Newmarket Era, 18 Sep 1914, p. 5

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res abaft I most 2nd 400 2nd ike octet be in the eluded vjI be their attack ribbon by ly No or rib- Ex- other ma add lie will corn- he press rounds- the own will e 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 6g 60 50 f a J 3 J ll 1 N 1 HI Hfl l I I I to Loan Rood TOW unity AND COLLECTOIt Wilkinson DENTIST- ft and neat to Buy riusioLEOcorJo on DEHfipT almost the King George Hotel t NEWMARKET MAIN p ROYAL BLOCK Street to to to pm Telephone Office or Boyd Clinical Telephone Hours Veers At a mating j pi this of Ottawa this defied to buy homo only This is Just what ladles de cide f do- Whitchurch Council wni it PAIS Bert Green AND Ave from Queen Street Newmarket Bolton Practical rainier Paper DeoolW j Newmarket S WATCHMAKER AND Captains Hodgfions Territorial Head- quarters Toronto conduct the Harvest Thanksgiving on next at 8PM and M Both oWoers are niuslcat and a cordial invitation in extended to ail of Toronto was the lady singer at Barracks over Sunday Safety Tlio Grand Trunk Railway Com pany is making a fltrcnuous eftort to reduce the personal Injury record on their linen In this campaign for greater safety they find that one of the greatest sourpes 0 danger which they have to combat that of live stock upon the tracks These usually get upon the tracks by being allowed to run upon highways near rail way crossings This practice not only occasions serious loss by death of the animals but It is a great source danger to the travelling public and railway employees A number of ser ious accidents have recently occurred to this The farmers es pecially those living along the rail ways can greatly- assist In removing tills source of danger by keeping their gates and fences in good order and by seeing to It that stock Is not allowed upon highway In vicinity 0 crossings by reporting To the companys employees any defects railway fences the time next thirty our readers cut bargain in- thev newspaper wifrLdloday Bead oyer ran- There was excellent market last Saturday morning and the build- in packed with buyers thai it a The ruling prices of butter and and respectively and And frulta Theanaual of the New market Branch Bible So ciety was held in the schoplroom of on Wed nnsday won fair attendance and excellent was given by Rev fitowart MAh our a trip through Canada The address Was by lights views The following officers were elected Pros- J Stephens 1st VlcePres Dr Wilkinson ViccPresThe Ministers Churches In It Barker Committee W N A J A J A Cody Rogers A Starr and lor York has reached fide which the lowing account of tieDavisa nery Fire in fa given doubt many- Of dreaders will interested In reading It The JWoistrlAlv Borne crfOBjexs met at on ACKingstpri the tannery and leather making plant of A Davis one of the largest in the Domin ion which about four acres was visltedby a lire which destroyed property valued at OonvyJng M The started at r to ToUl of month in A and X660 Hired Help 85 1WW sod Market Building Newmarket A readier Piano Voice Violin Dealer in all kinds of tfualcal In- and PIANO TUNING Agent lor Columbia and Complete Stock Promp Service FIRE AND INSURANCE you want to or tell tea me Millard Ave Newmarket Or Lewie actio Homes Visited by Appointment Box Aurora Issuer of LICENSES At fee Ere Newmarket Offlce Private Papers Issued at private if desired NEWMARKET it to Father Father Wedlock was pre sented with a chair by tho member of his parish at prior to his departure for anothor of labor in Newmarket gift Ytu by following address Dear Author Wedlock Wo tho of St Marys parfch Schoinlorg take this op portunity of sin- con and heartfelt regret that you are about to leave us Bo assur ed thai we are alt of the opinion thai wo are losing one whom it will bo very difficult to replace lor during the live and a years that you have been our pas tor you hive yourself to us all In our trials and wor ries you been our and guide ready to give us your valuable advice and every Resistance la your you hive contri buted your beat efforts towards the material and spiritual advance ment of religion In this parish and that your time spont here one noble act of sacrifice anc de- votodncso in tho interests of the church Now that you are about to leave us we beliove that the lesson you have taught us and the example you have shown will remain as an inspiration to all to aim at what is highest and best and foe your character as a man and your many priestly virtues w well as your genial and simple manner have endeared you not only to your own people to all with whom you nave com In contact Dear Father you will please ac- Kimvaii this chair as a small token j of our esteem and we that you spend some of your lei sure hours in It your memory may bo brought back to your parish at Despite our regret at your de parture from our midst we ex tend to you congratulations on your appointment to Newmar ket parish and also to the people of Newmarket on securing as spiritual adviser a man of your and ability We assure you we wish you of Miss Thomas i A gloom was cast over the town on Thursday last when it was learned that Miss Hilda old est daughter of Rev H and Mrs Thomas had during tho night Deceased had not been well for omo months and on of August the family moved to a summer cot tage at Orchard Beach for the month The change did not do deceased much good and she pas- 1 away early Thursday morn ing yhe were to family residence and the funeral took place on afterrVoon last to Newmarket Rev Dr Wallace church Toronto by Rev A P Addison Tho pail bearers wore Messrs Graham Forester Irving Lloyd Bing ham Price Alex Eves and Cameron Alton floral tri butes showed the esteem in wrich deceased was held among thorn being the following St Andrews Presbyterian Church Gates Ajar Young Peoples Guild Pillow Mission Band Spray Teachers and officers of spray Hon J Davis and family- wreath Mr and Mrs A Also sprays from Mr and Mrs J Mr and Mrs T Mr and Miss Bingham Miss Mr and Mrs Simpson and family Jim and Bobble and Mr and Mrs and