0000 to prank Dunoon AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Clark DENTIST Main Newmarket Op DENTIST Over MoCaulcys Grocery Insurance and Heal Estate Howards Livery want to Buy or Sell Sec Me LEG80n3 to inothy St Newmarket joiner WU- Cane OFFICENEW ROYAL BLOCK Main Street Newmarket Office Hours to am to pm to pm Telephone DP S Boyd Graduate in of Toronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and of the Royal College of Surgeons of Former clinical In Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear None and Hospital London England Cor Main and Timothy His Telephone Consultation Hours PAINTER AN PAPER Queen cm ah A votdfor Walton bolt Monday vote to Abolish the Barjntlie whole Province a vote for to the rain last Friday first for a long excursion There was not a vfcry large Excur sion to last under the the North York Farmers Institute hut sufficient pay ex penses Tho falling off In sale of tickets was largely at Newmarket Depot i Ave from Street Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter Paper Hanger and Mouse Decorator Niagara and Street Newmarket WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Market Building Newmarket A StouffeP NEWMARKET Teacher Piano Voice and Violin in all kinds of Mupkul In struments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia Records Complete Slock Prompt Service doing to Enlarge The dry goods boot of Mr at the South End is steadily increasing so much so that the proprietor of tho Laundry in same been given a notice to I vacate when his lease in a couple of months and Mr In a couple of months and Mr the size of front so as to his largo slock to hotter ad- vantages Auto A few evenings ago a young lady was driving some around Town in her car- When turning the corner of Main and Queen Sts some people were standing on the crossing and In order to avoid them she had to make rather sharp turn The result was that a front wheel got into a rut along the track Indies deep In trying to get out of it the Blearing wheel was jerked out of hand and the ear ran against the Bid of the Marble Shop doing slight damage but fortunately nobody was hurt 1 iVIilllnory Trimmed Millinery at Reduced Prices at Mrs Hughes Polling Places Tho are polling in town fox coming Provincial Word At tho Mar- hot Building Patricks Hall Main si Ward A to M at Hose House Street in Norman Rogers house Prospect Street ii Issuer of LICENSES At tlie Era once Newmarket Office Private Papers Issued at private if desired NEWMARKET Worbs LATEST Monuments and Head Stones- before ordering elsewhere Stone for Building Kept in stock and made to Order GEO lust as you are I wouldnt chaise a thing That Is the of modern photography And with fast plates and fast lenses of today the clever photographer can take you just si you are Long exposures or table conscious at titudes are a thing of the part In fact having a taken a Studio is as pleat as an informal call on good friends appoint to day I J Tin PHOTOGRAPHER IN TOWN I bona NOTICE opened a Work I to do all kinds of Wood wagons sleighs As Id op fencing sold and put LAWS SI west of Fire Hall Phone NOTICE wool season is now at a hi to hoy wool J l Weai Price also s and Any expense will bn glad- l author King For Sale ftt Office more of any fly killer Refuse imcatL factory Than Thlo A workman from large rriari in Hamilton arrived in town on Friday ofkirigor a job in factory said the Ber lin Manufacturing Co in which ho was only ran part time during April ami May and was closed down during the month of June Of all manu facturing companies in Canada only one is running full time i Form Produce Rather small market last Satur day and practically no change in prices being tho usual paid KK- per linttcr per lb 2022 Potatoes per per no per hunch Plants to per box per bunch Green Onions bunch Rabbits to per pair Live Spring Chickens per lb 25 Live Chickens per lb Old per lb 13 Live old Ducks per lb Pigeons per pr Pigs per pair Green Hides per lb Green Calfskins to He per lb to S3 each Green Sheepskins Tallow per lb Olive Mulqucen ATCM only daughter Mr and Mrs Peter of thin town was united in marriage to Mr V James Ramsey formerly in Toronto on Friday afternoon dune On Saturday after noon thoy left on a prolonged trip through Ontario and the North West On their return thoy will reside on the grooms farm Glen Villa near Thoir many Newmarket friends extend hearty congratulations KentWright A wedding of interest to many Newmarket friends was solemnized at the homo of the brides mother Mrs I Wright Toronto at high noon on Sat June when her eldest daughter Hazel was united in mar riage to Mr William Kent formerly of Newmarket by Rev T The bride looked exceedingly pretty in a gown of white embroider ed voile shadow lace white satin with a wreath of orange blossoms from which hung the beautifully em broidered tulle veil She entered the drawing room which was fragrant with flowers accompanied by her mother gowned in gray satin The young couple were unattended and only immediate friends and rela tions were present After a dainty lunch 4r and Mrs Kent left for a lake trip and on their return will reside at the Reach Millinery Millinery Reduced Prices at Mrs M Hughes Dominion Bay Fares Between all stations in Canada of Port Arthur and to De troit and Port Huron Mich Buf falo Black Rock Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge SINGLE Mood going and returning July FARE AND ONETHIRD flood June July I Re turn limit July North York Womens Institute Meetings of above society will bo held as follows Friends School room Friday Juno Presbyterian Hall Saturday Juno 27th Hall Monday June 29 Church Tuesday June 30th KSng East July 2nd Hall Friday July 3rd Methodist Church Sat July The above meet 230 will interest to nil Women and Girls sa ach Tuesday until Oct speaker will ho Mrs l elusive at low rates Rose Iho Through Tourist will bo as follows