Uio ground of Free of- Consump tives The- will open new borne Friday last Week Mrs John Aye was thefcplplehtof a neck- lace of amethysts eel In ami a circle brbpl same licit set with pearlSiJn token of votion t the of the Mission which lately merged With the other Mission bodies of the Presbyterian An ndr dress accompanied presenta tion at tbo Woodbine have been attraction Mince ftnlurday will close loinorrow The the and of port has ftddod lo the into mm of occasion Last was observed Convocation Hall at p in as Sunday The to number were in attendance The aid of the lloApttal for Kick A number of small fires oc curred during day last chiefly through boys playing fyHh irecrackers less than live sheds wore set on Ore On last young men who passed their examinations in law schools worn called lo the Bar at OsgOOdS Hall by Mr Justice Middlcton Mr Keppele offi cial referee passed away at Ihe Wei I eel Hospital on last years A widow and l wo sons survive Grey former Governor of and party ar rived in Toronto from Winnipeg proceeded to Government House and were of Sir John and Lady Gib- soil Karl attended the Woodbine races The report that Premier Whit ney would not be candidate for next election is lie will run for his old constituency again policemen wore on parade during by the Duke of last A big crowd witnessed pro ceedings Vote as you pray was the advice of J Held at Al- Presbyterian Church last Sunday evening He A conductor on Mm street cars was killed on Sunday after noon when he foil from the run ning board of his car Ihe net of collecting fares Ills name was Arthur sudden squall on Saturday upset a dinghy near Wards Is land and nearly drowned two members of the Queen City Yachl Club Two hundred Guides at- tended at- Convocation Hall Mrs Osborne and were fleitch spent the At- Wythe of Hood Jlwui Vet I I In Mr- ami at Mr Montgomery of up oyer Sunday Percy is- here from Texas on a or three private fepent Monday afternoon at Bond Lake George was home from for Victoria Day hol idays Mips Addison of spent Monday evening- at the Methodist attended a lie- in Toronto given by MlssCuuey the holi day with her cousin Miss Helen Mannipg is attending tho Branch Missionary Meeting In To ronto this week tlc Public School staff spent holidays with an aunt at Mr Isaac Hose and W J Hall went trout fishing on Monday and had fair success Mrs mother Mr Is recovering from a slight attack of pneumonia and Mrs and daughter Kim St spent over the in Mr Albert Coombs of Maple spent holiday with his sister Mrs Huron St Miss was a guest of Mrs Watson at her summer home on Lake last Sunday week Mr Norman Gray and wife N spent a fow da 3 With Mr and Mrs Blizzard Truman and Miss Richard son were guests of Mrs L Jack son at Orchard Beach over Sunday Mr and Mm J and family spent the holiday visiting Mr and Mrs George atCarrvillo Miss Hewitt got homo lost Saturday after spending ten weeks with her aunt at Grand Rapids Mich Mr and sister the weekend with Mrs returning to London on Sun day Mr and Mrs of merston visited from Saturday Until Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Mrs and baby of are visiting par ent Mr and Mrs Ave Mr Andy Davis and family mo tored to Orchard Beach and spent the weekend with her mother Mrs Dr Campbell Mr and Mrs Frank Osborne and children of Toronto holiday with his parents Mr and la moat far as thing you have to buy yWWlfW cdhcornod If you go wrong on a you are wrong for a time You cant wrong Wo know what you want and look for in a null we buy from who moasuro up to your and our Here there BOO different patterns to from f The Century Brand of madetomeasure clothes cant be beaten This Is exclusively Wo have tho best products of the Canadian Cloth ing Good looking suits perfect fitting tried and true Look us over and give us a chance to please you Our range of suits at is pretty hard to beat Fancy worsteds service able tweeds Blue and Black worsteds T jiy WMiyi MAIIKHAM HAUL Hugh of Mount Joy a well- todo Markham township farmer who has Just finished a term of days jail for the theft of a quantity of timber appeared before Magistrate run ton in the County Police Court at Markham on Friday on a further charge theft While Farley was in jail Constable John visited bis farm a search warrant Among the articles found were two buggies and five wagon- lxxes taken from the Port Arthur Works at Markham also kegs lodging elfins pieces of and loot valued at several hundred dollars Farley was found will come up for sentence Tuesday In committee on the re- this week Hon Win Purs- moved that Parliament and not only Government should consent- before the stock of any subsiding company is Government side voted it down- to Conservative the Government Maclean Dennett and W J In Committee of the House In spection Sales was ameided so as to feed meals and as well as flour This Bill makes uniform measure for certain vege tables and pounds will now con stitute a bushel of carrot or turnips of GO A bushel of pal snips will be pounds instead of and a bushel of artichokes pounds The hag weight Is likewise mad form with the bushel weight cO A terrible raped occurred at North on Victoria dav of which the victims were a son of Mrs his wife and two child ren the four being drowned through the upsetting of a canoe on service letwefen Port McNicoll and upper Lake points was inaugurated for the season last week and now the five steamers of the fleet making regular trips So far passenger of the business has light but freight is offering in Increasing quantities and there is ev ery reason to hope there will a great improvement in loth branches within the next few days University Toronto for the first annual thanksgiving ser vice The Gulden wens nil dress ed in while A Cameron addressed them on the duty of loyalty especially towards parents The winner of the solo com petition in the annual school competitions on Friday was Miss lean Howe who receives a gold medal Miss Anderson and Miss Flossie second and third were pre sented willi silver medals On Saturday morning UK the Duke of Con naught spent an hour going over the J Ross Rob ertson collection of historical pic tures in