Newmarket Era, 19 Jun 1914, p. 8

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v Completely Cured family motored fro Montreal- arriving here April Tarn veteran of the Crimean War t v 1 I 1 f and the Indian Mutiny volunteering from lie Royal A it lc into the Royal and Barred during tire and era a pensioner of tub Govern- Fierce handto ml and exposure left me a great from Rheumatism much to that legs swelled up tipated that only had one passage a cured of both the Rheumatism nation In I walk thirty miles day and enjoy health No more Rheumatism or You at perfect lib erty to publish this if it Trill bo advantageous to Dont suffer Rheumatism Lumbago or Neuralgia all this winter Take now and be free of pain a box for or trial At all dealers or Dent on receipt of price by At the home of Mr Mrs Gor don Smith Hat June a evening flpent event being twentyfilth anniversary of their marriage present ago were also on Saturday along with others from Aurora and Oak After an en joyable evenly was dancing and Card playing the happy crowd Idcparted on tho midnight car winning Mr and Mrs Smith bent wishes HOUSE on Apply to Hu ron St Newmarket HOUSE TO RENT On Church St All conveni ences Apply At this office TO RENT Bat and Suite Rooms In the Hotel Apply on to Mrs Flanagan TO RENT Brick House on Slmcoo St large rooms Domestic water teflon June 1st Apply to box Newmarket BUY Town and farm propertied Wo ask parties who have for sale to at red deuce Ave three blocks west of Metropolitan Station Hot- ford St Phono The workshop of the McAlary Float Co was destroy ed by lire on morning oclock The tire made a clean sweep and comes as a hard blow to Mr who was burnt out last October and had rebuilt factory during lato fall some work In the in front when I tho and thlnWi may atartcd from stove In which a had been lit sometime before A launch all tools and varnishes and paints were destroyed as well as building The loss In only partly cov ered by insurance 1 Vv THAT and leave the germ to be scattered through your house and kill the flies and germs Sold by all Druggists and all over Canada have and do medics and doctoro trcafenonta for not be about the of John of Pott Laramie treatment by doctors without result I have been cured of a very bad ewe of by two of RHEUM It la tvo I tt remedy and I a Previously a cripple walking with I crutch Such conta of ftl J Patterson guaran teed OOP 1 I HOUSE FOR SALE On Church St Newmarket Mod- in every way fl ro besides and room Mew Convenient to all down town Will be sold at a bargain on terms Apply at thla WE HAVE FOR A deoIraMe property on Prospect A largesited dwelling with all all In first shape Quarter of an acre of Grounds with apple and small fruit trees stable and hen This we consider the best tfuy In town to act quickly Terms be arranged to suit Apply to P Morton LET PREPARE YOU for Career Alloid TORONTO where you will get correct in struction and assistance in ob taining employment when com petent College open all summer ev line- free Mr Mark of Toronto senior oi the farm of Mark and A of place is seriously HI at his home and hope la held for his recovery Mr A around of age and Was for many years a prominent figure in the history of Bradford Mr is big change on the Amsterdam property across the river The trees in the lawn have all been pruned flowers have been planted hanging baskets filled with flowers adds to its attrac tiveness ibis the lawn Is being regularly lent and everything appearand of thrift The present owners of which Mr Watson is representative are making plans for the big next year E The new driving shed at the Presby terian church was built last week A party of half a dozen or more mop are busy working on the sugar in this locality Mr has planted part his farm in the beets and oilier large sections have been planted The work is being superintended by a Some from outoftown had a narrow escape from accident here on I Sunday A car driven by a young girl who didnt know how came up street at a rate of speed and almost ran into Mr J store window on the cor- nbr of Holland street To avoid thm a quick turn was made and in than it to write it the car dashed across the street jumping a diteh and landing on the sidewalk just east of Green Sons store and almost running into Mk Nolans new which is being built there Fortunately the car was stopped in time to prevent this and the occu pants escaped any injury Mr Topper of Was married on Wednesday June to Miss of Glasgow Mr Calvin formerly has completed his dental- course in Chicago and will locate in Moose Jaw Mr Howell the Opposition leader in Ontario Legislature will address the electors at Stouff- Friday June 19th at p in the Liberal Club Hall Other speakers are also expected Mr Carlisle of the concession of Whitchurch had his hired man Mr Fred Hill arrested for and case came up before Magis trate teaman and Footle After bear ing all tho evidence pro and con they fined tlic hired man Hill the