i Cars to Winnipeg on above A Womans viowaon the Dairy dates leaving Toronto p Situation loo creams Excursions Round trip tickets to points ings be hold Alberta and Saskatchewan ill bo of Chicago St Paul or en Mousse if influence of Rnvironmont House building mak ing What I the World All ladles are very welcome No change of cars LIMIT TWO MONTHS J Phone HORNING P A Station Toronto Depot Agent I urn J R Nov Inspector At a of York County last week Mr A of was appointed inspec tor of Industrial Home in id are of the late 1 He will be a good an lor the position MEW LIMITED TRAIN SERVICE The members of the County Council Between made their annual visit to the In- nil Home at Newmarket on al Tuesday last week and V flo altr the Uvatla institution announced themselves as being satisfied with the manner in Central Gigantic which the home was managed The inmates wore found tobe in good health- and officials of the in stitution were commended satisfactory manner in performed their duties K returning The new addition to the main build- Electric Lighted was visitexl the councilors was at a cost of about if Jlooo and is used mainly for pur- Vancouver poses of recreation by the inmates l0l Vancouver In event die- eas breaking out the building can be el Tubes between Windsor mid Detroit Leaving Montreal a in Toronto p in Del roil a in and for a in a which they dailyj service quickly transformed into an isolation hospital The sixth field battery of London is practical I no more as the result of Major Wood Leanord commanding officer relieved of his commis sion following the discovery or beer in the tents of the battery at All the members resign ed and their rcsignationo were ac cepted p in No Toronto a in daily Manitoba Ex press No loaves Toronto daily except Sunday p arriv ing Winnipeg second day Onta rio Express No leaves Winni peg in and arrives To ronto p in daily except Tuesday fuiilier particulars apply to Canadian Pacific Agents or write Murphy IMA Toronto Atkinson Newmarket killed about on Satur day on Street opposite Hid MeU Railway power sta tion- driver of tlieautornoi bile John drove away at a high rac of- speed im mediately after accident failing to ascertain of the injuries victim hud sustained Two hours Int erne served of the Jury at tho inquest oh ho had killed and though by the evidence tho that he must nave been aware that he was the driver of the car which killed the girl ho failed to surrender himself to the authorities Ho was placed under arrest at four oclock Sun day afternoon by Detectives Mlt- and He is being without at the Agnes Street Station oh a charge of two people aw the fulol- one being Marahs fian ce Charles of New market and the oilier Thomas Veal Ottawa Street Toronto who was a watchman in charge of a stationary steam roller Both told police that the automo bile was being driven at a rate of at miles an hour So fast was it travelling that neither could learn the Ifcpnsc number or secure any descrip tion of machine Veal slated that after the accident the driv er slowed his car for a moment while one of three passengers in looked hack This man spoke to the driver and the oar at once gathered speed and darted away In a cloud of dust Miss Marsh was- returning home with her in his mot or car As the Metropolitan power house was reached she asked to stop for a few minutes while sin visited her brotherinlaw William Qui ton a for the railway drew up on the east side of life road young wo man alighted and had almost reached the other side of tho street when the southbound au tomobile struck her Wid dilield- run to her as sistance and carried her into the despiitchcrS office and Bond were summoned but the girl lied without regaining consciousness twenty minutes after she had been struck The point whore the accident occurred is about feet south of the old Holt Lino crossing This strip of land including Street is owned by the cemetery trust and as it is ex empt from taxes it was not tak en in by the city at the lime of the annexation of North To ronto As accident there fore in the county the case will have to be handled by county courts In order that no delay might occur the city police decided to lake charge of the case when thoy wore notified oil Saturday night Chief Cor oner Johnson also decided to ap point an official and at once no- tilled Dr Bond lo secure a jury 16 proceed with the inquest at the earliest possible moment This was done the inquest be ing opened two hours after the fatality in Myers undertaking rooms North Toronto The hearing was adjourned until Thursday night at llijjs City Morgue According lo the police drove into the city after tin ac cident and leaving his friends downtown returned lo his home in North Toronto On way lie stopped Iho scene of accident lo see what he had struck alleging at the time that he did not know he had hit a girl On reach ing his homo he was sub poenaed for the inquest He went to Hie morgue was elect ed foreman of jury and lis tened lo the- evidence at first hearing without giving any indi cation that his auto was the cause of girls death who conducts a gro cery at Street was arrested near his home which is above the store Ho is tall slight about HO years of ago and is very well known In North Toron to whore ho has resided all his life He did not lake his arrest very seriously Throe of he four who wore in Iho automobile were also taken lo headquarters They are Harry J Sheldrake Ave Frank M Dick son Broadway Ave and Wall ler Harris Ave All the men are residents of North Toronto was the only man hold the others being allowed their freedom after be ing questioned by the detectives Whaloy states that he and his friends loft Richmond Hill short ly after- eight oclock for Toron to He was driving at leeif miles an hour As he was Hearing the scone of the accident a northbound Metropolitan car a very strong headlight came into view The glare of the headlight