Newmarket Era, 28 Aug 1914, p. 6

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J i- iff L t- largo wnregaoaitttftijA- J Church tat Wira fc- Albert and Baser ball hall gam On The locals won j Mt afclvillo Bain met with a Occident while driving a Potato dig ger day last week The no pi tho school opens on Tuesday No doubt will bo pleased to resume after the long vacation Smith dentist returned I from a couple weeks holiday and will ho hero every Tuesday as usual PERSONAL Koyco of Toronto who has been upending her vacation with her slater Mrs Robertson has returned to her homo Miss Hummer field and Mrs Wilkinson pcnt a week at homo Cook Miss who has been visiting at tho homo her aunt Mrs Allison returned to her homo City week The Mount Albert Womens Instil a arc taking up matter rais ing funds Tor tho Hospital ship News is scarce as everybody seems completely absorbed in War News days With reference to an appeared In your estimable paper time ago regarding retired farmers who are still In Har ness and who are supposedly crowd ing out those laborer who arc In ac tual need work I would to auk a pertinent question Why do ac tive farmers apply for the service retired farmers in preference to those of the ordinary day laborer One and perhaps Die only reason it is all important Is that the ordinary day laborer like to sel ect bis job according to his appetite those who will tike work as it offorcd thorn bo it hard or easy for hard intelligent work and as and stick with it arc few and far between the farmer who wants a de pendable laborer calls upon a retired farmers probably an old neighbor bis whoso and in all branches of farm work is be yond cavil In looking at the matter from one point view is Inclined to think that it is rather a trick for a retired farmer who pre sumable docs not need it to take work from those who do But in largo congregation In Church last wcr treated to a very fine the Pastor Rev tpoV 1st Chapter The choir sang with much effect perfect Tho Wood of Aurora spent Sunday MIbb klll homo on Monday Mr Donald wook end with his We vl8h1icre to correct a rumor that has gone abroad that there was no of threshing mach ine that caused the destruction ot Mr Flanagans fine and crop A hot box causing a that a flame that could not bo extinguished caused whole trouble Mrs Robert Quants and daughter of Morkham spent a couple of days with Mrs H Eves Spring Bank Farm Misses of Nowmarkct spent Wednesday of this week with Mr and Mrs exceedingly pleasant time wan spent by the pcoplo of tho League- at the home of Mrs Steph en on Monday evening It being their monthly Social occasion Mr A was in ton last attending fun eral of a relative Alter a of months visit with her Aunt at Miss Anhlo Mc- Kcnio returned home last week and will be in charge of Post Office hero during Miss Kavanagtes visit in the Western Provinces Miss of Newmarket spent the week end with Mrs Alyward Miss Raker of a resident of some years ago is spending a month In the village re old acquaintances Miss Barker has married and there Her Uncle Owlwlshes happiness- Miss Jessie to consider her to be oaring for Bentiment tohe When feeble old and gray My healthy arm afcall bo thy stay And I will thy My Our Charlie in oft Baldwins sweet villa J thinic it meant to carry two- and- have fluggcHted such to Dr Charlie There are lots of charming widows about here would willingly figure in an outing beside such a handsome man Thinks I a scat bo ample Would hold at least one more Rut I did not care to say bo Through a hole in tho door boys and Ms fair Nellie week and rewarded That was enough I think Generous giver Tho man had better hurry home cut his holidays short If the Yankees como as some neem to fear things will bo turned upoido down at time Rut I will over bor der Ho cant slide down our cellar door Sunday nights cool change will possibly cook tho North West wheat crops Lots of news will to be unre ported I shall warm them up for the next weeks budget I watch that Society Column as a cat watches a mouse Us powerfully to an Owl Baldwin and Egypt aro tc heat on corn and spuds For All Trot or Pace miiehcats beat in irUiEO 2 230 Class Trot or Pace mile boats best 3 in Purr- All purses 30 and per cent of each puroe Four to enter and three- to start Fee per cent of purse and per cent additional from winner Allhorses eligible Aug 1st and they hov effect of unnatural