sum of ten dollars and imprisonment Mr Henry charged Mrs los with and the Too late for last week party connec tion with Church was held on church grounds on Wed nesday evening It was the most suc cessful partj ever held In connection church attendance was very largo weather was all that could bo desired After tea was serv ed an excellent program Has an excellent program was The of tho even ing was a football between Aurora and which was won by the former to A serious runaway occurred hero Wednesday evening at the Commence ment of the garden party As Mr Norman McMurchy accompanied by a young lady was driving along the road with a horse and buggy the horse became frightened at an auto mobile and started to run down the hill unfortunately the and consequently Mr had no control over the horse He jump ed out of the rig with the intention of getting hold of horse but he was unable to do so The lad piuck- remained in the rig and held on to the In around the curve In the road at the bottom of the hill buggy was com pletely and the young lady was thrown out hut fortunately was not Injured beyond the shock The horse fell down and was captured The ac cident caused considerable excitement from marking lh London Juno Tho annihilation of space by the wonders of modern- science has been carried a step for ward by tjie latest sclcntlc discovery What tho telephone has done In the transmission of sound is now equaled by an Invention for the transmission light wire new invention enables- Imago of object to bo transmitted and reproduced before the of a spectator away just as telephone transmits and reproduces tones of the voice NO HELP WANTED Scene courtroom A big Britain id by the bailiff and placed in dock Ho is a regular in point of stature and is brought up on charge of as sault It is evidently his first appearance in court When ho enters magistrate is busy with his papers but pre sently looks up hurriedly and turning to the prisoner exclaims Have you engaged any one to defend you Whats that asks the pri soner then collecting himself he adds I dont want anybody Come on any half dozen of you I THROUGH Undoubtedly the ancient sand- crime and immorality and all things In life Alcohol Is a rolson enoe says so no one disputes It It is a poison to the human body It shortens life lt breeds disease The Har Is personal success Any man In any business Is indulgence hi intox icants It shuts to It impairs mentality and cjency it undermines manhood and St of its beat The Bar Is th creator of the drink ing habit Then I saf with Drunkenness grows put of the treating system The open bar en courages treating Closing bar mteans the doing away with the treat ing system As long as bar is open somebodys boy must feed It Ultimately Its a question of the Boy or Prohibition and restrictive law fa a success Any man who knows condi tions today and compares them with twenty years ago knows that law Is a success You hear men say that ocnl option or the A Is a failure If these tilings failures why tbaLfor so light They know it Is killing their business Morally the Liquor Traffic Is bad It is stupid foolish immoral to maintain it I trafiic that hurts mjr fellow I owe nothing hut kindness to any man My hate for Bar goes out of a sore heart I can the feeling of the pro phet when said For the hurt of my people am I hurt And on elec tion day when I go behind the screen to when I am alone with God and my conscience I want to sec that of boys as pure and as sweet and as fresh as yours and mine going the bar for the first time I think I see those 50000 boys the cream of the land turned in to i drunkards and I think I a long line of mothers with eyes red dened by tears facts drawn and haggard waiting in the night for their boy or for the father If you mark your against I dont know what to think of you Men let us be fair us protect our homes our hoys our girls our mothers VOTE OUT THE BAIL 1 y r Hog Floors Enable you to raise bigger hogs and better pork without heavier feeding A concrete feeding floor permits the ani mals to clean up all the feed without waste and eliminates the possibility of your contracune disease Mean Bigger Profits Hog houses of are sanitary easily cleaoed maintain an even temperature and Rive plenty of liehtand air which tend to better the quality of pork Concrete will not or rot Never neerfi repairs Splinting any other material for firm Write for this beautifully illustrated free hook What the Farmer can do with Concrete It show build Hog Feeding Floors and other thing the farmer needs Farmers Information Bureau Canada Cement Company v if for a AURORA Mr 1 Moore recently hostler at tho Royal Hotel here has been left the tidy little sum of by an uncle who recently died Mr Moore has left the bote and intends take life easy after this Mrs Dr Stevenson and Miss Barbara leaves this Friday evening for Wisconsin to be pre sent at the graduation of Miss has been attending college at Applehon for the past four