Newmarket Era, 12 Jun 1914, p. 2

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r i 1 I ft In THE I fv -i- L Apply to Box M TZT v I On a It wt with a diamond Reward for return tdMlflsMcCftrten St CARD OP THMK8 family Mrs Brawn to their fiTftteful to K whey kind and helpful during todUMth of their kind wfl lUc of day by -Mr- J- Ho W i ftj Curing anh6vhonc- oh and a grand Meeting of ivttt ntfntv mi noinfhate a to Conteat the Riding In the at the on the 2iith iUe rodntli meeting will be upon 4m I raimn -p- it j Mi ll I COY WAHTEO To the No one need apply who baa not i M FIRE AND you want to sell coo me Ave Newmarket Upon Win undcr- 1 Hay Horse and Colt Ow ner is to describe the pro perty expenses take them away I i Hi I r I i L Point PEnniN8 Phono 135 King Toronto Mr Hum Clarke M P P thuinhnrland Toronto others Wo the whole Hiding and ex pect to flee the Town Hall crowd ed on the occasion At no contest in years have the electors of mani fested so marked an interest nil approaching contest as is apparent in regard to the elec tion to take place on the and we arc looking forward to a demonstration tomorrow which will- the com- iiig victory the ballots are counted on polling day Under the Whitney Ad ministration the public expendi ture of the Province has grown from In to in How do these figures the electors this Hiding Will York vote for a man who supported a Government with this kind of record We it At tend the Mass Meeting tomor row and hear what public men of repute have to say in regard It- is announced that anhu- at Point on will he year the of July- If the ballot box ffH Riding may have a aecdndvgala liberal auspices- and thats looks these days Yes the weather hot and the election fever keeping with nature A number of of- the last of Ontario are ftov convinced that the Whitney was premature in making the present appeal elector ate At the head list la one Already the list embraces half a score and include Hon Dr MoNnught Pock Milligan and The list is on the -in- W Wo are to furnish for at very mo derate Our up to date COUNTY AND HIGHWAY meet At meeting of the highway com missioners Tuesday a communication was read from the Whitchurch which stated that had to Contribute sum towards the road be tween Whitchurch The commissi oner a decided to add another towards repairing the road such limes as the building of a new road has been decided on commissioners conferred with county commissloiiers yea- and awarded the contract for construction of a new concrete bridge on the lino between and York near The bridge will have a span of feet will cost S2B00 A CONSERVATIVE COMPLI MENT TO THE June Colonel the Hon Ham Minister of Militia mounted the Parliamentary witness stand and gave Unsolicited testimony as to the and husincsslike which prevailed in Govern- contracts during the regime ITe Militia estimates were under discussion the House sat till midnight on Saturday lion Dr asktd concerning the contracts for supplies cloth ing for the volunteer forces I may as well be explained the Minister Vhoh we we proposed to very politically virtuous We tried to the and arrange so that good Tories would secure the on treats Hut we found that this resulted in toss and in failure and in jssatislac- and in trouble So we bad to give it up and go back to same old Liberal contractors to the business principles Hon Or lugsfey Ytp we found we could not At a meeting of the of the Presbyterian Church now being lipid at stocki a vote Of to on last was adopted in favor of con tinuing for two more years ne gotiations with the and Congregational lloufi In cause of church union The motion also em bodied a that the Methodists- reappoint their Union Committee which was dis solved last year on old when in Town for MIki apent the Mr visited his sister Mrs Moses and and Mrs at Orchard the Hon Anrjyjfoneral in Toronto and visited friends at Florence of Chicago 111 is spending a weeks at home her father Mr A Mr motored tbUJt- bridge on Tuesday of last week talc ing some friends over to attend a fu neral Mrs M of ion City III writes We are always glad to get the though sometimes It brings The of June is lioil Hay and the electors of North York would be pleased to hear their late representative In the Ontario Legislature give rea sons why he supported the Government in rejecting fol lowing motion moved by Mr Liberal for West Mid- This House regrets that the Honorable the Provincial Treasurer has not submitted to the Legislature or the people of Province a report of the re sult of bis investigations in Britain into the public ownership and operation of Tel ephones and this House is of the opinion that it is the duty of Hie Government to lake into consideration without furthci delay he question of the estab lishment of a publicly owned and operated telephone service particularly of trunk lines by the acquirement of the existing system or systems or the estab lishment of a new one as would appear to be most in the public interest to be operated in connection with the Hydro electric system or otherwise as appears most practicable Will the people of North York support a candidate who deli berately voted to maintain men in power who- rejected such a proposition Now just wait till the of June and see what the people of his old Hiding have to say through the ballotbox Commenting on the Horden proposition which had the sup port of Yorks representa tive the Commons the Mercury observes The government has handed over Canadas credit to Mackenzie and Maun to the extent an other The big in terests put the Govern ment In power and now they simply serving their masters The little who voted out a good honest government in 1011 must not complain