Newmarket Era, 26 Jun 1914, p. 8

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Hiuillr j A June t am a general storekeeper at the above address and on account of eat good I recommend them strongly to my ctiilomers They were a great to can tell you for bout two yearaago was Wl up In bed with vomiting and a pain the base of in skull pain nearly drove mejnau Doctors feared It would turn to Inflammation of the brain but I took Imltnllvcs steadily until I was cured I have gained fifteen pound IS 1 1 111 if nil I I taking and from I a believe they saved disastrous Illness J A For Headaches Neuralgia Rheuma tism and other diseases arising from on Impute condition of the blood la invaluable and Infallible a box for trial size At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Ottawa HOUSE St on to market Hu ll TO RENT On SI All conveni ences Immediate at litis office TO RENT The liar and Itaoms in tho Hotel Apply on to Mrs Flanagan TO RENT House on St Seven Urge rooms Domestic water Juno 1st Apply to gins box Newmarket BUY Town and farm property Wo parties who have farms for sale write us 373 I Office at rod- tux Ave three blocks of Metropolitan Station Hot- ford St Phono 180 HOUSE FOR On Church St Mod ern in every way rooms basidea bathroom and room New fur nace Convenient to all down town Will be sold at a bargain on terms Apply at WE A property situated on Prospect Ave A largesized dwelling with all conveniences all In first shape Quarter of an acre of with apple and small fruit trees Frame stable and hen This we consider best fcay in town act quickly Terms tan ho arranged to suit Apply to P Morton US LET for a Business Career WML Where you will get correct in struction ami assistance in ob taining employment when coni- all summer jv free July hold that week on Juio 30 number from here attended Mr Weirs which young enjoyed ice cream last Friday was grand success Mrs gave an noon tea last Monday at her home Potest Lane for her daughter I Paxton who return to Woodstock ahortly accompanied by sister MlssTna Ioggo K15TTLKHY The of the Wo mens Institute will hold a meeting at home of John on Monday June at 230 pm when they will bo addressed by known writer Mrs Laura Stephen Mrs Stephen netVk no In troduction as she has travelled from Atlantic to the Pacific In con nection with Institute work An loTlainmcnt will bo given by local talent AH ladles welcome Mr Villi of was a of Miss Fairies has returned home after spending a weck with in Mr Win had the misfortune to got his knee kicked by a horse hut we hope he may soon to able to be around again The Ladles Aid of the Methodist Church intend holding their annual strawberry i festival on the Church on July 1st An excellent program will be given Teat served from 6 to a treat AURORA High School trance commenced on Wednesday There are pupils writing here boys and girls There arc about writing at tbe various schools in the riding A most disgraceful drunken row oc curred at comer of Vonge and Wellington i Streets Saturday night shortly after seven oclock An old man who had imbibed too much very abusive and started a row He was I knocked down by another man who had a jcavy jag on and tumbled into the ditch Regaining his feet he tried to use his cane on his assailant but he was to drunk to do much damage The row occurred just at a time when women and children were coming down town It Is about time people should arise in their might and abolish the bar Banner BRADFORD r Miss Noilly spent week end in Newmarket the quest of Miss Mr Curry met with a very painful accident while working at Mr Norman Bowies on Friday Ho and his men were In putting a floor in the barn when an axe wield ed by Curry off beam and struck him in the cheek cutting and bruising htm badly Rev the popular pas tor of Bradford church has accepted nomination at the hands of the Reform party to op pose Mr Alex Ferguson South on the platform Speaking his congrega tion on Sunday evening he defined hid position and asked his congrega tion to support him his work in the interests of temperance and moral reform It is high time that our council would enforce some strict legislation regulating that modern speed devil known as motorcycle So fa as noise is concerned one might as well spend ones an under ground trolley as in the vicinity of Holland or Barrio streets while from the point of danger an accident which occurred on Saturday night speaks For Mr and Mrs Jesse Harvey were driving on the road north of the town when they were run into a motorcycle and Harvey was thrown out aid badly in jured receiving a cut on tho which required several stitches Mr Harveys buggy Was badly smashed and the motorcycle was put out of business faflpfl TOWN LINK ITEMS The