ft OfficeMain St Newmarket 50000 to on good Farm Duncan AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR yj7- Dr DEJNTIST Main Street Newmarket Dp J Wilkinson DENTIST Over Grocery remarket Insurance and Heal Estate Howards Livery If you want to Buy or Sell See 1 Given Timothy St Apply lo Comer Dr Cane ROYAL BLOCK Main Street Office Hours to am SI to pm to pm Telephone J Boyd Graduate In Medicine of Toronto University Licentiate of the Royal College Physicians and mora le of the College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant In Moorfields Hospital Uni versity Nose and Hospital London England Cor Main Timothy St Newmarket Telephone no Consultation Hours PAINTER AND PAPER Arden Ave 2nd house from Queen Street Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator Niagara and Street Newmarket J fl PAPERHANGER on all kinds of Wood Natur al Wood Finisher also Inside and Outside Decorator I guarantee my work as to favorably with any man for to 1000 WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Market Building Newmarket fl Stouffop NEWMARKET iyacher Piano Voice and Violin Dealer in all kinds of- Mimical and Repairs PIANO TUNING for Columbia and Records Complete Stock Prompt Service Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Newmarket Office Private Papers Issued at ifoce if desired NEWMARKET I LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call before ordering elsewhere Cut Stone fop Building Purnoses in Stock and made to Order Just you are I wouldnt a thing That is the spirit of modern photography And with the fast plates and ait lenses of today the clever photographer can take you just you are Long exposures conscious at titudes are a thing of the In fact having picture taken a Modern Studio Is as pleas ant as an informal call on good friends Make the appolulnfeut today THE PHOTOGRAPHER IN YOUR TOWN Phone NOTICE As I have opened a Jo do all kinds of wood work on wagons sleighs buggies also turning band sawing ripping All Hods of saws filed A secondhand rigs for sale cheap Also wire fending sold and up LAWS St Si west of Fire Hall Phone WOHK WANTED Plain Laundry or Out by Day Mrs Ontario Street or Hoi Newmarket PO Mr J -T- Watson- of bought the 1st prize pony and outfit that winat the Bradford Horse from W J for the sum of handsome pony won 1st over On week at close tbe liaual orvlw the following to artcly J Messrs Walter J a Mow A P Irwin and Howard THE Gave fliilofe BflHef or tbere- Is nothing to tfra of w was of a painful scalding aocKfcnt proved this I carrying holier teming water from stove to- wheQ Court Police Magistrate Rrunton court in Newmarket on Thursday of last week in the first case the dufendant was let on on suspended sentence The second case was a njiarrcl neighbors and neighbors child ren which some very vulgar lan guage was used After administering a to all parties concerned the was dismissed Public The Board met on Wednesday principal mowUily- report enrolled at Prospect School to bo at King School total enrolled with an average attendance of J32 According to tho report it looks as if another teacher would have lo be added to staff after the midsummer holidays there are now CO pupils on half day attend ance Mr A Cornell was to the Entrance Hoard v failed the holier J was discovered by was spite of risy and used fcyhlm with great heard abiefl cry arid to avoid fiUCOC ailments the them gave thvce50l J elect of- was that every drop of the boiling water it ug uua poured over my feci and limbs bo scolding me my waist down J o rheumatic pains As noon e I sow the children had I told to bring the which always keep in the house applied freely and the pain was soon cased 1 Continued using and In a wondeflully short the sores were completely healed is good for cuts bruises eczema piles pim ples I Price S0c box at all and stores or post Toronto op receipt of price use substitutes and imitations- There is nothing Just as good Accident While tending his in on Friday Mr driver of wagon had tho muscles of right arm severely strained and the collar bono put out attempted to run away and Mr Andrews topping it was thrown to the ground and sustained the above is now Mr hopes to start- work again Black Knight News of the death of J Hector universally known as the Knight at his home York Pa half reached Ontario Ho was very wellknown in Toronto op in many cities as an influential temperance speaker having spent a great deal of his time the local option cause He spoke Iff market some years ago He was son of negro slaves and although he had little education was a gifted speaker After fighting as a volun teer in the civil war in the United