Newmarket Era, 25 Sep 1914, p. 4

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m Kill I Iff Who Suffer A How SU I jeM to faint away month very both lot with female book i p i l helped by VejaU- bit 4tckUd to It It made feel Ilka new And am now relieved of all these troubles I bop all J iris wlU set Relief I have never In my Box lie Conn have taken 1 EVinkbama VejotGbl Compound highly recommend It It anyone wants to write to mi I will gladly tell her about my case I was certainly In a bad condition a my blood waa all turn ing to water I bad pimples on my and a bad color and for five yean I had been troubled with The doctors called It Anemia and Exhaus tionand said was all run down but Vegetable Com- brought me out all right visa Mitres Box liorscna 9iir v7 1 In last weeks Renfrew Mercury the touching the IheOnlOy rid administration 6fProylnoIarafairv Weaskilie people of North York to read oyer The eodnonijslhgjtiyihk a reduction in he grants to fairs and popular Institu tions Having of this kind not amount to much but it- fa certain to entail no the Province If would put hack annual expenditure on all ac counts to Ihepoiiit where it found it on several mil- lions could he saved but wo may he euro ho course will ho adopted Sir P Whitney used lo loudly declare the Liberal Governments of the Province were spending far loo much money Now that the Whit ney Administration has seized Willi an economical ill it will he Interesting to hole Whe ther ft will he more moderate in its connections OOC I Advice Girls who are troubled with Irregular periods backache headache fainting spells or a Immediately seek restoration to health by taking Vcotiblo Compound M in It Quit Dosing Your Children with Caiharllca i Chamberlains Tablets are most effective In regula ting stomach troubles and con stipation lor the little folk one tablet going to bed means a sunny face In the morning to take they never fall a bottle Druggists and dealers or by mall MUiciM TABLPTS JONES 668 Queen St PAINTER of all natural woods and General House Decorations In all the Latest Style WALL PAPER SUPPLIED And Hung on he Most Rea sonable Terms you want the very Best work at the lowest figure You cannot better Jones My paper hung at per roll other paper per roll Estimates Submitted and all work carried out by our own supervision and none but exper ienced men employed All Kinds Signs Just give Jones Trial Satisfaction Is Guaranteed OVER YEARS Mark A a nd wty lr4ttrUOQ without If Sold British American College Leads In age and succassful graduates In Gregg A Pitman Shorthand and all Subjects Full Aug 3l8t Address Write for our PEOPLE WHO WADE Norman sir lion TorpntoyvTor Radial Railway Davis Leather Go Newmarket NOlffi It is announced that It is the Intention when tho meets to It to validate any gift that may ho made to any Patrio tic Fund by municipalities the Pro vince Archbishop McNeil made among of the of Toronto has been made par tor of Fathor Egon goes from- Father OBrien recently or dained goes Sulli van of Father has bom appointed assistant the Rev Father of Holy family and it was Intimated that Father Trail ing Col bom would succeed late Father in Josephs parish Last Friday evening Mr L Sal mans motor cat was damn god when Workmen at the Rus sell gargeworo filling tank with gasoline Live aches dropped Into the and soon afterwards a short eet explosion came Tho Million dollar mark was passed by Toronto and York County Fund 1at week and money still coming In Richard treasurdr of Toronto passed away last Sun day are the kind ol men who make trouble Two P special constables who have been guarding Norm Implement Agent Newmarket 41 500 a 500 vii An lias passed in Ottawa prohibiting airships from flying within ten miles of any of the chief cities or fortified points in Canada or carrying tho international line except under certain conditions mm Referring to press discussions re specting moratorium leuilatlon an Ontario Cabinet Minister stated that Question will to he very carefully considered Something will be done but each applicant for pro will require to prove bis worthiness A City evening paper speaks of York County Commissioners inspect ing a town lino bridge between East and Vaughan Town ships There is lino In York County and tho whole Town ship of King lies between Town