Newmarket Era, 5 Jun 1914, p. 8

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f J For over I have from Neuralgia and and took bottle after bottle of medicine without relief Tut doctor told me not get better but roved Hut the doctor was wrong by Ting me quick relief and finally id completely curing me I would not have my present 1 nave my V It waa not for Pniltatlvea and I I am glad of the opportunity of giving you thin letter about inch a splendid remedy FruItaliVes for the guidance of other women who may be affected Wns NATHAN DUNK the only medicine made from juices and la particularly suited to because of mild action and pleasant la cold by all at a box for trial site or may be obtained from limited Ottawa eft The old Richmond tip to within three yoara ago had oattfodon business la being pulled down fcoinake way or extra playground lor School IT place a well known ark and up wards Www lube mooting of the Institute will be hold at the homo of MleaK Greypa Saturday dune at oclock The following Is the emergency pro gramme Culture byMrs Possibilities of tup- Kitchen Oar- don by Miss Stewart Readings by Miss Bertha Wells flail Pineapple AH ladies welcome All and enjoy the good time -u- j I have been bothered matbm fortlie part year arid have taken good many medicine found no relief for it One day friend to try tm ftrtaklg I dew map I thought woalrjTTifr you a few to let you know I am for the relief they gave ahd alt from Rheumatism to try GIN Coirry Dont bother with liniments and called blood purifiers the tbcrrfwto Toniperancd- of lowers box- at lity blood ttd A HOUSE 8ALE OR RENT Rooms Apply to St Newmarket TO RENT On St All Ap ply at this office TO RENT The and Suite of Rooms in Hotel Apply on to Mrs R Flanagan sale Two good Building one on Eagle St and one on To be sold at once Apply to George EpwoaWi io TO RENT Brick House on St Seven large rooms Domestic water lune lit Apply to Hod- gins box Nowtnorkct Town and farm We ask parties who farms for to write at real- Lome Ave blocks weal ACotropolitan Station facing St Phone A grand garden- party will bo hold on Evening of Wednesday- Juno at Church A sumptuous supper will served by attentive waiters from 530 un til the lost man Is A frcshment tent will provide the crowd lemonade fruits and candles The programme will bo a feast of Reason a Flow Soul to al who art fortunate enough to bo prcocnt Mr Walton Mr Dale Rev 1 will Mm audience by giving eminently illumUia- addresses Then lovers of music and elocution will be charnind by tho following artists Miss Mr Williams Miss Carrie Davis Aurora Bertha Baker Miss Carey Toronto Mr Herb ftliss Henderson Mr Chapman Miss Amy Mr Hi Robinson The Black Orchestra Mr Will Haines and last hut not least the choir A game of football will be played by the and Aurora teams help your and by weak The only to cure will do this nothing Take GIN NOW and be free from Rheumatism winter 500 a for money refunded If you are not Order from If dealer W S5S flijvero of rneaslcs a natch Fred Raker Ik moving on Mm by mp Mr Smart has gone to tourjderffo nii MrflKMcGlonny is spending a week with her in he to of all his woes handle GIN free National Chemical Co of Caneda Toronto 173 FOR A New Brick House on rooms domestic water etc Apply to Newmarket 1 FOR New Brick House nicely situated Arden Ave Went side of Improvements Apply A fiox HOUSE FOR Mrs I was in town on Saturday Mr and Mrs Walter f5vs were up from Newmarket for the Mr is now travelling by motor Mr has begun work on another house making fifth in his row on Barrio street Mr O hakes brought fine new car homo from Springfield making the trip by ear He has sold his old and the now one is a much bet ter car It is finished In tho natural The ladies Bowling Club opened season on Monday afternoon A good game was played and tea ser ved to twentytwo A number of members will Join club this year bringing the up lldrty or over Tho skips and rinks were chosen and a was arranged The Presbyterian congregation hero is placing an order for a pipe from the Andrew KJi firm It is expected tbatthu work LL dr On Church St Newmarket Mod- In every way rooms athroora and room New Convenient to all down town centres Will be sold at a bargain on easy terms Apply at this office WE A desirable property situated on Prospect Ave A largesized dwelling with all convealences all in first class shape Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit trees Frame stable and cemont hen house This we consider the best buy in town so act quickly Terms can be arranged to purchaser Apply to P Morton box Newmarket VVoimiBii the efficacy of this thoroughly tried homo remedy Is never misplaced In every wayin health strength spir its and in looks women find better after timely use of will begin soon will bo ready for September and that the organ use by the first of by rector The