Newmarket Era, 18 Sep 1914, p. 8

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I STREAM Blood To Health PURIFIES i Wonderful Tablet of Fruit Aro AH Tonic To The A nnual Harvest Thank he at Johns up boy training or fan arc no dout tightly Mr and arid ami Mrk K Ferguson motor ed to it Ivor on Sunday Mi- and Mr him Wore f Purify And Enrich Pure rich blood can la a body Now a clean body Is one In Which the waste it regularly and naturally eUmliiated from the system The blood caouot be pure when the skin action Is weak when the stomach does not digest the food properly when the bowels do regularly when the kidneys are trained or overworked i Pure blood- la the result of perfect health and harmony of stomach liver bowels kidneys and skin by their wonderful action on all these organs keeps the system as clean as Nature In- ended our bodies to be clean r lonca up strengthens purifies cleans and f Ft 1 I specialist made a second tripon to have patient removed to Toronto where he could Sunday with friends in Snowball Just Toronto trie week- outside the station at ford a week ago- Sunday morning about- rawing to broken rail gives pure rich clean blood that is In truth the stream of life Is sold by all dealers at a box for trial sire postpaid on receipt of price by Pruitatlves Limited Ottawa For Sale op Would Rent Furnished all boat locality Apply at IIiIh Office A quantity of Yorkshire Pigs old Oil AS House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good stable and cistern of YAWMAN Grace St Newmarket WANTED w yo a SevenRoomed with Stable convenient to High School Apply at once at Lome Ave or to p Town Ileal Estate HOUSE FOR SALE On Church St Newmarket Mod ern in every way rooms besides and waah room New Convenient to all down town centres Will be sold at a bargain Apply at this office HOUSE TO RENT Comfortable EightRoomed House on Raglan St Cement Cel lar Hard and Soft Water Stable and Driving House Possession this month Apply to Laws on the premises or to SMITH HOUSE TO RENT On Prospect Ave Lights and a large Apply to DOYLE Town or J Ayc Toronto WE HAVE FOR A property situated on Avo A largesized dwelling with conveniences all In first shape Quarter of an acre of grounds apple and small fruit Frame stable and cemoot hen house This we consider best in town so act quickly Terms be arranged to suit to P Morton box 373 HOUSE FOR BALE have for sale a new on Andrew St with largo lot and small fruits and lien house In the house there is Electric Light Hard and Soft Water and Fur nace and itis trimmed in Georgia Pine There is also a summer kitchen and back verandah For full particulars apply to Lane Andrew St or Box Newmarket Call in the evening after six oclock If I FARM FOR SALE mostpopular young ladies attended Exhibi tion last Mr Waiter lias pur chased a new our young ladies enjoy driving Sunday evenings- Mr has a great notion of fishing lately Trapper The Itotfk place on Mon day Sept 19M at of Lira wife of Mr DoooaBacT wlnoeo maiden Liza had boon tor time from cancer She was well known in Kettloby and vicinity whore sho was much respected- for her lug took on Wednesday to Cemetery the The King Township Fair will he held at on Thursday Sept in the new hull grounds The prize list has been considerably increased this year and the show promises to he bigger and hotter than the last one This years officers are Hon Pies Fred Davis 1st- Vice Ruth Webb Leila Webster Secretary Douglas Look hart Manager J AMstManager R ORCHARD Must of the cottages at Or chard I each are now closed for the season The mail for this resort is still continued and Mr Wilson the Postmaster here states that lie has signed papers for keeping the office open all the year round Of course he only charges the Department for three months services 11 is understood Mr who Hives near the Met ropolitan station at Rovers Crossing will be mail carrier be tween trolley and post office during the winter in case the of- flee is kept open the year round It will he a source of satisfac tion Orchard Reach cottagers to learn that the Union Church entirely free from in cluding cost of electric light plant installed this season It turns out that the piping taken from eves of cottages dur ing the past two or three years has poached by persons hav ing fishhouses on the lake Mr would look after this kind of larceny if placed on the list of County Constables Air Wilson who runs the Or chard Reach HoardingHouse In forms us that he had a splendid season and had it not been for the falling off in August after the European war broke out his guests would have exceeded any previous year Mr T J Robertson Mr Ross Lloyd and Col Lloyd all of Newmarket still occupy their summer cottages also Mr Humor Mr Thomson Mr J Thomson a few from To ronto including Rev Addi son Three cars filled with corn were hurl ed into the ditch which feet deep at this point The was torn upfor about a hundred yards two of the cars were bad ly A large force of men were brought from the whole line tweca and Newmarket and the track whs cleared for trains