Newmarket Era, 18 Sep 1914, p. 6

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ipiiiiiiip TTs TJ Albert oh Stli a irgo white Shetland Re- Francos or Minnea polis spent the weekend with brother Mr Holt Mr and Mrs Keyes and Miss of Toronto viflitlrig BH the her daughter Misses Etta of Toronto visit- at thohomo of Mr J Cook fc Mrs Oliver Wagg arid left on Tuesday to Join hus band In the and will bo about a month I OF MoINTYRK Jr lias boon received of the death of Mr John Jr who mot death by drowning in hake near Car- ling Musk Deceased the only son of Mrs John Molntyre of Torrance Musk formerly of Holt near Mount Albert Ho leaves a wife and one small daughter The body hag not yet been found family sympathy of a largo of acquaintances in this vi cinity t f r A cement platform and walk has been built in front of the Presbyterian Church and school room The League of the Methodist Church will hold a pumpkin pie social in the school of the church on Monday Inst The market on Tuesday was largely attended and seems to be drawing larger crowds every week now There is quite a large attend ance at our Continuation School and all the pupils seem pleased with their new teachers I Miss Stevenson of guest of Miss Louie Log- Cook has gone to Sutton he has secured a position as baker Miss Manson of St Catharines and Miss McOay of Mull have been appointed Principal and Assist ant for our High School The Misses Leek visited friends at for a few days last week J Miss Dunn is visiting friends in Toronto and Mis attended the funeral of her fath er Mr Knight at last week Miss spent Tuesday in Toronto Mrs Hayes and Miss AI- Hayes are spending a week friends in Toronlo Miss I lays spent Sunday in Ottawa Miss Mao Leggolt is visiting friends at A very severe thunderstorm parsed over here on Thursday night Considerable damage was done to fruit trees and shade trees around and in town Mr D Stokes barn on Con was struck but did not burn A raf ter was split and shingles lorn of STRAYED From the premises the undersign ed Con Rast on or about Sept 1st red and white Heif ers and I black and white Steer Any information leading to their recovery will le suitably rewarded Marvin Holt PO TO RENT OR WOULD 350 acres in Saskatchewan miles from town of Unity All broken ex cept acres pastures fenced acres Fallow Good house stable and lots of good water Reasonable terms apply M Silver Son 3w3 Sutton West fellow and Miss Albert Bask at Mrs Ayiwarda oh Saturday returned to attend St Margarols Ladies College another year Mrs Knox of waff vis iting atMr W Huntleys last Mr leaves on day begin p at Jho at who has linen vinit- her Dr wecK The oars stop now In front of how station oh opposite side of the road from former station A substantial cement platform is ah improvement on the J Mr Phillips a guest Mr T sang a beautiful soloin the Methodist Church Bun- day morning preach ed a splendid sermon taken from 2nd Kings 3rd Chop fleemed appropriate at tmo of war The Young Ladles Class of Methodist Sunday met at the homo of Mr Win on afternoon for the pur pose of making ready for a Ba zaar which they Intend to hold sometime in In the evening they were joined by the Young Mens Class A very was spent on games and other sources of amusement lb races I Mr an Mrs took a trip to Toronto Cobourg and points Kast over Ihbweek- i ivftica of past- week with tier parents Mr and Mrs at Dont Forget That Thursday Friday of next week Button Fair days ThVsre will ho days which aro sure to fill and Mbiibt Albert Hand will furnish Ihomu- The Concert on Friday night will bo The Ladies Quar tette will be assisted by Mr licit Harvey comme- dlrtn Hall now your seals early Jill Furnishing Store Tickets arc soiling fast Pretty Good Mrs Dr pouted a cheque the other doy to treasurer of Patriotic Sang about two mllwrota the early the car and forward and Normandy town line was train Kb plunged through a caught in threshingmachine and the Brush Creek war killed He had feeding- M woro Most of the dea4- were in I I BOILS CARBUNCLES CHILLS PAINS I- i l was drawn into the cylinder No one witnessed the accident and not unlll the separator suddenly did the workmen realize thSt any thing wrong arm was as part of tits neck and face Ho was quickly removed from the machine ami wB about to be taken to the- house wlien- he expired He was years of age the and a proportion of were women and One man car lost wife and five children J When jeldent occurred he