liieRfierence Library An immense throng number ing eight or nine thousand peo ple accompanied by hundreds of children spent Victoria Day in the grounds of the House of Providence in enjoyment of 21111 annual picnic of llis charitable institution While riding a motorcycle near last Sunday Mr Fred Johnston of this city lost con trol of his machine and was thrown against a post sustaining a broken leg About people including many school children witnessed the the of the new St Pauls Unman Catholic Parish Hall fin Queen Street east on last On evening- lay while from I ho sidewalk on Howling Ave Mr and Mrs Will an aged couple were struck by automo bile Mrs died before getting her to the Hospital hut Mr was not so seriously injured On Monday afternoon near Wards Island Hold old was drowned off tin end of the ferry pier It is supposed he stumbled and fell into the water the Dinner on Tuesday evening to the Duke of by express desire of His Royal Highness ladies were present The toast to the ladies was proposed Sir Win Mulock an old North York boy The thronging the Union Station during the week end was estimated between sev enty and ninety thousand re cursion steamers loo were large ly Surely Toronto the flood is making these days For the first time In ten years the city had the pleasure of present ing Magistrate pair of white gloves in the Wo mens Police Court last Saturday morning there being no females for trial Mr and Mrs Walter Hansford and two children of Toronto visited over the holiday with her brother Mr Mr Osborne and Miss Mar garet Osborne spent over the holiday with their sister Mrs at Ottawa Mr and Mrs Wiley have open- their cottage at Orchard Beach for the season on account of Mrs Wileys illhealth Mr 10 is back from the West again He reports crops favor able in the vicinity of MooseJaw and farmers are happy The following friends visited at Mrs A Rogers during the holi days Owens of Miss Johnston and Miss Owens of Toronto and Miss of Toronto Miss Georgia Mann Miss Laura Trent Miss Lulu Collins Miss Flos sie Collins and Miss Mary Sibley spent Sunday at Orchard Peach Mr and Mrs K Cane and fam ily spent Sunday and Monday at Or chard Peach They intend to open their cottage for the season on the 1st of June Mr W Starr moved his fam ily back from Toronto this week af ter being there all winter He has been very poorly for past two or more months Hill Liberal Miss Stewart and Miss Annie Steward of Vaughan and Miss Anna Smith of Newmarket made a visit at the home of Mrs T P Mr Irwin Lloyd having secured a position with the Northern Naviga tion Co plying between and the season left for last week and is now on duty Mrs Oliver and Miss Oliver spent Day holidays at their cot- tageatOrchard and were ac companied by Mr P A Oliver Miss HatcHfi and Miss Loise Wilson of To ronto Mr P I Mrs Mul- and Miss Olive 1 Mulqueen of Town also Mr- Bond Head motored to Hill on Monday and attended the Spring Pair Dr took charge of the in the Presbyterian church King on Sunday last dur ing the illness of Wilson Fiftyfive years ago last Sunday conducted his first service on of King In a tern Many North York frhtfids will be pleased to learn that Mrs las Nich ols of Kincardine who scnl last six months with her children in Set tle and British Columbia arrived- home safely on Friday evening of week The Kincardine Reporter says A host of are glad to wel come her home Mrs Lothian is spending a cou ple of days with Mrs Roche Mr and Mrs Hunter and Mrs McArUiur of Toronto spent the 24th with Mr and Mrs AllanHoward Browns poolroom will move on to tho rear of show room Mr Ross and spent weekend at Dudley Manor Or chard Beach Mr Irving Ross of To ronto was also up for holidays Miss Wagner Mrs Donald Suther land and Misa Grace Cane were over Sunday and Monday LEADING Undertaking House can buy your Furniture Cheep Per Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls to at residence John H Millard and The Cradle MORTIMER At the North End on May to Mr arid Mrs Fred W Mortimer a daughter The Altar May at St Presbyterian Church Toronto Mrs Smith sis ter of Dr Walter Lundy and a daughter of the late A of Newmarket to Mr Fritz p Mansbundel of New York Dr Wallace performing the cere mony Tho Tomb At on of May infant daughter of Mr Geo Drury East on May Melt- wain in her 21st vear DUNCAN In Toronto May the Cora Lillian Duncan wife of Geo Henry Duncan of New York and only daughter of Geo and Josephine Norton former ly of Newmarket Funeral took on Wednesday to St Johns Cemetery Norway New and Brooklyn papers please copy LINTON At Aurora on iy the of May Mrs Linton aged years interred on Tuesday at the Aurora Cemetery r FOR We have Oranges from to per and Fruit from to 10c each A FEW TO OFFER Lombard Plums can Green Gages 10c can Pineapple 1Bc can A red Salmon worth money but while It lasts will sell at 18c tin PHONE 3r5 PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO J Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes Merson MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for and Supplies Chocolate Weekly- TELEGRAPTI OFFICE House lhone No Store Phone No J ITT All order will Careful tad Prompt KAON you a cm will Htu tilt ia j ua till M J Day Plate but take Platings Mar made da ad 1 Auto All size Oils at Public Public 5 evening t- Council passing a to the Chair to the been rna that a Wozart 1 now open certs ties etc tell pianist capable but that good Moving I Those i last i with the reels in which not oxer but the tho pictui from tbo Scout fit thanks You eve lions out at Main St Tuesday The new Works arr took The Odd bowling Wioir new board feno An now Exam The fees Depart held next High SchO Aurora Mount Alb T The larg defray the Examiners to the Of CO Poultry The anno regulations live proved by for poultry tops thai protected containing not be more than coops not let than rtweo regulations must not width and I Alter the meats used The ponuriou l a Society adopt Spray bad this Christian The meet was led by number tun This was Interesting all 1 Hall Hi avor close luargt hil the Mr 1 iQ The with tu tl d d w archives of TORONTO

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