AGENT MOUNT MOUNT ALBERT ALL LOST Between Newmarket and Ml Albert on Saturday Sept 5Ui to shawl Howard on returning to James filoraoh ML Albert t I Labor Day was as usual a busy day in our town only the bank and In school were closed Exhibition does not scorn lit bo as largely attended from Our vicinity this year as usual although a number wont down on Wednesday Mount Albert hand aro prac tising up their program of muelo for the Fall Fairs They for Button and The recent rains proved very beneficial to the root crop and corn and have caused an of fall for which tho farmers very grateful RAHMKR A quiet wedding took place at homo of Mr Samuel of North on Sept 2nd at two oclock when their oldest daughter Annie was married to Geo Rahmcr of Albert ceremony was performed by If Madden of Sutton West The bride who was given away by her father a of embroidery voile carrying bou quet of carnations at tended by Miss niece of the groom who wore while voile The groom was at tended by Mr Pegg brot her of the wedding won only attended by the near relatives The bride being of many useful presents After the ceremony those pres ent sat down to very sumptuous dinner which took place on the lawn After this the happy young couple left amid showers of and good wishes for and Niagara Falls The bride ravelling in a tailored suit of blue serge with a blue and white hut On their return Ihey will reside in Mount Albert PERSONAL Miss Frances of Minne apolis spent Wednesday with her sister Mrs Miss Myrtle Draper was in town over Sunday on a visit to her brother Mr Melville of Winnipeg loft for his homo on Monday af ter spending a few weeks with friends in town Mr and Mrs Eugene and son left on Tuesday for a weeks visit with his brother in Detroit Mr of Brampton spent his holidays at life old home in town 1 Mr Carter of Montreal who sails for Edinburgh Scot land this month spent the week end at the borne of Mr J Walton Mr of upon a few days with friends here Miss Gertrude Moore teacher in Central Business College To ronto was at her home in own over Sunday Mr and Mrs Milton Mainprise returned last week from a very enjoyable tour of the West which included a trip through the mountains to the ooo Engineering graduates Un iversity of Toronto in Ottawa to number of eightyfive will form a militia company has given towards the maintenance the Horse raised by her for South African War woo will he sent it said as nit with Canadian expeditionary force was entertained at a corn roast at Mr Knights where a thorough was spent It is roporled that Queens Hotel has changed hands and that It will bo board ing house in the near future fall session of the Brad ford District Meeting was In Methodist Church on Wed nesday afternoon tho visiting ministers being lea by Ladies Aid Mr and Mrs A R MoKonzie ore in Toronto for a couple of days Wo pleased to see Mr El mer Smith of Musk to his old home on a visit HOLLAND LANDING Miss Roberts of Dublin Ire land is visiting Mrs Win MoKon zie also Mrs and Miss Mary of Mr Prank of who has spending two weeks here returned on Monday Miss M of Toronto spent Sunday last at her homo hero Mrs Leslie and son Frank of Place spent a few days with her mother Mrs M J this week Mrs Little and Miss took a motor trip to Bond Head on Wednesday aflornoon Mrs Taylor of Allendale is visiting with Mrs W Fuller Mr It of was calling on friends hero last week Mr J Webb Tuosday last with his son Mr T Webb of Cooks town Kcsler Drown of spent Labor Day at his homo here Miss Mae Lennox of Toronto spent at her borne Mr West and Mr T Wrightlcft on Tuesday to attend the General sessions in Toronto Mr Evans was taken suddenly ill on Monday evening wild pneumonia We arc ploas- to hear he is slowly recover- Ing Miss Lily Smith of Toronto who has been visiting her grand- father W Luck returned homo on Saturday last J KESWICK We are pleased to see Miss Se- Morton back again from her trip to the West much improved in health The Patriotic Concert at Mr Win Marriotts last Friday even ing was well attended considering the cool evening and a very en joyable evening was spent The Methodist Ladies Aid are holding their meeting at Glo vers cottage at Island Grove on Friday Sept Miss Dorothy Pollock spent over Sunday with friends in New market Miss v Graham of is visiting her sister Mrs Frank Morton Bull Moose Head Considerable Interest- was manifested In above by of the respective It Is rumor that aftermath was full of criminations and challenges and counterchallenges to hop on It a rehearing will bo for War tho horrors of war is agi tating most Of US As is usual in times some vory absurd ideas Some of our Christian Cap brethren would Germans annihilated Thats not a very Christian do- Biro The Kaiser appears to fro a bloodthirsty old vagrant despot as Nero Emperor of Homo who fiddled while Home burned or as old Bony of France A stray bullet may dethrono the Gorman Emperor Ive heard of such accidents done on purpose I hold that Raiser should