Newmarket Era, 25 Sep 1914, p. 6

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i a- been an unusual number of In the vicinity In the Lint few weeks and several are etill ill oiled this time la- Blend of great storms we to we arc having bright day a and weather tfffei l ft I i I CROPS here despite the weather of the summer have bad excellent crops The rains of August early Helped the crop Potatoes especially are and at present prices should net Ike growers large sums Jlr And Mrs Henderson and and Mrs Miller of Toronto motored and spent the week end and Mrs Loggott V Was In on Tuesday and week attending Meeting aid Convention NO TJie Electric Plant broke Homo part of the machinery a couple and the streets left darkness for a night In the houses and shops there were racing and ceasing equal to that on to resurrect discarded oil lamps week the light failed again after being on for a fow hours but work- lag all right now 1 ROOFING thicknesses Rubber 2 Crystal colons red vWto and green For full particulars call or write Dikes Planning Albert CHURCH The of the Methodist Church held their Annual Quilting In the basement this week and had a Social as well as a busy time- The league held a Pump kin Pie Social on Monday The pies and other good things were enjoyed though no doubt many thought If prices continue to soar such good must lie curtailed An excel lent program was rendered and en joyed Though here but since Spring warm friends and was much ap preciated to utmost capacity Sunday bear Ms The Victoria Church Toronto fling several Mr Irwin was very popular while here loin return A CARHOP THANKS V Mr- and Mrs to thahk many friends for their during and death of their Infant son and also those who kindly sent flowers v Albept meet Friday of this week at Mrs McCord- iolitaat PM This will be the An nual Meeting and and a full attendance la Visitors are always making 1V of ftioKo31o woOk Mr Makvvell week to course In and combined Toronto University Mr8 will also In Toronto for Uie winter CMr and Mrs Tolinstoh family of Toronto up Hie weekend at Mr Jacob Smiths IReVi Scott is In on visit AVoih0aiMrrt is veiy low KESWICK constructing equipping operating repairing renewing and Insuring the pro and works- as established by the CprnmlsflqaV subject to fernor hi sag i i mm p To debcnluresor ilje amounts forth l schedule in fifty years from thejlate of Issue thereof and payable t Bank at Toronto Ontario Such depentures shall deposited with the Commission issuing of the bond mentioned above and be held or disposed of from time to time by -Commission- as provided for in clause hereof In such amounts rates of discount or and cmauchteims and condltlorii the Commission in Its sole discretion shall deem to be In the the railway the such debentures being solely purposes herein contained of dobehtures of each cor- poratlon sold or disposed of from shall be such proportion as may be fixed by the Commission the total amount of- debentures rtue to the capital invested the service rendered the comparative revenue derived and all other equitable conditions The regular monthly meeting of the Willing Workers Society of the Sunday School held at the last The Young Peoples Missionary Cir cle hold a meeting in the Church on Monday evening and op In tod the onioer also arranged for com ing meeting at Thanksgiving Mrs Fletcher preached In the Christian Church on Sunday evening c To make ho agreement or arrangement and to grant no bonus license or other inducement to any other railway of transports company without the written consent of the Commission To keep observe and perform the covenants provisos and condi tions set forth In this agreement Intended to be Kept and observed and performed by the and to execute such further or documents and to pass such bylaws as may bo cqiusted by the Com- the purposes fully effectuating the objects and Intent 16 This agreement ahall by the Li not coma Into effect has been la whereof the Commission he Corporatlona re homo of Mr Dike on Friday night A corn roast was the feature of the evening and a very enjoyable time was by young people who attended The Program for the League on Monday evening next promises to bo very interesting Mr Hopkins Will a talk on the present war The League Male quartette will sing you do not know nil about the war and what they fought each other for Come and you will go home well in formed- A FACTORY lit Albert for place of its size is devoid of any Industrial so It aroused considerable in terest when a report got around re cently that a factory employing- at lease fifty was to be started In the old Woollen Mills We begin to think however that there Is nothing in It The linn owing the site arc interested In a new Town site near Toronto and have a representative here with maps of the property but so far no safes are reported It Is a pity an industry of some kind could not be started up to give employment to men or women or both mmK class A mooting was hold at IdonCQ of Mr If on Tuesday evening for lie pur pose of an Adult Class in con If on with tin Methodist Church when the fol lowing organization was of foot ed President Mr A VicePros Mrs ten Look- V Walton Secretary- Mr 11 Committees Walton Devotional Mrs A Dike Social Miss Harrison Teacher Mr W T Anyone not attending any Sun day School is cordially invited lo join Ibis class QO The Harvest Home Friday night was a splendid success the proceeds of the evening amounting to over thirty dollars The League in the Methodist Church has been resuscitated and are having a cornroast on Wednesday evening at Mr at Beach A group of young men Including Messrs J J Lee Morton L Dales and Frank