nicotine then wan and prayer and a word of welcomo by tlH rector meeting then continued on the rectory lawn and the address ended the ladles served with refreshments Wednesday evening the York Rangers presented their colors to Trinity Church The service was a Very impressive one In every respect Accompanied by twenty from Toronto who up by apo dal car and the Citizen Band company marched to the church un der command of Col A ft They were met at tho church door by the rector and McOoniglo Chaplain and the two Taylor and W If Wright The procession then down main of the marching to Ibc processional hymn Onward Christian Soldiers At the chancel steps Col formally over colors to the rector and wardens of the church In a few well words ho referred to his tory colors and what stood for The rector on behalf of the congregation formally accepted thorn to be hung In the church The colors were then handed over to the wardens who followed the to the Communion rail where In turn the flags While this was taking place the organist Miss played softly God Save King- The wardens then placed the canoplen over the colors which were placed upon Communion Table This ended tbe and officers retired to their places anU a shortened form of Prayer Including the State prayers was then begun The address wan given by the Rev McGon- of Newmarket who pave an ex cellent discourse upon the history of the Union Jack and what three crosses St George St Patrick and St Andrew stood for During the presentation of tho offertory Miss Willis sang a solo which was beautifully rendered The church was packed and all the drill hall where manfy regimental remin iscences wore indulged In hired IM fop foreman Mi lint Toronto Want holiday at Pine View innn We hear Wort caught a on Stills i hundred and fifty pounds aj- dressed rV Whistling ooo- OUCHAIU f Police Magistrate has opened his for the and put in Boll Telephone connection They also had vis- for- the weekend Mr and Mr and daughter of spent the weekend at rnglftWOOU Mr Howard Wiley of Newmar ket motored up on Sunday new oar Mr and Mrs Charlie spent Sunday at the and wore accompanied by Mrs of Aurora and her two hoys The painters from Toronto have put a new coat on Mr J Thomsons collage Mr A Thompson of New market has so far recovered from his recent severe illness as to motor up here Inst Sunday with his son A number of pie here last Sunday afternoon visitor from spent lliu weekend with Miss Madge Mr La Page of Toronto has P Addisons cottage for July and August bar noon go -i- t of of peni tentiaries and asylums of the expense of criminal courts- and police stand In deadly- array he saloon Many a hand has inspired by drink to slay even a friend Many a action that the mind of perpetrator in a normal stato never would have has been committed under the In fluence of drink Drink ruins health happiness and mental capacity It gives nothing in This is an intelligent age a thoughtful generation The saloon evil is recognized and it will ho effaced More vice more crime more cruelty more Insanity more de gradation and more misery re sult from the operation of the li quor traffic in this land than from any other whatever Can you vote for such a business 000 NEW LIMITED TRAINS- THE VA RY Through Michigan Central Tunnel via Windsor WEOTDOUfJD DAILY TIME Leave Montreal- Windsor Depot a am Arrive Toronto pm heave Toronto 010pm Leave London pm Arrive Detroit Michigan DAILY Leave Chicago Central Station Arrive Detroit Michigan am Central Depot am Li Detroit Michigan Central Depot Chicago Central or pm Central Depot Station lio a in Leave Detroit Michigan Central Depot Leave London Arrive Toronto pm Leave Toronto MiOpm Montreal Windsor arn WAR DEOLAnED vrjFw1icr la 26 LET US PREPARE YOU for a Career Attend ELUOTT XORONTOi Mr Richard has purchased an auto Mr las has purchased a new auto Mr Cane of Newmarket was in town on Tuesday Wednesdays rnabket was again largely attended Mr A of Newmarket was in town on Wednesday Miss at Newmarket spent the holiday with her parents Mr Matthew Dennis is assisting Dr Graham in his veterinary practice this summer Mr and Mrs Anderson of To ronto were guests of the holiday Mr Mount has started his on the road leading to Mr Win has made some al terations in liis house lately and has established a restroom and ice cream parlor I pi Toronto was the of Dr and Mrs Kay before his return to Cal gary to resume ministerial duties On Monday May Elizabeth Wilson daughter of John Wilson of the con of King died at the I home of Mr John White Deceased was a beautiful character Her ill ness ox tended over a period of two years Many friends mourn their loss and sympathize with her family o ft Sorry to hear Mr Charlie phor has had a severe attack of measles but glad to say he is recovering Miss MiKewon has had Parisian If your is getting thin losing Us natural color