States and being employed a railway engineer he became a minis ter of the African Methodist Epis copal Church He was about years of age and was a familial fig ure in Canada the United States and Great Britain A Tango Cap J J Hunter of Dallas Teras Who as a hoy used to Jump out of his fathers wagon and run into the printshop on the corner of Main and Ontario streets for a copy of the keeps us posted about Canadian matters in that city A clipping from the TimesHerald of that city says Chairman Fred Johnston of the committee has re ceived advices from El Paso that the delegation from the city will join the Dallas party here The El will come to this city in two Pullman cars which will he attached to the spe cial train here They will wear cos tumes indicative of their section of the country and go to Toronto supplied with advertizing mat ter boosting the city by the Grande A tango car Is tobe provided for the special trains which is also as a library and observation car Also the special train will be composed of allsteel Pullman equip ment luxuriously fitted up with every convenience such as telephone service barber shop etc The Dallas party is to make the trip northward in proper uniform Wed Johnston being authorized to select an inexpensive uniform that will give the an individu ality so that Dallas will ever be In evidence Mr Fred Johnston Is a born In about years He is proprietor of Johnston Printing Co and one of the of wires in Dallas The Texas organization will their head quarters on the grounds The Dr desires to be remembered to old Newmarket friends His ad dress is Main St Dallas Texas Charlton May Herbert the sole support of his husband was drowned in Lake a few years ago met with a horrible accident the other day He was at work i Smith sawmill when his clothing caught In a shaft his arm was wrenched from its socket The flesh was torn from ihc bone and bones were- broken near the wrist Send the Kra to absent friends AT CALGARY KILLED OAlXrAKY May Wilson cashier of the Canada Cement Com pany at Exshaw had his head blown oil by thugs this morning at o clock as be w about to the works with the sum of cash to pay the hands robbers opened ire without warning and the bullets entered the unfortunate mans bead Thoy then grabbed the bag and escaped across Dow River on a raft making for bush where It is reported they arc surrounded by a force of one hun dred men who started on their trail within a short time Mounted police and I detectives left here for the scene on track motors just before Thc robbers cannot got away with out coming into the open country and it Is believed that their capture is ugly a matter of hours A man believed to ho of the three bandits was captured In the hush about a mile cast of the town this afternoon The prisoner who is a Russian was shot In the by an employe of the company Tho pursuers reported to close behind the fugitives in a moun tain ravfhe tw or three miles cast of he town Their capture is likely to bo reported at any moment They arc heavily armed and there may bo shooting Q May 22 Harry CO years of age market clerk of for last fifteen months dropped dead from heart failure early tonight on returning from a walk bad been at work as usual during the day Ho was un married and was prominent frater nal circles Only years ago Argen tina had to import its flour Now its annual wheat harvest amounts to more than half a billion dollars Marmora Ont May 24 Marmora Village suffered another big- fire to day It started at this after noon at the barns of de stroying all bis barns sheds dwelling and liquor store also the dwellings of Mrs Mrs V Mr McCrackcn Walter barber shop and pool room Dr Jones drug store the Pearl printing plant dry goods store the Hell telephone office and several other places had narrow es capes and suffered much loss by wa ter Dcloro fire to the towns assistance and did good work in keeping the fire from spreading Essex was crippled with three years the other day is duo in lust six minutes A his present good to This lion advantage about Is the fact that it is abso lutely harmless having no Beebe local So badly when kicked by a horse on Saturday that he had to is a BYE can use J Guaranteed ONE DYE for AH Kinds of Cloth Simple No Chance of THY I J A UPPER LAKES Saiiings from Wharf Wednesdays and Sat urdays for Mario Port Arthur and Fort William com mencing June Effective June Westbound Will leave Toronto a on nulling dates making connec tion Wharf for Marie Port Arthur Fort William in Western Canada Parlorcafe Parlor and llrstclass coaches to Wharf A special train will run tho yeicfe way leaving barilla Wharf a in arriving Toronto 10 p in June nth