Pugs- fey qTo spending the week at Reach We arc pleased to see that the barn at the parsonage has a new roof on also a new cement sidewalk la front This Is the good work of the Ladles Aid Mlfs of Sutton favoured us with a beautiful solo on Sunday morning To furnish a free right of way for the railway and for the power lines of the- Commission over any property of the corporations upon being so requested by Commission and to execute such conveyance thereof or agreement with regard thereto as desired by- the Commission QUEENSVILLE V rf Now that the Editor is home again readers will his interesting letters A very enjoyable social under the auspices of the League was in the schoolroom the Metho dist Church on Monday evening A ditch has been opened In the South side of Main St opposite W Willhas and Lloyds pro perties to prevent the water from run ning across the pond opposite the Presbyterian Church A horse hitched to a buggy made a The Rev Hugh Ferguson of Stratford was visiting Mr Bob last Thursday Mr A Putnams mother of is making him a visit Mrs Alheii Hunter of is visiting Mrs Putnam and Mrs Fred Cowieson Ladies Aid of the Presby terian Church hold a very suc cessful meeting in hall Inst Thursday about forty being pres ent The W L Atkinson preached an sermon last Sunday in Presbyterian church his text being from chap and verses Mr J held a very successful barn raising last week Iho ladies of the Presbyterian kindly assisted with the lea The young people of Hie Pres byterian church have organized a Westminster Guild the first SUTTON A Jolly Crowd Twentyone members of llio Toronto Advertising Club are slopping at Trolley Ashing and enjoying themselves Sonus large bass have been caught which they expect to further en joy on their return lo the city The Club brought along their steward who by the way caught the Aril Ash Mayor of Toronto Pre sident of the Club came up to sec that they didnt have any lime upon their hands Following are the members who enjoyed Duncan Kings Mayor Hon Pros nook McKay Hon Thos Robt Cornell VicePros A Kent VicePres Stove Staunton James W Wilson Noble Scott Hoy John Gibson W Brown Frank Madden Ar thur Rook Smith Harry Hol land Hall Dad on morning but was captured before much damage meeting taking place next Thurs- done to the rig I Sept The Womens Institute are making arrangements to raise funds for tie Patriotic fund Further announcement later Tte Ladles of the Methodist Church held a bee oh Wednesday In the interest of the Home Mission Cir cle young people In connection with the Presbyterian Church held a corn roast at the pond on Wednesday evening last Hoy Cook has gone to not to Sutton He has there lor some time H PEG ALBERT Announces that he Is giving terms and discounts on all farm implements Mellotto Separators Buggies Waggons Diggers and for a line I can surprise you if you want a bargain in any thing you need be sure and see me or phone MOUNT ALBERT IIUCIUG your order and have your facing done properly and promptly Apply to SMITH r You do better than attend the British and McOIH Toronto for a Bus- or Shorthand Course Fall Term la now open We ask you to write for particulars Mr who was badly kicked by a horse some time ago is slowly improving Mr Law of Newmarket moved into town this Glad to hear that Mr Charles While is improving nicely now Do not forget the Womens In stitute on Wednesday Sept at pm Institute will provide the program and a lunch will he provided by the la dies Every lady welcome The First Annual Rural School Fair East town ship will be held on Saturday Sept in Skating Rink under the Local Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture Exhibits in place am Judging commences Competitions Whittl ing Buttonhole Apple Weed and Insect Naming Public Speaking See Prize List must draw at this hour for and under over years Boys and under Boys over Boys Boot Race Teachers Race Throwing Base Ball all Schools Team to consist of Lady teacher and seven pupils or Gentleman Teach er and six pupils of Wo admission Fee Bring your baskets end the day with the Scholars welcome The League held an interesting meeting Inst Sunday evening Miss Vera Smith who was to the Whitby Slim mer School gave a splendid of the The League decided to hold more Mission Study Classes dur ing the winter Miss Nee- lands leader The Mock Par liament held last winter between Keswick and after Personal Mr T A parly attended Lindsay Fair on Satur day Mr Galhraith of was in town over Sunday Mr and Mrs Mr Lavrry Miss Johns and Mr J Thayer motored over to on Saturday Messrs I King King Brooks Fountain and W Lee were over lo Lindsay on Satur day Smith dentist has resunr- liis Monday visits to Sutton after his vacation Messrs P Taylor liurland and J look in Lindsay Fair last Saturday Mr anil Mrs L M were in on Saturday Mr Jas was fit Toron- li on Tuesday Miss Brown of Toronto spent the few days visiting friends here f Mr I Birch of Bank Toronto is homo for vacation Mr and Mrs Mrs Lavery and Miss Edith Tre- weii Lindsay Fair Saturday Mr Win of fud formerly of Sutton was bo town this wik Continued on page COMFORTABLE acres of goad clay Land ap ples cherries plumbs small fruits henhouse double lot barn and stable For particulars apply on the Mrs SARAH MCKENZIE Holland Landing TO RENT OR WOULD acres in Saskatchewan from town of Unity All broken ex cept acres pastuxta fenced acres Fallow- Good house stable and lots of good water Reasonable terms apply M Silver So Son West STRAYS D Came upon Lot in the 2nd Con of on or about the 1st day of May 19U two Yearling Heifers The owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and take them away Nathan Bailey Cedar Brae 