or has hat matted lifeless and scraggy appearance the reason is evident dnndrulTand failure to keep the hair roots properly nourished Parisian Sage applied daily for a week and then occasionally is all that is needed It removes with one application almost immediately stops falling hair ami itching head invigor ates the scalp and makes dull stringy hair soft abundant and radiant with life Equally good for men women or children ev eryone needs it V large bottle of this delight ful hair tonic can he had from J Pattersons or any drug counter for cents You will uroly like Parisian Sage There no oilier Justasgood Try now is c0 The Opposition in the Ontario Legislature by its platform press leader and representatives in the House has declared war up on liquor Not upon men or pro perty upon a great acknow ledged evil that must he wiped out If in the past there may have been hesitation delay or retreat there must he none for the to come The word of command hence forth is Forward March Some may fall out of the ranks may hesitate and question hut there cm he no lack of retreat of the column The Covernmcnt claims for legislation favorable to temperance but is openly charg ed with being in alliance with the liquor interests These charges have been made on the platform in the press and in the last ses sion a formal charge was made that and a commission was asked to investigate This on the responsibility of a mem ber on tin floor of the House The commission was refused much to the disappointment and chagrin of all who did not wish t see the government left under such a serious imputation As between the two parties there is to any candid observer such a wide difference that fail ure on the part of any man pro fessing to desire the restriction of the liquor traffic to vote and support the Opposition candidate will look inconsistenl if not worse The line between the parties is cleancut Turning mi room fir doubt All Hie inter ests will be on the side of the Government candidate and al so others who prefer party to temperance There is no is no neutral ground You are on one side or the oth er Which side is World St Depot y Only Might on In Each Direction Solid Trains with Cars Standard and Tourist Sleepers and Class Coaches between and Chicago in each direction Standard Sleeping Cars also be operated between Mont real Toronto Detroit and Chicago via Canadian Pacific and Mi chigan Central Railroads through- Michigan Central Tunnel via Trains No Westbound and No Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write fil Corner King and Toronto 1 Where will get correct In struction and assistance in ob taining employment when com petent College open all summer lime free PROMPTLY til countries Ask tor our will tent free WAIIION Montreal The winding up the Woodman which went Into liquidation a year ago completed The creditors re ceived one and a halt cents on the dollar The louder a man talks the it is to discredit every thing he says Children dry FLETCHERS AURORA On Wednesday evening some person or the Mr Thomas on Street and destroyed one his beds of very fine tulips Mr otters a re ward of to person will information that will lead to conviction of these parties It is not much encouragement for our citizens to beautify their lawns as long as these vandals are destroying the lower iCds A splendid Missionary mcetiug was held on Trinity Rectory Lawn on Wednesday afternoon last The Auxiliary of St Johns Oak Ridges held their regular month ly meeting and to this Invited the Auxiliary of St Pauls Church New market and Trinity Church Aurora Nearly 50 women were prent to hear the Rev Paul of Toron to who gave an excellent address on Jewish customs and also gave a splendid account of his the lews in Toronta is a cobvrted Jew born in Jerusalem and during his address gave ac count of bis conversion The meeting I Now is the Time to Got Rid Of These Ugly Spots Theres no longer the slightest mod of feeling ashamed of your as the prescription- thine double strength Is guaranteed to remove thece homely spots Simply get an ounco of double strength from your druggist and apply a little it night and morning and yop should soon see that even the worst freckles have to disappear while the lighter ones have vanished It Is seldom that more than an ounce Is needed to completely cure the skin and gain a beautiful clear complex ion Be cure and ask for the double strength as this Is sold under guarantee money back If It fails to remove freckles LAKES NAVI GATION Sailings from Wharf Mondays Wednesdays and for Marie Port Arthur and Fort William com mencing Juno STEAMSHIP SPECIAL Effective Juno Westbound Will leave Toronto a m on sailing dales making connec tion Wharf for Marie Port Arthur Fort William in Western panada Parlor Gars and to Wharf A special train will run the veise way leaving Wharf a in arriving Toronto p