headaches back aches dizziness hot fa lower limbs pain everywhere a Indicate thit Niton wroDj fecj Itck of end other been too tor colldcrcn to Wife j Buffalo In liquid or tablet form or CO or c en for trial box tail en coiiDa- re llrcx oca Easy to ORCHARD People are returning home from resort in considerable numbers thin week Rev Hyde of Toronto who has a summer cottage at conduoted dlvlno morning ai at Orchard Reach Sab bath Ho Is always a welcome oc cupant of the pulpit of this resort His mnrnlng sormon was largely bas ed on woryia Have rod and his observations touching the present European war were time ly and thoughtful Miss of To ronto sang a solo with much expres sion with hymnal words of Face Next Sabbath the congrega tion will have Prof J 200 2nd ooo looking at the matter from another point of view and I think the point A of Victoria College wno The wind was high last most sane one if those weed work were ambitious enough to qualify for It they would not bo needing Efficiency Is the thing that counts in every of work and efficiency wins With regard to another little art icle with Gossip as its interesting subject we all know that gossip is occupation for little winds and dare I say little souls that cannot realize that there other occupations uplifting and humane than those involving their neighbors fort unes and misfortunes such a business invariably reacts visibly and always invisibly A reader SHARON Mr Kimono Kiglitley has some day Three men attempted to have a ride in a rowboat with a motor power but it was rough Ion the water that they had to return to shore This was a new and ono of the passengers had to jump out to save grounding on the shore got to port all right after this little unexpected ex perience other cottages on the Reach Zephyr Villa closer tbs week the season Rev Charles Belfry and family left for their Tottenham home yesterday Thursday- Mr and Mrs Marker left for Hamilton on Thursday of last week MIsb of Toronto spending a few dajs with the family of Mr A Wright The Wilson hoarding house has a limited number of guests at pre sent under a dozen Toronto people lady friends from Ottawa visit- and one of them fell and frac- this resort arc returning home for Exhibition which opens a limb row Putting yourself in his place might j Lawn Rowling Lacrosse Lawn bo all right if you are persuaded Tennis and the fit our lust a line to lot you know old town Is still Miss Honey preached to a large congregation last Sunday In the Methodist Church here her text was Lords Prayer The old threshing machine has hummed once more in our neighbor hood The farmers are looking for hue weather so they can finish har vest Mrs Clark was the guest of Mrs W Irwin Sunday last Do forget the hop at the lake next Friday night Our choir leader has some time with his pupils camfot the right Give them a CARD OF To our many kind neighbors friends far and near wc wish getaway week for the campers time pleasures at this resort and fishing BALDWIN BREEZES War is the topic conver sation these days Us likely the most warlike spirit will get satiated before all is over Two men Hilly Miller and another chap gone on foreign service from here Mr and Mrs Ross Tomlison mourn the loss of their baby which to an attack of whooping cough and accompanied by pneumonia Notwithstanding the drouth crops here arc turning out very well John Jermiah Joseph Foster cut a mag nificent crop of oats last week The best Ive seen They promise at least sixty bushels per acre it required three pounds of twine per acre to bind them They are the Banner oats and are also a banner crop J J Is a model farmer Hes trying to take the bun for root crop In tlie generality of cases is Wo to express our heart- felt grati tude for their great assistance given us at the time of our loss by fire and also since in so ably assisting with whatever wn need ed Signed Mr and Mrs J Flanagan li i m WANTED Wanted at e No transacted Sun days Apply at Harry Alibis Pox near Albert tell HARRY ALLIH Bond your order and have your fencing done properly and promptly Apply to O SMITH or SMITH OWEN Ont AND PAPER a shall miss them tho automobiles and pleasant outing parties We seeing them and occasionally have a chunk of the excitement ourselves for there are generous hearts in command of the horses They require no hay or oats no solid food but their liquid refreshments amount to