bo captured and placed In where ho do any mischief St Helena might again serve a good purpose But whos to do all this eh Britain sure Who else Messrs Allan WiL mot Lou Draper and Joel LaChappollo all completed now houses this season which re flect much credit on their build ers They are mostly of cement Misinformed I have been cor rected in reference to Walter Greens baby Instead of a dish washer it is a woodchopper or in other words a son and heir cording to the Mosaic law Billy Horner came along in hs last week in acknow ledgment which I Owe You the Owl Dr to Billy Horner one ride in an automobile Good will and thanks We had many and many a in the bobtailed but I am longing like tho old moid I nover give up for a burl in those palace car The Misses Eva and Irene Tay lor returned from visiting city cousins last week Our folks are great on gardens and Who says melons I do I have sampled several already But I nover tell hoys where they grow If I did I wouldnt gel any more Time flies I know My news is not all recorded week v Miss Miss J Who was it said our poet was dead It was a wrong assertion Ho went away but not to stay He took in the Exhibition Mr It and gentle man chum were guests of W Keswick looks deserted since for a few days ley and little Miss Olive spent over the holiday with some friends In Toronto Messrs Watson and motored to Toronto on Saturday and spout over holiday thorp Mr John Terry a former tailor here spent a shorllimq in Sutton this week Miss Osborne spent a few days last week in Toronto piok- out her fullrttock of Millin ery Before buying hoc Smalioy s line Coats for ladies men girls The prices aro right So tho goods Messrs A Dixon and W having their houses reshlngled Mr A Parks is having an auction sale of his horses cattle implements etc at one oclock today at his residence just south of the Metropolitan Station at Point MalonoLodge Sut ton net last Wednesday night and elected the following officers for the ensuing year WM Bro Oliver Bro Greenwood Silver Trcas Percy Bro Lodge was visited by Past Grand Master Malone of Toronto and Past Davidson of Word has been received here thai Allan Anderson of and Harry of Winnipeg both former Sutton hoys have enlisted for war The former is now at Que awaiting orders to move to the front Mr Frank Kaiser was down to the Inhibition on Monday Only two weeks until Sutton Fair The this year are on both days and they are all card ed to mi addition entries are pouring in and everything looks like a successful Fair The Con cert Committee have secured Choice array of lalenl including the Ladles Quartette and Harvey Ml Albert Baud will al so be in attendance Mr Geo is in Montreal this week Miss Barbara is visiting friends in Mr and Mrs motored down to Toronto on Monday Messrs and of Toronto were borne on Monday expects to leave for Valcarlier to join the 18th Highlanders on Saturday Mr and Osborne of Newmarket spent the weekend in pcices to condi tions been in flour sugar bread tea textiles grain hog products liquors tobacco and chemicals Sugar has up from to two cents per pound- in tea is gen eral throughput the Dominion averaging about- five cents per pound The rise in moat pro ducts has been chiefly confined to packed goods bacon hams etc Smith of Geary Ave committed suicide early on Sun day morning last by cutting his throat and hanging himself by a strap from bedpost He was under the of liquor at least it is soreported The question of calling a spe cial session of II10 Ontario Legis lature was before the Provincial Government So stated the Provincial Secretary A party of eight Koreans took part in lust Sabbaths missionary services In connection will the Salvation Army The school childrens autumn fairs are being held this week and are largely attended Under the patronage of His Hon Gibson and Gibson also of Sir Whitney and Lady Whitney the French Dramatic Club on Sept at the Margaret Eaton School of Expression two French comedies will be presented in aid of the Patriotic The special train leav ing Toronto for Jacksons Point at p in every Saturday dur ing the past summer has been discontinued Sir Wilfrid Laurier arrived in this city yesterday and is to be the Sir while hero Ho was among the speak ers at the Arena along with the Duke of Connaught and Premier Borden under auspices of the American Aid Society for the ben efit of the Patriotic Fund Mr organist of all their natural strength Instead of being harassed by forebodings and weakened by nausea sleeplessness or you will bring aid will find that most of the Buffer ing not make Its appearance J Dr to result of a life of flllmontsand la for women Its la its field for more than forty years of tho to derived from Neither narootlca nor alcohol will bo found In this vegotablo to liquid or tablet Sold by druggist or a trial box fij cent mall on receipt of onecent stamps I Dr v w I Ml OSLtn up w A General Manager This Bank Offers Farmers a complete and satisfactory banking service Sales Notes