r Jt 1 WiiUv v HE I I Hill ID A Suffered Terribly Until Sie r 1 After suffering for ft long time with I have cured iiriif X suffered much that I would not dare for I was afraid of dying Five teats received sample of did not to try them for I had little confidence in them seeing husbands anxiety I decided to do and at once I felt relief cent for three boxes and I kept until I was cured While sick I loot pounds but after taking I quickly regained I had lost Nov I eat sleep and digest well a word I am completely cured to Madam M is the greatest tonic la the world and will alwayscurcfuJlgesUonBourStomach Heartburn Dyspepsia and other Stomach Trouble a box for trial tire At all dealers or cnt on receipt of price by Ottawa ff Si 1 a I 1 1 Township Whit- churchy was bold Vandorl Munl- clpa Den ton ThbrwereX7 of were allowed and disallowed- tils la appearand the County at a Court of wo under stand his Very faotory to both parties AUltOftA for least and utinoai of For or Would Modurn House ail locality at this Office c r FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good and cistern Enquire of St FOR On Church St in every way besides and wash room New Convenient to all down town centres Will be sold at a bargain terms Apply at this FOR SALE OR TO RENT A very desirable new Brick House well located on Ardcn Ave west side of town Hardwood trim All conveniences Will he sold at bargain on easy terms Apply to Box f WE A property situated on Prospect A dwelling with all conveniences all In first class shape Quarter an acre grounds with apple and small fruit Frame- stable and cement hen This we consider the best buy in town act quickly Terms be arranged to to P Morton box HOUSE FOR SALE I have for sale a new house on Andrew St with large lot and small fruits and hen house In the house there is Electric Light Hard and Soft Water and Fur nace and it is trimmed in Georgia Pine There is also a summer- kitchen and back verandah For full particulars apply to Andrew SI or Box Newmarket Call in the evening after six 25 On Sunday evening October a Musical Service will be the church and will consist of a Cantata entitled The Boiling Sea sons This is probably popular Harvest Cantata In the English lan guage published in modern limes and contains brilliant choruses as well as delightful and quartettes The annual Harvest Thanksgiving services in connection with St Mary Magdalenes Church Lloyd town wore hold on Sunday Sept and were successful from every point of Professor Cotton of Toronto was the special and his discourses both helpful and inspiring Miss Marjory most acceptably at both services- The proceeds for the day amountd to ftnMtanattwi hereof too expftUon thereof be subject to WevaL RICHMOND On Friday evening the Parsonage with merry voices and laughter when of three generations of the family met to enjoy an evening to gether Mr James Murphy Jefferson lost a valuable fresh milch cow a even ing ago The animal got on the track and was rim over a Metro politan car The first Annual Rural School Fair for Mariham Township was held at on Tuesday Sept A large tent was erected on the School grounds for the exhibits which came from all schools in Mark- ham Township William Young a young man assist ing in the erection of a new green house for Mr J I fell from the building when a board broke Mon day afternoon and rcoelvtd painful injuries Ho fell on his head cutting his face necesltating several stitches by a doctor Both knees and both wrists wore sprained Liberal o Given Away In Land Value to the man who wants a Farm acres of good land some choice clay This Farm has all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern Brick House also Hip Hoof Barn built from all new material with sons and two daughters modern Stables together with all other Outbuildings in good re pair Rural Mail Delivery ask you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on Land also Build- Flag Day for the Red Cross Fund which was conducted by the Womens Institute of was a great the amount collected being Thanksgiving service will he held in the Mcthoist church on Monday Oct at 3 p in Mutch will the sermon and Dr Booth will preside Special collection for war purposes While Dr Dales was visiting a patient at on Moitfay his which was standing be came frightened and bolted down Main street The animal becoming de tached from the buggy dallied right through the village and was caught nearly two miles away doctor was ohligcd to return home In a bor rowed outfit A pioneer resident of the village passed away last Friday in the per son of George Sylvester who suc cumbed to a lingering illness De ceased for over a score years con- duoted a general store at Greenwood previously to his retirement The late Mr Sylvester was years old known and highly respected His wife predeceased him several rears ago He is survived by three The officers and employ oh have hud a understanding of the of fice which they bad to They bofeii and officers and trustworthy employes Promptitude and punctuality 1 1 been business impartiality leivjIUy and pleasant biannbra in the members In the staff- gen erous treatment of the