v i to Mrs don Aye FOR CHEAP mm Word J last J to Council on lion for j iK Solid writing Dci Sliver Plated Handles Pierre Commenting thereon the Wall 7S Toronto to About J time you chooti In By taking on hands and ship- ttmbor by rail lo u WE WANT hard unpin PING A WHITE LOGS AND BOLTS V soon as Write how Of which kind of timber you wilt have and wo will mall you THE ft CO Ltd Canada ATTEND BEST IT ALWAYS 1 and Empire of Mondiry remark- appQintmcnt Col John be Governor of Ontario Ik one approval Col will Wrtlw high with and credit and the province a Commissioner lie will not be read- ijf replaced bis technical and business having been- jjl iJ particular suitably for that SX w7a Of course this appointment of Hon Mr to the office of lAwt of Ontario creates a cancy West Hamilton Legislature The death of Sir James Whitney will likewise create a vacancy for aqdaa Dr Minister of Public Works was defeated at the lat elec tion It may be said that three bye- elections will held In the very near future Should changefl follow in the of the Cabinet Minister of Education or the Provin cial Secretary Ontarios next Premier of the Toronto pa pers intimate other may follow Among the names of in I i Vvo Hunter ana Erin fipOT despatch from with McCauloyJ the Canadian force on the high land two or three in- the British TORONTO Has a National Reputation for super ior Business and Shorthand Educa tion Catalogue free Commence now J Elliott Principal St Toronto FOR SALE A number of White Leghorn one year old bred to lay Prices right Box Newmarket 8w33 AUTO WANTED In for a Gasoline Engine on trucks new last fall Also a double head Chopper for sale or trade A Sutton West missels Aprew despatch from Ottawa this were calling on friends in week gives contradiction to the report Town last Friday that the Dominion Government will Mr and Mrs and Immediately proceed with Us of Newmarket spent at Mr Mrs Cowan and Miss of Toronto wore guests 61 Mrs however- that- steps will be taken to on Monday provide for the forces necessary to and Mrs WB Jackson and keep the Canadian division of Toronto to recruit the Maploton posed FrenchCanadian hrlvAda LI da Pearson left on Monday take a courco at Victoria Ixatlon of a second force strong No such do si on has been reached- It Is stated famous Dalmacaan Jr posed FrenchCanadian The University Toronto published the Mr and Mrs Department of at the Do- spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs minion Capitol contains an article jH Rogers King Tp mentioned as the coming leader of Mr J who has- Mr Kelly of Wilmington I In the Provincial charge of screening investigation on Ohio has been appointed on the staff j- The Screening Problem He at Pickering College not profits to have found perfect Miss Wilson solution to the trouble of unscreened where spent grain but bo presents something that week with her cousins Wilt of to leadership grain growers- can read with profit Mrs and son of j havej conslderablo following on the iMiwi T j Ellington arc making a visit at floor of the House fln Postmseter they make of St I are Hon Frank Cochrane Hon Dr Pyno Hon J Hon Mr Hearst and Hon Mr It Is a wellknown fact that at least nuisance the Wilson Y Star observes- The Weeks War spent the week with her Aunt Miss If food given them they feE S nun cccd to help themselpu Several g reported that tramps fawOMlWlliLfifflS away vcgetahles from their gardens Sff thc In some places dig up Wgi WJ- ON via and replace the vines so that Parley n tl In lil HURLED HACK Sept thelt is dlseovored It will he too attempts made the Germans late to punish the offenders Farmers J week 9 I l Coat own An Weal Garment for motoring Ian flhnnnlnr f shopping perfect rough weather coat Tailored by expert In the rich and EVermc talent tt Of Aprons served Are Hungers J on Sal we bridge l from Hi look tin fat qua 2nd- Quo attractive I imported fabrics of rare quality Your inspection Invited nuisance on the battle to through Allies Who res I den on thdBpont wedMSday at her lighting has taken since the beginning of thc campaign After lighting without re7itc night and day corps after corps of Germans Is hereby given thot Jackson formerly Nora Louise Dowdell of tho City of Toronto in the County of York and Province Ontario- Married Woman will apply to Parliament at tho tinown back next Session tlereoI for a Bill ol Di vorce from her husband Arthur Jack son of City Toronto in tho County of York- and Province of On tario on grounds of adultery and cruelty Dated