considerable as they need a dale it as Thomas would say I notice take solid enjoyment in blowing Gabriels to see The Owl jump should have a free ride to settle the bill Reports from North West say ALBERT Dealer in all kinds of Farm Machinery I a good stook on hand at all times You can come and buy your goods and take it homo with you I keep a general of repairs on hand hay fork rope binder whip in fact almost anything you want Potato Drillers now in H 110UNT ALBERT KESWICK are all pleased to Joy face again She looks well after her summer in Harvest will soon be a thing of the past Some farmers have finished others are just finishing A pleasant evening for tho people of Keswick and vicinity has been planned by the ladles ol the Keswick Womans Institute for Friday Sept A Garden Party Is to be held on the grounds of Mr Wm Marritt Keswick The proceeds of which will go towards equipping the Free Hospi tal for Children which Is being built at Weston A patriotic entertainment consisting of Musio Games etc will he given during the evening On the grounds will bo re freshment booths where Icecream cake and homo made candy will bo sold Admission lCcts at the I bo whole neighborhood are invited to enjoy the Social evening A rare treat is In store for tho Keswick Methodist S next Sun day morning as Miss Campbell Mis in China who at present on furlough and stopping with parents at Orchard Reach has pro mised to give an address SUTTON The Fulton Ladies mot at the home of Mr K Greenwood on Monday afternoon and appointed collectors to canvas the town and surrounding districts for funds for the war They met with fair success See the lies that are being of fered for at Fur nishing Store They are regular and lines and had a law case before Magistrate on Friday over some threshing outfit Mr Leigh of Texas is on a vis it to his brother Mr Leigh here Mr and Mrs Wiley and Mr and Mrs Gorneil of Newmarket spent last Wednesday afternoon in Sutton Mr Smith of Newmarket spent over Sunday at Mr Mrs Smith accompanied him home Messrs Kaiser and Mil lard motored to Head on Sunday Mr A J Lowick and Miss are away on a twoweeks vis it See the new Fall Hats at Better make your selec tion early There aro some nifty shapes The Prize Lists are out for Sut ton Fair which is to he on Sept and Mr A L accountant of the Metropolitan Rank accompanied by his wife are the guests at the homo of parents and Lira Osborne Messrs- Richards and George took in ball game at on Friday afternoon Mr N Jr joined the Queens Regiment last Saturday and loft for Quebec at once He expects to see active service Percy Clark left last week to join his former regiment soldier before he came out to this country School reopens hero next Tuesday No doubt this will not please the Rev A Winter A and wife of spent a few last with his brother Winter Mrs son guests of Dr and Mrs Piingle this week 2nd 2 CO 200 2nd 300 300 300 2nd 2nd 200 Entire Colt yearling Brood Mate Imported with evidence having a foal In Brood Mare Canadian Bred 400 1914 Toronto dally World one year find by Society Yearling 300 Filly two years old CLASS DRAUGHT HORSES Section 1st Brood Marc with foal or evidence of having had one In Foal by Condition Powders Value III f tfitf Yearling Gelding or Filly Gelding or Filly 2 old 300 Gelding or Filly 3 old 300 CLASS PURPOSE HORSES Section 1st Brood Mare with foal by her aide or evidence of having had one In Foal let by Ontario Wind Engine Pump Co a Bag Truck value 300 And by Society Yearling Gelding Filly or Filly old CLASS 4ROADSTER HORSES Section Brood with foal by her side or evidence of having had one In Foal Gelding or Filly 2 yrs old 300 Yearling fielding Filly 300 Maro or Gelding in harness 15or 400 Mare or Gelding in harness und and over Span in harness by Farrow Bros and added by Society CLASS HORSES Section 1st Mart with foal by side or evidence of having had In 1914 Perth Rubber Co valued at 1 r 111 tftt 2 Foal Gelding or Filly 2 old 300 Yearling Gelding or Filly Single Driver Mare or Gelding 400 Span in harness a- CLASS SPECIALS IN HORSES Section 1st 1 Team Draught Horse in Harness Second prize by Stiles valued at Agricultural Team In harness MasseyHarrls Walk ing Plow winner to pay General team in harness Cart Horse Mate or Gelding flOO Rest Foal of by either Royal Rover or Angelolst and 2nd by J A Son Importers and Breed ers Best Draught Foal open to Classes 12 