Newmarket Era, 5 Jun 1914, p. 3

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i lioth Ranks in Town Wednesday Kings being holi foe Chartered s s Tie Methodist Sunday iviil to hold their animal picnic at Grove Lake on July not of the drift kci a a number the Inland went to Aurora evening and took part In tlfe Clinch Parade Council at iTdora Saturday afternoon Ladies Aid Talent Sale at the schoolroom last Friday iV about SIC to tlk treasury worth League l- address Copt Taylor- Monday to Ire is in last was very and the Captain for his services so ftivon meeting Monday evening ilmrge Missionary No A conference was held on Saturday ah Huron between rcprcssntv of Iwilllmbury ami Hie Town Council with reference the proportion which each pa tin maintenance of that part of ill Town Line the two The present is that Township pays The Town thought they should oitfhftH but they would not con- without other considerations and so the stands before luring HHsabsonco of the pastor last Mir Arthur norland of Pickering College took of the morning Next Sunday morning it ex pected that Webb will with Roy to putonthoscr doors and the fly la timely worth a the spying the magni ficent collection of tulips in O Domes front awn Those who fancy that thecWtym Of throwing rice at a wedding in China make a big A critic says it originated in oil lum 0 The young people of fit church playoroquet-otrtbc- Rectory lawn every- and lawn- tennis Dr Clarks on Ttiesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons 1 Not Vet Ir Chairman of and Water of Town informs us that the have not arrived ih- order was given by telephone nix ago by which lie water from he new wells can bo use of present it is going towaate and citizens arc cautioned to ho us care ful as possible or the reservoir will run dry before the day is over the Committee is doing every thing to hurry the matter it will be time yet before the Con- can he made It Is likely the pipe will lie brought across point on piers above the water Mr David Hartford took con tract of moving house from Ave opposite the School up a Cedar St behind stores hut ho lost money on the Job They were six days on Job and the were day The men had a big time turning the corner of and Crdur St The building belonged to Mr who is making It Into new tenement house WdWiimrliet beat low in CahnirigtpnVv WW loiitf of ibi- and flnoNowfttll Street lias MMT been transformation Mi Uie ihd for and the and tiro Dedication Ldilgo put up a fa Army A mooting is to- lie held in every corps at oclock sharp on Satur day afternoon when prayers shall bo for tlio bereaved as well as thanksgiving for noble heroic Christian fortitude- in th6 death and danger of on the illfated ship Ireland and prayers that this visita tion in be made at spiritual bless ing to tlio Army A Manorial Meeting will held in every Corps on Sunday Mooting Hall- was well fill ed last Saturday afternoon by prominent men from all parts of the Hiding and a very hopeful opinion prevailed that North York would bo redeemed by the Liberals at he elec tion on the of this month D was decided to bold a in on Saturday June and also a number of meetings in various places about tho tiding The following resolutions were unanimously adopted Moved by I Seconded by Blackburn That we the Liberals of North York desire t our admiration of the Leader ship of Howell K the Legislature Me and Liberal sup- the bouse have done such Commendable work in exposing the and wrong doing of party and in checking the of that party pledge our best effort to send i supporter as the representa- Moved by Drown Seconded by Brook That we appreciate the Work done i the past liy the Editors of the Newmarket and the Stonflville A for the Candidates and Ar Reform cause and IVe realize their great we commend these our friends throughout The local editor has been an factor and we are glad to strength character and advocating our cause by the Kiilff men Passed About five oclock last Saturday Mr Win Starr passed his residence over the t Main St alter an illness of three r months 1 was of the l of When a in he conducted the milk in Newmarket with eeat I being unfailing in Ms regular- Memorable dealing About he md the stationery Here he distinguished qualities and after a few the block where pre There la now Installed in panes 200 of Niagara felcctrlp current through tha Metropolitan and it is giving splendid satisfaction Another is to ho Installed The current will lie used for two or three months while boilers are being repaired and it Is quite probable that some of the pow er will contirfued permanently The Metropolitan Co also installed motor yesterday for Mr Walsh to run trioplating establishment on he Mar ket fe fiooltal at tho iie following very complimentary paragraph regarding a Newmarket young vocalist we copy from the To ronto World The musical and dramatic recital arranged by Mrs Fair her and given at Loretto Abbey on Saturday evening was one of the most artistic of tho season opening number Impromptu Op Chopin for piano was executed by a pupil of Mr Vernon Rudolf with fine appreciation and technique Miss pupil of Miss Marie Strong and one of Toron tos most beautiful sopranos sang several groups of Songs among thorn So Shall the Lute- Handel and an Maria with flutp by the composer Arthur This is an exquisite composition and wor thy of widespread acceptance 4 Farm Produce Splendid market last