3 It shall be lawful and the Commission Is hereby authorized to create or cause to be created an Issue of bonds and to sell or dispose of the same on of the corporations Such bonds to be charged upon and secured by the railway and all the assets rights privileges revenues works property and effects belonging thereto or held or used in con- with the railway constructed acquired operated and maintained udder this agreement and to be for the total amounts mentioned In schedule hereto attached provided that the Commission may upon obtaining the consent as herein defined of majority of the corporations Increase the said bond issue by any amount necessary to cover the capital cost of extending the railway and may also without such consent Increase the said bond Issue to cover tbe cost of additional worka or equipment of any kind for use on railway to an extent not exceeding ten per cent 10 of the bonds from time to time In order to meet and pay such bonds and Interest as tho same becomes due and payable the Commission shall in each year after the expiration of ten years from the date of the Issue of the bonds out of the revenue of the railway after payments of operating expenses Including electrical power and the cost of administration set aside a sufficient sum to provide a sinking fund for the purpose of redeeming the same at ma turity Debentures issued by the corporations In compliance with clause hereof ahall to the extent of the par value of any bonds outstanding from time to time bo held or disposed of by the Commission In trust for the holders of such bonds as collateral security for payment thereof It being understood and agreed that In the event of an Increase said bond Issue each corporation shall upon the request the Com- deposit with the Commission additional debentures as described in clause o hereof to be held or disposed of by the Commission as collateral security for such increase of the said bond Issue and that any debentures held by the Commission In excess of the par value of the outstanding time to time may be held or disposed of by the Commission to secure payment of any deficit arising from the operation of the railway In the the revenue derived from tho operation of the under taking being Insufficient in any year to meet the operating expenses including electrical power the cost of administration and the annual charges for Interest and fund on the bonds and for the renewal of any works belonging in whole or In part to the railway auch deficit be paid to the Commission by the corporatons upon demand of and In the proportion adjusted by the Commission In the event of the failure of any corporation to pay Its share of such a deficit as adjusted by Commission It shall be lawful for the Commission In tho manner provided In clause to dispose of debentures held by the Commission as security for any such deficit Any arrears by any corporation shall bear Interest at the legal rate Should any corporation fall to perform any of the obligations to the Commission under this agreement the Commission may in addition to all other remedies and without notice discontinue the service of the railway to such corporation In default until the said obligation has been fulfilled and no such discontinuance of service shall relieve tho cor poration In default from the performance of tbe covenants provisos and conditions herein contained 6 In case the Commission shall at any time or times be prevented operating the railway or any part thereof by strike lockout riot fire Invasion explosion act of Cod or the Kings enemies or any other cause reasonably beyond Its control then the Commission shall not bo bound to operate the railway or such part thereof during such time but the corporations shall not be relieved from any liability or payment under this agreement and as soon as the cause of such Interruption Is removed the Commission shall without any delay continue full operation of the railway and each of the corporations Bhall be prompt and diligent in doing everything In Its power to remove and overcome any such cause or causes of interruption It ahall be lawful for- and tire corporations hereby authorize the Commission to unite business or the railway with that of any other railway system operated In whole or part by the Commission and to exchange equipment and operators from one aystenr to the other proper provision being made so that each system shall pay its proportionate hare of the cost of any equipment In common If at any time any other municipal corporation applies to the Com mission for an extension of the railway Into its municipality the Com mission shall notify the applicant and tfis corporations in writing of a time and place to hear all representations that may be made as to the terms and conditions relating to such proposed extension If on the recommendation of the Commission extension shall be without discrimination in favor of the applicant as to the ecu incurred to be Incurred for or by reason of any such extension the may extend the railway upon terms and conditions as may appear equitable to the Commission r No auch application for an of the railway Into any muni- the corporation of which is a party to tMa agreement bo granted If it Is estimated by the Commission that the coat of service of the railway to the corporations parties hereto wilt be thereby In creased or the revenue and accommodation be Injuriously affected without the writtea consent of the majority the parties hereto 9 The consent of any corporation undr his agreement tke consent of the council of coporatioss consent being in the form of a municipal bylaw duly passed the council of