wajTJbrown clear car and swam to shore His wife and children he stood helplessly near by King blood hi impoverished the human body toSSJPffi more rious Dont You need iA INDIAN TO FIGHT POINTED- PARAGRAPHS Forgiving and forgetting rarely ever go hand In hand There are no- rounds of drinks in the ladder of success I- Britains native troops from Many people live well because of India some of whom are believed tpthe curiosity of others be now fighting in Franoc have been trained for centuries in the arts of warfare They ore all fatalists Of life Is not fur which amount whose greatest glory Is to die In collected by and of STRAYED Came upon in the 2nd Con of on or about the 1st lay of May two Heifers The owner is requested to prove pay expenses and lake them away Nathan Bailey 3w32 Cedar Brae KESWICK Come come to the Harvest Home given by tho Judies Aid of the Keswick Christian Church in the Temperance Hall on Friday evening Sept IS Tea served from to W oclock after which an excellent program will help to make the evening most enjoyable are sorry to hear Mr Jesse Council lost one of his finest horses lust week Hov ami Mrs Fletcher spent Tuesday of this week in Toronto is pleased to Mr Dales back in our midst again Splendid attendance at the Christian on Monday The brigade took another trip up Hie Holland and came back very well reward ed The four new houses that under construction in Keswick are progressing quite rapidly On Tuesday night of this week Young People of the Method ist Church met to consider the reorganization of the League Officerswore and it was decided to have the night of meeting on Wednesday Next Wednesday night it was de cided to have a corn roast at the home of Mr Arthur Ev erybody come and enjoy the King of ali Kail Fruits A hayrack load will Keswick at The new arrival at Mr Fred Don n ells is a boy All is Master Mann has been in Hamilton for a a gay lime People are going the Beach Miss Terry is announcing her Millinery Openings at C Coles for Wednesday and Tiiurs- Sept and Hush or ders taken in the meantime IS HE CRA2Y f Thcownei of a large planta tion in Mississippi where the line figs grow is giving away- a few liveacre fruit The only condition is that figs be planted The owner wants enough flgs raised to supply a cooperative canning factory You can secure five acres and an interest in the canning factory by writing the Eubank Farms Company Keystone Pittsburgh Pa A They will plant and care for your frees for per month Your profit should be per year Some think this man is crazy for giving away such valu able land but here may be meth od in his madness a The Eddy Company has raised price of matches With the cost of tobacco and matches going up some smokers will be hard hit WANTED Live Wanted at each transacted Sun days Apply at Harry AlUas Fox Ranch near Mt Albert 3ral9 HARRY See tho Now Caps That has in stock for shapes and patternsare shown Men and Boys All newest shapes and patterns to show Service The funeral obsequies in con- with the Miss Lillian Madden took place on Thursday of Inst week Service was held in the Methodist Church emu- ducted by A P Addison of Newmarket and others The remains were by funeral car to Pleasant Cemetery Toronto fol interment Capsized Hunter accompanied by his cousin a Toronto lady were capsized into Lake on Wed nesday night of last week from a row boat Their cries for help were heard and willing hands were soon to the rescue but boy were not needed as the pair drifted shallow water and waded to shore a few days daily from Methodist Church Washington from preached here on Sun day night and next Sunday Rev Moore will occupy the Madden I lie pastor is iug a c of w vacation New Trotter Dr has purchased riillv Lino from a Toronto man This horse has a record of W and he is being filled up for the Sut ton races being entered in the for All battle While Kitchener Englands Secretary of War bos not announced the kind of men ho Is bringing from India It is known that a majority of the levy consists of and the flower of eastern army These two tribes gave England the most trouble when it conquered In dia The Sinks defeated white in Held In pitched tattles Doth tribes finally transferred their allegiance to tbe white men and have remained loyal ever since Today they comprise onequarter of the In dian and officered by English men and declared be the hardest fighters in the Council The Regular inciting of tb6 Council of Town ship of Fast