Kind Have borne the of Chat has been made under his personal supervision for over SO year Allow no one in Counterfeits Imitatlonsaftd are but perimentaV and endanger tho health of Children against What8 Castor is a substitute or Castor Oil Paregoric and Berthing It is Pleasant It neither Opium Morphine nor other substance Its ago its guarantee It Worms and allays It and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation arid It as flimiifttca the Pood regalates Btomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sloop The Childrens Panacea The Mothers The Kind You Have Always Bought of In UaoFor Oyer Years sW is i I your sore and Aa as ZamBuk is applied coola and soothes Injured smart ing akin and tissue defined her bal essences penetrate the skin its antiseptic properties prevent all danger of festering or inflammation cuts and its healing essences build up new healthy tissue For cuts burns bruises etc just as effective- rMiUM Mothers find It Invaluable for babys sores r r the giijoleHt iXijt ijiio bar is- to younKniau who heVar drank Borne may win off- arid get in ail and have K V rM r 1 drink froi a fe s l f 1 ft QUICK ABOLISH THE I r to bo a fipcaWcr to intelligent men like his speech had Its The next Clement who a powerful speaker made a telling speech and one comes to the conclus ion alter heating has made good use of hi short in Canada I by the manner in which he handled the occupying the attention of time The next on the was a duet by Mlsa and Mr rendered In exquisite style Then came the star of the evening when chairman called on the Hon J Mackenzie King on appcgrancean outburst of ap plause was given which took several mihutos to subside He was In good form aim as Hie news of his eloquence In fcwinorkct at the Massmeeting had preceoded him many made It their business to hear him No man the Province has a superior plat form delivery or Is letter posted In political affairs or Federal In an able and lucid manner he laid before his audience in his inimitable style the history of the Whitney Ad ministration and clearly demonstrat ed that It was time for a change j which assured them wan in the near future to take place His elo quent speech took deep hold as lib had gained such a place in the esti mation of the people were prepared to trust him Previous to Waltons apnearance wo were favored with a solo Miss Kerney of Toronto alter which Mr Walton in his straightforward nlcf his audience and left an impression that will sure Carry him as we all wish to the top of the poll on Tune 20th Mr Pros Burden of the Line accompanied a lady friend from took in Circus in Toronto Sarsaparilla Changes tendency toward dUeue to tendency toward Health No alcohol Sold for CO years Your Doctor i For the Era Come men of every nation and men of And listen Theres a murmur In you can hear it everywhere That the traffic must take a to the song that I would me man that the question of license Is coming tip nS cssion again this year and while Im a of tem perance ami- wantit to suweid Im it isnt practical have just learned from reading a scientific paper that the Germans have invent ed a method of making brandy out of sawdust Now what will pro hibition have when a man is able to brandy smashes out shingles on his roof or he can get delirium tremens by drinking the legs oft the kitchen chairs South THIS HAH Will appeal bo in vain will BENFit FARMER because the value of his farm able him profitable crops his cost of will he low he can reach v0 his children can I act every day in the year and he will have more social life arid conditions They Benefit the Consumer because they of living in proportion to the farmer ayes arid by bringing new industries to the community enable a larger proportionate amount to be paid out in wages and with increased population more and better stores Public roads are commercial feeders of the city and every improvement of these roads means a prosperity through agricultural production and greater ulous to all industries f J amusements I i I ft I i Will yon turn he cry Will you condemn the bar has got to go that source of ho is human woe Which so many lives have brought to want phauie If youjd keep your manly politics aside And for those who name do In for Mr lips man that makes them howl Whenever theres a chance to speak for right You always find him there and his words arc with prayer So go in and work for him with all your might Come all ye learned teachers and famous gospel preachers And lift your voice high in praise of him The work that he Is doing the work that hes pursuing Should make you work with manly vim and friends that no matter how deep a man or woman has sunk ftach possesses a leii- spot in their heart hungering for kind