judicious purchasing and I regulation stocks cash pur chases and cash sales carefully regulated expenses good book keeping and auditing officers giving full and free explanations to the members meetings mem bers having full confidence officers Onuses of Failures do not prove anything against the cooperative business The fault lies in the manage- purchasing without Judg ment competing with stores that cut expenses too for In business employment of persons dishonesty injudicious and changes of policy members away from store purchasing goods on credit branches or new depart ments before society is strong enough to bear the burden Plain Procure the authority and pro tection of the law by lionv Let integrity intcilfgonce and ability be indispensable qualifica tions in the choice of officers ami managers and not wealth or dis tinctions Let each member only one vole Let majorities rule in all mal- of government Never depart from the princi pal of buying and selling for cash Beware of long reckonings quarterly accounts are the best For the sake of security al ways have the inventoried value of the fixture account at least onefourth less than its market able value Let members take care that ac counts are properly audited by men or their own choosing Let committees of management always have the authority of the members before taking any im portant expensive step Choose those Only for your leaders whom you can trust then give your confidence CoOporatlon In In Canada cooperation is new and only in a few cases has it been worked down a regular system People dont seem to understand ffiSe of the from time to time for ItaMMi for the purposes of an though the torwMKtMjr At the ot this the ajian Sno an adjust the ftWnnUpaId or the of woJl Brine and are fir the From the of the City Toronto Victoria Avenap Mine will parallel the Canadian Northern Railway on the south side Avenue thence lako a direct route to the southeast comer of Lot Con C Township of Scarborough CroBBing the Kennedy Road lino will run northerly about the centre of Lot 28 aafar Con Alp of ficarboro from which point approximately to the Grand Trunk Railway to i lino will cross the Grand Trunk Railway on road allowance pnd of arid run on this to Con VI point line to Lot and parallel the road to the neigh of whoro turn northerly and Con of Grand Railway continuing easterly Hue will Locust Hill with road allowance between I and From tho Township lino line to of Con Township of Pickering and continue through the to Brooklln excepting near tho will to diverted flection 5jo lino will ran northerly from Unlonvlllo approximately up tho of Conccsolon Township of and of Concecalon Jownrhlp of to or near Lot thence to centre of sV Township of Whitchurch to or near Lot and thence to WAY YOU LOOK AT IT Whether from viewpoint of economy or quality you can eat ly our are boat Splen did of patent leather dull calf and heavy tan shoos All sizes and widths In all style Uppers and comforlglvlnn foot wear of all kinds Great variety for your selection right m Junction Section At point on Newmarket section at designated Junction line will run easterly port south of Township line through to Township line and thence through the middle c3 Township of Pickering to Section- on Newmarket section line win near road allowance between Lots and Township of Whitchurch to north of Lake thence northeasterly to a point about JS mile couth of fllloam and thence due east to paralleling tho allowance mile to the south Mens Outfitter Whitby flection Line will leave Port Perry In neighborhood of the Fair and run direct to Manchester thenea couth to near Line will chert dtetwico of Grand Trunk Railway mile cast and through Lot in the Township to From the line will run to road allowance its and Township of as Canadian in the Town of Whitby llr0 then to to and to the lake front PUlfne SaltCclIaro from the Regal package J SCHOMIllOlO A quiet hut pretty wedding took then come down to home Mr and Mrs market and we will satisfy you as the amount given away Wo must wind up this Estate Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at per cent for ten years with a small deposit down You must act quick in his mailer or miss this chance mile East of Mt on the Centre Road known as the Tommy Glover Farm of North This farm lias plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Bush and Fences convenient to School or Church also Metropolitan Sta tion P MORTON Lome Ave Building Co Newmarket THE TO SECURE t I He- to on your Money Trimmed In Oak and Black Ash desirably situated west side of town A Good Frame Houses with large gardens with email fruits Must be sold at slaughter A chance in a lifetime Act Ave OX ITS Alfred Long line King on Wed nesday Sept when their daugh ter Olive was married to Mr Lewis of Toronto- Only the immedi ate friends and relatives of the con tracting parties were present Rev J H Mr Ro bert Long acted as befit man The happy couple will reside in Toronto On Saturday afternoon a deputation consisting of a Warden Wool of Warden Cameron of York ex- Warden Engineers Barber Campbell and several commissioners met at Browns bridge Alter