and each Tuesday and Sun day thereafter Tickets nod reservations at all Grand Trunk Ticket Offices HORNINO A Union Station Toronto J Depot Agent Phone J Y-BROUGHTON- it has no equal If you find In obtaining direct to manufacturers large tube KtephaWol Limited St Montreal J May 22LtstoWoll had still another mysterious tire early today when tho largo sash and door factory owned by Nathan Colder f Medicine Hat was de stroyed a loss of come entailed The plant has not been running for some years but was considerable- Valuable machinery In the building pojfc con ducting a searching investigation Into blaze well as several others of a mysterious nature which have occurred during the last few days IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ilegnrdliig Canadian Pacini of Time May In with lie coin ing of lime on the Can adian Pacific Hallway effective May many in train has been made notable being the of solid carrying libraryohHcivatidii ear electric- standard sleepers lo- in lard diningcar service between lolelroitChicago via Canadi an Pacific and Michigan Central Railroad commencing west bound May and 1st Iliese palatial trains will be known as No and No he former leaving Montreal a m arriving Toronto pm leaving Toroulo p ar riving London p leaving London p m arriving Windsor I2r0 a leaving Windsor a in arriving Detroit p in central time leaving Detroit p m ar riving Chicago a in Train No will leave Chica go a in central lime ar rive Detroit p leave De troit p eastern time arriv Windsor 515 p in leave Windsor p III arrive Lon don p in leave London p in arrive pm leave Toronto I p in ar rive Montreal a These two trains will he operated through flic Michigan Central tunnel between Windsor and De troit The new service should be appreciated by the trav elling public No now leav ing Toronto 1020 p will leave at p running through solid to Winnipeg and Vancouver carrying only the highest class equipment Sow train known as No will leave Toronto p m running through solid to Winni peg carrying cars diningcar tourist sleep ing ears colonist cars flrsl- coaches etc Equally good service returning from the Particulars from Canadian Pa cific ticket agents or M Mur phy District Passenger Agent Toronto A Party will given on lawn the GlenvihV Methodist Church- on the evening A good Bapperand an program will be given the date cOOC fa Mr touring Car burned the Kingston road fclf east tho Half way House Mr con Howtfd was returnfnipfrom thecity in the car about half past eleven clock and acetylene head lights went out caused the accident as ho got off the rood Into the ditch getting back on road the car upset pinning Howard under neath He finally managed to one fore doors open and crawl out The gasoline which was escap ing from the tank took and the car was completely destroyed 1MB is partially covered by InBurance Mr Reive escaped unhurt at Toronto and is prepared to do all any kind of ABOUT YOUn OF ALL AND OILS iWf n r All persons who intend to build in Newmarket or any person putting in Cesspool or Closet on premises al ready built upon must submit plans to Hoard of Health and obtain cer tificate before commencing the same otherwise costs will be incurred By DR SCOTT Medical Health THE GREATEST VALUE OFFERED IN FARM PROPERTY And will be Sold at a Bargain 100 acres of choice clay land a cor ner farm Township of North limbury Co of York Well fenced all enclosed with wire fence Mail delivery twice a day Red House with telephone Uptodate hiproof barn on stone wall with silo and all modern conveniences grain crusher tetraw catter root and a wind mill that cuts wood Driving house pig pen and house Watering troughB all cement Con venient to Metropolitan Crossing for shipping cream 33 acres seeded acres of fall wheat plowed of pasture A wellbearing orchard of choice winter applta trees One acre of well cultivated strawberries strawberries and other small fruits plum and cherry all bearing well The fruit Is being Bold along the lake shore In summer time at big prices For quick sale will accept a reason able deposit and a mortgage at per cent for ten years Immediate pos session given Will also sell the entire Stock and Implements consisting of registered Holeteini some also some gen purpose horses This Is a chance In a lifetime so act quick For further apply to P MORTON Phone Box 373 Newmarket BRADFORD Mr and Mrs Lukes who have been visiting for several weeks at Springfield Mas are expected home this week Colonial Really and Corporation have shipped a carload of 40 tens of manure to Holland Landing for their lands across tho river It looks as If the seagrass this year will be failure At this tirno of the