years and will graduate A very pretty- wedding at the home of Mr and Mrs J Wellington Street on Wednesday afternoon of last week when their only daughter Ada was united in marriage to Mr Jos eph Bains The ceremony was per formed in the presence of a number of outfits friends of the bride and groom by the Rev J Stewart pastor of the Methodist Church On Monday afternoon a man giving his name as Patrick OLeary entered Shoe factory under plea of wanting work and When in formed they did not need any more help and on leaving appropriated a pair of boots He was seen by one of the employees hiding the boots under his coat The manager was notified of the theft and the man was follow ed to Grand Trunk station where he dropped the stolen property After some he was induced to return to the factory where he re mained until Constable who had been sent for arrived He was arrested and locked up and later was broVght before Magistrate Love who sent him to jail for a month Ban ner course of time has served many oilier purposes The purpose for which it is most utilized lo- day is to limn boiling eggs A biff has discovered a far iiiori- use for I he article It was found that some of the younger surgeons of the hospital at which lie operated were a trifle lax in the matter of thoroughly cleansing their hands before operations The regulations pre scribe four processes of five min utes each but rarely was this rule adhered to the ex cuse being that it was difficult to estimate the time- The great surgeon settled the matter by a sandglass over For five min utes ho surgeon now washes his with soap and hot wa le and cleans his nails The sandglass is turned and an other washing with soap and hot water follows Another turn whilst the hands are washed in alcohol and for the last five minutes the hands go through another sterilization Over all tile sandglass stands as arbiter RIGHT WINS I J -i-OQOf- A DAILY THOUGHT SPECIALITIES FITS NERVE SKIN BLOOD KIDNEY OEHITOURIHARY Chronic and Complicated Diseases nouns to 2004 Personally or by Letter FREE Send the to abfctat COULDNT FOOL HIM The farmer had bought pair of shoes in the city shop Now cant I sell you a pair Of shoe trees suggested the Dont git fresh with me son ny- replied the farmer bristling up I dont believe shoes kin be raised on trees any I believe rubbers grow on rubber trees or oysters on oyster plants I Their is no more miserable human costs thirty days than the one in whom nothing is habitual indecision and for whom the drinking of every cup the time of rising and going to Led every case was heard before Justices day and the beginning to every bit of and Drown on Tuesday After work are subjects of volitional do ing the evidence a fine of one dollar liberation Full half time of such and costs wa CAST A Vot Ifilants and Children For Year Of SCHOMBBRO Mr Lyons is building cottage at Island Horn- On Thursday May to Mr and Mrs Benjamin a son and lined up for a football match on Friday even ing The game was well played from start to finish No serious rough- house work was in evidence although rude jolts were handed out Mr Cabell lineman for Telephone Co sustained a pain ful injury on Friday evening He Was on a pole when the guy wire broke and the pole sprung with such force as to shake from his perch He alighted upon his feet but the force was sufficient to severely wrench bis ankle A pretty wedding took place in Sohombecg on King birth day June 3rd when Miss M Agnw of Belfast Ireland was united marriage Mr Frank Wick son of the firm fit Wickaon and of this town The marriage renemohy was conducted by the Rev Scott- Messrs end Rockland have gained a host of friends who in congratulating Mr and Mis and wish them much future happiness a man goes to the deciding of matters that ought to be so ingrained in him as practically not to exist for the consciousness at all Just a little care and small expense thats all a head of rich heavy hah worth while Ask Your Doctor and preventive of numerous ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the or gans of digestion found in the safe speedy certain and timetested home remedy IT SOI In alt countries Ass for our which sent free MAIUON Unvsrslty Dont Hide Them With a Veil Remove them with This prescription for the removal of was written by a prominent physician and Is ho successful in removing freckles and a clear beautiful complexion that it is sold by druggists under guarantee to refund the money if it falls Dont hide your freckles under a veil get an ounce of and re move them Even the first few appli cations should show a wonderful im provement some of the lighter freck les vanishing entirely He sure to ask the druggist for the double strength it is this that Is sold on the moneyback guar antee IN PHOTOS We are now making a canvas of town in order to give each and every person a chance to from to in photos Our representative will call at your door and explain to you the great bargain Be a holder