when the exploiters lake away peoples millions in their apple carl Mr Howells question at Hull demonstration last week has marked response all over the Province He took occasion Id slate There are men and women In this hall and throughout the Province who for a score of years and more have prayed and worked for the coming of The hour is here the clock lias struck l have discharged my responsibility it rests upon your conscience What will you do And this question comes borne to the people of lliie the answer at the bal lotbox he unmistakable According to the redistribu tion hill Introduced in the Com mons by premier the next Dominion Parliament will have members divid ed by Provinces as follows Ontario 82 OS Nova Scotia I New Brunswick Prince Island Manitoba IS Saskatchewan Alberta IS British Yukon i Ontario loses four seals Man itoba gains five Saskatchewan gains six Alberta five and Brit ish Columbia sir us sad A complimentary was to Mr P Field tho retiring Manager of Rank of Toronto at the King George Hotel last evening Mr Fred teacher in Collegiate and his friend Mr Arthur Monkinan son of Mr George formerly of this Town were of Mr- H over Sunday Mrs of fs to address the ladles of Newmarket next Monday evening thereMdence Mrs J Cane on the principles and work of the Womens Liberal As sociation Hon Mackenzie King will address a number of meetings in va rious parts of Ontario between now and nomination day the 22nd His first appearance will he in North York on Mr Walter ftrodle visited his parents in over Sunday and attended the funeral of the Army victims of of Ireland In the Arena on Saturday afternoon The service was very beautiful but very sad Mr Of A and also Mr Watson attended the un veiling of the Memorial Tablet In Christ Church Holland Landing last Sunday morning In memory of the late Martin Taylor who was the gratuitous organist years It was erected by bis sons who were all present Mr Fred of Calgary formerly of Newmarket writes Money is pouring Into the country in thousands and I might say millions of dollars Geologist from all parts of the world are how on the oil field and reckless gambling forming of companies and selling of stock is set tling down- to a sound business basis Hio field here will Ik absolutely prov ed by our next strike Discovery welt is still producing almost pure gaso line in enormous quantities and this product is being utilized simply by being strained and used in automo biles generating per cent more power than ordinary gasoline This he hard for you people that are not in touch with the situation to believe or understand however they are plain facts and we must all ac cept them as such Mr is in the brokerage business a storey In Ontario with you Thats because wo built up a steady business which has enabled Us to establish buying connections that mean a groat deal We buy pur of Lions the countrys foremoat jailors We select them carefully with a view to the and requirements of Big Four Our notable quartette of clothing values lo the result of years of experience coupled with the shrewdest buying Ho Newmarket Man should buy clothing before he has soon them I f imwmimK OOG Sale Register prove on the old contractors and every one of the old replied the Colonel SIXTY LOST June Meagre and disconnected stories coming in here regarding the awful which swept the Hay of between the north coasts of Now and the coast of Quebec on Thurs day and Friday of last week tell a terrible tragedy It is variously estimated between and lives were lost during the two days The victims wore fishermen and a particularly sad filature of the trag edy is that in most cases than one member of a family was taken The Hay Of fishermen ply their in families the father owns the his sons sail with him as assistants Thus It was that or sixty hailing from Quebec New Brunswick fishing villages which In his as Trent Canal investigator Mr How ard Ferguson P P himself or at least he the toleration of he par ly friends he out lo please So states the of Wednes day This name gentleman was chairman of the Public Ac counts of the Ontario Legislature and the above- named journal says No man could he more incapable of act ing as Chairman of the Investigating Committee his unblushing partisanship in a judicial position he was ap pointed investigate the af fairs the canal North Yorks representative had po kick at this kind of tiling and is asking the electors to condone his offence put tot sea on Thursday last carried DEAD father and sons or older and younger brothers in crew death occurred on Saturday Cornwall June of Marshall I Carder for While Hying jo get with Iy- years for Ontario I Bombay of the Ancient Order the United j l1ia1 had one Workmen late Mr larder wan llff known throughout Ontario Hie KOlo through his position his length service in the he held loing He was also a member the lde of Masons and was connected with other as well Throe sons and one daughter IIks vve the deceased one son Dr Car der living in Vancouver a second in Ihe Imperial Bank Toronto and a third lives at home The daughter Is Mrs Harvey of June Macau- lay the Curtis Co aviator who recently Toronto people with exhibitions of his flying skill sustained a serious acci dent while giving an exhibition here Tlfe engine of his aeroplane while he was sixty fret jn the air and the loan lo the ground was picked up with a ice lined prematurely June In in which he was of age and Ills wife years of age killed about oclock tonight when frame struc ture without the slightest warning was picked up by a cy clone Portions of it were through adjoining fields for several hundred yards June ft After suffering terrible agony from burns life had