Saturday Lots of butter and eggs also vegetables Not much change in prices which ruled as follows per doz flutter per to Dressed Chickens per lb 20c Apples per basket Potatoes per bag Plants to 15c per box Rhubarb per bunch per bunch Onions 5c per bunch Live Chickens lb Old Hens per lb Live Ducks per Live Turkeys 13c per lb Pigeons per fair Rabbits per pair Liv Pigs per pair Green Hides to per lb Green Calfskins to Mo per lb t each Green sheepskins from to Tallow5c per lb of Order and a cre dit to Newmarket- a Towh was early I floated in the all over tho busy- occasion wan olVuil and prettily to and attinid by the dOPload about 1 tinrl Were mot ih 6 whir Ho- lolV where they wero liopilalily At one lows on liio Market Ills Worship tho Mayor on behalf of the citizens of the town yaye the crdUH MiOyo Young Noblo Grant of the Local Lodge extended the greet of IheJirotJieiiioofK which was to by Deputy Matpr of Toronto Secretary of- the Ontario Hail- way Hoard- The then formed in line and beaded by the Brass Hand marched to I Hall which was to the use of fowhip will solemn and continuing for over half an hour about a doz en Lodge Officers bblng present and half a dozen assist- inr in Scats were provided for about specta tors and tjtpgallory was also fill ed with ladies The visitors were loud In their praise of the Odd- Follows Hull spacious capacity hard wood floors splendid appoint ments ami At the close of the Cciiinony Atkinson and were each pros on tod on behalf of the with most beautiful Vet eran Jewels the first ever pre sented Pyramid Lodge only awarded after years of active service The surprise was very great but the gifts duly appreciated and richly de served The Procession now formed and proceedod to the Grounds being in the lowing order Autos OddiVllows Hand Canton No Toronto Gannon No Toronto Visiting Brethren Pyramid Lodge Encampment Newmarket Girl Guides Bradford Hoy Scouts Boy Scouts Aurora Hoy Scouts Grand Lodge Officers Fully people assembled in the Pair Grounds where mu sic races merry-go- round and other amusements made Die time pass very quickly The judges in the Decorated Auto Contest were Mrs Tay lor of Hamilton President of Rebecca Associations of Ontario Mrs J It Thompson P P of Toronto and Mrs J Mid- ton of Toronto The prie was won by Mr H P Schmidt of Newmarket Following were the success- Decorated P Schmidt El Fivemile motorcycle race Jack Newmarket Bradford Time ICightmili motorcycle race J Newmarket Bradford Time Wheelbarrow race for boys Harold Maw and Carl J and Wilson Buy Scout movement was won by the Bradford company race Pollard Ithinehart Hurdle race Civilians heat Oddfellows is now In these formerly conducted a Old he added this to his line He was uo in 1 Friends and tor many J- prominent worker in nation buf of late years bo towards Christian Science was twice married US first Randall he w continue the business second wife Susan Cod- wr f tho Benjamin Cody he two daughters funeral services were conducted his late residency last- Sunday members of the Friends Society Clark and Albert f Toronto and Dr Firth College and the remains interred in Newmarket Ceme tery bis death Newmarket a forward sat for two the Council and was ways ready a friod moral cause or to lead cases need WA CLOCKS JEWELRY CUT ENGRAVING FINE GOLD Rich 1 Solid Gold lliroughoul Seamless and handwrought fashioiied look well with every style of engagement ring which it will be worn next to Such is marriage band that lias be come so immensely popular of late TOWN- LINE- ITEMS- a crpps look well and farmers busy root Mr Joseph Rogers corn plcled the cement Wall under Mr fieo on the Town Lino William is an expert at gang they tiro- a civil and obliging- lot Mr Dales Voir preuchei has giving private tui tion hi music viz piino viilin and vociil music He has already enrolled several Wo were all sorry lb hear the sad accident that befell our thresher at Monday last when the large wheel of the traction engine in some way fell upon him We hope his injuries arc not so serious as reported Miss- Mary Blackburn lias re turned Inline from the city We were all mucli awestrick en at the sad news of the wreck of the of Ireland In tlio midst of we are in death Mi- Richard Dunham of the Line has had his residence entirely covered with Pedlar Corrugated Iron giving it a comfortable lively bright ap pearance The job was in Rood bands Messrs James and WilMlamsdiii of Now that the- date has been fix ed for the provincial election let us he up and doing The corespondent road from the columns of the that Bon King was worrying much over the de feat in store for him from present M P for North York at the iioxt wheiiit we- are all the worrying is on the side for the wrijer has had more than one or two Tories confess to him have cast their Inst vole for the present member as he is Whoever knew a man gain flesh and feel the best that was worried and that is what Mr Klrtg is doing A large party was given at the homo of William Manning on the lib Line on Monday ev ening last when a crowd in the neighborhood of a hundred had a most enjoyable time to the strains of music from the Black meats Consisting of cream bananas cuke and sandwiches were abun dantly served and all parted satis fed thoroughly with their nights enjoyment number of about at Mr Edgar Blacks the Line on Sat urday the bottom pre paratory to the raising of his new bar which took