he slated partially blinded him and he was unable to see anything ahead When he struck the girl he fell a jar and Dr MoifaeV Indian are not a new and untried our grandfathers them Half a century ago before ConfederiUv they tale In nearly every or general in the Canada of tL- day and were the of homes for i Indigestion and Kidney and Liver Trouble To day they are just effective s reliable as ever and nothing better has yet been devised to Cure Common nut noining was seen When ask- during the inquest if did riot realise thatthe on llfeKinqucaVwas being held was object ho had lie did answer Miss years was well known and pop ular in JI ill and the vi cinity Her father- is a farmer Her a brok en shoulder a broken arm and a fractured skull The automobile Ms held by is a large passcngor car Evidence of the terrible with which tho girl was hit is found in the crumpled mudguard and a twist ed and broken lamp J Barrister Notary Public c Office Main St Loan on good Farm Se curity rttfj I K- J J For and Chfldrea Oh Always bears Signature of j COUNCIL report of the finance mitleo lo the county council on Saturday last was subjected to very severe criticism by the members of the highway who were present Although the report recom mended for road main tenance a clause was added that the committee was of opinion that large ex penditure was unwarranted and that the condition of the high ways did not show results in keeping with the expenditure W Pugs ley was bitter in his denunciation of the clause and said that il showed nance committee had not paid very much attention to the mat- tor council levied the county taxes for general purposes- at the rate of on the dollar and Assessed towns and villages as follows King Mark ham -T- a I fc Vaughan Whitchurch- York New market Aurora Villages Landing Rich mond Hill 72053 Weston Wood- bridge Sutton The council discussed the mat ter Of having the legislature the amount of property thai religious institutions in the coun ty can hold without paying taxes and the general opinion was that no institution holding laud for Iho purpose of gain should be exempted It was decided to din- cuss the question at a future mooting police commission will be composed of the warden a county judge and a police ma gistrate appointed by the over nor Twentyfive dollars was grant- ed lo the Free Hospital to the Elobicokc Spring Fair and to Childrens Aid Society The balance of quarters salary of the laic J Lundy will be paid to his wi dow At I he session on Friday Iho question of whether the York County commissioners should reconsider their decision in the matter of their grant towards construction of the Locust Hill bridges was a much discussed one at the mooting of the coun ty council yesterday commissioners recom mended a sum of 2000 and the representatives asked that it be increased to Reeve Nigh of said thai no had been legally advised in the matter and ho found that even if the had been by the township the coun ty could be held liable for repairs matter was left to warden county commissioners and a special committee Jersey Creek The clerk road decision of Judge Morgan in the case of North against county in regard to the Jersey Crook bridge The case was tried years ago before the judge but his decision was not announced until March J His Honor found structure in a very dilapidated condition both in its approaches and abutments would have to be repaired as it connected with a number of leading roads North liuibury will pay cost and the county fourfifths Tlie warden announced that county commissioners had boon advised appeal from deri sion said the award seemed very clear and bought an appeal unnecessary The matter was left to the commissioners and the solicitor Never before has there been such a breaking away from soil yet never before was farm life so attractive or its returns so sure anil profitable The tele phone the rural mail good roads and the have elimin ated that isolation that was once so bitterly complained of drainage modern homes have routed that fornor work is easier than ever- before and the returns are larger It is most independ ent life on earth Automobiles are not always responsible for automobile acci dents is just as much IK ft 1 Water lain Just Around tho Corner on Newmarket 1 Repair and any Has fiocured a Repair Pan from the Ford at Toronto and Is prepared to do all kind of Repairing SEE AQOUY YOUR WORK OF ALL KIND8 GASOLINE AND OIL8 n i US are always found In genteel circles The last word In ele gant ties In handsome shades and artistic blonds In superb effects Our shirts create that aristocratic and elegant effect Let us give you a few concerning mens uptodate wearing apparel All jv lkM Mens Outfitter MORTON Newmarket Town Real Estate Company FIRE ANT LIFE INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN MONEY INVESTED HOUSES AND FARMS RENTED RENTS COLLECTED ALL KINDS OK TOWN FARM PROPERTIES BOUGHT AND SOLD We have tor Bate soma excellent with all modern coavtaiences on of Main St will be at a right price Beautifully situated At a Bargain for Quick Sale Also a number largo gardens email to suit buyers and prices right I You men ought to be moving our way toward getting one We are stocked up right with the goods that knowing dressers will wear this season Exclusive Designs FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Call In early and make a selection PHONE IF ILL J ly nf pedestrians to guard against accidents as it is the peo ple who drive motor ears And quite as much should be exercised in the one ease us in the other It is the dangerous snood rale that makes automo biles more or less menace hut many people from sheer contribute very large ly toward acei dents by these machines is well always to on lookout A quantity of both Hard and Soft Wood for Sale Delivered 1 at Orchard Beach or Point Apply to Box KeawfcJc WORK Laundry or Out by tie Day Mrs IL ox Box PO J