ships of Vaughan and East All the same a coiplc of bridg es in North York under construction were inspected by the County Com missioners last week fc M It is in the London pre that the atrocities practised by the Germans upon tlie Red Cross are having theeflcct of the British Gov ernment disbanding several trained Red Cross- staffs The Germans thtnfei nothing of cutting off tha right of Red Cross people A writ ing to Mr J Cowan of the Surrogate Toronto says Things we have heard of In London have just filled us with unspeakable horror An appeal to the formers of West ern Canada to grow wheat next year lias been issued by the Hon Martin Bur roll Dominion Minister of Agricul ture Accompanying the appeal Is given some practical suggestions as to preparation of the land so that the largest possible results may accrue Of course with men un der arms in Europe there Is no doubt about a great shortage next year Canada can render special aid to the Empire as well as benefit herself by acting on the advice above given The General Conference of the Meth odist Church is In session this week at Ottawa Among the many ques tions- of importance dealt with is that of Church Division also changes in the course of study for theological students pastoral limit time appointment of laymen and stationing committee of annual con ferenceadmission of women to church courts and a proposed in creased grant to superannuated ministers The Methodist denomina tion is looking forward with much Interest to the result of the delibera tion of the Conference on the above questions Fearing they would lose their desorvcdlj lost their jobs last week Fearing they wouls lose their situa tions tlvsy faked a story of tack by two foreigners To make their story more believable they shot holes In their At the races last Mm Kennedy Hill Cadillac Hotel Toronto A H of tho Surrogate Court Toronto If Greer County Crown Attorney Toronto Morrison Brass Mfg Co Toronto The Rogers Co Toronto Geo Leslie Hotel Toronto Toronto Brewers Assri Toronto Northrop Lyman Wholesale Druggists Toronto 500 R Brock Co Ltd Wholesale Dry Goods Toronto Clothing Toronto Sons Co Wholesale Harewar Toronto 00 00 500 500 500 500 ii r Ell o A Bar i r South EM Flour And friegil Toronto Jobbing House Newmarket W Tailor Newmarket Dr Webb Newmarket v J Widdifield Postmaster Newmarket J Furniture Undertaking Newmarket Eves Coal Wood etc Newmarket Geo Forester Miller Newmarket Allan Howard Livery Newmarket A Widdifield Bailiff Newmarket 9 K Robertson Court Clerk Newmarket Newmarket President Newmarket Fair Ben Ross Newmarket A Importer Clydesdale Horses Newmarket James Cane Co Wholesale Lumber Ac Toronto Proctor Newmarket J A Sons Importers of Clydesdale Horses K Irwin Clerk of the Peace Toronto week one Jockey named had The Consolidated Plato Glass Co Toronto by the and Wells Toronto It Armstrong Newmarket I Hose Contractor Newmarket Dr J Boyd Newmarket Hill Queensville Wiley Editor ExpressHerald Newmarket W Lyons Confectioner Newmarket George Newmarket A V Queens Hotel Aurora Dr Walker Newmarket Joseph Pipher Tobacconist Newmarket Dr J Wesley Newmarket Bell Piano Co Toronto Royal Household for Bread for TRY OUR MALTED Makes the Pigs Grow Night Day Leave Your Order fop Carting and Heavy Teaming A HOWARD PHONE main m Municipal Debentures At the present lime Canadian Municipal Debentures are lutely the safest security which the investor can obtain offer these lo from to as follows badge to be carried by them wholesale Lumber Toronto Police Magistrate York Co A Williams Machinery Co Toronto J McLaren Belting Co Toronto Graves Co Toronto J Toronto 500 500 500 500 k fall o the horse he was ridjng Hundreds of people gather each parade night at the Armories to witness the musters of various regi ments It is unlawful for a secondhand dealer to neglect to report all articles sold to him This neglect cost Harry Findley in the Police Court To inspire cmlidcnce the Toronto Hydroelectric System are equipping ahout employees with a neat lit tle en calls The are thelylze of a piece and on the back bears an Inscription to the effect that one dollar will be paid for the return of the button A date for expiration Is also attached Already families of the soldiers from the City who have gone to the front are being cued for by the Pat riotic