at Toronto this day of A Louise jackson by her Godfrey Pholan Adelaide St West Toronto York received a letter from an Mr Mortimer who is improving aunt in Stratford terrace slowly in which she makes Mr Howard Cane relumed on from a business trip to and other Eastern French and care lor a Jwtw only to be thrown back I haJ CASUALTIES OF Berlin Sept The total German hands oil by German soldiers Mr Michael Is visiting his Her brother a little younger was sister Mrs Geo of- treated the same so that he would Township for a couple of weeks she casualties In dead wounded andi able to handle a rfifle being very poorly probably will preach at some point missing as officially reported folate belong to the dark Mr Arthur Borland and family hear Canton are have I gone to Haven Conn whore he will take KEPPEUN CREW TAKEN Workers in Womens Institutes a Yale University London Sept A Zeppelin Womens Institutes of Messrs a and- airship made a raid Warsaw at have developed to such a T depot attended rive Saturday morning says j P mealing of railway employees Warsaw correspondent of neuters the Superintendents to hold weeV Telegram Co The dirigible three instead one as has been thej h and wife Bread HomeMade Bread It is More and shot down near the We are told plans three weeks with fit J St North Newmarket VIROGERM makes Broad of a ft nor i von Moltke German texture ami flavor a L ami ami from tin same of floui loaf which vl quickly It makes Hie sponge rise sooner even if chilled and so shortens time of breadmaking Put up in packages less than per We have many from beat Comity They I CANNOT DO For sale by and Its crew was captured The operators of the Zeppelin previously had dropped two bombs near the sta tion of the Klasz railroad Only ono of the bombs exploded and this caus ed little damage Paris Sept Thc son of Count of Staff whose death was announced on was have been made to hold the Eastern friends in Town and vicinity have Ontario Convention in Ottawa on Oc- their home In Richmond and Western Ontario Mr Joseph Hewitt of New York Convent on in London on Nov formj and the Central Convention in old North American on Nov and All Orders Receive Careful and Prompt Attention The Cradle in Town Newmarket on the of Sept 1914 to Mr and Mrs Win a daughter Mrs George Wood Queen Street who has confined to her home In through illness for many months was able to take a short walk this week The announcement came from Ot tawa this week that Hon J I Wednesday was killed in the Minister of Marine made Esternay Young von Moltke wore c Portant statement that he not dry out so lunc Canadian Government after waiting returning normal the top of his head was blown off j for six years had dec ded n fc Mr Me Nab a son Hast on Sept 1914 to Mr and Mrs Chester Scott a daughter If you want something hot to drink try some of our celebrated Or if you would like something Cool try some of our Tigs shell Newmarket Sept A pent Inantftnnft withdrew In disorder niva is rainy good S and as be 0n regards to old New- J the aUabsorbj market friends His daughter St r J S nR circIcs PurfT managing a witlr Wednesday mjlHnory at All the communications intimated that Hon Dr are cut The defence of I an old Newmarket hoy had the inside track and holds the balance A IHrIi Class Grocer for Canada MANNING Scott St Toronto fortress there remains passive De serters say they heard that great troubles have been encountered in the garrison The fords of the River are occupied by the Russians The Aus trian rear guards have fallen to wards -OOQ- John Crone daughter TIME TO SKCliUK in Pauls Church Newmarket on Friday the 25th of September May eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas to P Babe youngest son of Mr and Mrs O Toronto j or Lime ISsiwoop Sliced to suit you Pruits every day a PHONE 35 Premier Moiidav Jackson of Toronto Miss May Skin- to Mr Artie Campbell Bradford GERMAN BARBARITY question will be settled to on your Money LATEST IMPROVED Trimmed in Oak and Black Ash desirably west side of town Also some Good Frame Houses with gardens with small fruits Must be slaughter prices A a nee in a lifetime Act quick P MORTON Town Real Estate Building Co Ave Box 373 dropped ofl here on Friday night on his way to Ottawa being selected The Tomb According to pretty reliable one of the lay delegates from At on Mon- the of comes annually about Alberta Methodist Conference to the day September 28th distressing of own wheat General Conference now session Robert English In his year by