of a coupon which will you to cut prices and re mains good until Nov I YOU MUST BE A COUPON Secure It Now Phono The Fergus Studio Cor Main fits KILN DRIED WOOD FOR the next month we have for sale Lath Trimmings which we usu ally burn in our furnaces but which owing to repairs being made on our boilers- and uslug electric power In place temporarily we do not need These are abort splints not In long of are dry and will burn giving off intense heat LOAD Also other pine blocks hardwood slabs and saw dust A SONS CO Limited tar Send Era to Toil on brave workers Hopes foiled so oft should only make you stronger With bold firm step hold on a little longer Toil on work on Right wins brave worrs The fiend Strong Drink knows well his power is failing He knows true hearts the reign of Christ are hailing Right wins faint not Keep calm brave workers Your ever sees you in your toiling No mists prevent His might the evil foiling Keep calm look up cue Be strong brave workers know the best doth ever come waiting day will see the cloud abating Re strong renk Have faith brave workers Look up A fair bright morn is sure ly Sec far oer hills a wondrous light appearing 1 Have faith strive well Soar high brave workers joy of God fresh strength is ever bringing Sweet strains from arc ever earthward winging Soar high sing on Mary in wings o ONE OF FRANCES BEST This promise of influence belongs to every faithful child of Frances in this illustration gave an instance of its fulfilment A young nobleman found himself in little vil lage oft in Cornwall It was a hot day and he was thirsty He rode up and down the village street seeking in vain for a place where something stronger than water could be had At last he stopped and made impa tient inquiry of an old peasant who was on his way home after of toil How is it that cant get a glass of liquor anywhere In this wretched village of yours he de manded harshly The old man re cognizing his questioner as a man of rank nulled oft his cap and bowed hut nevertheless there was a proud flash his faded eyes as he answered quietly My lord some thing over a hundred years a man named John came to these parts And with that the old peasant walkt away A YOU NO MAN OF MOTTLK Does your mother know youre cut as often is a vulvar offensive expression and one that passes thh lips of a young person who appreciates the value of a true mother The use of this once gave to a young man to reveal his mettle and honor the one who gave him birth Not being he accepted an to accompany to a place of amusement and at the close of the performance he went Tin me Hip it to be more specific a book dealing with that important phase of Scientific Man agement which has to do vith the of floor space in the factory store warehouse garage hotel or printing plant This Book tells a story of vital interest to every progres sive business man It points die way to increased profits through greater efficiency It lays bare the causes of many business failures and shows how failures might have been turned into successes If it is the means of help ing you solve some knotty problem in your own busi ness we will feel that it has accomplished its object OTISFENSOM ELEVATOR COMPANY LIUITKO DAY ST TORONTO COUPON Please send me your Book Nam3 I Fill in and mail this coupon TODAY Do not put it off until an other time Better tear off and mail NOW the thought is fresh in your mind 1 fan ma you mm you are trying to keep house without Gold Bust you are not taking advantage of modern methods Get some system into your work but let Bust do all the hard part the task All you need to do is to direct it There are millions of women in Canada today who wouldnt give up the use of for anything Are these women all wrong If you want to get right buy a package of Gold Bust today join the millions happy housewives who i Reform Movement Let the GOLD DUST TWINS do sit worn 11 THE COMPANY LIMITED Montreal Canada Quick as a Hash came the retort Yes she knows that I am out She supposes that- I am in the comply with his friend the club- gentlemen I see I am riot so I shall Here he found a group men play- j go home to my mother And home to his mother he went incident occurred several years ago but God honored the in spite of ridicule stood for principle At the present time is a success ful business man in New York City better still Is an active member the Church of Christ for among them was a man prominent In both mili tary and political life- The young man was Invite to participate in the game and when he mili tary man said with a sneer Per haps your mother doesnt you are out The shipyards ap pear to be In for a busy season my have just completed several big jobs and last week the company ficcuiw another contract from the Dominion Government This time it is or a steam hopper boat to attend the two dredges recently at Sow The contract Involve en of and will arord employ ment to men

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