Newmarket Era, 29 May 1914, p. 8

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Vi J Terrfbla state Until He Took J IS if n i I v I m It KELLY Aug 2ulh About two years ago I found my health in a very bad state My kidneys were not doing their work and all run down in condition I felt the need of some good remedy and having advertised I decided to try them Their effect I found more than satisfactory Their action was mild and the result all that could expected My kidney resumed their normal action after had taken upwards of a dozen boxes and J regained my oldtime vitality Today I am as well as the best health I have ever had A is the greatest Kidney remedy the world It acta on the bowels and the skin as well the Kid neys mid thereby soothes and cures any Kidney soreness I sold by all dealers at a box fl for trial size or will be sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa FOR OR RENT Apply to Newmarket MOUSE TO RENT On Church All Possession 1st Juno Ap ply at his office AY Ejfjg v til A number went to Bradford others to the school on of week Mr Vol Mr J Scotch- Settlement and Mrs of Holland Land ing Sunday with their father Lou Walton spent Sunday In market Deacon is In Toronto Jury Miss Mr tending Mr and MM A Weaver and family and Miss Grace Gordon spent Sunday with friends in Pino Orchard Mrs died at the liomo of Mr Daniel of King on Tuesday May Owing to some cause who woo to have commenced a scries of mission servi ces in Methodist Church here woB unable to ho present as advertised However meetings commenced last Sunday Dr Kay report la making to recovery Mr Wilson underwent an operation for appendicitis and Ws condition thereafter became so that for some days little hope was for his recovery who know Mr Wilson will glad to of change for the better Could It is easy to be and atron tf able to enjoy life that it Is the day aufferiiig tortures from Iwmfebackduetp kidney trouble JMrt Wilcox found the way herself about It ad that Otliert may the r core many from the the to the accumulated KidneTrouoletLlfl and Doctors w Mr leader of Two good Lots ono on Eagle St and one on Niagara St To be sold at once Apply to 10 TO RENT Brick House on St largo rooms Domestic water Juno 1st Apply to M box Newmarket- WANTED TO BUY Town and farm properties Wo ask l it who have farms for to write 373 Office at itnee Ave three blocks weal of Metropolitan Station facing Hot- ford St Phone HOUSE FOR 8ALE A Now DricV House on domestic water etc Apply to Newmarket FOR SALE New House nicely situated on Ardea Ave Wen side of Town improvements Apply to A Newmarket HOUSE FOR SALE Church St Newmarket Mod ern in every way rooms bolides and room New fur- Convenient to all down town Will be sold at a bargain on easy terms Apply at this office WE SALE A desirable property situated on Prospect Ave A largesized dwelling with alt in first shape of acre of with apple and small fruit trees Frame stable and cement hen This we consider best in town so act quickly Terms ten be arranged to suit Apply to P Morton box 373 REAL ESTATE IN8URANOE Mortgage Debentures bought and sold Intereat to to per coot Farm and Town Property bought sold or rent ed Rooms to Let Marriage Issued Let me know your H MOJwTON Phone P Newmarket has Been appointed the band in place of Mr who Mr Dennis Nolan has men at work this week preparing for erection of his new building on Holland street Church met with an accident while working in the one day last week He caught his hand in machine ho was working and had it cut along making it necessary to have put In Mr of baa pur chased The Witness and tooV on A horse driven by Miss Camp bell took fright on street on Monday evening and ran away turning tho corner on Holland street ran into the lamp post shock of the collision breaking ihc lamp all to pieces and knocking horse down apparently unhurt but Miss and her sister were both thrown from tho buggy Frank Frame aged younger son of Mrs Frame of this town died very suddenly on Monday night of last week at Prussia Saw Ho was employed by Standard Dank and had gone out west about a year and a half ago His Illness lasted on ly throe hours and the news of death was a stunning blow to family here body was brought home for interment reaching hero Saturday night The Methodist anniversary services held last Sunday were very largely attended both morning and evening The sermons by Rev Sykes o To ronto were brilliant and convincing every word being listened to with the greatest interest church was beautifully decorated