collected on favorable terms and advances mid en notes at reasonable rates The Savings Department Is a safe and convenient for your money Interest at current rates Is paid on of dollar and upwards One dollar opens an account Id Savings Department of St Pauls Oh roll London On- lario who on the iinl of last HAY SALE Joint Timothy at Lots and St between and Second 00 acres will he sold by the acre or ton and to bo cut by purchaser Hol IE Announces that ho is giving special terms and discounts on farm implements Separators Buggies Waggons Potato Diggers and for a 1ine I can surprise you Nov if you want it bargain in any thing you need be sure and see mo or phone ALISERT the summer visitors have gone to their homes Mr spent over Sunday in Newmarket Mr Morton has returned from his trip to England Miss Marguerite of To ronto spent over Sunday at Mr Fletchers and contributed a very beautiful solo at the evening ser vice also at the Endeavor ser vice on Monday evening Miss Vera of Buffalo was home for over the week end Dont forget the educational offering next Sunday evening in the Christian Church and on Monday evening Mr Gladstone Marrietl takes the Endeavor topic What is a good Educa tion I School and College meeting Someone said Where worthy Major at war nothing like that is our IA00D0HU0K8 Wanted at fio fajaslMes on Apply at Pox Lit ALL1N Send your order and have your fencing dono properly and promptly Apply to O SMITH NEWMARKET o SMI Baldwin Oat PAINTER AND PAPER If nil nil i BALDWIN A Mercury period came upon the scene of action on Monday and as you may remember a dis agreeably cold wave camo along Look for very unfavorable weath er For over a fortnight at least Sutton scribe has had much to say respecting their fair I little to say hut what I do say will be pregnant with interest The 24 til and are winding up days in the equinox storms If they escape unfavorable weather theyll he amazingly fortunate Im afraid Torontos Great Show will have a mighty slim bank account Shell do well if she hasnt a deficit Our summer visitors have all left us Bad harvest weather ytl some are still jigging along catch as catch can stylo Corn potatoes and roots arc prodigiously good in this section Tidy Tommy fears no rival in potato line J Oldham Frank Tomlinson Messrs fas Albert Edward and T are Kings in en silage corn The fire on Aug 28111 by which Walter Thompson Gum Swamp lost his barn together with all this seasons crop and many Implements is attributed to children playing with matches Moral Dont let the carry John James has traded horses and the one he got is thin lie says he could heat the other one if he only had good wind We are sorry of the departed one the late Miss Minnie Bing ham and our deepest sympathy is for the remaining brothers May they ever be faithful to their God and Master We do not have to go to Ger many for war Right here it is immense Two neighbors had an awful fuss just over the line fence The Ladies is all the rage Everybody come Whistling Goons SHARON Threshing seems to he the or der of the day I wonder when the Rev Mr Gal- Ian will be able to be with us again We will all be glad to welcome him back Quite a number around here are taking in the Exhibition Mr Jean Kightley and lady friend spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Weddel Mr John Talc had the misfor tune to lose his driver Too bad Mr Root McKrill is in the city serving a term of jury Mrs Gardiner is on tho sick list We hope she will soon be better Mrs and Miss Susie returned to Ottawa after spend ing a month at Mrs J also Miss Madeline William of Toronto Mrs and Miss Proc tor have returned after spend ing a most enjoyable week sail ing on the Groat Lakes as far as We are glad to welcome Miss Ford back eain Misses Gladys and Bark er have returned to school after a long vacation Mack month was arrested in Chester as a German spy but in stantly released on establishing his identity was in this oily this week on his wayhome Report has it that the Pro vincial Legislature of Ontario will mee in special session early in October to transact some- im portant but now political busi ness Attendance at the Exhibition on Labor Bay reached Dog Show opened with entries Fireworks in the grounds in the even ing were grand The Printers Union carried the union trophy at the Labor Day celebration Sutton No less than six people were arrest- Mr Geo Oar no from the West on one charged with irginin Eatons store three re- is visiting his at V Mr Leonard Greenwood of To ronto was home over Sunday Mr Then of Toronto spent the past few days with friends here Mr and Mrs Brooks visited Toronto this week Mr and Mrs Hayes and family of Canning ton visited out of the City A new song entitled for King and Country was sung at the Exhibi tion Monday night by the Temple Male Quartette for the first time It is by Robert who was pianist at the meet ings On Monday last a twoyearold BUTTON Mrs Roadway was taken to the Hospital for an operation