was held The true measure length but honesty Itcoststhe devil little trouble to catch the Wag and the world wags with you you lag behind It Is possible to start something and then have it roll away from you Every rose has Its and un fortunately the thorn outlives the rose There Is no limit to wishing but a fellow has to hustle to land anything If any to let you in on It get to work not of four It a helping to food Tones l A Boon brinn1aefc Food properly torac4 Into rich red Euty and Mid from from our groat American remedy now Sold by lied Ida Dealer la or to Or Buffalo lor box Of Sic lor beware of trap the ground floor doors Most people live poor to die rich It Is much wiser to live rich and to die poor No one ever heard of a chronic kicker wandering l around in a field full of stumps The trouble isnt with one slander ing tongue so much as with a thous and listening ears A woman will tell her husband not to worry and then worry because he doesnt take her advice A Few Chips The mysterious disappearance from Jacksons Point of a lady is reported case is in good hands and will no he cleared up got in another dandy line of Sweater Coats on Tues day They are excellent value See Litem Directors of Sutton Fair had a Bee last Friday fixing up the rare track The Baldwin Owl prophesied had weather for Sutton Fair We hope he is mistaken this time The are Sept and week eld at the Municipal Sharon apr Sept a man who looks run down at Ail the members the heel is very often well heeled Kolloy- Proctor tho SUn and be and is beiely authorized to steadily and purchase right of way Horn as when you are young lot con for j honestly with others is not purpose of deviating the road dinicult- To compel others to deal Carried honestly with you that is power plan No consistent foe of the fly will of presented by Ham be content merely to swat and fioa on part of Lot I con ignore the soap and water andchlor- hereby pi roved by Council nndilde of lime thai the of the Children are to be enlisted in a beieto attached to this resolution food war Then babies will f proctorfend aasna poker KS SB iSSii I- back viz King work It work work Tit making repairing I Fight bridge Cole drawing Eves cement Plank A B Manning moving A and Diko for moulds J Mooe Cement for tile I Keep hut I heard other day thai lines and compare them quality i at your mistakes There Is more fun in looking up the mistakes of other HOW TO LIVE TO BE 60 hours sleep every U open I lave on your your right side bedroom window I J- his the SALE Blue Joint Timothy at Lots and St between and Second Sis 300 aores will be sold by the acre or ton and to be cut by purchaser W MAHLES Holt ALBERT Announces that he is giving special terms and discounts on all farm implements Separators Buggies Waggons Potato Diggers and for a line Engine I can surprise you Now if you want a bargain in any- you need be sure and see or phone MOUNT FENCING Send your order and have your fencing done properly and promptly lo WM SMITH NEWMARKET or SMITH You cannot do belter than attend the British American College and Toronto for a Bus iness or Shorthand Course Fall Is now open We ask you to write for rticulars Mr T W TEAOHER FOB FIFTY When Public School opened Tuesday morning the Principal Mr James Hand began his 36lh year a teacher that village Although he is only Go years old Mr Hand also celebrat ed Ihal day the semicentenary of his entry into the teaching profession In the forest Just years ago in a Whitchurch Township when ahead Mr Hand first called 1 birthday was a few months school lo order Later successes as telegrapher and commercial traveller did not keep him away from his early choice He has for years holding the in for the past years without a break He had several short en gagements here earlier and was in charge of Weston Public School for one year about 35 years ago Mr Hand lias been President of Hie South York Teachers Associ ation and has been active on the Library Board Ex ioO BIG LA8T TRIP New York Sept ninth Steam er Oceanic made her last trip from New York to Southampton early last August arriving at the English port on Augf She was then taken over by the British Government and con verted Into an armed cruiser The Oceanic was built in at Belfast by Wolff LtyL She made her maiden voyage to New York on Sept when eke was accorded a welcome in keeping with her distinction as the of the seas a mat at your 2550 y your bed away from the Shields cement