with ferns and carnations and music by clioie assisted by Miss Evans was thoroughly enjoyed On Monday evening a tea was in the Church followed by a lecture The Church a Garden by Mr Seldom have the Bradford people been privileged to to as fine a speaker and we trust he will return for some future service hero AURORA Bio i During I very with a Back I woa advised by a friend to try GIN PILLS and I did The first box I found helped me very much and I found when taken theaccond I completely cured Mm WILCOX If PILLS do not all that we cay they will let ua and we will your money Send forRfreO and ace for yourself that they will do you good Then buy the regular boxes at your dealers for National Drug and Chemical Co Canada Limited Toronto in tho fall Aurora won the cup for 1013 from Richmond Hill in final home and homo games by a single goal and tho trophy remains in Au rora for present On Monday night Just before mid night a fire alarm was run In from box No firemen were soon at the point indicated only to find that It was a false alarm person had deliberately broken tho glass In the box to turn In alarm is a pretty serious matter to give a false alarm the penalty being a years Imprisonment The authorities investigating the matter and it is just posslblo one or two arroats may bo made By Then the flrcllgt ahone on flyorieaas together aha old fortune neat afternoon found stroll- toward tbegypHy conapIrntoraJlngered the that surrounded young teacher Many of them were very f6nd of dark- little woman in black who brought liuh uiualc out ofyvlolln and and whoso sweet voice bad thrill down the front the behind her crept throe or girls clad In dark awcaters It was long paat the hour When the pupils of boarding school were supposed- to bo wrapped inno cent alutnbor Every light in tho house was extinguished yet the four con moved as carefully as though a stern erery corner Peggy the who opened the wide front door and slip- 4 AT MILL SPECIALITIES PITS liLUOD KIDNEY Chronic and to 0 FREE by On Friday afternoon rftof Mr Andrews workshop on Temperance Street from spark from the cupulo of Sons furnace The fire was discover ed before it had gained any headway Mr James shipped two carloads of hogs and cattle to To ronto on Tuesday There were hogs in the shipment which cost ov er and 23 head of cattle cost ing over One farmer alone Starr of received for Ins hogs and cattle Complaints are being made day af ter day of some person or teriag gardens at night and deliber ately stealing plants and flowers A couple of young men from this town out for a motorcycle ride Sunday afternoon and when going at the rate of about miles or more the struck impediment in road 1 risers were thrown distance badly shaken up Mrs Thos had mis fortune to fall of back steps at her residence on Thursday morning and fractured her right arm just above the wrist sustaining a severe shaking up The remains of late Richard whose death occurred in To ronto on Saturday were brought to Aurora for Interment on Monda afternoon Deceased was the eldest son of the late Henry and in year Mr A Dostwick has sold his farm lot in the 1st con of King to a canning company of Toronto Tho farm consists of 113 acres and the sum realised was Junction railway station Is on farm We understand tho company intend erecting factory for canning and fruits of all kinds The beautiful silver cup exhibi tion in Mr Yorks window em blematic of the between Richmond Hill and Newmarket High Schools donated by the staff pupils and some of of games will be played by over people show under ho of llio Hill was held Mon day on a larger scale than before I ho directors of tho society jubilant the which attended their forts llireatenihg condi tions of the weather earlier in the day tended to detract from the size of the exhibits in that many outside took of the opportunity to visit Richmond Hills Horse Show Although exhibits were shown in almost every branch of live stock as well as dairy and flue arts the outstanding feature of sluwwiis the quality ho horses Willi the exception of I he imported draught liorsos each anil every class was Perhaps the best of a flue lot were the heavy draught horses Agricultural and general purpose horses had not much to choose between them for second place while driving horses came next on list There were very few riding horses shown hut such as were seen were of good quality In the speed contest Maple Hoy carried off the premier honors winning three heats In a row Hoy and Harry Hob took the other two places