bouquets Marion and Mrs The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire town in bereavement am- Chief James scribes the fire as follows mcnl all floors and storey framo was to within thirty feet of I jvst was about forty by two hun dred cot with stone foundation pitched roof ftUed with leatherarid in preparing of Un der the first floor and level with the foundation walls were filled with hides in fioss of tanning The lenls of the building with the exception of these vats were de stroyed and some 1 damage was done to the hides in the vats Two with hose attached were on each flqor of this build ing and 2 ladders reached from ground to roof This build ing was about years old and well saturated with oils and grease making a very fierce fir A driveway with a railway siding wan on the south and about feet in width across this and next siding was a large uncover ed pile of tan while to trie south of this pile and separated by a 0foot driveway was an other pile with- a wooden roof over it These two piles contain ed about cords of inn bark and were entirely consum ed In the rear of this second pile was a cement building with a wooden roof the front part be ing used for grinding the bark and having conveyors to carry the through an open ing in a cement wall into the easterly portion which was used as a leach house With largo wood en tanks and machinery formak ing the tanning liquors The roof of this building was destroy ed well as the vats and ma chinery Ten feel to the east of the first pile was the engine and boiler room and between this building and the grinding room was a room filled with machinery Considerable damage wan done to the contents of these buildings as well as the roofs being destroy ed To the east side of the boiler house and north of the leach house was another lank house roofed but open on all four sides tanks were a large number of barrels filled with grease the roof and tank were destroyed Beyond this stands another large tan hark pile not touched and to the east again is a concrete stable and drive shed The main building of the tannery was built in and is by 212 feet of concrete concrete floors amounted to There ire in the homo and i The crops on the farm this year were beat for years 1 LEBER Fall Fair Set All is ton Itarrie Bradford Bolton Midland Newmarket Queensvllltj Bradford Sutton i I Sept Oct Sept 2325 Sept 2820 Sept iO Sept Sept Oct Sept Sept 1719 Oct Ocl 10 Oct and Oct to Oct 1st Sept 24 and 26 and roof which is covered with felt and gravel This building has wire glass in steel frames on the side next to the burnt ing also separate concrete stairs from basement to roof with fire doors at each flat The stairs are alongside but separate from- elevator On top of this stairway was a large water tank and this was also burned after it became empty This building is by feel stories high two wings the easterly one being 100 by 50 feet and used as a storehouse and the westerly one being used as offices This left an open space 26 by feet between the burned building and the cement building Fire start ed in the cement building at three points from the excessive heat on Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh setling flPn fire As LATEST DESIGNS Monuments and Head Stones- Call iielore ordering Out Stone for Building Purposes Stock and made to Order GEO Must as you are I basts a thing- That is the spirit of modern photography And with the fast plates and leaa of today the clever photographer can take you Just are Long exposure a conscious at titudes are a thing of the put In fact Laving a Id a Modern Studio Is aat at an informal call en hieads Make the today PHOTOGRAPHER IN YOUR mercury will surely destroy the in your new field and ail th sense ol smell and completely derange happiness and blessings that the the whole system when entering it Almighty can bestow upon you through the mucous surfaces Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians as the damage they will do Is ten to the good can possi bly derive from them Halls Ca tarrh Cure manufactured by J Cheney Co contains mercuryi taken internally acting directly upon the and maps issued there is surfaces of the system In fills the hill and that Halls be sure one issued specially by lhe genuine is taken War Maps Free To follow intelligently the Eur opean War situation and keep in touch with lightning move ments if the hoops a war map of all details is essential all One Ih celebrated map illy and made in Toledo Ohio Bacon Co London Tim of The and Weekly Star of Sold Montreal always alive to the best bottle interests of their subscribers the Take Halls Family Pills lor momeut the map was issued J Cheney Co Testimonials by Druggists price per offer- for Canadian PERKINS subscribers will have the St Phone 135 NOTICE As I have opened a Workshop I prepared to do all kinds of wood- on wagons sleighs buggies rimers also turning band sawing All kinds of saws filed secondbend rigs for sale Also wire fencing sold end put l St west of Fire Hall Phone work cheap cabled an rights of I he map Their has been accepted and Family Herald best Map available The has concluded ar rangements with The Family Herald and Weekly Star by which our readers may also secure the map free of charge In this issue will be found a clubbing offer of the two papers including the map Newspapers ore paying dearly for the war The price of paper I is up up The cost of telegrams and cablegrams has increased from thirty to fifty per cent Scores of newspapers have I suspended publications and hun dreds of others have raised the subscription price pre sent The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal being In exceptionally strong posi tion is able for the present at all events to keep its as gbul an increase later on may We are prepared to lowers derate prices Our stride bou quets are to data furnish to leather and wooden racks within two feet of the windows At one point the wire glass melt ed and allowed the lire to get a hold on the wood racks and leath er further in but the department was able to