Fund all right but It does seem like an encroachment on the peoples benevolence to employ ten clerks to dispense the fund On Monday last four summer trains on the T three Muakoka and the Jackson Point special dis continued Crews rallward jards will be lessened The CP toatsori four trains and trains will bo consolidated and the same treatment wllhe taken in regard to the TorontoWinnipeg Impresses Hornby an oflicer of the Cheshire Regiment pass- through Toronto last week on the way to join J Wright Tinsmith and Plumber Newmarket his regiment White Frank Agent MasscyIiarris Co Newmarket geological and natural history McCauley Grocer Newmarket mens in Great Bear Lake district Hubert Aurora about miles north of Edmonton Kdgar Dennis Newmarket tho news of the war filtered through J- J Mgr Ford Motor Co Toronto to him and he immediately set out I J A W Allan Mayor Newmarket on his long journey My chances of Tovn Newmarket to yield City of Toronto 400 Prince Edward County City of Moose Jaw The above securities can be had in any amount suitable to the investor City of Edmonton 5 Oily of Swift Current Town of 5S City of Vernon denominations of Phone T MORTON Box Excelsior Plate rtlass Co Toronto 50U Imperial Varnish Color Co Toronto Glass Mfgrs Toronto McCaul Co Toronto Valley Paper Co Groceries Limited Toronto Perkins Co Toronto Juntos Lumbers Co Ltd Toronto White A Co Commission Merchants Toronto Canada Brokerage Toronto James A Cameron Warden County York Maple Imperial Bank Aurora i Waller North York Livery Newmarket Dr Wilkinson Dentist Newmarket L Jackson Editor Newmarket Era Newmarket E A Boyd Livery and Sales Stable Newmarket Newmarket J Agent International Harvester Co Newmarket Smith Real Estate Agent Newmarket Starr Estate Newmarket On 500 itwere difficult to find a and reliable remedy for the ailments due to irregular or defective action of the stomach liver or els ailments are likely to attack anyone likely too toleadtoworsooicknesaifnotrelieved are famous the world over for their power to correct certainly and cleanse the system purify and set as a general tonic body and nerves constipation might Indeed you pro longed you to danger If Osr la loan I If NEXT CONTINGENT IN JANUARY Sept The Canadian arm division is being equipped for two years of service the view taken by the authorities here being that the Campaign will be a long one As the expectation of the war of fice is that Canada will have men in the Held and the Canadian Government will act in accordance with the view of the Imperial author ities it is highly probable that the proposal to send a second army di vision to the front will be reconsider ed There Is in war per cent wastage through casualties illness etc and so in order the force of its strength of many more will have to be sent from time to time It will be January before the next troops leave for the front and as Valcartler Is Impossible as a winter camp they will likely be mobilized at various points The next troops will be composed of a cavalry brigade and three Infantry brigades of which with army service corps etc will total and bring the strength of the Canadian force up to It is certain that in further enrol ment great attention will bo pail to mounted Infantry returning are to he said shall he when the war is over Miss who for eight year was matron of the Jail of- the New Industrial Farm for Women op Street This new institution is similar to the Mens Farm and is for the purpose curing female inebriates of the liquor habit Miss Is noted for her sympathy with unfortunate ones that come under her charge Public school grounds and class rooms may be turned over as drill places for Torontos citizen army which Is expected soon to aggregate over 0500 men A deputation repre senting seventeen ratepayers associ ations of Toronto washed the Board of Education and explained that the Armories building was not 300 300 300 300 300 300 Following the Minister of Miattlas advice that army remounts are not needed the Province of Manitoba will contribute as her gift bass of Dr Clark Ddntist Newmarket Win Tail Newmarket J Osborne Butcher Newmarket James Royal Hotel Holland Landing at the Womens section J It Druggist Newmarket has been appointed Sup- B Marshall Grocer Barrister Newmarket N Gorman Boulevard Hotel Toronto Stephens Aurora