The prin cipal horse exhibitors were Imported draught James Smith John John Young Son Andrew Canadian draught Andrew Wil fred Anson William Robinson Stick- ley Agricultural Nichols Simeon Lemon ready to follow her leadership Now driveway and turned Into darkness of ever green walk held tightly to another they passed through dark tunnel and finally gained the lit- the gate that opened on to the high way It only s hundred down the roudiaasured Peggy went hand In along tho narrow path You can the or camp In a moment Thcro It Is cried draco Doesnt It look romantic and mys terious quavered Romantic Motfatt loftily Hh merely a gypsy camp and of them really need a good scrubbing soag wa ter So Old you notice children One of them waa eating half a and Never mind about that Interrupted Maud Impatiently Itcmcmber our errand girls Wo happened to see this afternoon when It making camp and Miss Cramer baa promised to take us tomorrow to our fortunes told wo want to give that fortuneteller a little information ubout our music teacher Mint will cre ate fun Wont It be great Hipping said Peggy you decided whether It Is to bo Do Mnuros or Mr HolloVay Oh Mr Holloway by all nos so all lunk and gloomy look ing Hush Hero we are four girls walked boldly Into of Morrison Purpose Hubert Lilly James McLean Funis it Son Albert Snyder Wal ter lleaman Carriage Patterson Bros Wilfred Bain John Calvert Roadsters Allison James man Hogg Son Maurice MY STOMACH IS FINE Taking Of s Mra J Merkhuger Waterloo recommend Tablets Her experience villi them she outlines It I waa greatly troubled frith I had to much medicine that I might to take more would only be it worse My stomach felt raw- read of and a lady friend told me very to tae to I thought vOjdd give them atrial and really tty voiced wrong they will do the rest My is fine now and I can eat any food One of the many good feature of Tablets iLt they ar to pleasant tad to The relief they give from heartburn flatulence and tad permanent Try meal theyll you a box at di by Ike Drw t Aufcne with his stomach Dyspepsia a trial WHAT WAST HE among tho oak trees In the surrounding gloom could be seen tho dim outlines of gaudy wagons A dog barked and a mans harsh stilled the animal Then tbe man himself ap peared a gray headed gypsy yawning sleepily What you want ho demanded shortly staring at them with curious eyes i Peggy told him in a few words that were from the board ing school that they wanted to consult fortune teller and that thoywonld pay well for rousing her from Ho nodded and went to ono of wagons where he talked In a low tone for several moments Than he turned and motioned them to sit down Her come bo said briefly and dls- appeared The four girls eat there alternately ahlverlng with nervous dread and gig gling hysterically over their plan for the morrow It would bo easy to per- tbe fortune teller to pour a mar velous tale Into Cramers ear Rose Cramer was teacher of In school and as a newcomer an object of amusement to the half grown girls Presently the door of the wagon opened and a womans fat form came down the and waddled toward them adjusting as Bhe did so a span- scarf over her dark hair Her calico waa tumbled and ed and she had every appearance of having slept In her clothes You want me Yes Peggy out to SECURE In all Ask our will free fe set University Send Era to absent friends LEY PREPARE YOU for a Business Career Attend where you will get correct and assistance in ob taining employment when com petent open all summer time free Scud to There were wagons glowing fallen leaves people moving about with slow grace of their nice or drowsing Idly on he grans The sun warmly over all Just girls und their tencber Seated themselves about the Ore an other and n welcome element was added to the occasion was unexpected appearance of Instructor Ills tall lean figure his nearsighted eyes discovered their Identity Then be stood there bat in hand entirely embarrassed Hose Cramer a greet ing but Agnow clapped fat bands with almost Infantile delight Sit down here do dear Professor she chirruped Wo are all going to him our fortiinea told and you must have yours I I was merely strolling through camp Very fascinating you know study of Romany language ho haltingly Do sit down and your fortune told pleaded Maud So Professor sat down op posite Hose Cramer and the group fell Into while by one took the little palms In her own and read them glibly promising such fairy fortunes as all schoolgirls love And now you Miss Cramer you promised urged Peggy at