and 3 giv en by V Best Mare or Gelding open Classes and Bronze Medal by Co Toronto value 8 Mare or Gelding best adapted for Delivery Purposes 300 Second Prize by 1 furnisher a hat 9 Saddle Horse Single Driver Mare or Gelding 3 years old harness 1st by Society 300 2nd Box of Cigars by R Culver well or Filly old Rest Mare or Gelding open to Classes and a sil ver Medal by Co Toronto value 1000 Pony In harness hands and under most suitable for family and driven by one of the children of family 14 Lady Driver 1st goods by Sellers Toronto 2nd Piano Drape Value Lady Rider 300 Gentlemans Turnout 300 Saddle Horse best per at high jump ing 100 Rest Halter Broken Foal hand led by boy under yrs not necessary a GLASS Open only to residents of Sutton end North Gwillimbury and Ten Entries Free Beetle 2nd Quilt Crazy Work 50 25 Quilt Log Cabin 50 25 Concluded on page tin d MP A- General Manager Casual Paid Up Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits You Can Start a Savings Account with it Is not necessary for you to wait until you have a large sum of money In order to a Savings Account with this Bank An account can be opened with and more on which Interest Is compounded twice a year MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH D TERRY Manager Mrs McLaughlin and spent the past week in and vicinity in Change of limp The Metropolitan has put force the following time table Sutton am 115 345 and 645 pm Arrive at Sutton am 910 am Button Fair of the Sutton Fair are putting on races fop both days this year On the be a race inilo heats a 218 race mile heats and a running race On the 25th there will be a freeforall and a heats The races are bound to ML as owners from different places have promised to be hero The prize lists are out annourioing a fine list of prises and the Concert committee have secured a choice line of talent for the wind up tho evening of September 26th ser vice is promised on the railways Get your entries in early to the Mr J Silver Sut ton West The bust of Kaiser I at Victoria Park Berlin was removed by vandals and thrown Into the lake Major A- Campbell second in of tb Regiment Sask atoon was found drowned la Canal President Wilson declared that the Governments chip purchase plan must go through Histories made wise poet witty mathematics subtile na tural philosophy deep morals logic and rhetoric to Bacon Children FOR FLETCHERS fc rf I I J ARCHIVES OP IN IN A PERFECT FIT IN A FOR SEE OUR HEW FALL SUPPLY I OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses SUTTON WEST CANADIAN NORTHERN OPENING OF DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE I Between QUE N Station OTTAWA Union Central Grand Trunk Station MILITARY CAMP EFFECTIVE AUG And Thereafter Dally Except Sunday East- hound AM P P M Stations Toronto West- Fast- hound hound P Belleville Kingston Kingston Smiths Falls Ottawa 330 I A Ottawa NOON A 12 to Jet Quebec Lv Ar PM West bound A PM 810 Service between Ottawa and Quebec City Daily Electric lighted coaches and Cafe Parlor Cars between and Ottawa Standard Sleeping Cars and First Class Coaches between Ot tawa and Quebec City Double Daily Service except Sunday and WeekEnd service between Toronto Port Hope Cobourg Treat- on Belleville and FOR TICKETS AND ALL INFORMATION APPLY TO NEAREST CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY AGENT You cannot do better than attend American College and Toronto for a Bus iness or Shorthand Course Fall Term is now open ask you to write for particulars Mr Wduchope Principal TO TORONTO For Canadian National Exhibition FARE AND ONETHIRD Aug 31st to Sept inclu sive from all stations in Canada Cornwall Ottawa and West will be in of feet on date All tickets valid for return un til Tuesday Sept 014 Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO Fare and OneThird Aug 31 to September 11th 1014 LOW FARES Tuosday Sept 1st and and 10th From Port Burwell t- Hyde Park at Marys Flora w ton Owen Sound Parry oudJ Ivanhoe and intermediate stations Berlin Waterloo Preston and Wednesday 2nd and W- Melrose to Detroit Nobel W Dill Stations East of Kingston and WW tham Subdivisions and i lions and Subdivisions on Division East of Russell nmn Falls and Broekville point must be Tuesday later than Full particular from any Trunk cvet W I J Depot J I P A I 1 A J I 1 J I Du Your Try All SPEC an

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