last week Reports are to the effect that she is doing nicely Mr J Henderson of spent over Sunday in Sutton the guest of Mr W Miss Schmidt of Berlin spent over the holiday In Sutton the town on Sunday Miss of Newmarket was home over the weekend Mr Percy Osborne of Amelias- burgh was home over Sunday Miss Edith Smith of Newmar ket visited Mrs Pugs ley on Tuesday Mr Birch spent Labor Day in Toronto Miss Ella has returned In Toronto after spending her vacation with her parents Mr and Mrs If Birch See those blue serge suits that is selling at cost price These in two sizes SO one size and one These are bargains Miss Lillian Madden after an extended illness passed away on Monday Deceased was a daughter of Rev W and Mrs Madden of the Methodist Church here and formerly taught school at Sutton The remains were in terred at Mt Pleasant Cemetery on Thursday The parents and family have the sympathy of the community in their loss Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO Far and onethird Daily until Sept nth Single On Certain Dates Return Limit Original Starting Point must be reached not later than Sept WESTERN LONDON Fare and onethird Sept and Special Excursion Fares and Return Limit Mom Sep Full particulars from C P Ticket Agents or write M Murphy Passenger Agent corner King and To ronto t ATKINSON child was being carried across Street by her 7yearold sister in front of an approaching automobile Seeing her danger she dropped sister and the child was run over and killed No fault of the Trick In all trade but ours said a lady on learning that some of the medical who were judges at the Baby Show changed their names so as to avoid tho prejudice of disap pointed mothers How much a baby over eighteen montte weigh asked one mother Up to pounds was the answer given Well my baby weighs 28 pounds and the judges nev er looked It sho proudly declared Mr North of the Toronto Post Office who has been absent In for the past two months has returned home and is again on duty A volunteer Home Guard for the City composed of men over years was formed at the Armories on Wed nesday evening last PATENT REPORTS Relow will be found a list of recently secured through the agency of Messrs Marion Si Marion Patent Attor neys Montreal Canada and Washington J Any information on the sub ject will he supplied free of charge by applying to lie above named firm CANADA 57403 Roherge Shaw- Falls Que Wafer Closet Seal Georges Romeo Cote St Quo Windmill Italy Automatic Coup ling for railway vehicles do las Mexico City Process of re covering alkaline cyanides usod in the treatment of pre containing precious Percy McLean MonU real Que Indicator system Kyosubu Tok yo Japan Process of dressing ores by means of gas Train signal sys tem Did you ever see a Cake Walk No but I heard Shirt Talk down at the other day that convinced me of their superior qualities See our lines and compare them in quality and price We handle such lines as the Arrow Colonial and Gordon I OUTFITTERS of Marriage Licenses WEST QUE Station CANADIAN NORTHERN OPENING OP PASSENGER SERVICE ween TORONTO OTTAWA Union Station Central Grand Trunk Station MILITARY CAMP EFFECTIVE AUG And Thereafter Dally Except Sunday A P M P M Stations Toronto Belleville Ar Kingston Kingston Smiths Falls Ottawa West- East- bound bound P 5 1230 A M Lv Ottawa Jet Quebec Lv Ar Valcarlier PM West bound A PM Service between Ottawa and Quebec City Daily Electric lighted coaches and Cafe Parlor Cars between Ilinlo and Ottawa Standard Sleeping Cars Firsl Class Coaches between Ot tawa and Quebec City Double Daily Service except Sunday and convenient service between Toronto Port Hope Trent on Pioton Belleville and Yarker FOR AND ALL INFORMATION APPLY TO NEAREST CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY AGENT Write for a free copy of The Inventors Adviser THE SESSIONS It WAV Reduced Fares to London The General Sessions and the Account Western Fair County Court of York and Toron- Kingsln0 Renfrew and to opened at ho City Hall on thO wesl lnereo Canada with 127 cases on the Ilso criminal calendar for trial Judge on the Bench The following compose the Grand At Faro and OnorThlrd Jury Alex McMurchy forci 12 13 14 10 and 17 Return limit Sept Homeseeken man King John J Kehoe King Goo Samuel I Trivett East Dav id Mackj Aurora John Lawrie Markhaiu Wm J Maxwell Markhnui P Atkinson Walker A Williams A L I Young and Root Newell Round trip tickets to to seven from the County and Manitoba Saskatchewan and A J six from the city although via Chicago St Paul or city about six times more on sale Tuesday population than the County and Hi Oct inclusive at furnishes perhaps seventenths fares of the business before the Court Return limit two months particulars and lic Austrian steamer was reported agents by a British I J- The forces operating 0 France tune a cheek Fuller over enemy Id fee east are reported J Phone a- nice I A archives of TORONTO I Dui Yourt Try COOl All SPEC V Ingot an a Til Co to it Pi 3