by five oclock In the afternoon Work however was continued until nearly and again at daylight Two thousand bushels of corn lying loose around was a sight to bo and the shovelling loading at this made an Immense lot of work Hundreds of people visited the wreck on Sunday large crowds being on tie feeno all day v and of to but unsightly and tbebouty pretty If youc hair is natural coi6rV falling- dull streaky dry or the and burns do not alarmed use Parisian Sage i well into the scalp It will so right to the hair roots nourish them and stimulate the hair to grow long and It removes- dandruff with application ItcWnjj scalp failing hair make the head feel fine Parisian Sage supplies the with what la needed to make It soft fluffy thick and giorloUBly radiant It is sold in bottles Patterson and at all drug counters Look for the- trifle mark The Girl with the Auburn Accept no other growing poor mother A you cant expect to do Wo BLEW OFF OWN ARM While shooting rabbits Sunday near his homo at Out Terry a farmer had his left awn blown off when he accidentally discharged his gun He was taken to St Michaels Hospital Titiy was tlir ho woods when a twig from an overhanging hough caught the trigger of his shotgun discharging it The whole charge entered his forearm and so shattered the mem ber that the fear that amputation will be necessary The Great Scott Foil will be held this year at on Friday Oct 2nd Rigger prize list bet ter- attraction and grand concert in the evening Watt for it i AURORA Al a special meeting of the North York License Commission ers in Sutton on Saturday the license of the Queens Hotel Au rora was transferred from Mrs Wells to John Aurora On Friday night or early Saturday burglars paid a visit to hardware store of Ough Son ol this place The till was broken open and some change that was in it taken and also a number of razors 1000 RICHMOND HILL acres of the west half of Lot Con Whitchurch and acres of Hie west half of Lot 3i Con aores of which is covered with hardwood bush Fences and buildings in good re pair Splendid Rrick House rooms Modern Barn with Stone Basement protected by Light ning Rods Hog Pen and Driving Good Orchard Good Well and two Cisterns Will give possession next spring For par ticulars apply on the premises or if by mail to Box Mt Al bert One The who are Interfering their husbands going to the front way be unpatriotic but none the Ihm the fcow hums enough BRADFORD Miss and Miss J spent a couple of days In New market last week Abodt from here attended Tot tenham races on Labor Day and re port good racing with each event well filled Bradford Fair is only 3 weeks away Waken up you directors and get In lino preparation will bring the fair before the public Gray has purchased a new de livery horse He is a big handsome upstanding fellow has now the most uptodate delivery outfit in town Mr Hillsdale who has been employ ed by Mr Geo for the past few weeks moved his family here yes terday He has taken up his resi dence on Holland street opposite the town hall Ren Jubilee Roy landed third money In the 230 class at Tot tenham Labor Day which Is very good considering that the horse has only had three workouts In the past three weeks owing to a slight illness Last week saw two business chang es in Bradford Mrs J William son buying the millinery business of Mrs Porter which will be man aged the coming season by Miss I McCutcheon and Rrov of To ronto succeeding in Moore Bros old stand remount horses were shipped from here last week and of Brampton secured 14 and Geo Williamson of Toronto The buyers of horses are having trouble disposing of their purchas es i prices paid In the countrj being i0 high and the quality not good en ough to suit the English Officers hare control of the Imperial remount purchases The garden party held In the rink on Friday night last was a success the proccttU amount ing to The CO band I he High School Athletic Associa tion was reorganized last week and the usual league games between New market Aurora and Richmond Hill in football and basket ball will be played off this month and next Aur ora High School Is the present holder of both trophies As games consti tute a part of the physical training prescribed by the Department ad vantage of them will he taken in favorable weather It helps to in crease the attendance specially of larger hoys Besides the cutter Rear which is again hunting for the ma rooned members of ex pedition another vessel the has been sent on the search by A Koine millionaire friend of the explorer War or no war Canadians are going lo enjoy this fall lus cious pumpkin pies sweet ci der glorious apples juicy grapes quantities of chestnuts and wal nuts deer and bear hunting rab bit shooting and late in the fall the inevitable roast turkey The compensations for not going lo war are many WANTED For Private Christmas Cards La dles or Gents Sample Book Free- Large profits Darlington England vt25 OXYGEN WELDING PLANT are prepared to weld cast iron brass Iron steel or any kind of metal Also bearings filled so that they can