last there was three times the prospects for a big yield Thfe enormous crop of together with the tightness of money has left a large nurplus on hand There is no doubt that owners of last years crop would do well to hold on to their stock as prices arc bound to go up While endeavouring to find a break in their cr with a lighted match two gentlemen from Toronto practi cally destroyed thb motor on Robin sons Hill north of here They In extinguishing the blaze by smothering it with dust after the car had been severely damaged They were forced to back and spend the night in Messrs Hell Spencer towing the car to the city in the morning The dust nuisance is with us again large number of automobiles that pass through our town to the sum mer resorts cloudy of dust and is not on annoying but Is injurious to health There is only one way to successfully combat this nuisance with satisfaction to everybody and that Is a water system The present method of oiling our streets annually is expensive and A somewhat modest lady while try ing to reach the step of the buggy the other evening had a very difficult pro position Her escort who a spirited horse didnt take Into ac count the height of the step and the width of the skirt the Insuch the proper thing to do Is to get a level and make a form about six inches higher than the rig This avoids confusion and per haps while not so attractive is just about as quickly done and is far less dangerous O0 ORCHARD Cottagers who come to this resort and visitors at boardinghouses are very much inconvenienced because the is not opened before the middle of June Motorboats rowboats and sailing on the on Cooks bay give promise of a lively season this summer promises to be fairly sport ive this Several late trout were caught by persons trolling on Monday last People of dandelion beverage can fined plenty of plant all over this part of the Township of North Lawn mowers were in ex- tensive use last Saturday and Mon day Mrs Ay ward of piieensviile spent Monday with her sister Mrs nie Mrs Arthur wan favored with a visit from her brother Mr James for two weeks He left last- week for his home In the Islands w Thb new icecream parlor will he read for business in about days A great many people were here for the weekend Every cottage but five between Rovers Crossing and the Post Office was occupied Mr Fred Rogart of Toronto Police force spent Monday at Mrs Fishers Mr and Mrs Thompson of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Yokes over Sunday Mr fas Thomson and family the weekend here Mr Tyrrell of Toronto has secur ed Mr cottage again for the season and motored up for the holidays with his family Mr and Mrs Pickering of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Will Thomson Mr Andy Wright and family mo tored up for the weekend from To ronto Miss Addison of Hall To ronto spent Sunday and with her father Rev P Addison Mr Wright of Toronto has rented Mr cottage for July and August- i Jno Thring a farmer while haul ing gravel Vet ween and Rock- wood was instantly killed last by being thrown from his waggon when his team was scared by a freight train one of the hind wheels passing over his mm PI A Vial nil mm are always found In genteel circles the fast word In flant ties In handsome shades and artistic blends In superb effects Our shirts create that aristocratic and elegant effect Let us give you a few hints concerning mens uptodate wearing apparel IV I JJn Mens Outfitter I P MORTON Town Real Estate Company FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN MONEY INVESTED HOUSES AND FARMS RENTED RENTS COLLECTED ALL KINDS OF TOWN FARM PROPERTIES BOUGHT AND SOLI We have lor sale some with all modern conveniences on west of Main St- ill be sold at a right Price Beautifully situated At a Bargajn for Quick Sale Alco a number largo gardens fruits Terms to suit buyers and prices right a I tl J ill You men ought to be moving our way Wo aro stooked up right with the goods that knowing dressers will wear this season Exclusive Designs FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Call In early and a selection WILL OUR TAILOR PHONE ICO J NEWMARKET ST para If you are trying to keep house without Gold KllSt you are not taking advantage of modern methods Get some system into your work but let Gold Dust do all the hard part of the task All you need to do is to direct it There are millions of women in Canada today who wouldnt give up Alio tin the use of Gold for anything Are these women all wrong l If you want to get right buy a package of GoU Dost today aid join the millions happy housewives who Let GOLD DUST TWINS i m THE K COMPANY LIMITED Montreal ARCHIVES OF