word seldom spoken Will you not only speak Hint kind word hut go further and re cord your vole and exercise your influence to Abolish the Bar Economical Good Concrete roadl arc best from the start and cheapest in the end They are free from ruts mud and dust They give good footing to horses and easier traction to every class of vehicle but most important is the fact that they require practically no expenditure for upkeep Complete information of concrete road construction is yours for the asking without cost or obligation Write today for concrete roads literature to Concroto Reach Department Canada Coinpony Limited Herald Building Montreal Oh Bar Abolition Urged Upon Baptist People in Whereas awful evils growing out of the liquor traffic are known to us and we as christian people are responsible to do all In our power to destroy this cursed thin end where as opportunity is given to us to abolish the open bar and drinking in clubs Resolved that we express our heart approval of this movement to abolish the bar and urgfe upon our people the of striking a decisive blow now looking to the of total abolition resolution was carried unani mously at the afternoon meeting of the Toronto- Association of Baptist Churches SPECIALITIES FITS NERVE SKIN BLOOD KIDNEY Chronic and Complicated nouns to FREE or by Letter fa all Awk for our I be tent A 9M St Mpnlrl Too late for last weak Ffarmors are anxiously hoping for rain Crops are beginning to show the effects of dry weather hay espe cially does not look very promising Path Masters are busily engaged on the roads as o work for a little is over and now is the time to do statute labor We are glad to hear Mr George of Fair View Farm is on the mend as his medical adviser says he is Mr Dales preached a strong and very appropriate sermon to a on last on the of Temperance This subject occupies the peoples minds very much at this political crisis A large and enthusiastic meeting was held on Saturday Night in Vie interest of Mr 1 Walton Liberal Candidate for the Conservatives were in the audience something new Id Keb and a good expression of how things are coming- The was occupied by Mr Watson who acquitted with satisfaction to the meeting The first Breaker was Mr of Aurora who gave one of nice straight forward a man professing j Now Is to Got Hid or These Ugly Qpots Theres no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your as the prescription strength fa guaranteed to remove thceo homely spots Simply get an of double strength from your druggist and apply a little of it night and morning end you should soon that eveo the worst have be gun to disappear while the lighter ones have vanished entirely It Is seldom that more than an ounce needed to completely cure the skin and gain a beautiful clear complex ion and ask for the double strength othine as this Is sold under guarantee of money If It fails to remove freckles ye members of the church do not leave him in lurch On election stand firmly to yoUr ground Do not let the partj strife lake re ligion from your life Hut work to bring this noble issue around A story we are told thats handed down from old Tliat religion on election dav is Hut twould be a sad disgrace to let the like take plaCO that for the right your vote tossed Twill be better by far to abolish hat Ard to have a conscience clear and voes Than to let your narrow views pol lute family rows And make religious spirit just just a cloak Zephyr Out twentyfifth anniversary of St Church mark by special services on Sunday when the s rector of Trinity Church Aurora preached at both the services The choir rend ered special On Monday night a lecture on Irish Wit and Humor Was given Tebbs rector of St Marks Church Orangeville the Music Hall A hundred and forty views of Ireland were shown itiOOOt Pour boiling water on oranges and let them stand five minutes This will cause the white lining to come away clenn with the skin so that a Quantity of oranges can be quickly sliced for sauce or pud dings l lea The first thing to do is to rect the minor ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion and elimination After these or gans have been put in good working order by timely use of hard on some women to have lliyni work to support their own families and th- as well Vole against this injustice fOOO- ON THE DEFENSIVE the Era Some of the arguments used in de fence of the liquor trafficare very ludicrous One argues that alcohol does not cause drunkoncss and other evils that it is only the abuse of it and consequently argues or modera tion in its use us see how much truth there is in the statement that moderate use of alcohol is- harm less What arc the highest authorities to which we can appeal Surely Gov ernment Reports in