place a line at that point and kept the lire in check A lire door between the office and the old building gave way and al lowed the fire to enter but again Hie department was ready and heat it back Shortly after the department arrived it was seen that nothing could be done with the frame building and ev ery effort was made lo prevent it from reaching the office arid main building A third size horsedrawn steamer was stationed at a hydrant about feet away and for de livered three streams through inch nozzles while a gallon steamer was for a short lime attached to a pipe in rear of the tannery and later on to a hy drant behind the leach house for hours with Iwo lines inch nozzles The largest number of streams at one lime was and there was in use feet of cotton rub berlined hose Two lengths of hose burst Three hose wagons and one city service truck all horsedrawn were used The tan is situated in the northeast end of city over one mile from Ho Are station railroad tracks between the tan nery and St a street along which runs a 6inch main this main also feeds an other sixinch main running east from it a distance about feet south of lie tannery and then north to the rear of the tannery then west with one hydrant he- hind the leach and contin uing west and north to a hydrant the house and Medicine Hal is in the city making a study of the Toronto medical inspection sys tem in the schools She stated that the Western town intends install a system Methodist Church corner Christie and Yarmouth Road has taken out a permit for a new church and Sunday School to cost Tile health of Premier Whit ney is now improving and his medical adviser has strong hopes of rapid recovery to normal con ditions Falling into an opening in the Cave of the Winds side show on the Exhibition Grounds on Satur day a boy years old accident ally lost his life A man named Hall alias Herman is now In custody on a charge of forgery through which he appears lo have made haul Most of it has been recov ered as it was deposited in a bank He had also purchased a automobile Sir Wilfrid had a stren uous time during his visit at the Fair Passing from one section 10 another he was frequently cheered His address at the luncheon was splendid The friends of the Canadian National Exhibition are pleased Ho know that it closed on Saturday with a surplus Warning has been given out by the Mayor that while public works will he prosecuted this fall and Whiter employment will only he given lo citizens of the cily pre ference being made to men with families Outsiders need not ex pect work on coming here After two months search for a stolen fhilornobile it was discov ered on Saturday and three men arrested They are now held in bail for trial During last week Mr A Stev ens former near Weston was obliged to have three toes amputated owing to gangrene a cut Twenty left Toron to on Monday for Valcartier to be come despatch riders and mes sengers for the Minister of Mili tia boy has been to two or more camps On Saturday afternoon the beautiful grounds of Mr Patterson at Todinorden were the scene of the annual bowling match between teams repre senting the Toronto newspapers The cup was again carried off by the learn after an interest ing contest The Canadian Order of Forest ers has taken a most liberal po sition in connection with the in surance of those of who have enlisted for active ser vice in the present war All members admitted prior to the 1st of August last their insurance is ordered to be declared good to all who may serve In the present Sugar has made another ad vance and is now selling in the City at and 15 pounds for a dollar On receipt of the sweaters the ladies sent the soldiers the other day Sol sent back this word Many Buyers to Share Lower Prices on no in Profits Ford Prices effective from August 1 to August 1 and guaranteed against any Reduction during that time TOURING town O Ford Ontario fully equipped- In the Dominion of Canada only Further we agree to pay as the buyers share from to per oar on or August 1 1916 to every retail buyer In the Dominion of Canada who purchases a new Ford car between August 1 1914 and August 1 1915 provided that we sell 30000 cars be tween the above dates which output will ableuB to obtain the maximum efficiency In our factory production and the minimum cost In our purchasing and sales departments For further particulars regarding these low prices and profitsharing plan see the nearest Ford Branch or Ford Dealer Home of The Ford Water St N ROBERT80H JUST ARRIVED n 4 5 and 9 Inch Also a Shipment of Wheat Special Newmarket AGENT Yd Farmers do you want to grow a Bumper Crop give it a trial and be convinced 000 No Further Rise in Flour i thanks for sweaters supplies The warmer we are the warmer well make it for the Hermans Chocolate Bars Going to William Wilson Ltd Toronto offered lo supply the Government with bars of chocolate for use in whatever manner the Gov ernment should choose offer has been gratefully accepted by the Minister of Mill lia Col Sam Hughes and the chocolate is lo be shipped to Val and from there will he transshipped with the Canadian Commissariat to The several hundred members of the staff of Win Ltd have also donated pay lo the Canadian Cross Fund TERMS STRICTLY CA8H FORESTED Phone J BUTCHERS BAKERS GROCERS The hellbird ine greatest noise is found in South America and in Africa It is stated that it can be heard a distance of three miles Its note Is like the tolling of a distant church bell and is uttered during the heat of day other bird has to sing and Nature Is hushed In silence The a bird which is widely distributed In India the Malay Arch ipelago and Africa also a very loud noto- Its call has been described as between the of a yve and tbe bray of a and can be beard a distance of a couple of miles Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS BLACKSMITHS OR ANY OTHER TRADE On Quick Order AT LOWEST PRICE Sample Ordering Elsewhere ERA PRINTING OFFICE Newmarket si ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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