be turned down put ting cogs in gear wheels spokes or pulleys- of nearly any kind All re pairs promptly attended to Give us a call DAVIS Newmarket IN PHOTOS We are now making a canvas of the town in order to give each and every person a chance lo save from Si to in photos Our representative will call at your door and explain to you the great bargain Re a holder of a coupon which will en title you to the cut prices and re- mains good until Nov BUT YOU MU8T BE A COUPON ED It Now Phone 47C The Fergus Main A In Tor our wilt be u St Montr AURORA RED GROSS The Red Cross of the Institute of Aurora is of for existence V A deputation Toronto last week came into contact with Col Otter just hack from Valcarticr The Colonel says there are four thousand men in Valcarticr Camp in great need of woollen wrist lets The Camp is out at five ev ery morning for rifle practice arid the cold in the early dawn is such that and shiv ering soldiers Cannot prevent the rifles from trembling which of course prevents accurate aiming wristlets are knit r of Scotch fingering in grey or khaki on four needles about number L They are sot up with twenty to twentyfour stitches on a needle Knit two or two Tbo wristlets should bo eight to nine inches long the soldiers wearing them over their coatsleeves As there is no more of this kind of yarn in any of the large retail stores in Toronto it would be a great aid if in the rural districts could procure the yarn in local stores and use it up with all speed Woollen factories are working double shifts making more yarn but in the meantime there Is the cold grey dawn at Valcarlior The Work at Homo The Red Cross Headquarters in Toronto are witnessing most an guishing conditions among the unemployed Thousands of splen did young women are facing actu al want stenographers factory- workers ami employees of all kinds The Relief Committee is making earnest appeals lo the country districts to open homes to these girls and to give them employment as domestic helpers some capacity at even a small wage The girls are promising the Committee that they will do their best in any situation and are only too glad lo go lo farms and small towns for a few months until conditions readjust them selves Many overworked or welltodo farmers wives can do a great service by arranging to receive some of these young Can adian women into their homes in whatsoever capacity they think will he most helpful Information can he got at first hand by writing to Mrs Hamilton Convenor of the Relief Committee 559 St Toronto There are many ma trons in North York who could in this way place food and protec tion within the reach of a good number of Toronto girls just at tins crisis and at the same time bring a blessing on their own homes threshings done there grain us till harvest comes again The children are theres clean tuckered world this if house is small Were heeding roohiV your room That loan gather from day to day go now listen to what I say Theres a place for people- who are old like your Who canlwork much and they feed Ido right smart chance and your best way Is to pack and be gelling along Oh children due To a mother given up all for you my means you have always had your share You never could send me to live Now when am penniless help less and old mother out the world so cold hills lo the No Do you surely mean it that I must go v Pillo are not a new and untried remedy our grandfathers ued them Half a century ago before Confederation thty on tale in nearly every drug or general store In the Canada of that and were the recognized cure In thousands of homes for Constipation Indigestion Biliousness Rheumatism and Kid a Liver Trouble To day they are just at effective just as reliable as ever and nothing better has yet been devised to PUBLIC All persons who Intend to build in Newmarket or any person putting in Cesspool or Closet on premises al ready built upon mUBt submit plans to Board of Health and obtain ce tlficate before commencing the otherwise costs will be Incurred By older DR SCOTT Medical Health Office Work Plumbing Eavetroughing of Our See be Ratbroom Outfit at Shop LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORHE A SONS WAY YOU LOOK AT Whether from the viewpoint of economy or quality you can see our aro best did assortment of patent leather dull and heavy tan shoea All and widths in all- Slippers and comfortgiving f wear of all kinds Great variety for your selection right now refuse to To Why doesnt the sun shine Of right at my feel spring a gap ing mine bury close in earth away I go lo Ihp poorhouse to live to day Where is the rather does he not see The sorrow that comes lo such as me My child has broken my heart to- day He has said the worst that a child The poor hands grope oer Hie wall To steady bar weak steps lest she fall Could her child not see how the slow tears roll As heart kept healing love home farewell Out in world she is now That poor old mother with whit ening brow Silling in sibnee h words low My hoy has forgotten me Let me go Away from tins earthly chill and cold