view ing the bridge they adjourned to the St Georges Hotel where the remain der of the business was transacted after which speeches were delivered by the wardens exwarden engineers commissioners and Mr John Ritchie was complimented on the fine struc ture ho had Just completed and Mr Barber received for what he had done It is a bridge the two counties should feel proud of and we trust to see more of the same kind built In the rear future The marriage of Miss Alberta Car ter daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward Carter to Mr James Cooper took place t the home of the brides par ents on Monday Sept Rev II officiating The bride who entered the her father wore a gown of embroiderrd net carried a beautiful white prayer book The bride groom were attended by Mr and Mrs Alex and Miss was matron i of honor The house was decorated for the Only the immediate relative After a sumptuous wedding feast Mr d Mrs Cooper left for a trip Niagara Falls Rochester and On their a aUUte reside greouts farm King the cooperative Idea Pure joint stock companies masquerade cooperative societies and no knows the difference between the two societies The government has sent scientific producers lo Europe to study the question from the standpoint of producers dreaming that the movement interested first in trading and only in a secondary manner in production It is essential how ever that the cooperative move ment be kept strictly a move ment of he people by the peo ple for the people In a country of so vast an area and with a people whose minds are so stupid in commercial ideas the problem of uniting the forces of coopera tion and maintaining the con trol of the individual is one of tremendous depth and gravity GoOperation In United Farmers organizations in the United States dale back for many years These have bad various aims and In some cases they were connected with parly politics but all aimed to place the farmer on a belter financial and social fooling Of late years the farmers have begun lo realize thai their greatest lack is the proper organization the business end of farming As a result in creasing attention has been given In join marketing both En buying supplies and in selling produce Farmers of the Southern States were the first attempt joint marketing action Among the col Inn growers jointlyowned gins and selling companies have been a feature some lime Officers and Directors The president should always be a man directly engaged in the business in which the society Is interested If be is an enthusi ast in the business so much the heller It is absolutely necessary that he be a liberal minded man with sufficient unselfishness lo work for the good of the society and his fellowmembers The same may be said of all other of ficers and The number of officers should vary with the of members and the area embraced by the society The phi of paying the manager a fix ed sum per package as apple- societies makes him de pendent for his wage on the crop This has the disadvantage in an off year of lessening manag ers interest just when lie should be pending- every energy to make the best of the situation The better way is to pay a salary and a small percentage on business done by the society certain amount Thus in prosperous years the manager shares in the prosperity of the society fixed salary to the manager a living wage so that he can at all times niece all tis ener gies at the service of the society The members are obliged to live up to the rules to which they subscribed The confidence of Ihe creditors is inspired The Name of Municipal Corporation of Scarborough VoTnchlp of Township of Whitchurch iVraBhlp of Pickering Township of Whitby of Reach Village of Village of of Port Perry of Newmarket Town of amount of to be by and debited the Clause a CD 23672a 09 CD CD CD If show you have over in one I PHONE their produce and buying their supplies Cooperation will place a check on the present gen eral tendency to extravagance small 1 Q Time Card GOING NORTH 1ciTe am J By diverting the profits of JJJ luslry from lie strong box of J monopoly into the pocket of the 10S0 310 GOING SOUTH Town of Whitby CD mJittWMMJt39WMMttttmt9 Total amount or bonds to ucl mentioned In Clause passed and entered this day of r Reeve Mayc It I II 1 NOTICE that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed ByLaw of Ihe Corporation of Ihe Township of Whitchurch to be submitted to the votes of he electors on the 19th day of October A between he hours of nine in the forenoon and fie oclock in the afternoon at the following places For Polling Subdivision No at Geo Frenchs house lot con 2 at School House at Mrs Kennedys house iat Albert house at Mrs Mays shop Pine Orchard at Hall Vivian And thai the day of October A D at one oclock in afternoon at the Reeves bouse Lot 11 Con in the said Muni cipality has been fixed for the appointment of persons lo attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of the voles by the And that if the assent of the electors is obtained to the said pro posed ByLaw it will be taken into consideration by the Council of the said Corporation at a meeting thereof