Newmarket Era, 18 Sep 1914, p. 1

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WATCHES HEW ONES FOR to AT- I STOHB I i I it Threading Paper e during 1 ftitr J ToN Editor S J V i I These Goods Proven Themselves to ho Finest in Respective Lines DETROIT VAPOR OIL STOVES QUICK MEAL and PERFECTION OIL GRAVITY WASHING MACHINES PAINT for walls unci ceilings Standard Paint for Buildings or outside HARDWARE PHONE 28 NEWMARKET h- Th6 v wUlM tot about 800 iricl work the walls jipamd notices to tbo ef fect that after Inst bo reduced per cent- some AriothciJ lad named flged aerloualyhiiri being knocked down by last Friday night Missionaries Presbyterian to Japan will Ball for their respective fields of labor California on- the2jth Those for India will leave Liverpool Oct The York County and Toronto City Patriotic- Fund reached on Saturday Over- the mark will be tomorrow Entry close AH entries made this suh- Two bold youths named Wax- jeet to rule five man and Cochran arrest pm in the Ring and Special Friday for breaking into the store will during the afternoon of Murray Co street Saddle Race oth TO GROUNDS CENTS CHILDREN CENTS where tad stored their booty Two- parsons just arrived from Win nipeg were arrested as vagrants Jewellery goods were found in their which Bay wore found li III I In Tuesdayi Preparation Day rticles to he and tins day At p the Judges will Grounds and Buildings open All arti exhibited except Live Stock must he on the in the building his day At p the lor all stained and varhished surfaces remains long after the Price is forgotten i South End Lumber Yard 3 Before P i an Advance in Price PEARSON Carters Alfred Bishop Ontario J Murphy ORDER NOW BEFORE THE Prices Go Too BEST MANITOBA FLOUR BEST RELIANCE FLOUR PASTRY FLOUR Also get Your- Coal Bin Filled THE PRICES MAY BE ADVANCED SOON WH EVES on the train Hon Dr on Friday last wrenched his knee In a fall from a street car The fruitgrowers of snip ped two carloads of fruit and tablcs to the soldiers at camp When John was arrested on Friday charged with theft on his person was found jewellery to the val ue of Among the articles were valuable diamond pendant with a platinum pendant a pearl neck lace The parade or prize animals in the ring on Friday was witnessed by a very laxe crowd of people the Government display from New Ontario at the Exhibition was a to people During the past week men of forty years and upwards organized an Association to he known as Home Guards of the City Duncan Marshall Minister of for Alberta reached To ronto on his return from the old country last week He is well known in political circles In North York On of last week ho livercd an address at Exhibition luncheon in which he took occasion urge greatest duty could render to the Em pire was to grow footislulTs to feed her men and horsey It is stated that To rontos unemployed now number Thursday am Grounds and Buildings open to Visitors am Entry bonks close All entries made this day sub ject to rule five pm Speeding in the Horse Ring and Program of At tractions will commence and continue during the afternoon pm Judging of Live Slock will commence sharp al one Oclock pm Parade in front of Grand Stand of all stock that have- won prizbs and only those who take part in this parade will bo entitled to the prizes awarded The Newmarket OddFellows and other Hands will be in at tendance during the last two days of the Fair Exhibitors read the Rules and Regulations on Pages particularly Rule as the Directors are most desirous of obtaining and maintaining the utmost harmony between themselves and Exhibitors but must necessarily enforce the Rules Printed forms for entries as as he Prize Lists may be obtained on applicationMuthcr personally or by letter to the Sec retary Newmarket LIST NB 2 of Management Messrs J ilfathewson and Glass Section Judged Oct 1st 2nd Pace and Trot mile heats best in Purse 12500 0250 3750 2500 3minule class Pacers or Trotters for horses that have never won a race over turf prior to mile heats best 3 in Purse 2250 1500 Entries for the above events must be made with the Secretary on or before Saturday Oct 3rd Entrance Fee of Purse for each entry with 5 Jo additional retained from Four to three to start in each race 5 winners 2nd 3rd Order Church by No Phone or Ben Manning Ed son Miller Hobl Boyd The INCORPORATED BANK OF Paidup Capital Reserved The Convenience of Saings Account ill 5000000 at toy added to la Safe and not likely to bo You be withdrawn as required in and West WEffMARKKT BRANCH P A LISTER- Manager be Posts Sash Doors signs in Veneered Materia etc ids and Trim in wm Cypress Georgia properly kiln dried Ceiling Pino Hardwood Flooring Oak etc Verandah Columns Railings etc liETTEtt LUMBER EVER GREW THAW THAT WE HAVE 8TORE FOR YOU DRY AND SOUND AND DRESSED Kind Thats HATED THE Y I T ANE SONS pounds- of prize butter and prize cheese were sold at the Inhibition to City retailers The butter averaged a trifle over cts per pound and tho cheese to If per pound It did not look bit like hard times at the Exhibition Grounds to see or automobiles packed a- the roadway near the seawalk and as many more on the steels out- side More were to he seen in and