England and sev eral other countries all agree that continued use of quantities so small as never to cause drunkenness will persisted in cause chronic poisoning and many of the children such par ents are liable to be Weaklings or worse The reports of great scien tists action great of labor and the example of athletes all go to show that even tho moder ate use of alcohol is now known to be harmful So for modera tion Another argues that all the evils of drink are caused by distilled liquors and suggests that these be prohibited and the free use of and wine be permitted Here again we appeal to Government Reports which class beer wine and spirits as all posi tively harmful lreqUently used even in socalled nioderation Many great Railroad Corporations also sus pend or dismiss a man for indulging In a simple glass of beer Indeed it is becoming pretty generally known that beer drinkers do not live as long as whiskey drinkers on account of Its ruinous effects on the kidneys More over France Italy Germany Bel gium and other countries have found when it Is almost too late that and wine have a most disastrous effect on the national health and vigor Another declares that if all restric tions were removed and liquor allow ed to be sold as freely as any other commodity there would be little trouble from it so why not apply that plan to morphine cocaine and other poisonous drugs In certain parts of and Belgium there Is a saloon for every twenty of in habitants and the people are besotted and degenerated to a degree almost beyond belief Indeed there is not a word that can honestly said favor of the use alcohol unless it be its occasional use as a medicine H MD MOPS O YOUR copy la all ready for mailing to your office All is is your name and address and this you can give us on the attached coupon if you will You need this Book in your business It may prove worth hundreds of dollars to you It costs you nothing Perhaps may contain the solution of your most vexing problem If you are wrestling or YOU me difficulties presented by an increasing business which is suffering from growing pains and finding its pre sent quarters too to permit of expansion this Book will surely help you If you wonder why you are staring an increasing pay roll in the eye every week with a corresponding shrinkage you will answer Book OTISFENSONi ELEVATOR COI BAY ST TORONTO Fill in tear oil and mail this- coupon now THIS MINUTE- you mis page IN PHOTOS We are now making a canvas of the town order- to give eaoh and every person a chance to save from to in photos Our representative will call at your door and explain to you the great bargain Bo a holder of a coupon which will en title you to cut prices and re mains good until Nov YOU MUST BE A It Now Phone The Fergus Studio Ck Main iJotufoid Oil li I if better digestion results and then food really nourishes and fiUengthens the body The first dose gives relief and quieter nerves and improved action of all the bodily organs are caused by an occasional use of Pills They give universal satisfac tion and in safety end Quickness of action OLD MAN In June wo may naturally ex pect much warmer weather One of civilization is a of progress in Which wo talk about the weather It is an everpresent and inexhaustible theme It is the thing talk about in the morning and the last thing spoken of at night It is very rare that they do not the weather in ail of its diversified forms It is too hot or too cod too wet or loo dry and so on to the of the chapter In the warm day of June July and Au gust it is a simple matter to keep cool or at least not to imitate si If you are trying to keep house without Gold you are not taking advantage of modern methods Get some system into your work but let Sold do all the hard part of the task All you need to do is to direct it There are millions of women in Canada today who wouldnt give up i i Reform Movement the use of for anything Are these women ail wrong If you want to get right buy a package of Gold Bust today join the millions Jiappy housewives who Let GOLD DUST TWINS do their work I I mil COMPANY LIMITED Montreal Can a fiery furnace whether in the city village or country whether kepi at work or free to play Our bodies know sort of food they need in warm weather We fruits and vegetables but cat large quantities of meat us to discard all clothing but wo it on ihink of heat all tin Our bodies will adjust lenl selves to warm weather minds will do their share- best rule for keeping cool is w only through force of habit We forget that it is hoi Ho dream of cooling draughts of it becomes almost as spring water but dont take i cool as it is to aa Our tell vieo to do it J enough of it j

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