to be held af ter the expiration of one month from the date of the first publica tion of this notice and that such first publication was made on the day of Sept A 1914 TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that a tenant who desires lo vote upon said proposed ByLaw must deliver to the Clerk not later than the tenth day before the day for taking the vote a declaration under The Canada Evidence Act that he is a tenant whose lease ex tends for the lime for which the debt or liability is to be created or in which the money to be raised by the proposed ByLaw is payable or for at least twentyone years and that he has by leaBe cove nanted to pay all municipal taxes in respeot of the of which he is tenant other than local improvement rates monopoly people will go far to solve the otherwise pressing conflict between labor and capi tal Willi the superior energy and enterprise of the Newmarket W3 people cooperation is destined ar 1018 lu make far greater progress on the American continent than it has in other countries Our peo ple will be satisfied to undertake cooperation in a small way in stead of beginning at the lop as All new work must be left has of the inspection also any extensions forts in this direction before lis to old New Code wire star is in the ascendency and bo used Meter connections to nothing can slay its course be made on lower floors of In an accessible place fur ther particulars may be NOTICE TO Light BEST THE I O-i- was convicted of from Chief Engineer at Power by Judge who must be notified- when wort Goo arson and sentenced by at to two years Kingston ready for inspection Penitentiary He a shack belong ing to Alex Oro 26 P J ANDERSON Town CLARK Clerk Legislature of he Province is be hind the society lo protect or to chastise In all business matters the society is a guaran tee to all whom it may concern It distributes responsibility over all its members Essential Points foe Successful If one is running a cooperat ive store charge only the ordin ary market prices Let the store be opened to all Make cash pay able at time purchase and give no credit Make in voting power whether they hold one share or more If you profess to sell genuine arti cles be sure that they are such Conclusions Within the near future we want men in the province of On tario who are prepared to organ ize cooperative societies who are prepared to lead the farmers to fight for the rights of farmers and to raise the science agriculture to that standard In which it justly belongs Coop eration has shown that commer cial enterprise is not a close combine benefitting only Ihe few on Ihe other hand dis regarding Competition between individuals It has shown ihut equal benefits have been given to all coworkers and that it has tin power to eliminate the disas trous losses occasioned by ex treme competition The immedi ate work for wageearners and farmers producers and consum ers is lo possibilities of cooperation They should edu cate themselves in its principles and then begin in a small way to carry them out A comprehen sive union is now needed that shall bind together the distribu tive societies and enable them to assist each other Cooperation is destined to bring producer and consumer close together It enable farmers lo carry out many long cherished schemes for ma 1- Is certainly one of the most disagree- able ailments which flesh is heir to Coated tongue bitter taste in the mouth nausea dizziness these combine to make life a burden The cause is a disordered liver the cure Dr Morses Indian Root Pills They go straight to the root of the trouble put the liver right cleanse the stom ach arid bowels clear the tongue and take away the bitter taste from the mouth At the first of bilious ness take EH Morses Root PUBLIC IMOTIOE All persons who Intend to build in Newmarket or any person putting In Cesspool or Closet on al ready built upon must submit plans to Board Health and obtain before the otherwise will be Incurred By order DR S SCOTT Medical Health Offlow Furnace Work Plumbing NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN That ALBERT EDWIN GOR DON of the City of Toronto the County of York will apply the Parliament of Canada at IM next session thereof for of Divorce from his wife Gertrude Young of Ihe said City of Toronto on Ihe grounds adultery DATED at Toronto this day of Sept A MOT- Solicitors for Applicant of Our the Bathroom at Skop THE LEADING TINSMITHS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Oil William Robert of the Ottawa In the County will Bill Province Ontario Mechanic apply to the Parliament the next Session thereof for of Divorce from bis wile Nellie tho City of Toronto Is County York and Province of a on the ground Dated at the City Toronto tt the County York and Prof Ontario this 1st day August I- WILLIAM bj his Solictors Godfrey and Adelaide NOTICE Is hereby Louise Jackson formerly of the City of 0 the County of York and Ontario Married Woman to Parliament of Mi thereof for a Tore from hex husband of the City Toronto of York and J title on the feroidi of at Toronto this A SWr Ma Ash no etc by Solicitor 898 If Adelaide West TORONTO