about the show grounds this year than ever While playing on the street in front of his home one day last week a three year bid lad named David Wal lace was knocked down a van and had leg broken During the past week Toronto City Council decided to spend on a scheme for the incineration of garb- ago and rubbish with disposal plants in three or four sections of the city In a recent summing up of the pre sent European war Rev Prof Law stated Some may call it the Irony of fate I call it satire of Provi dence He further declared If ever Britain waged a moral war she wages that war now The Red Cross Society of this City cabled the Red Cross Society of Eng land last Friday as follows Make demand draft on Home Bank of Can ada for 10000 Steps are now be ing taken to raise another Winners in Backward Gardens the City competition got their prizes on Friday The prize was won by Mr Cameron the prize by Mr I Honeymoon and the prize by Mr 1 A About one dozen prizes were also awak ed prizewinners in worlds com petition at the Canadian Na tional Exhibition Grain Exhibit are Spring Wheat McCowan Sear- Fall Wheat E Thurston Barley Geo Simpson Onondaga White Oats Cowan Uriah Young Mount Toy Flint Corn Pet er Cottam Dent Corn South On Friday the aquarium tank at the Government building on the Ex hibition Grounds burstod under the water pressure Of course the live rushed for the outlet for free dom but found themselves on the floor The tank was soon re paired and the fish saved One hundred and fifty men of Hie owe under Col Gordon and staff returned from Long- Branch Tuesday evening flr a weekend exercise Race Purse Entrance- Free Each starter to ride once around the course halter and tie first horse in paddock remove saddle and bridle saddle and bridle second horse and tfo once around the course doing the same on returning to starting point with third horse No halter or parts to be used as a bridle Three paddocks will be provided adjoining the course ire of charge and one assistant allowed each competitor Entries to be made with llje Secretary on or before Sept Lady Driver 1st given by Fergus Photographer Newmarket one Photos Value by Best Roadster in harness 3 old Team of Ponies in Harness ii hands and under 1st given by the Hardware Co Toronto goods vol 7 Single Delivery Horse mare or gelding in harness not under or over hands 2nd given by Fried Grills Co Toronto one Hat value Single Pony in Harness mare or gelding 12 hands or under Combination Horse in harness saddle mare or gelding Class Speeding In the Ring 1000 2nd 3rd Section Oct 1st 1 Free For All mile heats best in 5 Purse divided 7500 3000 230 Pace or Trot mile heats best in Purse divided Entries for the above must be made with the Secretary on or before Saturday Oct 4th Entrance fee 5 per cent of purse for each entry and per cent additional re tained from winners Four to enter and three to start in each race- National Trotting Association rules to govern Motor Race miles prizes value 1500 and On the invitation of Mr Harold Garrett a former employe of Era Office we dropped off at Davidson the way homo and spoilt Saturday evening with hi in and estimable wife for merly Miss Thomson of is a much older town than many that visited in the West yet only has a pop ulation of about Wheat was selling at Davidson at and farmers in this vicinity have Had splendid crops On Sunday morn ing Mr Garrett us for a ride across country in his auto to miles away where his parents reside who former ly lived at Bradford is a typical western town Five years ago it was nil prairie now it lias a population of It is a divisional point on the Grand Trunk Pacific and this was the beginning It was boomed by real estate agents and sprang up like a mushroom A very wide area is surveyed into Town extending for three miles from the depot to Lake which is miles long and half a mile wide without inlet or outlet and on the shore of which the government has set apart acres for a Town Park The water has medicinal qualities which are already attracting in valids from various parts of Can ada and the United States The mineral water is both sally and bitter and cannot be used for laundry purposes It is said that the Cm p intend building a san itarium here There are strong indications of pas in ibis vicinity and the business people of have a company who are already preparing to drill Mineral rights have been on several sections in the vicinity an assessment of about taxes being levied only on laud and business At the present lime waterworks and at a cost of Some cement walks are also laid We greatly enjoyed the camp dinner with Mr Garrett and family by the Lake Shore and reached Davidson after our 1 mile motor trip in lime for sup per before taking the train for Port Arthur Allow us to say once more thai the prejudice of some people against the Canadian Northern is without foundation The roadbed Is in as good condition as the leading lines in Ontario he cars are clean and uptodate in every respect between Port Arthur and and the officials are very obliging On our return water trip we were cordially received by the crew on he were introduced McAn- who has sailed the upper lakes for years and had