TJ Spalding of Whitchurch Aurora Jas Whimster Co Aurora Win Richardson Aurora W Grocer Newmarket OLeary Royal Hotel Aurora Elias Implement Agent Ml Albert J Butcher Aurora Oil Traveller L Deputy Registrar South York Toronto Willoughby Reeve North Keswick Frank Kelly DeputyReeve East Newmarket J Nigh Reeve Mark ham Township Prank Barber York Co Engineer Toronto E A James Engineer York Co Good Roads Com N Toronto large enough to accommodate the Geo Keith A Sons Wholesale Seeds etc Toronto recruits Osborne Sons Tinsmiths Newmarket Margaret Sanderson a pretty Newmarket Laundry yearold girl was apprehended last A Thompson Machinist Newmarket night at She Is alleged to Adams Barber Newmarket be the wife of Joseph Blacksmith Newmarket who Is under arrest on a of Geo Knowles Grocer Newmarket bigamy The Crown alledgcs that Manning Blacksmith Newmarket married Gertrude Stephens a j Atkinson Co Jewellers Newmarket Hill Butchers Newmarket Haines Bros Barbers Newmarket Dr W Hull Newmarket Jno Doyle Barber Newmarket Niles Blacksmith Newmarket Bennett Hardware etc Newmarket Geo Lucshy Marble Works Newmarket Philips County Clerk Toronto Reeve East Smith Carter Newmarket A Evans Alderman Newmarket Fred Blacksmith Newmarket J Patterson Druggist Newmarket J Grocer Newmarket Widdifield Barrister Newmarket J McKay Registrar Newmarket Wm Burrows Newmarket J Agricultural Implement AgL Newmarket Dr Scott Newmarket Burns Constable Toronto Newmarket Watson Seed Co Toronto James Wellington Hotel Aurora Cornell Reeve of Montreal Aurora Branch Aurora Aurora Live Stock Dealer Aurora J Bleckley Government Representative Agl Department market Boyd Teamster Jno Murphy Carter Newmarket Collector of Customs Newmarket Lock Grocer Newmarket Dr Cane Newmarket Frank Smith Butcher Newmarket Geo Johnston Newmarket Adams Station Restaurant Newmarket Shapiro Merchant Newmarket H Mills A Church Carter Newmarket A Carter Newmarket Fruitier Newmarket W A Cody Grocer Newmarket Newmarket Soda Water Works Newmarket Geo A Thompson Newmarket J D Headman Auctioneer Newmarket I i t Merchant Newmarket PJ Anderson Clerk Newmarket LOO Church Newmarket I 00 Moore Tailor Newmarket LOO Newmarket LOO J L Williamson Newmarket 100 Rose Newmarket LOO 16yearold Toronto girl on June and lived with her until May He Is then a to have married Miss Sanderson at Niagara Falls He returned to Toronto and was arrested The Boys Fall Fair in this City was held last week and was formally opened by Mr Howell K The variety of the exhibits shown and the skill displayed by the boys proved a big surprise to the visitors and received unstinted praise Within two week past In spector with asiBtsnceof two contributed nearly In lines- to the Police Court coffers by raids on opium Joints In spits of the hard times he reports that practically all these lines have been paid Rev Kitchener who came to To ronto accompanied by his wife Wed nesday last to attend a wedding while walking along street about oclock that evening- drop ped dead from heart failure De ceased was years of age Children faR-Tfillr- A Newmarket Baker Reeve Whitchurch Tail Butcher Newmarket Shoe Maker Newmarket Wong Get Laundry Newmarket Davis Newmarket L Wallace Reeve DeputyReeve 200 J a Watson DeputyReeve King Township Reeve Tp Silverlhorne Reeve Miller DeputyReeve York A Legge v Maynard 200 Reeve Aurora J Wells Reeve King Tp 0 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 A Newmarket a IN J W Toronto Office Specialty Mfg Co Ltd Newmarket Eaton Co Ltd Toronto Canadian Fairbanks Co Toronto Bell Telephone Co Toronto John A Son Toronto Hardware Co Toronto J Sons Co Aurora Yokes Hardware Co Toronto Can Consolidated Rubber Co Toronto Eddy Co Toronto Page Wire Fence Co Toronto J Millard Furniture etc Newmarket SherwinWilliams Co Toronto Co Toronto Blain A Co Toronto Armitage Aurora Willis Newmarket It 9 ft Albert Fergus Newmarket Newmarket J Watts Aurora J A Simmers Seed Co Toronto Bros Toronto Grills A- Co Toronto A Cook Ml Albert W J Baldwin Aurora Toronto Sail Works Toronto W J Pattenden Aurora J Aurora A Atkinson Aurora Chester Newmarket 200 200 200 200 200 00 ff A 10JO 400 30- a a v I ARCHF TORONTO How owe r i MAIN Office Gift Roy ill bet of In Mr Con RE J At K Mom it As I a pre work up anoun the

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