received when a portion of his braz ing machine broke on Thursday after noon touting ire to his clothing Mcltae died this morning at the Hospital The death is a particularly sad one coming da it does sb close upon that of his bro ther Wilfrid who was in a trench weeks ago and it is a leg one of his arms bard blow the parents to lose and his back injured The aero- both sons in such a short time He plane was almost completely leaves a widow and two small The Globe of Tuesday very suggestively remarks iiiel Ministers must have a su preme contempt for people who vole for lliem when they gerrymander constituencies en compass he defeat of the Seolt Act by influence and Hie de feat of several local option cam paigns by the threefifths re- sell valuable limit for a soiig pay a fancy price for an exhausted limit then call a election North York will turn over a new on the and not send a slavish supporter of such a Cabinet to the Legislature We are also with the con vict toil Hint the school leach of- lie Province will also lake to Express their opinion of the of the tion on the date WEDNESDAY Mrs will have a sale of buggy cut ter and household erects comrnenc- at oclock Terms cash J AucL ooo fir fin of the Legis lature appointed to investigate tile Proud foot charges Mr Fer guson as chairman boldly slop and suppressed the evidence of Mr Taylor against Hon Mr making the white wash a public disgrace and as a cily paper states- hi its dire need when hurrying a premature eloction to head off disclosures the Ontario Government needed just such a man He prevented disclosures that were evidently regarded as ratal Tell it not in Swamp publish it not in breath it not lo the near Mount Albert that repre- olive had no lo of ferwas as dumb us the pro verbial oyster liJLl LEADING Undertaking House buy your Cheap For EMBALMING A SPECIALTY calls to at tnd In announcing the approaching visit of Sherlock Holmes to Canada the Itrantford Expositor remarks While he Is here it is hoped lie will make an attempt to ascertain the real reason why the Whitney Govern ment is appealing to the people at the present time No doubt the Premier and his Cabinet were in fluenced by a conviction that a party a would be obtained the same as in but we apprehend the electorate will mark this dis pleasure of this repeated attempt to treat representative institutions with contempt A proposition for the appointment of a Commission to enquire into the condition of agriculture and rural life in the Province to investigate rural population scarcity of farm labor decrease in production food staffs the decline In the strength and vitality of the rural school and rural Church and other features was by the Whitney Government aid Its supporters Wonder what the P for North York will have to say in defense of himself and the Administration he supported on these Issues Word comes from Sfnicoe is falling into- line for the Howell policy A press despatch dated Juno reads ns follows was a very on- en raping meeting which the Liberals of Bast hold here yesterday afternoon to bring out Mr Herbert Choke druggist as the supporter or Mr Unw ell for the coining campaign The ill Lores ting feature of convention is that many Con servatives gave their assurance that Ihey would come out active ly in favor of Abolish the Bar Among these was Mayor who though proclaim ing himself a lifelong Conserv ative announced that he was an active antiliquor man and declared his with the methods of the former mem ber Mr J Tho In Whitchurch on June to Mr and Mrs David Re mit a daughter Altar MlTCHELLDeGEER At the the officiating minister and by him June Walter Mitchell to Miss Leta both of Whitchurch Township DALE June at the residence of brides parents Maud Ruth Gentleman to John Wesley Dale of HOW YORK At Weyburn on June 2nd Miss Gertrude Pearl of to Rob ert Gardiner How of THOMPSON Tues day June 2nd at John St English Church Toronto by Rev Dr Moore Martha daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo Morning to Arthur Thompson both of Newmarket PATTENDEN KING In Newmar ket on June by Elder I at his residence on Prospect Ate A Pattenldeo of to Miss Delia King of Holt Tomb At Oak on Fri day May 1914 Martha beloved wife of Albert aged years Newmarket on June Mildred Ann daughter of Mr and Mrs Percy aged 3 and 28 days her residence Mount Dennis on June Jean daughter of the lale An gus of King Tp Newmarket on Satur day June Emma wid ow of Mark in her year Interred at Pine Ground on Mondat jy K5d IL We from to per dor and Fruit from to 10c each A PEW TO Lombard Plums 10c can 10o can Pineapple 1So can A flood red Salmon worth moro money but while It lasts will sell at 10c tin mm PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family ra J Pattern MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for and Supplies Weekly TELEGRAPn OFPfGE Douse Ihone No Phone No a mum All Careful AUwtloB nominee for toronlo no hones about his views on the issue In a written statement presented at a meet ing on Monday night he says Dougherty nominee or Conservative parly in the Hiding do hereby myself to work and talk on public platform from now until June for he poli cy commonly known as Abolish IboHar which is proposed to abolish of li quor all barrooms hotel and clubs in the On tario He adds- also pled myself if elected lo he Legisla tive Assembly lo back any and every temperance measure brought before the Legislature including in clubs or anything even advanced brought up in I lie Legislature by any member This shows how the tide is turning in favor of the Howell policy is to be hoped North York will also prove true this

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