the pleasure of through St Marys River on the bridge with him Through Midland friends Mr and Mrs whom we met on the train we were Iroduced to Chief Engineer Reu ben While who invited us to the lower regions where we in spected with interest the motive power of the big steamer which is apparently kept in exhibition order at all times The 300 It p engine is supplied with steam by boilers above furnaces which consume 190 tons of coal on a round trip In the adjoin ing holds were tons of flour which was good ballast for the ship We completed our trip of over miles by rail boat and mot or on Sept feeling greatly benefited in health and having a much broader grasp of Western ideas and also the possibilities of Ibis Canada of ours From Era Fylc Sept Oakley Cottage f on Sunday Sept in the year Trent formerly set England Firs This is the heading of ah of jr The Provincial Agricultural Ex hibition is being held In Hamilton this year Farm stock sales by auction are adverMsed this week by Howard- Esq Sutton Mr J Linton North and Mr Richard East A teameeting in connection with the School is announced to be held on Saturday Oct 1st A Plowing Match under the of North and Geor gia Society is announced to held near Plug Mount on Thursday Oct Mr J Able gives a Steel Mould Board Plow for the first prize in the mens class An excursion under the auspices of the North York and Farmers Club Is announced to take place from Aurora and Newmarket to Belle thence per steamer May to and return on hake one week from Tues day The Aurora Brass Band will ac company the excursion The Bogarttowji grist mill run by Joseph was burned on Sat urday night YEARS AGO 2nd Class 3 Roadster Horses Section Judged Oct 1st Stallion in harness Standard Bred Span in harness Single Mare or Gelding in harness under hands 00 Single Mare or Gelding in harness and over Brood Mare with evidence of having had a foal tn is year 1st given by the Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co Lid goods value Spring Filly Gelding or Filly years old Yearling Gelding or Filly Gentlemans Turnout rubber tired ve hicle horse buggy harness whip and blanket 2nd given by A Newmarket Goods value 10 Gentlemans Turnout rubber tired ve hicles barred horse buggy harness whip rug and blanket 1st given by Co To goods- and by Society 300 3rd From Era Sept The Altar On the inst by Hill A at the Meth odist Parsonage Newmarket Mr Isaac La to Miss Sarah all of Newmarket The Tomb In Town on the at the residence of her daughter Cain mother of Mrs Matthew Madden aged In- on the Elizabeth wife of J Phillips- aged years The Womens Society held Its annual meeting on Thursday and elected the following officebearers for the coming year President Mrs Jackson 1st Vice Mrs Hill 2nd Vice Mrs Mies Cor Mrs J Treasurer Mrs Isaac Silver Executive Committee Mrs Richardson Mrs J J Pearson Mrs John Montgomery Mrs P Ungu es Mrs Charf and Mrs Jackson On afternoon a hjrsc to Mr Graham broke loose from where it was hitched under the Christian Church shed and did considerable damage to both harness and buggy Canes factory shut dawn two day this week to allow employees to take in the Industrial This is said to be a profitable year for beekeepers Honey is selling at per A branch store of Roche Co at Collingwood was gutted by lire yesterday morning Messrs Thos and John Gilpin were the successful holders of an interest in a prise a Lottery their portion l Mr left on night to gather In Hie duc ats Work is progressing on the Town Line Road across the Holland River Marsh Col Irving Is superintending the job Mrs Oliver received a Post Card on Monday from the top of the Eiffel Tower written by her son Mr J Byron Oliver Mr was surprised by about two dozen men who visited his home on Friday to join in celebrating his birthday It was an enjoyable occasion- 200 Horses coihpeting in sections be exhibit in either Roadster or Claw Protect the Heart From Rheumatism Purines the Blood and Throws off Diseases Weakening of the blood tissue continued attacks of Rheumatism af fects the heart and produces complica tions which result fatally puts the blood In condition to ward other diseases and eradicates from the all forms or at J Newmarket This will you of its great For nine weeks I unsbla to work owing to my feat being badly from I saoere la the back Al tec wo bottles of RHEUM A MX oh ateheWs of bones to the Imperial fcewa Weston is making application be raised to the status a towo- has a population of and as- of Ottawa Sept Official was received Mr fi J Deputy of Naval Affairs loday that a dis aster has overtaken pari of lie expedition and Ilia three of the original expedition are dead and eight are missing including several world famous scientists and explorers This fall the American dance specialists will many new dances for lovers of the slip peryfloor exercise Therell he the On to Paris the On to the Liege Resistance the Austrian Hesitation The Russian Steppe the Trot Hie Uhlan Canter ho Grenadier Dream Ihe French Backstop and the Italian Mold- off Appropriate music will be composed for he new steps Wilson Star Children up AS TOR I A i ARCHIVES OF

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