Inst Rose shrugged her shoulders held out her slim hand to Ltlio gypsy took It In palm and looked long and deep Into Roses lovely eyes Then she glanced half contemptuously at the eager fines of the schoolgirls and eyes to the rosy palm that lay In her grasp I see much happiness for the pret ty she began softly The girls cast a startled glance at their teachers face They had never of MISS Cramer as pretty but DOW with the swift blush on her cheeks she was more than pretty What wonderful eyes she bad blue or brown or The pretty lady has traveled a pleasant road droned tho gypsy The sun shone every day but hero came time of storm and trouble and the way led through the darkness of death then music and the sound of young voices and through It all a love I see two menone to whom you are Indifferent and he Is unworthy other loves you but he Is afraid to tell The shines in his eyes Silly butterflies fluWer about you Brush them aside and take your happiness I see a Journey a mar riage and much happiness in a new place It Is In a warm land where tbe sun shines and birds slog nil win ter You will be happy dropped Miss Cramers bund and for first time smiled The girls stirred uneasily There to be an undertone of gravity In voice There was no Joke about this fortune It was not exact ly they had planned to embarrass Cramer Rose was still blush ing but her long lashed eyes studying the And now the gentlemans asked in a wheedling tone Her big pocket was heavy with silver and she greedy for more but above greediness there was a note of eager Interest In Professor Holloway bad listened to the telling of Roses fortune with Impassive countenance Now at tho suggestion that bis own bo foretold he blushed like a school boy Ob bo a sport I burst out Incor rigible Daisy she only laughed when Miss Cramers delicately penciled eyebrows lifted mute surprise Professor held out bis long lean hand- took It In her own studying the strongly marked lines Happiness for gentleman said softly His way leads wher ever pretty lady goes even to the sunny south where they will live In peace plenty Butterflies about you too but brush Heed not their silly laughter and happiness are more Important you sold Professor gravely as tie tucked a crisp green back Into band He arose to bis tall height and looked around at the group of girl Then his rested on Rose Cramers delicate face Come Rose ho said simply And arose and walked beside him Come children she said absently over her shoulder And the girls fol lowed silently smiled scornfully them they passed her Fortunes love and happiness cannot be bought with money said 4 have spoken it written Id baud It la Wfill She pointed in hilltop where the and Hose Waited for Their forma were against the of the evening They Saw that Hose and standing tbrd hand In hand It la aafd soberly as they want away TERM8 STRICTLY CASH J 1 r Phone I- J v A n knowing that you can obtain one tried and proved remedy thoroughly well adapted to your needs Every woman who troubled with headache backache languor extreme nervousness and depression of spirits ought to try of Any Medlelno fa World and learn what a difference they will By purifying the system they insure better sounder Bleep quieter nerves and bestow the charm of sparkling eye3 a spotless rosy complexion and vivacious spirits Thousands upon thousands of women learned happily that Pills are reliable and Tin only by Tborai St Sold everywhere and S Araericj In 25 cent HomcMakc TRANSFORM your house into a HOME aid of Finish your dtn in weathered oak and give the andirons and lighting fixtures a wrought Iron finish dull A chair will an touch to It You can for scratched and furniture or iha Drawing Room gold It You can it no experience required wonderful for j Alwaya put up in Green colore to from at your local hardware tore for a color card and a copy A and Ono of JAPALAC IN COLD BY of little book INN Vtioii Co- Automobile Dealers Will Read This Book With Profit you want to know how some of the successful automobile dealers in Canada have reduced their expensive ground floor area in congested districts and cut down their overhead expense This Book will tell you Write for it today Dont put it off and forget all about it Youll find on pages 1 2 and 1 3 informa tion which may mean all the difference between success and failure Tear oil the coupon and mail NOW before you have time to forget ELEVATOR COMPANY LiUllfO BAY ST TORONTO COUPON Please tend roe your Book- Name

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