To I hat- world where mothers can neer grow old There are manions large and rooms lo spare f am looking way up there Mollie Handed in by a subscriber to IhoEra Humbugging the People To the Editor The latest report of the Inspector of Prisons shows an alarming in crease in the number of persons com mitted to the common jails It is very sad to see that while the in crease in the number of men commit ted Is greater than that of women yet there is a decidea in the number of women committed jail Judges and Magistrates tell us that at least three fourths of these com mittals were due to drink Some judges place the number as high as per cent When the barrooms are closed crime almost stops In- San Francisco at the time of the earth quake when the barrooms were closed for nearly three months there was not a murder but in a month alter they were open there were eighteen murders When a very large number of the barrooms were Closed In Lon don during the docklaborers strike the same reduction in crime occurred Both political parties In this coun try boast of what they have done for the promotion of temperance but th6 facts prove that nothing effective has been done by either party Kansas Maine and Dakota are emptying their jails asylums and poorbouses in a wonderful way while here the peo ple are heavily taed to ptvlde more accommodation for the Increasing out put of the liquor traffic Why cannot we have prohibition In Ontario The people have voted In favor of it on two occasions by over whelming majorities Both political parties parade under the temperance banner and declare their intention to do aU In their power to lessen this great evil yet it goes on increasing We talk about by the people but In fact we are governed by the whiskey interest The parties axe so jealous of one another that they not the business that they all know is the greatest enemy of country Before prohibition we want the Initiative whereby we can demand a law on its being approved by a majority the people Not till then will we have real government by the people to be sum- Mens Outfitter LIGHTNING RESPONSIBLE for TwoThirds of Rural Barn Claims In Ontario I BODS properly installed are almost absolute protection Out of every thousand dollars worth of damage lo unrod- ded buildings by lightning nine hundred and ninetynine dollars worth would be saved if those buildings were properly Ontario of Agriculture Bulletin page 3 Lightning was responsible for twothirds of ail rural barn claims settled in Ontario during twelve years It is good business for YOU lo rod YOUR buildings WHY NOT ROW I Our Catalog for the asking THE LIGHTNING CO Makers of the Bod with the Lock- Joint Ont Regal Salt Is finest grain of the famous Windsor Salt especially prepared for table use by the most modern Salt Plant on the Continent Regal Salt never Ask your Grocer I NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN That ALBERT EDWIN GOR DON of the Oily of Toronto in Hie County of York will apply to the Parliament of Canada al the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce- from his wife From Kingston Renfrew ami Gertrude Young of the said City I of Toronto on the grounds Reduced London Account Western Fair Parliament is likely la October Ottawa The Railway and Canals Department received word today of the death by drowning of lames Wilson a Government Engin eer on the Hudson Bay Railway Mr Wilson with on was endeavoring to shoot the Shell Rap ids In the Kelson when ths canoe was upset The reached shore stations west thereof in Canada also Detroit and Port Huron Mich At Fare and OneThird 13 14 18 Ex cursion Days Sept 16 and 17 Return limit Sept Colonist Fares SecondGlass all Stations in Ontario to certain points in ALBERTA BHITI8H COLUMBIA CALIFORNIA COLORADOIDAHO MONTANA NEVADA OREGON TEXAS UTAH WASHINGTON lite On Sale Sept to Oct inclus- particulars and tickets from agents J Depot Agent Phone J Phone Agent NOTICE TO Light All work must be left open tor also any extensions made to old New wire must he uttd Meter comrectloa to be made lower floors of buildup an acetasfble place Any fur- may be obtained from ChW at Power- Howe who must be notified when work Is toady tor Inspection P J ANDERSON Town Clerk adultery DATED at Toronto Ibis day of Sept A Solicitors for Applicant NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that William Robert Dilaney iI lh City Ottawa In the County Iarletoa Province of Ontario Mechanic will apply to the Parliament Canada at the next Session thereof lor a Ml of Divorce from his wire Nellie of the City Toronto in County Of York and Province of On tario on the ground of Dated at the of Toronto in the County of York and Province Ontario this 1st day of August ROBERT his Solictors Godfrey and Adelaide St West Toronto Time Card GOING NORTH ate am 130 ZS J0M fi15 I Toronto I No wanted apply who School OFFICE OLD NEWSPAPERS s 1 f J r If you show ever I In PHONE 1 Car BEST THE WE Jour ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO

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