for tile I cutting brush 20C0 bath in the morning M with team hot a bath at the temperature of King cutting brush 2175 IheMiody I with foam Exercise- before breakfast J days work little meat and be sure King cutting brush P Thompson work P gravel gravel Gravel gravel Tinsdalo gravel Ha man gravel A Evans sheep claim is wellcooked 390 Brink no milk This applies to adults only 10 Eat plenty of fat to feed tin- cells which destroy the cells that combat disease II Avoid intoxicants which destroy the cells that combat We handle and Gordon sue I Sd J lines the Arrow Colonial GENTS OUTFITTER8 Issuer of Marriage Licenses SUTTON WEST CANADIAN NORTHERN OPENING OF DIREOY 8ERV1CB Between TORONTO OTTAWA Union Station Central Grand MILITARY CAMP Dally Except And that the corporate seal Kingston Sept In his ex citement when out in a boat Mark Hill Hay grabbed a gun by the The trigger on the side of the boat and it was dis charged blowing off part of his head He died instantly hereto attached Carried Council adjourned to meet on Oct the at Municipal Hall Sharon at am Free War Haps Every Reader of Era May Have a War Map Free A Map 3 feet showing otearly every boundary every city every town hamlet and river In the European War Each map in a neat folder of convenient size The Family Herald and Week ly Star- of Montreal has secured exclusive rights for the War Map Allow no pet animals in your living room as they carry disease germs Live in the country if you can Watch the three drinking water damp and drains IS Have change of occupation 10 Take frequent short holi- days 17 Limit your ambition Keep your temper o A THREE YEAR OLD Mother said a threeyearold girl I dont think you know much about bringing up children do you What makes you think that dear Because you always Bend me to map printed The Era lias completed ar rangements by which our read ers can secure a copy of this ex cellent map free of charge Here l Our Offer Good For 1 bays Only- The price of the Family Herald and Weekly Star Canadas Great est Newspaper Is one dollar a year The of the Era is one dol lar a year We now offer both papers for one year each including a copy The Family Heralds War Map in a neat folder of convenient size for only This offer applies to all sub scribers new or renewal who pay for the two papers Inside next days from this date To follow the war situation in telligently the Family Herald War Map is necessary It should be In every Canadian Home Order at at Era tune to a young woman who did not know him It that deceased had been eccentric and set out like Diogenes in serch of an Every day ho took his seal in an omnibus near conductor and always show ed himself very In pass ing up the money of the passen gers and returning the change but to the latter he always man aged to add a franc or half franc Then he would the passen- He would count the notice the extra coin and Invari ably slip It Into his pocket No one thought of conduolor whom were thus robbing ap parently Rut at last a young woman passed back the coin with Conductor you have given mo a half franc loo much Di ogenes was delighted followed or home made inquiries and made his will in her favor but he never gave- warning that her half franc was lo a half million A P 30 P Stations Lv Lv Belleville Ar Kingston Ar Lv Kingston Smiths Falls Ottawa Lv West- East- bound bound P 715 330 A Lv Ottawa Jet Quebec Ar Weil- bouod AM PM PM Service between Ottawa and Quebec City Daily Fleet lie lighted coaches and Cafe Parlor Cms between To ronto and Ottawa Standard Sleeping Cars and First Class Coaches between Ot tawa and Quebec City Double Daily Service except Sunday and convenient WeekEnd service between Toronto Port Hope Cobourg Trent on Belleville and Yorker TICKETS AND ALL INFORMATION APPLY TO NEAREST CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY AGENT ai- If you are trying to keep house without Gold Dust you are not taking advantage of modern methods Get some system into your work but let Dust do all the hard part of the task Ali you need to do is to direct it There are millions of women in Canada today who wouldnt give up Reform Movement the use of Gold for anything Are these women all wrong If you want to get right buy a package of Gold Dost today join the millions happy housewives who COLD DUST TWINS Jo THE COMPANY Montreal I fi Du Your Try coo AH Inge an at I a t i I ARCHIVES OF ONTARi TORONTO

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