corporation Commission shall least annually adjust and apportion between the corporations the cost of const ruction equipment operation interest sluking fund and also the cost of the property of the rail v ay Every railway and all worka property and effects held and used In connection therewith constructed acquired operated and maintained by the Commission under this agreement the said Act shall be vested in the Commission on behalf of the corporations but the Commission shall be to a Hen upon the aame for alt money expended by the Commission under this agreement and not repaid Each of oveaauts and with the other- a To carry out the and provialpna herein contained 6 To cooperate by all in power at all times with the Com mission lo create the most favorable conditions for the currying out of objects of this agreement and of the aatd Act and to Increase the revenue of the railway end ensure Ha success In the of any difference between the corporations the Com mission may upon application fix a time and place to hear all repre sentations that may be made by the parties and the Commission adjust differences and at be Anal The Com- have tha powers may be upon a earn appointed the 1 As a From the eastern limits of the City of Toronto Victoria Park Arena will parallel the Canadian Northern Railway on the south side to Pharmacy Avenue thence take a direct route to the southeast corner of Lot Scar ugh Crossing the Kennedy lino will run northerly about the centre of Lot as far as Con Town f DaIpofScarboro from which point approximately parallel Trunk Railway- to to the Grand Section i The lino will cross tho Grand Trunk Railway on road allowance between Lots and Con Township of and run on this to Con VI which point line will to Lot and parallel the road to the neigh of Village where it will turn northerly and cross Con road couth of Grand Trunk Railway continuing easterly line ran through Locust Hill along or parallel with road allowance between Iota and From Township line line will cross to centre of Con Township of Pickering and continue through the centre of the Concession to excepting near Greenwood where the lino will bo diverted fin Newmarket Section Tins lino will run northerly from approximately up caatra Township of and of Concession l0 Concession Township of Whitchurch to or near Lot and thence Junction Section At a point on UnlonyJlle Newmarket at line designated Junction line will run couth of line through to Township line and thence through the middle Township of Pickering to Claremont Section From on the Newmarket section line will run near road allowance between Lots and Township of Whitchurch to north aide of Musselmans Lake thence northeasterly to a point about Si mile and thence due east to paralleling the road allowance mile to the south I Tr CO Whim Section Line will leave Port Perry In the neighborhood of the Fair QroonAl and run direct to Manchester PO thence south to meet Grand Railway near Line will continue southerly a snort distant of the Grand Trunk Railway passing about east of Aahbcrn through Lot In the Township of Whitby to From the line will run parallel to road allowance Lota 28 and 29 Township of Whitby as far south as the Canadian Railway In the Town of Whitby The lino will then bo diverted to and thence to the lake front SCHEDULE Total amount of deto turc3 to be Issued by tha respective tics and deposited Name of Municipal the Commission Corporation Clause Township of Scarborough Township of Township of Whitchurch t Township of Pickering Township of Township of Whitby Township of Reach Village of Markham Village of Village of Port Perry Town of Newmarket CO Town of Town of Whitby All In in Total amount of bonds to bo issued mentioned In Clause Made passed and entered this day of it aaaaLataj a- a a Reeve that the foregoing is a true cony l ByLaw of the Corporation of the Township of Whitchurch to submitted to the voles of he electors on the day October between he hours of nine oclock in the forenoon i oclock in the afternoon at the following places For Polling Subdivision at Geo Frenchs house be A ie it tt I It It I It at School 3 at Mrs Kennedys at Albert house at Mrs Mays shop Pine at McCormacks Hall Vivian And that the day of October A one docs io afternoon at the Reeves house Lot Con in the said Muni cipality has been for the appointment of persons It alt mi the polling places and at the final summing up of the vote And that if the of the electors is the posed ByLaw it will he taken into consideration by Council of the said Corporation at a meeting thereof ler the of one month from the date of the of this notice and that such publication day of Seat A toll that a tenant who desires t- said proposed ByLaw must deliver to the Clerk nut later than tenth day before the day for taking the vote a deem under The Canada Evidence Act that he is a tenant whose lends for the time for which the debt or liability is to he in or for a to which is tenant other than local improvement Municipal to held publics- was made on the time which the debt or liability is iu the money to he raised by the proposed ByLaw it least twentyone years and that he has by the lease to all municipal taxes in respect of the CLAIIK lUerk result of an rabbles in HarrUton the local board of health has all dot to he destroyed Ulss Sworfl Miss Hambfc of the Owen Sound and have bean ordered P Qanaral Use The Mail For Banking You need not mko pcil If town to cash a chequ a deposit or money You our of By Mall a ail and cash by mall detiy or trouble Call far ret i MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY Manage TORONTO

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