commencing Juno and each Tuesday Friday and Sun day thereafter Tickets and reservations at ill rand Trunk Ticket Offices P A Station Toronto Depot Agent J Aimt Harry Hill and Davis were charged with being drunk In a Local Option municipality the former was fined and costs and the latter amd costs The fire Monday night caused con siderable excitement It started in Frank Gordons stable where it is supposed somebody was smoking Tho loss was considerable covered by insurance It was reported that Harry Hill who attempted to commit suicide by taking rat poison was still In a critical condition out the doctors are hopeful of his recovery There was considerable phosphorus In the pre paration he Swallowed and it may be sevekal days before it can bo definitely determined whether or not the dose will prove fatal A new lacrosse and baseball club has been Organized in the village and an endeavor will bo made to place several teams in county leagues Preparations are being made to celebrate Dominion Day Woodstock June Sharp Dereham man was found guilty of arson by Deputy Judge Wallace this afternoon and sentenced to two years in Kingston Penitentiary Sharp a tenant of against whom he appears to have had The house was burned February and Sharp was arrested tor the crime had been out on bail for some weeks His Mrs Near testified to Sharp having asked her to say nothing about him being out just before the lire ho would get into trouble For the Era FIELD HUSBANDRY MEMS EXPEI1I- This Book Might Save You The Coot of a New Building HAVE you ever heard of InlensiveCultivatkn bis principle applied to market gardening has result ed a fourfold increase in yield a proportionate increase in profits Has never occurred to you that the same principle might be applied to YOUR OWN organization whether it He manufacturing jobbing or retailing Many of prominent business men owe heir to this very thing Cultivate your available floor space bo that every square foot may he made to produce a profit This new Book The Eleva tor will show you how for it today It may save you the cost of a new building by pointing he way to a better of your present floor space OTISFENSOM ELEVATOR COMPANY BAY TORONTO Fill in and mail this coupon now while the idea is fresh in your mind Dont put it off and forget Tear it off NOW before you turn this page COUPON 9 Please send me your Book Is certainly one the most disagree able ailments which flesh i heir to Coated tonguebitter taste In the mouth nausea dizilnees the combine to make life a burden The cause is a disordered liver the cure Dr Morses Indian Root Pills They go straight to the root of the trouble put right cleanse the atom and bowels clear the tongue and takeaway the bitter taste from the mouth At the firt sign of bilious ness take Mbkutj Or Root Experimental Farm make husbandry inven tions make field in vestigations a prom inert part of the in formation of those who are in terested the more important re sults of last seasons work the entire system have been sum mirizod and issued it Bulletin No of the experimental Farms It takes up the of rotation cultivation fertiliz ers rates of seeding cost of production weed eradication and other points connected with field agriculture The information is presented by Farms and Stations and is therefore easily avail able for study This bulletin is for free distribution at the Pub lications Branch of the Depart ment of Agriculture at Ottawa BOY BADLY Chatham May Mere dith the 13yearold son ol Mr and Mrs J Meredith Chatham Township was struck by lightning his way to school this morning He was badly burned and It Is doubt ful II he can recover The Jad and three companies were caught In a rainstorm and sought shelter under a tree A heavy bolt ot lightning struck the tree and all boys were hurt Young Meredith re ceived the worst injuries and had to be removed to the General Hospital this afternoon His hit side from the top of his head to hie foot Is badly and leg may have to be amputated Is severely burned The other three were also bad ly burned but will recover A which was standing in the pasture the road from the under which the boys took shelter waa Instantly by bolt -a- Send the Bra to This Recommends because it gives a finish quite to that of ordinary IE I a- V 113 i m ContentProducer DINGY and unsightly floors are not con ducive to contentment Why not bring about their complete trans formal ion by of the JAPALAC Model Floor process This process consists in applying two coats of ALAC ground color a coat of JAPALAC graining color which is grained with the JAPALAC graining tool and then two coats natural pro ducing a bright hard durable finish like polished oak colors for furniture woodwork an flooi TODAY your local for a of ihe TLomind nd One of SOLD BY I J IB I- Vui A ARCHIVES OF

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