tJieGermW In a letter to some barrels the Capitol awav on the daughter In Toronto a Torquay thte totaI barrels are consumed in the Do- selected by tie Rockefeller MIteheir minion and the remainder exported tlon which is endowed with WlSmiiirt In 1A13 official statistics state as one oflhe most practical fwllimbur in his country exported barrels in the line of labor We are told there arc Hour mills to conduct a labor Newmarket vast the her lady writes Tho refugees are over from Belgium and we are endeavor ing to do what we can lor thc poor creatures rte One poor voung wife arrived ves- Canada with a capacity of looking to the distribution of tcrdav with a in her arms I the Toronto Star wealth lor the cause of labor in The Hour mills of Canadaarc United States savage- shot her wages bags and barrels receded here by Mr band and chopped off hands of and sundries of every kind lhat K her little aged four ayday Mackenzie a brother of Rev Alex While mutilating the child the Touching the question of fruit pastor of tha j Newmarket Cemetery 38 Newmarket Sept Cruiser Path Finder j Kenneth son Instances of such barbarities storage Warehouse at Grimsby Ont which was blown up by a German ward Parte aged could he multiplied by the hundreds Agricultural Gazette of Can- the North Sea on Sept anrtji days for September says that young men went down Funeral from the residence on COLONIST FARES From stations in certain in British Columbia California Montana Washington Sept Oft P or write I Pasenpir corner ami jTo- rorito Agent Newmarket on Sept Mrs Ida Wilson millin er daughter of Mr Bacon aged years and months Deceased had III for seeral months and leaves one son Funeral on Wednesday afternoon Interred at me question Germans hud said There now you transportation in British Columbia ChrlsHan Church here wont ever able to fight against number who perished the Government Cold British Cruiser Path 2 PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes- Wo rat Sale Register on August he attended meet- Mm Mr Mackenzie was St at 230 on Friday of the raspberry growers on the one of the ships officers and noon to Newmarket Cemetery Mission and districts In and daughter Hey on lot 2fi con mile of credit W A net East Mackenzie Is expected lere next week A copy of the Evening Repository THE LEAPING emu MAIN STREET lor Cameras and Photo Supplies TELEORApn No House Phone No 161 I GUNNERS KNOW HOW MONDAY Oct Silas fitl8h fi tain will have an extensive sat of rowenr stock Implements ete shipping Canton Ohio dated Rent in straight carloads Bays Cornelius A Dyke of Toj freight Eleven carloads ronto fan arrived in Canton Pjwere shipped with highly satis- to study Phillips fact results a berries reached Bible TO DIE berries reached Bible Institute Though he has Mr market in a improved eon- many years In Slovens will have an- extensive sale dition and the growers from he that he wanted of Implements etc on Lot to fiO cts more than would to come in touch with the student 28 rear the Con of tthitjhave secured under body end pursue some study church 12 flredit Sab shipments and Individual Mr I j oldest student can buy 0eii oclock sharp BrfeoalSng and dehydrathas and it is thought Auctioneer in relation to Institute that he 1st forwarded under were the an educational UNDERTAKING A A SPECIALTY that Wffjtt colli attended London Sept A from Paris says Thirty gunners of a field have fallen killed or wound- Knowing they were going to almost certain called fellows to their comrades in the reserve line Two minutes later every man was out of more went to the front with the saint- The shells were falling sit the to among kj various discussed institute in the state ji I he to at residence hind the battery and killed Tiff A man serving the guns Eventually the and lire proved and the British ami took the lion at the point of the Similar incidents the whole D allies to hold their furious onslaughts mans who wero w through Copenhagen 1 i Government lias raid to the of for damages w in marching utss The payment is said and L ARCHIVES last conduclc of I our do in in hat i She An Laura T while Mr Will oration Tuesday The series which to lima CO urged bring la Tru are A ver he Mr liar Little Alice I away who own voile valley I mar gown a lying a mums latter style a ers The WJ little After parly the groc the by I- by Little The leprous Children And Hi Mr rjrlr There noon Ills fn A fiery dor Measra J man Tim tin Phew M A nun which as j riuvr The attended aid Brit Hie Mrs TORONTO