place on Tuesday afternoon The day be ing Biie one M- the largest gatherings took place I hat has been seen on such an occasion in many years Messrs and Jack Archi bald being selected for captains no lime was lost in each choos ing His men and as the choice men of the district were there good stalwart men were on both sides ami as each Captain knew his well although a heavy gale of wind prevailed everything was successfully without a hitch Walton Esq waslhere and lent a willing hand The two sides were very evenly selected lack coining out ahead by only two or three rafters The ladies who were well represented both old and young had a tempting tea ready for everybody the tables being laden dainties and cakes of all sorts after which the young men enjoyed a game of football When completed Ed gar will have a barn second to none in the County as lie means to equip it iii the latest designs and the manner in which the fiamewerjt together reflects tie utmost credit on Mr Walt Dun ning he builder Become World Famous For Headache Neuralgia Neuritis Sciatica Rheumatism and similar complaints something has to bo tak en to give Immediate relief from OFF Our this Department lias by arid bounds Satisfy every and- keep them Sweet Relish Celery fe CoiTec RS it We are closing out Stock of Mens Furnishings Shoes Hats Gaps and Clothing at cut prices on account of not being able to allow them the they require We need all our Room for Dry Goods and Ladies Wear i I a LP- 1 live stock About the only change this week in prices at Toronto is decline hogs Top price now Hjr off cars quoted at country points Vhitchurcli Council Whitchurch Council met at Vandorf May 10th Members all present and organized as Court of Revision with Deputy Reeve ordered the following changes in tlie Assess- meiil name f Alvin to be as tenant of part of Con with Mrs in lieu John Wagg re moved The names to be as M Samuel Con 7 Lot 7 Allen Mcloau Con Lot Frank Nicholson Con Lot J Graham to be assessed as Tenant with Con Lot Name Hoy Thompson to be removed from Roll Assessment of Dogs to the fol lowing named persons to be erased viz Con Lot J Penrose Con Lot Con Lot 27 As revised roll was finally adopted and court adjourned die In Council Reeve in the Chair Minutes of last meeting were read ami confirmed Baker presented a of of part of Lot Con with request for approv al of Council to obtain regis- Rills were presented as fol lows viz John Williamson for work on grader Hoard of men If for work on Marsh Bridge Phillips for filling washout on 7lh Con i I in lor I7hitevraar Ladles Night Robes good cotton some fine Nainsook Lace Embroidery trimmed long and short sleeve from to 200 Ladies Corset Covers 35c Ladles White Cotton Combinations Corset Cover and Drawers combined fine quality 100 to Ladles Fine White Underskirts 100 Full Range of Pretty Blouses Crepes Voiles Mull and Fancy Lawn See our upstairs LUNDY I iiili Various widths comprise our assortment the deep and narrow patterns mostly used Prices range from to Jewelers and Opticians P ft TICKET Co for culverts for TLN Resolutions were passed vere Most headache powders and pain fillers are very hard on the I heart but although iron uuiyen takes away the pain surely and quick ly Is absolutely harmless For this reason is heartily endorsed by tins medical profession in all countries Since Or the Austrian nerve specialist first used it has steadily increased In favor i today it conceded to be the one best cure for all nerve A large tube will be seat direct by the upon Limited Street Montreal The show of thd population Hope instructed lo open Gravel Pit on Road Allowance at Lot Con and have the some properly protected and also appointed Commissioner to procure Cedar and repair bridges- on 5th Con and North of Lot The and Deputy Reeve were appointed Commissioners to build Arch Culverts at Lot on be tween Lots A and at Lot Con to have va rious Iron Culverts properly placed to procure estimates of different types of bridges for bridge known as Pearsons The Reeve and were appointed Commis sioners to repair or build new bridge at Lot 16 Con and have the several Iron Culverts order ed for their locality properly placed A grant of was made to to for the in re J instead and Cases On motion Council adjourned to meet on Wed nesday July next at 10 am Instructing the Treasurer to paythe bills presented Approving of plan submitted by Mr Raker and authorizing the Reeve and Clerk to execute of consent with usual conditions Authorizing the Treasurer to transfer One Thousand Dollars of Clergy Reserve Fund from repair hill on Con op Lot and Councillor pointed Commissioner to ex pend the amount The sum of was grant ed for improvement of Town Line South from to Con Line on condition that York County Highways Commission expend a like amount said sum Saving to Tow on of Reev Current Account in- as when the Clerk to order lC s to Ms nines of various sizes ffiKarts Township The Deputy was were Commission- Newmarket Markets June Wheat per bush JO per bush CO Oats per bush 0 per per ten 00- Shorts per ton Hay per ton 13 Kg8 per lb 31 Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb 16- per W- per lb Turkeys per Toronto MAeU Fa Wheat per bush Oats bush 45 Rye per bush 0 T- peas per bush Hay per too CO per ft- A Eggs- per dor per IMI 40 lb Ducks per Turkeys pel ft pec so- as fi I- 18 I I

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